A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1202: Chariot of Prince Desai

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When the Great Sage heard Cook's words, he shook his head and said: "With me, don't add more of the spring of life this time."

"Okay." Of course, Cook is good at good, and if he creates another spirit, it will be fatal. The elixir spirit in front is still making noise in the red gourd.

The various materials of the Yuyan Pill are in his hands. Cook prepares 20 pills and finally produces two giant Yuyan Pills. Tai Chi Bagua furnace does not need to worry much about alchemy, but, there are drawbacks. It is also very obvious that Cook can't learn anything.

Cook just wanted to see it. He wanted to get knowledge from it, but his spiritual thoughts were not strong enough. On the contrary, he would be dizzy by the activation of the various formations of the Tai Chi Bagua furnace.

In one turn, Cook joined the Spirit of Life in a small amount.

Turn two, turn three, turn four. Five turns, after five turns, Cook has already added ten bottles of life spirit spring, six turns is the most critical, Cook added a relatively small amount of life essence.


When Cook heard this sound, he knew it was done. The two elixir in the pill furnace were constantly spinning, jumping up and down, absorbing the rich life breath in the pill furnace.

"Exit the pill, or you will become a spirit again." The Great Sage shouted immediately.

"Yes." Cook immediately slapped the Dan furnace, and the lid of the Dan furnace opened.


Even in the cave, huge lightning penetrated in, but it was already extremely weak.

The Great Sage reached out and picked up the two pills, and then they disappeared.

Zi Zi Zi.

Cook was struck by a flash of lightning, and the real person was almost stunned and almost incontinent.

At the Demon Race Alliance resident, many Demon Kings looked towards Huaguo Mountain. Suddenly, these people saw the Great Sage's figure flash and appeared.


Then there are red clouds, green clouds and black clouds all over the sky.

"Fire thunder, wooden thunder, sea mine, tricolor thunder robbery!" The king of the canopy below muttered while looking at his head.

"Run!" A demon king suddenly yelled, and his figure jumped out in a flash.

In the next second, there will be no Demon King in the entire Demon Race Alliance's resident, and the other little monsters are squirming around. For a while, the entire Demon Alliance resident is a miasma, because most of the Demon Race uses their own mana to fly. What black smoke, red smoke or something.

The Great Sage said, "The elixir is born, who of you wants it?"

"Brother Monkey, keep it for yourself, my old pig dare not ask for it." The Great King Canopy replied loudly from thousands of miles away.

"Leader, you just keep it for yourself, but we can't afford it." Seeing this battle, the other demon kings dare to say anything. Whoever wants the elixir, it is simply looking for death, the tricolor thunder robbery, I don’t know yet. How many times? If it is three times, it is the three-color thunder catastrophe bombed three times, which is nine times of thunder catastrophe. If it is nine times, then it is twenty-seven times of thunder catastrophe, fire thunder, wooden thunder, sea mine, repeated bombing, and you will not die Get delamination.


A red thunder fell down and hit the body of the Great Sage. The Great Sage was unmoved. Of course, Thunder Tribulation can temper the body. Many people know it, but what is the greater Thunder Tribulation, paralyzing and destructive attributes, Breaking broken will break your soul.

The great sage was unmoved. After several thunder tribulations, the great sage felt that his body had changed a lot, and the stronger the thunder tribulation, the greater the change to his body.

It took two hours for Jie Yun to slowly disperse. Seeing the face of the Great Sage, the Great King Canopy and others were terrified. Who doesn't know the tyranny of the Great Sage?

The Great Sage looked at the demon kings and said, "Here is an elixir, I will exchange it in the alliance."

"What?" These demon kings didn't believe their ears at all, and the elixir was about to be taken out?

"This elixir has no effect on me, so I take it out and get points. This is a Rank 6 elixir, and it is a Rank 6 Yuyan Pill." What the Great Sage said is actually wrong, this elixir is not Rank 6 , Rank 6 is Rank 6, but the first few turns are the best elixir.

"Brother Monkey, what you said is true?" King Canopy continued to ask in disbelief.

"Five hundred thousand points, if anyone wants to redeem them, come to me." The Great Sage dropped a word and left.

When the Great Sage left, every demon king he saw immediately asked: "What kind of elixir is Yuyan Pill?"

"It is a kind of eternal youth pill. A woman becomes beautiful after taking it, and it will always look like that. It is a kind of eternal life pill." A demon king said immediately.

"Ahem, don't think about it, I have ordered this elixir." The Rabbit Demon King was a female, said immediately.

