A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1213: Luo Xiangyang

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"God what?" Cook frowned and asked.

"Master, what you just used was a method that only a master had." Luo Li said.

"The local indigenous people you are talking about are those who keep bugs?" Cook asked again.

Luo Li shook her head: "It's not just that. There are insects, wild beasts, birds, water control, and fire control. There are as many as a hundred races, but there are contradictions among these races, otherwise. We have long been abandoned here." Luo Li said.

Cook found it interesting and said: "I want to know more and more detailed information."

"You can look directly on it." Luo Li quickly took out something like a tablet and opened it neatly.

There was a scent, and Cook touched his nose. The scent came from the woman's body. Cook waved his hand and said, "I'll do it by myself. You can do yours."

"Yes." Luo Li quickly returned to the bedroom, listened carefully on the door, and then changed her clothes first.

Then Luo Li took out something and just opened it.


With a bang, the things in Luo Li's hand exploded, and there was a small round hole in the door.

"The next time, it will be your head." Cook's voice came over, very flat.

Luo Li did not dare to go out, nor did he dare to face Cook. Just looking outside, you could see the aircraft patrolling outside, but Luo Li did not dare to do anything. The alloy communicator was instantly burst. The head will not be harder than this.

Cook looked at something similar to a computer on the earth, but this thing was only for storing information and not connected to the Internet.

But in Cook's view, whether it is Luo Li or the information, the loopholes are not small, but history, that is, it is a little girl who can be dressed up, maybe a boy is different.

Cook is more concerned about the current situation here.

According to research, there is a kind of ray in the air in this place. A large part of the immigrants cannot bear this ray, but some of them can bear this kind of ray and have some supernatural powers.

And this kind of ability will be released by the natives of the entire planet, but the breeding ability of humans is countless times that of natives. On the huge population base, the number of humans with supernatural powers is increasing, plus high-tech energy weapons, Mankind finally gained a foothold on this planet.

And this is not the only human stronghold. There is a second stronghold far away. This is also the landing of a spacecraft. The two strongholds communicate with each other, but basically did not meet.

Cook almost understood that the natives refer to the wizards, and it is foreseeable that the wizards here are still in their initial form. The wizards themselves belong to many tribes, and eventually evolved into the Primordial Plane, the Wizard Empire, and the Wizard Alliance. exist.

But the wizard tribes here don't know why they are not fused together. Instead, there are huge contradictions. They can be said to be enemies. There are huge conflicts between any two tribes.

"Hehe, this woman has a big heart." As soon as Cook's mental thoughts unfolded, he found that the woman was actually asleep.

"Ah..." Cook just patted the woman, and the woman screamed immediately.

Cook said, "I need materials."

"I have credit, I have." Luo Li looked at Cook in horror.

"Okay, here is the list of materials I need. Let someone send me as soon as possible." Cook handed the tablet to Luo Li, with a list of materials on it.

Luo Li looked at the list of materials, half a kilogram of gold, three kilograms of silver, and other metal materials, as many as hundreds of kilograms, Luo Li's heart was dripping blood, but metal materials were very expensive.

Luo Li couldn't help but said, "I need to call."

"Don't lie to me, I know that these things can be purchased without talking, and they will be delivered by others." Cook said lightly.

Cook looked at the huge sky. To be precise, there is an energy shield on it. Above the shield, we can see that the sky is already bright. The top floor is also the most expensive house. You can enjoy the sun all day. Where, but Cook thinks that these people think that the sun is very extravagant, I am afraid that many people will laugh at it.

And Cook is not sure that these people are from the earth, because the physique is too big.

"Who knows, maybe the human beings on the earth are the size it is now, but I am getting smaller when I travel." Cook still has a guess in his heart. Cook has no way of knowing who is right and who is wrong.

Luo Li placed an order after going online, and seeing the rapid decline in credit points, Luo Li's heart was bleeding.

Immediately after, Luo Li saw her angry scene. The various furniture in the living room was directly compressed into fist-sized pieces in the hands of the weird man, and they were thrown aside. The cabinets, sofas, and tables were all Luo. Li exhausted her efforts to arrange it.

"Why me?" Luo Li, as a woman, angrily lost some of her sanity, and she asked loudly as she watched Cook mess up her living room.

"You are unlucky, besides, if you choose a woman or a man, if a man may have died long ago, but it is also the simplest, I can directly read the memory in his soul." Cook said lightly.

In the next second, a huge test bench appeared out of thin air, and there were other things, Luo Li was stunned. The five-meter-long, all-metal test bench was nearly 1.5 meters high. How did this appear.

Soon the materials were delivered. Luo Li accepted the materials at the door and wanted to run away at once, but Luo Li didn't dare, because the priest was extremely powerful.

Luo Li was stunned when a strange part was made by a stranger. This kind of metal making out of thin air may only be done by a high-level priest.

