A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1189: Violent battle

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"How could it be possible for a few people? It would be nice if you could get there on this road." These indigenous officers looked at the place shown on the map and looked at each other. They didn't believe what was there. Why didn't these officers know? .

"That is, if you don't use this fortress and spaceship, a few people will definitely not work." Another native officer said.

These native officers were envious and jealous of the fortresses established by the Council of the Gods. When they heard the brave knights talk big, they immediately stood up and slapped their faces. If these guys lose face here, it would be even better.

As for the brave knights who came to help themselves, no one cared about this at all. After so many years, haven't we come here yet?

And for the powerful equipment of the Council of Gods, they are also jealous. These natives always think that the Council of Gods relies on equipment, so when the members of the Brave Knights say this, these native officers run on to make these people shame.

"Haha, if our team leader is here, he can do it alone, but we can't compare with the team leader, we can just three of us, we don't need flying mounts and go on foot, what do you think?" The team leader laughed.

"Well, if the three of you can kill this group of ice and snow beasts, we will all listen to you in the future." The native officer heard this. Said immediately.

Of course Cook knows, but soldiers have their own methods. As for the regimental commander that the captain said, it is not Cook.

This bet immediately attracted a lot of onlookers. Hundreds of native military officers. As for the Council of the Gods, some members were prepared to watch the excitement. Other brave knights were not interested in watching it.

"Are you in a spaceship, or are you following us?" The three brave knights gathered together and asked the leader.

"Of course follow you." The native officer said.

"Haha, you have to keep up, but we have to come back for lunch." Another member of the Brave Knights said with a smile.

"Eating?" The indigenous officer was a little confused. There are more than two hours left for lunch. You are going to kill a group of sacred beasts hundreds of kilometers away and come back for dinner.

"Let's go." The three brave knights put on the equipment used in the ice and snow environment. They seemed to have nothing, not even weapons, and went lightly.

"Go." A group of indigenous officers saw this scene and immediately prepared to follow.

The three knights came to the outside of the fortress, looked at the huge ice and snow continent, put on their eyes long ago, and then took out two snowboards from the space ring.

As soon as the three knights gesticulated, they accelerated from the outside of the fort and rushed down the mountain.

The skis are shining brightly. This uses the magic pattern power system, so no effort is required.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three knights kept accelerating on the iceberg, and the indigenous officers behind them also had skis, but these indigenous officers were trembling and used their supernatural powers. There was no way. Looking down on the iceberg, who knows whether the front is a cliff or what terrain.

The glasses of the three knights show the direction of advancement, where to turn, and where to go. These are all detected. The sky city’s detection system has long since mapped this area, including where it is. Floating snow, wherever there are icy crevices, are all passed to the acceptance system of each knight.

The three knights descended from the iceberg thousands of meters high. It took less than ten minutes. With the help of the huge power, they left a long trace on the ice-covered continent, leading the indigenous people behind by a dozen or so in a short time. Kilometers.

"Using divine power." The aboriginal officer in the back looked at the three figures in the distance and shouted.

With the blessing of divine power, a group of dozens of officers finally caught up. Seeing that the three of them had no weapons at all, these native officers sneered in their hearts.

"Captain, there is an ice bear in front of him, the upper **** level." Someone said in the three communication channel.

"I saw it a long time ago, you go to solve it." The captain said lazily.

"Yes." The knight immediately accelerated and rushed towards a certain place diagonally.

The native officer behind was puzzled, why did this man go.

"Roar!" A huge ice bear with a height of more than 20 meters knew that someone rushed towards him, and immediately stood up. The bears stood up as soon as they encountered an incident.

"Looking for death." A red spear several meters long appeared in the knight's hand, and with the help of a strong speed, he threw it hard.

"Haha. This idiot, at a distance of kilometers, actually uses throwing weapons."

"That is, this ice bear is extremely defensive and very difficult to deal with."

"And there is freezing defense."

"Just... uh!"

Before these native officers finished speaking, they saw the red spear piercing the ice bear with an afterimage, and the ice bear stretched out a huge slap to grasp the red spear.

But the red spear was instantly pierced through the hand of the ice bear, and then plunged into the body of the ice bear.


The red spear directly pierced the ice bear’s heart, and the ice bear collapsed. At this time, the knight also came to the place where the ice bear had reached, jumped up, took the red spear back, and jumped off the skateboard to speed up the meeting towards the captain. past.