"Virtue, whoever takes out the points counts, you book, how long will it take for you and the rabbits to collect the points?" The Canopy King is very dissatisfied with his image, although the Canopy King is now handsome, as for why When learning the scriptures, the powerful mana of the great sage was a hairy face, and the great canopy was a pig face. This was not because of other things, but the people above vilified the great sage and the great canopy, and at that time the status of the demon race It's not high, so what the Yaozu shows are bull heads or something, but the bull demon king is a running dog, voluntary, and the Great Sage and the Great King of Canopy are forced.

"Great King Canopy, you don't need it anymore." The White Tiger Demon King looked at King Canopy and said.

"White Tiger Demon King, do you want it too?" The Great Canopy King looked at the handsome face of the White Tiger Demon King and asked angrily.

"My wife needs it." The White Tiger Demon King said with a smile.

The Rat Demon King shook his head and said, "Everyone, please discuss it slowly. I'm going to collect the points. At that time, whoever of us has half a million points, no matter who, and since the leader can come up with two elixir, then maybe even There are more elixir, so don’t envy others."

"Huh." The Great King Canopy was the first to leave, these demon kings and those demon kings didn't have any good things in their hands?

When the Great Sage turned around, he said to Cook: "I will take out an elixir to exchange for 500,000 points. This point counts for you. What you want to exchange for, just tell the monkey."

"Thank you, Master." When Cook heard this, his eyes lit up. You must know that these demon kings have a lot of good things in their hands. When these demon kings collapsed, how much of their own land fell. , Of course these things will be in the hands of the Demon King, but the average Demon King will not take them out.

The Great Sage shook his head and left. The Great Sage took a Yuyan Pill and shook his head. He felt that he was still taking advantage. The refining of the pill was made by Cook. The 500,000 points were just the value of an elixir, and he was in vain. Earned an elixir.

Princess Iron Fan got the Yuyan Pill. Of course, she thanked the Great Sage very much. The Great Sage was also a pleasure to enjoy. As for Princess Iron Fan’s sons, they were all put in the demonic alliance for experience. The territories of the demon king’s sons are just in front of the territories of the bull demon king. These bull devil’s sons practiced demon soldiers and demon generals, and almost rushed to beat the bull devil. , Maybe the **** of the Monster Race Alliance will make excuses to trouble themselves.

The silver horns and the golden horns were sent to the Demon Race Alliance. The demon kings of the Demon Race Alliance beat the golden horns and the silver horns to fat. These two guys used to follow the old gentleman, but the fox fake Huwei did a lot of bad things.

After being beaten up, I clarified the affairs of the fairy palace, and then the Monster Race Alliance decided to sell the two guys to the Bull Demon King.

The Monster Race Alliance clearly knew that these two guys were a trouble, but they had to come up with hundreds of thousands of elixir, from the sea, the mountain, the river, and everything.

After the golden horn and silver horn were bought by the Bull Demon King, he asked about the fairy palace, and then collected it in the Demon League. After all, the two guys still had the strength.

The silver horns and the golden horns were moved. I didn’t know that the bull demon first intercepted the silver horns and was seriously injured. But things were so strange. The two guys here were beaten back, and they seemed to forget who was the first. Hit yourself.

On the Bafang Mountain side, there is an additional purchase shop, which is directly under the Bafang Mountain. The customer facing it is from the demon clan, and here is a fox clan demon girl.

This demon girl is under the jurisdiction of the silver fox, not to mention, this demon girl buys things here, and many demon races come here directly to trade, and hardly go to other places.

After all, everyone is a monster, and communication is better.

As for the dispute between the demon girl and the fox clan, it is nothing at all. The fox demon king is not satisfied, but facing Bafang Mountain, the fox demon king dare not presumptuously, let alone the demon clan stationed in Bafang Mountain is Bafang. The mission issued by the mountain was received by the Demon League. Although there are not many demon soldiers and demon generals, if anyone thinks that these demon soldiers and demon generals are easy to bully, then try to see if the big demon king of the demon league will hit the door. .

Not to mention the old and immortal human beings, more than two-thirds of the strongest are here to study the Talisman, not to mention that Buddhist disciples come here every day like going to a fair to worship Buddha bones.

If anyone wants to trouble Bafang Mountain, they will offend the Yaozu League, the immortality of thousands of years, and the Buddhism, because Cook has been jointly recommended by Buddhism as the chief guardian of Buddhism, and his status is the highest in Buddhism.

Of course, there is no right to substantively interfere with each sect, and on the Bafang Mountain side, the most depressing is the other three sects.

As for the disciples of Buddhism, those who came were all high-ranking monks, and those who were stubborn would not dare to come. In front of the Buddha's bones, Buddhism disciples who violate the precepts are looking for death.

