A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1203: against

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The materials were continuously sent to the manufacturing base, and the pieces of the spacecraft were manufactured, and then transported to the assembly workshop, and Cook began to build the spacecraft.

Prince Desai is not a fool. He has given Cook a few helpers, all of whom are talented in construction. These are used by Cook as coolies, and these people are still very energetic.

Cook wished that these guys would finish all other tasks, and Cook himself would do something about controlling the center, so Cook taught with extra care.

In fact, these constructors taught by Cook will be members of Cook's faction in the future, because Cook's position in Prince Desai's influence is detached, and even Prince Desai dare not offend him.

Even if Prince Desai became the emperor of the wizarding empire in the future, he did not dare to have any thoughts about Cook, because at that time, Cook was already the spiritual leader of the entire wizarding world, and Cook can make countless wizards with a hello. The accusation is even more of the congregation betraying.

Regardless of whether it is the Wizarding Empire or the Wizarding Alliance, it is the world of wizards. The emperor is nothing more than serving the wizards. In the wizarding world, what a wizard dares not to offend is the construction wizard, especially the powerful construction wizard. .

Because each of these powerful structured wizards is a huge combination of interests. These combinations include merchants, gangs, army, and officials. The core test of this kind of power is to construct wizards, without being overbearing. The strength of directly destroys the core in the middle, then this combination of interests will never collapse.

"Locke. You go to the second area, how can you do it without me teaching you?" Locke, a Tier 3 Constructed Wizard, originally a fighter of the Wizard Empire, was discovered by Cook when he was measuring the talents of the Constructed Wizard. Years ago, he was already a Tier 3 wizard.

"Yes, mentor." Locke was excited.

The entire construction base is a huge workshop, and each area has its own construction components.

Now what these low-level construction wizards can do is to assemble the various components according to the drawings, so as to be exactly right.

And apply special coatings on the components and components. When all components are completed, Cook will fill the energy system. These special coatings will integrate the components under the excitation of energy.

In this process, the largest workload is component assembly. There are more than a dozen areas in the entire component workshop. The first area is the most important, and the second is the last area, which is just a few unimportant things.

Locke came to area 2 and in front of him was a huge energy projection, a huge mechanical arm, and a row of control buttons. Locke took a closer look at the indigenous people and knew that he should assemble 3,167 components here. Among them are energy channel modules. These energy channels are like circuit boards, but they are three-dimensional circuit boards, and the smallest ones are more subtle than hair. The accuracy of the construction is more than a hundred times that of Loka before.

Cook changed Locke to area 2 and the original area 2 was sent by Cook to build a new construction workshop.

Then Cook turned around and returned to the Council of the Gods. The formation of the spaceship did not happen overnight. The construction wizards would take at least three months to complete. After the construction was completed, Cook was just going to be the core control center and master control. System, the main control system is very complicated, and low-level construction wizards are not yet competent.

The conquest of the Ice and Snow Continent by the Council of Gods immediately swelled the confidence of the various forces of the Council of Gods, ready to conquer the jungles of the south.

Cook had already warned the guys in the Council of Gods, but these forces went privately to the southern jungle.

As you can imagine, there are thousands of monkey monsters in Huaguo Mountain, and they have beaten the natives on the mainland into Luohualiu Shui. None of the people sent by these forces have returned.

Now these people were in a hurry, and only then did they submit a bill to the parliament to dispatch the brave knights.

The one hundred people of the Brave Knights and the one hundred people are within the Knights. There is a restriction on the dispatch of more than a hundred people. That is, within the power of the Council of Gods, the citizens of the Council of Gods are threatened, and the Brave Knights will only be dispatched.

The southern continent was not in the power of the Council of Gods at all, so the Brave Knights rejected the order of the Council of Gods.

The Council of the Gods turned to order the coalition forces to go to the southern continent. The 20,000 coalition forces have gone or not, and there is no news. Now, these people know the big things.

Cook sat in the chair of the Council of the Gods and looked at the members below. These members were nothing, because those who went to the Southern Continent were orders from various forces. In fact, these members have not particularly good relations with the various forces. Only part.

"I have reminded you not to go to the Southern Continent. You didn't believe it and agreed to increase your troops. Why don't you send all of your Templar Knights, instead you send the Brave Knights and the Alliance of the Gods?" Ku Ke said.

