A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1188: March

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"If you don't believe me, follow us and take a look." The Sky City is not above the Council of the Gods, of course, it is actually there, but I can't see it, it's already outside the atmosphere.

Because the sun energy outside the atmosphere is more abundant and consumes little, it is convenient to accumulate power. After all, there is no gravity in the starry sky, and the sky city does not need to consume energy to support the suspension system.

When Cook brought a group of members to the Sky City, the members of the Ice and Snow Continent were dumbfounded, with a huge shield and looking at the huge planet.

"This is our strongest weapon system, the floating fortress, even at the level of the main god, it cannot be resisted." A former member of the Council of Gods said.

"But the most troublesome thing about ice beasts is that they can be hidden under ice and snow." The member of the ice and snow continent said.

"Hehe, as long as it's not hundreds of kilometers underground, our Sky City can detect it." Another member of the assembly said with a smile.

"And this is the warrior of the brave knights reserve. The regular knights of the knights are knights who have a full set of artifacts and equipment, and have the flying mounts of the beasts. Maybe you don't know yet, our Council of Gods 10,000 brave knights rushed directly into The dark elven empire capital of the dark plane directly destroyed the entire inner city of the capital." Another member of the council said.

The minds of these congressmen are very complicated. On the one hand, these congressmen are very excited about the powerful force of the Council of Gods, but on the other hand, it is precisely because of this that the development of the major forces has slowed down and the number of believers has been declining. It is difficult for young people to believe in various forces.

But on the other hand, the high-level leaders of various forces also turned a blind eye, because these people not only have great interests in power, but also have great interests in shopping malls. With the development of the Council of Gods, the business groups have the greatest benefits. .

Of course, some people doubt that once the development of the Council of Gods declines, can the interests of these businessmen be guaranteed?

At that time, no one among the various forces is available, and it is not obedient to let the Council of Gods slaughter. As for standing up and resisting, no one has the courage to look at the city in the sky. Once attacking a certain force, it is estimated that it will take less than ten seconds. Bell, the entire force will be wiped out.

The members of the Ice and Snow Continent were in a very mixed mood. The members of the Ice and Snow Continent did not expect that the Council of the Gods would be so strong. Once it was so strong, the Ice and Snow Continent had no confidence to resist, and there were some problems that they had come to rely on others first.

So these members carefully studied the various regulations of the Council of Gods, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The coalition forces assembled by the Council of the Gods are veterans of the various forces that have been recruited again and are willing to participate in the battle.

And this time, the coalition forces are mainly engaged in defensive battles, and the offense is given to the Brave Knights and the Sky City. A Sky City has moved to the airspace where the ice continent is located. The energy moving in the starry sky is in the atmosphere. Less than one-tenth.

The pioneers on the ground have already set off by spacecraft, established camps, and established portals.

With a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers, even the accompanying people on the ice and snow continents were shocked. When they came, they tried their best. Apart from anything else, the airflow above the canyon between the two continents was unstable and consumed a lot. Divine power is even more dangerous to attack by beasts.

The spacecraft reached the starry sky as soon as it lifted off, and accelerated, moved to the top of the ice and snow continent in less than a day, and then fell.

"That's it." When the spacecraft stopped at Xuefeng Mountain, the members of the Ice and Snow Continent were still confused.

Xuefeng Mountain looks like a huge iceberg. Behind the iceberg, there is a city leeward. The city is very long, but not wide. It is more than 3,000 kilometers long and only a few kilometers wide. width.

Cook took a look at it and understood that the blizzard on this ice and snow continent was too large, and the width was just an area that the snow could not blow.

"Speaker, Speaker, what are you doing to the top of the mountain?" When the spacecraft landed on the top of the mountain, the members of the Ice and Snow Continent asked in astonishment.

"Of course it is to establish a defensive base." Cook said.

"But..." The Senator on the Ice and Snow Continent looked dumbfounded, and even the natives could not stand it, let alone you outsiders.

But in fact, people who got off the spacecraft didn’t care about the cold weather at all. In the huge wind, pieces of heavy metal were pieced together to defend the fortress. This is the top work of the Mageweave Association, down to the lava river, You can use it on the ice and snow continent.

In the eyes of the Mageweave Master of the Mageweave Association, whether it is snow or magma, it is full of energy. As long as there is energy, everything is easy to say.

In half a day, the first cone-shaped building with a diameter of one thousand meters and a height of one thousand meters was completed. After the completion, the magic pattern master naturally started the entire fortress.

As soon as the entire fortress was activated, within five minutes, an energy shield was activated, various internal systems were also installed, and then the portal was established, and supplies continued to be delivered.