These monks are chanting day and night, thousands of Buddhist monks are chanting every day, so that a large area of ​​the Bafang Mountain is full of Buddhist meditation. There is no way. These monks used the Dharma, and they can’t afford sound insulation. effect.

Among them are the monster races who are enlightened by the Dharma, which makes those Buddhist disciples even more energetic, and the fact that the monster race has been probated has spread, and more Buddhist disciples come here in an endless stream.

After all, the Buddha bones here are open. Even if there are Buddha bones in other monasteries, they will not be shown to you. Buddha bones are psychic. Once the Buddha's light is universal, wouldn't it be cheap for outsiders.

Therefore, Bafang Mountain has become the holy place of Buddhism invisibly. As a Buddhist disciple, if you can see the Buddha bone once in your life, you will die without regret. There are more ascetic monks who hear this news and bow to Bafang Mountain one step at a time. go ahead.

Cook is not in Bafang Mountain at all, so I don't know that Buddhism regards Bafang Mountain as a holy place, and the other three sects are also very dissatisfied.

As for the Yaozu League, it is proud to plan to calculate Cook. The Bull Demon King decided to get the elixir. Hearing Yinjiao said that Cook has a Tai Chi gossip stove in his hand, he immediately fell in love, don’t look at the Bull Demon King Crazy Insane, in fact, is not a fool, and his heart is like Der Spiegel.

But Cook's whereabouts are uncertain. Only the demon soldiers will be sent to the Bafang Mountain to wait. The silver horn and the golden horn contact some people in the Dandingmen to find Cook's trace in the small world.

Once it is discovered that Cook is coming to the big world, news will come immediately.

But these things are basically useless, because the whereabouts of Cook in the small world is not known to the Council of the gods, let alone the sect of the big world.

Cook is on the side of the wild world, and Prince Desai is very happy to see Cook.

Prince Desai said, "Sir, I have something to discuss with you, or is it a request?"

"Oh, what's the matter?" Cook asked while looking at the information sent by Flying City and Delaisi.

"I want to ask Mr. to be my teacher." Prince Desai stared at Cook and said nervously.

"Teacher, do you want me to help you fight for the throne?" Cook asked without looking at Prince Desai.

"Yes." Prince Desai did not deny, but stared at Cook and replied nervously.

Cook put the information aside, then looked at Prince Desai, sweating the sweat that Prince Desai was watching, and asked, "What good do I have?"

"At that time, the entire empire can search for the things you want for the teacher." Prince Desai has seen the essence of Cook in recent years. Cook has no interest in power. What Cook needs is some rare things. This is precisely complementary to the needs of Prince Desai. For Prince Desai, going beyond Tier 9 is an unreachable fantasy, not a dream, because Prince Desai would never have such a dream.

Cook nodded: "Well, what do you need?"

"I... Teacher, did you agree?" Prince Desai did not respond for a while, preparing more reasons to convince Cook. Knowing that Cook actually agreed, Prince Desai asked incredulously.

"Of course, why not? Do you need a fleet? How many warships do you need? You say a number, but you remember your promise today." Cook pointed Prince Desai and said.

"Teacher, as long as I become the emperor, the royal treasury will be handed over to the teacher, and you can just take what you need." Prince Desai heard Cook's domineering answer and immediately knelt on one knee and said.

"I don't want to care about you so much, I just go in and choose." Cook waved his hand and said.

"Teacher, you have the final say. I think it will take about fifty fleets and two hundred and fifty battleships." Prince Desai said his needs, looking at Cook nervously.

"Then you need the help of Flying City Lord and Delaisi. Although I can get the materials I need directly from them, it is your business after all, and you also need a stable rear base temporarily. If they are I promised you to provide the materials. I have nothing to say. For the time being, there are only 250 warships." Cook said.

When Prince Desai heard this, he immediately said: "I'll talk to them now."

Cook waved his hand to let Prince Desai leave. In fact, Cook brought in the Lord of Flying City and Drecey in order to restrict Prince Desai. If Prince Desai does not admit it in the future, then Desay and City Lord of Flying City will not It is foreseeable that most of the manpower that Prince Desai needs are from these two guys. Even if many people in the Wizard Empire will serve Prince Desai in the future, they are the first to follow Prince Desai’s Flying City and Delaisi has also grown into a Big Mac.

Prince Desai had actually told these two people before, but the two of them had an ambiguous attitude. Prince Desai was not a fool. He naturally knew the reason, but Prince Desai didn’t dare to talk to Cooke early. After Ke snatched his rights, he would have nowhere to cry.

As for the kind of prince who has to bow down to the ground when they meet, that kind of prince is definitely a fool, unless Prince Desai has an enmity with his family, even if he has an enmity, he would not do this. That would be cheap to others.