"Actually I am a wizard, but not a wizard from this planet, but a wizard from another planet. But, I am a human being and I hate reptiles, so I will help you." Cook said as he spoke. Said.

"Another planet?" Luo Li asked suspiciously.

"Yes, you can call me a time traveler, a powerful wizard in your eyes, but in my eyes it is just a bunch of bugs, click." Cook assembled a gun, and the laser in the science fiction weapon The gun is almost the same, but it should be lenient so that the energy will last longer.

"Three hundred times per second, it can inspire 13,000 minimum attacks and 4,000 maximum energy attacks. You can go out and try it." Cook threw the gun to Luo Li and continued to make various components.

"You mean, let me go?" Luo Li asked incredulously.

"Yes, just like you, I feel ugly as a maid." Cook shrugged and said.

Then Cook took out a flat peach, looked outside while eating, and said, "I like the feeling of standing in a tall building. You'd better try this weapon."

Luo Li tentatively left and walked out of the room. Luo Li's nerves were tense. After walking hundreds of meters, Luo Li ran up all at once.

When Luo Li rushed to the place where the aircraft was parked in this building, Luo Li looked behind in horror. The weird did not chase down. Luo Li saw the guard and rushed over.

"I advise you not to do stupid actions. My mind can reach more than ten kilometers away. I want to kill a person. It's very simple." The weird voice sounded beside Luo Li, and Luo Li found that she Otherwise, the body is not under his control, and the two guards pass by, but he cannot make any warning actions at all.

After the two guards left, Luo Li was shocked to find that her body did not know when to regain control.

Luo Li got on the speeding car in horror. Luo Li was very confused. When Luo Li woke up, she realized that she had left the city.


The aircraft made a violent crashing sound. In Luo Li's field of vision, hundreds of huge wasps were staring at herself. Luo Li was a soldier after all, and the aircraft accelerated immediately and flew directly towards these wasps.

The wasps thought that the aircraft would escape, so a wave of attacks failed.


The flying machine bumblebees kept avoiding these bumblebees. When these bumblebees saw the flying machine rushing into their team, they were angry and fired.

Many hornets were hit by the tail needles of their own species and dropped one after another, but more were hitting aircraft.

White smoke billowed from the entire aircraft, which was a sign of corrosion of the aircraft.

Luo Li looked at the series of red warnings on the display screen, and her heart fell to the bottom.


Luo Li was ejected automatically. Once the aircraft loses control, the operator will be ejected automatically.

Luo Li closed her eyes in despair, but she waited for a loud noise.

Looking at the beams of light above her head, Luo Li looked at her situation again, just on the edge of the city's defense circle.

After the parachute landed, Luo Li threw away the parachute and ran quickly towards the city. Luo Li did not wear protective clothing this time. The time in the field was very limited. Once a certain amount of time passed, she would suffer varying degrees of damage.


Suddenly a spike of several meters stretched out from the ground, and Luo Li avoided the attack in a thrilling manner.


The weapon in Luo Li's hand subconsciously attacked behind, a hideous head just emerged, and the weapon in Luo Li's hand made a slight noise.

In the next second, Luo Li was stunned. The head of the huge beetle burst instantly, as if being hit by an invisible fist.

Puff puff!

The broken neck of the beetle spewed body fluids of various colors, and Luo Li was happy, and quickly wiped these body fluids on the body, which can prevent damage from the rays.

Looking at the slightly weird energy gun in his hand, there are several monitors on the gun, which are the same as the laser gun monitors I use, but the energy scale is in the middle area.

With the protection of insect body fluids, Luo Li did not flinch, and the gun in her hand was aimed at the bumblebee in the sky.


The head of a bumblebee burst open, and the whole body fell to the ground.

"It's amazing." Luo Li didn't see the shadow of the energy attack at all, and the bumblebee on the opposite side died.

Luo Li took a closer look and found that this was a sound wave mode. Luo Li changed it and adjusted it to light energy mode.

"Puff!" The head of a beetle a kilometer away was penetrated instantly, and the real beetle stopped moving at once.

"There is also a lightning mode?" Looking at another mode, Luo Li was curious and adjusted to this mode directly, aiming at the bumblebee in the sky.

Zi Zi Zi Zi!

A purple lightning struck a hornet, and then the current turned into dozens of strands, and dozens of hornets were instantly charged down.

"This..." Luo Li couldn't believe her eyes at all, but looking at energy consumption, it was almost one-tenth less.

Ten minutes later, the insect retreated. Luo Li looked at her own results, and could hardly believe her eyes. This time, the results were more than those of her ten years.

Luo Li didn't wait here, it was too conspicuous, and quickly returned to the city from other places.

"How did you do it?" Luo Li returned home, more than ten hours later.

"What?" There were dozens of the same weapons beside Cook. Cook was eating a strange fruit, which Luo Li hadn't seen anyway.