A group of native officers were like ducks pinched by their throats, with their mouths wide open, trying to say something but did not say it.

"Through the bear's paw, through the heart, it's not bad." A group of indigenous officers hurried over to check, and then came to a conclusion that a group of officers could not believe.

"Keep up." The officers looked at each other, and then they all had an idea.

In less than half an hour, the three knights arrived at the site of this group of divine beasts. Looking over, they found that it was a group of ice tiger divine beasts.

"Among me, you two wings, kill." Two scimitars appeared in the captain's hands.

"I am on the left."

"I am on the right."

The three separated, showing a tendency to encircle from a distance.

A group of indigenous officers saw this scene from a distance, did not speak, just stared at the three.

In less than a minute, the three of them accelerated at the same time, and when the group of ice tigers saw someone rushing towards them, the Tiger King roared.

"Roar!" The dozen ice tigers split into three directions and rushed towards the three knights.

"Cut." The three knights did not evade, and rushed towards the ice tiger in front. The captain had an energy display system on his glasses, and calculated the best avoidance plan.

The captain bends down and backwards, and the two scimitars in his hand cut directly to an ice tiger in front of him. The ice tiger looked at the two-meter-long scimitar and did not evade.


Two scimitars directly cut the front ice tiger belly into two pieces, and then the captain did not stop at all, throwing both scimitars in his hand at the same time.

Puff puff.

Two ice tigers who were about to outflank the captain were cut into half of their bodies by two flying scimitars, as if the ice tiger's body was made of water.


On the other hand, a knight's spear, which was at least six meters long, hit an ice tiger rushing towards him. The head of the ice tiger burst directly, and the red and white things sputtered out immediately. The other two ice tigers also copied from the two loaves. The knight flicked his spear from the back of his waist. The ice tiger on the left was directly hit in the front half and flew tens of meters away. There was no movement when it fell.

The remaining ice tiger has already rushed to the knight who uses the spear. The knight twitched his hands, and the spear in his hand moved back! The tail of the spear plunged directly into the ice tiger's chin, and the tail of the spear penetrated from the top of the ice tiger's head.

The three were only delayed for a second or two, and continued to rush forward. The Tiger King was also stunned. When he saw this scene, he rushed towards the captain, and opened his mouth as a huge ice hockey puck with a diameter of two meters hit the captain.

"It's good." The captain didn't evade at all, accelerated and rushed over, then stopped in his body, and then turned instantly.


The hockey puck hit the place where the captain was staying just now. The hockey puck was controlled by the Tiger King. Seeing this scene, the native officer behind was silent. This kind of instantaneous stop of turning, the speed and strength of the body's reaction, and the release of the method. The calculation is extremely precise, because the spell is controlled, the spell will not hit the air early, and it will be hit if it is too late.

The other two knights didn’t care about their captain, and rushed into the tiger group. The spears and machete in their hands didn’t have to do any complicated movements. They slashed, slashed, stab, and smashed. They simply explained what violence is all about. .

"Roar!" Hearing the screams of his ethnic group behind him, the Tiger King screamed. Within tens of meters, he immediately erected a dozen meters of ice guns.

"Beast!" The captain of the knight was hit by several ice spears, but he was unscathed. The captain deliberately used a bow and crossbow to eliminate the tiger king, but he said that he would fight melee, so the captain lost two scimitars in his hand and held one. A shield and a big sword.


With an acceleration, the two-meter-high shield in the captain's hand was like a bulldozer, and the erected ice gun was directly torn apart and hit the Tiger King directly.

The Tiger King didn't expect this human being to be so powerful, he didn't get killed, he immediately jumped to the left.

"Boom!" The captain also stopped ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then rammed the Tiger King again, and the Tiger King roared.

"Puff puff puff." Numerous ice spears descended from the sky, densely inserted on the ice and snow ground, and the native officer in the back was shaking.

"Damn it, you angered me." The shield and the sword were put away, and then a ten-meter-long two-handed sword appeared.

The captain roared and jumped up in the air, holding the big sword high, as if he was about to chop down at the tiger king.

The Tiger King was also angry and roared, and ice guns spurted out of his mouth and shot directly at the captain.

"Flame Slash!" The captain saw countless ice spears, and the big sword in his hand suddenly slashed down. A red flame of ten meters long was excited from the big sword and slashed towards these ice spears.


The two energies collided with a violent explosion sound, and the air wave of the energy impact broke the surrounding ice guns. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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