After more than ten years of observation, Prince Desai is sure that Cook has no interest in power, so Prince Desai cooperated with Cook. Although it is a teacher, what can Prince Desai’s talent learn?

It's just a name, that is, this relationship is the most important.

As expected by Cook, the city lord of Flying City and Delaisi naturally wanted to ask Cook’s opinion. Cook looked at the two of them and said, “You are welcome, but the wizarding empire is more developed, but there are also many crises. Prince Sai has the status of a prince, but you do not, so you have to think clearly, maybe it is not a good result for you to follow Prince Desai."

"Then sir, do you mean to object?" Delaisi's question means that Cook agrees or disagrees.

"I asked Prince Desai to find you, but now Prince Desai only needs you. If you grasp it well, it will not be difficult to become the nobleman of the wizarding empire." Cook said just a little bit. Meaning.

"It's done." The City Lord of Feixiang City is actually an ambitious guy, otherwise Feixiang City would not be established. Hearing Cook's point, he immediately understood.

"It's done." Delaixi saw that the main character of Flying City was doing it, and he didn't do it. If this guy becomes a nobleman in the Wizarding Empire in the future, and he is still a terrapin of a planet, then what is he still doing?

"Well, you go to discuss with Prince Desai, you provide the materials, I am only responsible for manufacturing, it depends on what you say." Cook said.

The city lord of Flying City and Delaisi glanced at each other and felt grateful to Cook, because Cook did not directly get the materials from the two of them. He just bargained for the two in front of Prince Desai. This was at the starting line. More than just Gao, the two will talk directly with Prince Desai instead of looking at Cook's meaning if there is something in the future.

Cook's approach is to let go, and he doesn't participate too much. In fact, Cook doesn't have the mind or energy.

Prince Desai then appointed the lord of Flying City and Delaisi as the commanders of the two fleets. Prince Desai has one under his own control, and the other is under General Penney. Prince Desai has 80 warships under his command, of course. planned.

There are 55 warships for Delaisi and the City Lord of Flying City, and 60 warships for General Penney. These are all planned. The order of the increase of warships is the first time, one for each fleet, and then the second time. There are two Desai Princes, and the other is one for each fleet.

The four fleets are the Southern Fleet, the Eastern Fleet, the Western Fleet, and the Northern Fleet. Of course, it is just a name. Delaisi and Flying City mainly provide all the materials needed for warships. General Penney is responsible for training personnel, and Prince Desai is in the middle. command.

There is nothing about Cook in this, but these people are respectful of Cook, because Cook represents the warship.

"I don't need to read the plan. You are not fools. I am just responsible for delivering the battleship." Faced with the plan that Prince Desai gave to Cook, Cook didn't read it and returned it to Prince Desai.

"Teacher, see if there is anything wrong." Prince Desai heaved a sigh of relief and said sincerely.

Cook waved his hand and said domineeringly: "It's nothing more than the loss of some warships. If there are three component manufacturing bases, two or three fleets a year is not a problem."

In the face of Cook’s domineering answer, Prince Desai was very excited. Even in the Wizarding Empire, one fleet a year is enough, but two or three. Don't even think about it. The entire Wizarding Empire now has a thousand warships divided into two. Hundred fleets, this is the accumulation of thousands of years, the Wizarding Alliance has more battleships, probably more than 1,200, which is the extra two hundred ships, which makes the Wizarding Empire at a disadvantage in every war.

"Teacher, I decided to occupy the space node leading to here first, and I need some defensive weapons." Prince Desai asked if he looked at Cook without reading the plan.

"Reinforce this airport~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it okay to drive past?" Cook asked.

"Is this appropriate?" Prince Desai asked with some confusion.

"How inappropriate, and to build so many warships, it's just that the minerals on this planet are no longer enough. Some rare ores still need to be found. In the future, the biggest role of this planet is to provide talents." Cook said.

"Everything depends on the teacher." Prince Desai decided to listen to Cook.

"You hurry up and train the manpower, the battleship is built very quickly." Cook is preparing to build an automated assembly line for the construction of battleships. Of course, this is mainly for the manufacture of various components and the installation between components. Cook still has to intervene.

"Understood." Prince Desai immediately took the order to recruit talents. Prince Desai envied so many ninth-order wizards on this planet. There are so many wizards and so many generals on Nima. Wrong, Prince Desai observed the Sage’s Association and the tribe and found many general-level commanders. Penney was also completely convinced. Although the conflict between the tribe and the Sage’s Association seemed small in Peny, one of them was The battles are full of the art of command, which is one of the main reasons why Prince Desai is concerned about the throne. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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