Cook's dissatisfaction with these members was heard, and the dwarf patriarch said: "President, we also want to open up territory for the Council of the Gods."

"Hehe, in this case, you can just continue to send allied troops, but as the leader of the Brave Knights, I first affirm that the Brave Knights will not go alone in the Southern Continent, regardless of whether it is in the future or now. The tattoo association, the pharmacy association, and the medical association will re-evaluate the cooperation relationship with the various forces going to the southern mainland." Cook laughed, stood up and left after speaking, regardless of the reactions of these members.

After Cook left, the elven congressman said: "Hehe, our elves will not participate in all future proposals concerning the Southern Continent. We abstain."

The Elf Senator himself disagreed, and the coalition dispatched had no Elves, so the Elf Senator also left.

"Tsk tsk, our sacred beast bear clan does not participate either." The bear clan originally wanted to go, but thinking of the interests of the entire continent, the bear sacred beast was directly pushed out.

Even the sacred beast and tiger clan did not send anyone to the southern continent, and the sacred beast bear clan and tiger clan councilors also left.

Then came the orcs and the dragons. These councillors left, and the remaining were a dozen or so large temple councilors. These temple councilors also looked indifferent, because this was what the senior leaders of their respective temples wanted to do and lose. No matter how big they are, these Members will not be in any danger.

Cook's statement made many temples very dissatisfied with Cook, but these temples were a bit unwilling. What's in the Southern Continent? Why there is no news at all about the 20,000-strong coalition armed with elite equipment? This is somewhat unreasonable.

And what did Cook know, so these temples looked for Cook, wanting to inquire about the dangers of the southern continent.

Cook was not in the small world. Cook came to the big world and talked about things with the big monkey.

The monkey asked, "What do you think?"

"I, I don't have the mind to care much about the small world and what I love to do. I am now practicing at ease and ready to come to the big world." Cook shook his head and said. As for the orders given by himself, as for the lives and lives of those other people, it is not worth worrying about Cook. The Council of Gods governs hundreds of millions of people. Among these billions of people, there are always some guys who are looking for death. Cook does not have so much energy to go. Prevent these people from committing death one by one, so Cook doesn't care at all.

"Forget it, let these guys have a long memory." The monkey said.

"So did you find anything in the Southern Continent?" Cook asked.

"There are traces of witches, but the little demon that enters the small world has limited abilities. Would you like to investigate it?" The monkey shook his head and said.

Cook shrugged and said, "I have a lot of things now, I don't have much time."

"Forget it. The current situation is that the witch has disappeared for many years. It's just some long-term information. You know, little brother, it’s been many years since the witch has lost its trace here, and the small world with a different time axis , How many years have passed." The monkey nodded slightly when he heard Cook say this.

"Big brother, why didn't the master solve the silver horn?" Cook asked in a low voice.

"Little Junior Brother, let me tell you, you can hit the golden horn or the silver horn anyway, but you can't kill it. Do you know why?" the big monkey asked the horn.

Cook shook his head. The thinking of these people in the big world is different from that of the small world, and it is different from Cook. The monster race is even more like this. The monkey said, "That's because the golden horn and the silver horn are the boy of the old man. , Although the heavenly court collapsed, all of us are alive. What about those old guys, those big Luojinxians, are they still alive? Who knows?"

Cook immediately understood: "Is this beating the dog to see the owner?"

"Right, and the golden horns and silver horns are on the side of the Bull Demon King, then the Bull Demon King must conflict with the human world, and it will be time for our Demon Race Alliance to take action.

"Ha, this trick is good." Kukha said, he understood.

"Go ahead, there is not much fairy wine." The monkey saw Cook say this, and he agreed with it, which was actually what the Great Sage said.

Judging from these things, the Great Sage's mind is not so straight anymore, with a little smoothness. The Monkey is very happy with the change of the Great Sage.

Of course, Cook came to refine the fairy wine, and now the entire Huaguoshan elixir, there are so many spirit fruits, and the Wannian Lingjiu, which is the stone room where the Monkey Demon Gate excavated to make wine, can't keep up with the storage speed.

All kinds of top elixir Cook can be regarded as an eye-opener, even if it is these elixir, the elixir is made into medicinal wine materials.