The number of personnel also increased. In one night, five fortresses were built, and various facilities inside the fortresses were installed. Some were completed and some were not completed.

"It's shocking." When these Senators from the Ice and Snow Continent lived in this fortress, they felt the warm temperature inside the Dao, and some were just shocking.

Cook laughed: "It's still early, we will build one hundred and fifty of these forts."

"One hundred and fifty seats, this is expensive, right?" Senator Bingxue asked.

"A high-grade **** crystal cost about three million, but it's worth it. There are many **** beasts in this continent. It's not all wealth." Cook said with a smile.

These congressmen are speechless. This is the most dangerous area before, but in the eyes of others, it is wealth.

One hundred and fifty fortresses. This is also the number of sacred beasts in this area after Cook inspected it. He concluded that under the detection of Sky City, there are too many sacred beasts in this ice and snow continent. Of course, the elemental creatures occupy the vast majority. Quantity.

This is another dynamic area for the rapid development of the Council of the Gods, not to mention that hundreds of millions of people from the Ice and Snow Continent appear as consumers.

Soldiers in the Ice and Snow Continent still stay at the point of using native weapons, that is, weapons such as animal teeth and bones. Because in the ice and snow environment, the increase of human ice and snow magic is much lower than the resistance of ice and snow beasts, so the use of weapons is A compelling choice.

"What is this passage?" Looking at a downward passage inside the fortress.

"Of course it leads to the city below the mountain." Cook said.

When the members of the Frozen Continent heard this, they were relieved a lot. As the natives of the Frozen Continent, of course, they knew the value of the ice and snow beast, but it was just too difficult.

For ten days, when the first general of Snow Wind City came to the fortress, he looked shocked. If nothing else, he said that the temperature was shocking. Although most of these indigenous people are of the ice and snow family, they are only people. Like a certain temperature range.

"Each fort has a thousand soldiers. We have all kinds of weapons here, but you have to listen to the command. You are officers. First let you familiarize yourself with the situation of this fortress. There can be three thousand people living in the fortress, and there are 20 layers of defense channels. What you see is the first layer of defense channel. The outside is a one-way shield, which means that we can attack the enemy from the inside, but the enemy's attack will be blocked."

"Of course this kind of situation is very rare, because on the top of our defensive tower, there is an automatic defense system. As long as the enemy enters the defense area, the defensive tower will automatically attack, and the pillar-shaped object you see is our latest installation. The attack range of the Vulcan cannon is 70 kilometers. The range of the attack depends on the warheads installed. The maximum thunderstorm warhead can reach 1,500 meters. The armor-piercing burst warhead is installed, and only those below the Emperor level are hit. In the middle of the game, he was killed directly, but generally not used in battle."

"Why?" Someone asked stupidly, but many people were actually puzzled.

"This gentleman, after hitting this thing, all that is left is a pile of tatters." The introducer said.

"Then these things?" A local aboriginal officer was puzzled.

"Therefore, armor-piercing explosive bombs are generally not installed." The officer introduced said.

"The first layer of defensive tower has more than 600 shooting positions like this, and each layer decreases a little, depending on the situation, and this defensive armor can withstand the magical attack of the **** emperor. In addition, the fortress can rotate. If it is damaged, then the defensive tower will automatically face the enemy behind us, and the logistics personnel will repair it in time. The outside energy shield uses a lattice defense. If it is damaged, just replace the defensive lattice. We are on the plane of the devil, and such a defensive tower has resisted the attack of millions of demons led by a demon lord."


After introducing one by one, the natives of this ice and snow continent were completely shocked. This is the fortress and this is the battle. In the past, it was filled with human lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone saw this is the control system, this is Detect energy target projection, the detection distance is 500 kilometers, this is the lowest detection limit, red represents the main **** level, yellow represents the **** king level, red represents the **** king level, as for the white one is no danger level. However, specific information is still being collected.

The defensive tower can also be unattended. As long as you set a value, say one hundred kilometers, then as long as you approach the fortress for one hundred kilometers, the defensive tower will attack.

"So what attack methods do you use more?" asked an indigenous military officer.

"Hand-to-hand." The brave knight who was responsible for the introduction split his mouth open.

"Impossible." The native officer didn't believe it at all.

"Let you rookies see the combat power of our brave knights. Look here, at a distance of three hundred and forty kilometers. There is a leader of the gods, five subordinates of the gods, and one hundred and thirty. Subordinates, it seems to be a small group of ice and snow beasts. Do you think how many of us can slaughter this group of beasts?" The officer looked at these officers playfully and asked. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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