Seeing that these monkey demon threw those spirit medicines and spirit fruits in the big pond, and then left them alone. Cook looked distressed, but Cook also had a lot of spirit medicines in his hands.

Of course, the elixir in the warehouse can be taken at will. When Cook refining the fairy wine, Cook will produce the spiritual stone. This is already a tacit understanding. The Great Sage did not tell Cook not to give things, but Cook is a principled People.

Cook made some immortal wine, after Qiongye Yuye, he came to Bafang Mountain. As soon as Cook was brought to Bafang Mountain by the second general, Cook heard a huge chanting of Buddhist scriptures. Cook knew in his heart that Buddhism had gone too far.

Sure enough, as soon as Cook showed up, he was blocked by the Daomen's hometown. Several old guys looked at Cook with a grimace, and Cook felt embarrassed.

But Cook would not show it at all. On the contrary, I was very happy. My mouth even said: "How about it, seniors, you disgust me, I disgust you now, do you feel better?"

"Cook, we have already driven away the golden horns and silver horns." These old guys didn't expect that Cook would be like this, what can they do.

"What has been done, even if it has passed, you can't assume that it hasn't happened, and I also got the status of a protector of the law. Those high monks said that if there is one side of the world, they will help me." Cook said It's just nonsense.

When these old guys heard this, they couldn't help asking: "Cook, we are to help you take the rest of the world. Do you have so many people to govern? When others come to trouble you How to do?"

"Look for trouble, who, who, come forward, if there are things that a hundred elixirs can't solve, it is two hundred elixirs, I want to see who is in trouble for me." Cook said.

"Cook, you kid, you are not afraid of others peeping at your foundation?" these old guys said grimly.

Cook shook his head and said, "What is my foundation?"

"Hehe, Cook, you are said to be such a big talk. If we old guys are determined to kill you, can you run away? We also know that you are smart and take advantage of the contradictions between our major sects. There is the Demon Race, but I will ask you, if you die, who will stand up for you, take the Demon Race Alliance as an example, are you willing to be an enemy of our major sects?" These old guys spoke directly. .

I have to admit that what these old guys said is very reasonable. If they are ordinary people, they will be fooled, but Cook is not an ordinary person.

"Speaking lightly, believe it or not, I'm screaming now, you guys and your school will be overthrown, my strength is not strong, but how many cultivators are close to life, how many cultivators want to break through the bottleneck Counting on me to come up with more medicines, immortal fruit, I can say that I am one of the few hopes of these people. You are very strong, but you have offspring who are not. You are not afraid of these desperate monks. Unreasonable crazy behavior?" Cook asked with a smile.

These old guys are speechless. Of course, what Cook said is true, but a few of them know it well, don’t see that they are just a few of them, but they really want to kill Cook, I’m afraid that some of them will also Not good to go there.

Cook was telling the truth, and no one wanted to lose what Cook had in his hands. Cook continued with a smile: "And everybody keeps talking about sects. If you ask yourself, you can represent your sects? To be honest, I don't believe it. "

"Cook, let's just say it straight. You have to find a way to let this Buddhism guy leave and stay here all day..." these old guys said.

"Amitofel!" A loud voice shocked Cook.

"How many donors don't like that our Buddhist bones are here?" A monk wearing a red robes slowly revealed himself and appeared beside Cook.

"Wu Hai, what are you doing, eavesdropping on our conversation?" The old guys did not answer directly, but shouted.

"Several benefactors, I am the guard of our chief guardian of Buddhism. As long as the guardian leaves the auction house, I will follow." Wu Hai replied with folded hands.

When Cook heard this, he looked at Wu Hai. This Wu Hai in Wukong, Wu Neng is a generation?

"Humph." When several old guys in the door heard this, their sleeves left immediately.

"Emi Tofu." Wu Hai saw a few old guys go, and slowly disappeared.

When Cook saw this scene, he knew that this must be the magical power of Buddhism. Cook looked around with his spiritual thoughts, and there was indeed no one. Cook sighed in his heart: "This is the real invisibility."

Coming to the elixir trading market, Cook came this time to prepare some rare elixir. These rare elixir require rare elixir. The demon race is not a fool. Bafangshan bought the elixir, but that’s great. Some are not too rare elixir.

Really rare panacea, if you want to come to the market, you can bid on the stalls in the market. Here, good things can be sold at higher prices.

The elixir market is very large, and there are all monsters in it. Experienced buyers look at the sellers. Because the demons have different environments, the elixir rich in them are also different.

As Cook walked and watched, Cook's attention was dangling in front of which aquatic monster stalls.

While Cook was dangling here, the old guys who had just returned to the place where he was studying the talisman told him about Cook's attitude, trying to get other old guys to come forward and put pressure on Cook.

These old guys are all Taoist, and the other old guys heard Cook's attitude.

Someone said, "Cook is so clever now. We really have nothing to do with him, and you guys seem to be in trouble."

"What?" The old guys were puzzled.

Someone immediately said, "If something happens to Cook, then you guys must not escape the relationship?"

"I'm pooh, I'm still afraid that I can't get rid of the relationship?" The old guy who had just met with Cook heard this and immediately stopped doing it and said angrily.

"Hehe, I'm afraid we won't talk about it. This Buddhism arranged for Wu Hai. Wu Hai has heard all of your words. If you talk about these Buddhism guys, if something happens to Cook, you will not be afraid that Buddhism will trouble you. What kind of attitude will those who urgently need pill to save their lives have?" Someone explained with a smile.

Several old guys heard this and said, "We are just talking."

The old guys of the gods and immortals didn't speak at all. The guys of the Taoist were very arrogant. If you say anything, they can say that black is white.

Cook successfully bought the elixir. Cook didn't know at all. Someone was thinking about Cook and was secretly collecting Cook's whereabouts.

Looking at the elixir in his hand, Cook was very satisfied. He left the great world and returned to the prehistoric plane. The first battleship had been built, and Cook began to build the control center.

Three days later, Cook put the control center in place, and then began to check carefully. The results of the inspection made Cook very satisfied. In just one and a half months, the probability of these low-level construction wizards making mistakes was less than 5%, which was greatly reduced. Cook's workload.

After Cook changed the error, he added the energy bin. The battleship uses the energy stone. The energy stone is placed in the energy bin. The battleship can change the energy bin faster because the size of the energy bin is uniform.

Prince Desai is very happy. According to this schedule, the three construction bases planned for next year will have at least 15 battleships a year. In less than 15 years, 250 battleships can be assembled. This will It is a huge force.

Of course, this is a plan. The mining spacecraft mines various ores on other planets, and the energy stone, while Prince Desai personally trains new fighters. Soldiers on a battleship need two to three years to train.

It takes at least five to ten years to be an officer, and it’s not enough to have soldiers serving on warships. Ground combat troops are also the most important thing.

Conquer can never leave the ground forces. Of course, destruction is not needed, but if the battle is all for destruction, what is the point of consuming so many resources?

To fight is to exchange your own resources for more resources, so destruction is generally impossible, 250 battleships, how many ground troops are needed, at least 5 million troops, which is the lowest.

Does anyone say that warships are that big?

The ground troops do not mean that they must all take battleships, but that they are rotated batch by batch. There are more places and more places to be stationed. The logistics and administration need people. In addition, there are reserves. It cannot be said that the manpower is lost today. It is unrealistic to call in recruits for training tomorrow.

"Sir." Prince Desai saw Cook and greeted him very happily.

"His Royal Highness is in a good mood." Of course, Cook knows that Prince Desai is happy, because Prince Desai has just accepted a battleship, and the construction of the second one is already underway. Can Prince Desai be unhappy?

"Thank you too, sir~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know what Mr. said about the mobile airport some time ago?" Prince Desai obviously wanted to go back to see the situation, but a space node appeared rashly, which is still unknown. Kind of, no tyrannical strength, only share occupied by others.

"His Royal Highness, as long as I have enough materials, I can move the airport at any time, and when I move, I can continue to build on the way." Cook directly introduced his ideas to Prince Desai.


Prince Desai did not expect to have such good things, but this saved a lot of time.

"Of course it is possible, but it is just adding some systems, but the material is a trouble, and the maintenance base of the airport is basically abandoned." The abandonment here is that Cook has demolished the base and repaired the puppets. They were all dismantled by Cook.

"What about your opinion, sir?" Even if Prince Desai has an idea in his mind, he must first listen to Cook's opinion.

Cook shook his head and said: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but your Highness, you are sure that no one is guarding outside the space node." Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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