"I'm talking about the energy gun." Luo Li was excited.

"Oh, it's very simple." Cook took it for granted.

"These are all!" Looking at dozens of firearms that were exactly the same as the energy guns in her hand, Luo Li asked incredulously.

"Of course, I need to meet someone who can speak here, and is more honest." Cook said.

"I understand." Luo Li took an energy gun and left directly.

Cook shrugged. The relationship between those who can live on it is not that simple.

Luo Li came to the top of the city wall. A middle-aged soldier saw Luo Li and was pleasantly surprised: "Xiao Li."

"General Luo, please respect yourself. I'm here to talk to you about business." Luo Li looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. This is her father. In an insect attack, a bug broke through the defense of the city wall. He rushed directly into a building. At that time, the bug died with just one shot. However, the commander of the defense zone, his father, did not give this order. After the guard came to kill the bug, Luo Li's mother and More than 30 people were killed by bugs in fighting, and there were no dead bodies.

"Xiaoli, I know that you still hate me. I am a soldier. I can only obey orders." Luo Xiangyang said, the energy of the energy cannon is limited. At that time, the insects did not reach the standard for using energy cannons, and the energy cannons Always be prepared to target even more powerful bugs outside.

"This is made by a friend of mine, please have General Luo take a look." Luo Li put the energy gun in her hand on the table, if it weren't for Luo Li, who was Luo Xiangyang's daughter, could bring the gun.

"Adjutant Li..." Luo Xiangyang shouted.

"I hope you will test it yourself, General." Luo Li knows that these soldiers have many related households.

"Okay. You wait." Luo Xiangyang looked at the energy gun in his hand, slightly different from the standard equipment.

"Don't adjust the energy to the maximum." Luo Li looked at Luo Xiangyang's back and said loudly.

Ten minutes later, Luo Xiangyang almost rushed into the room where Luo Li was. "Xiaoli, Xiaoli, who made this, who made this?"

"Come with me." Luo Li knew this would be the case, and sighed in her heart.

When Luo Xiangyang saw Cook, he looked at the test bench and dozens of energy guns. Luo Xiangyang asked, "Excuse me?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, these things are the key. The cost of this energy gun is about 3,000 credits, and the energy is calculated separately." Cook said.

"Three thousand, so cheap?" Luo Xiangyang asked incredulously. A better energy gun would cost hundreds of thousands.

"But only I can make the craft, not only energy guns, but also energy guns. I can also make them. Moreover, your defensive tower has too low attack frequency, low energy conversion, and single attack." Cook continued. .

"You, who are you?" Luo Xiangyang asked.

Cook stood up and said: "According to heritage, I should be a wizard, that is, the natives you call."

Following Cook's words, a ball of flame in Cook's hand swirled around his body, and under the control of his divine mind, it turned into various shapes.

"No, you are not. If you are those indigenous people, you will definitely not come in." Luo Xiangyang looked at Cook and said.

"Correctly, to be precise, I am not from this planet. You can call me a time traveler." The flames beside Cook disappeared silently.

"Time traveler?" Luo Xiangyang was puzzled.

"Yes. I have been to tens of thousands of planets, powerful and weak, but I may have some connections with your ancestors. I once lived in such reinforced concrete buildings." Cook looked outside, Speak.

"So what do you mean?" Luo Xiangyang didn't believe it.

"I'll help you take root in this place and develop, instead of hiding in this tortoise shell like this, I also hope that people on the sixty floors below this building can enjoy the sun freely." Cook said.

"You don't have any ideas yourself?" Luo Xiangyang asked tentatively.

"Haha, haha, I rule hundreds of planes, hundreds of planets, would I like such a place?" Cook laughed.

"I don't believe it." Luo Xiangyang said word by word.

"If you don't believe me, then this woman watched me make these things with her own eyes. Ask her what materials I used, and I also know what the Zerg you are facing. It is just a branch of the Vicious Wizard. "Cook said with a shrug.

Luo Li whispered, Luo Xiangyang was shocked. The materials bought with 100,000 credits became dozens of such test weapons?

"Then this energy?" Luo Xiangyang was puzzled.

"Energy is not the key, energy conversion is the key. This energy gun runs out of energy and can automatically replenish energy. For example, it can be full of energy in three months." Cook said with a shrug.

"What if you burn it with fire?" Luo Li asked in astonishment, without the energy gun of the energy magazine.

"About seven days and seven nights." Cook replied, looking at the electric stove in the kitchen.

"However, the direct electricity time is shorter." Cook reminded him.

"How to use it?" Luo Li held an energy gun that had consumed one-third of her energy.

Cook directly plugged two wires into the power supply, and then randomly placed them in different places of the energy gun.

"I don't see it, the energy display is a charging progress." Cook looked at the progress on the display, there was still time left.

"This?" Luo Xiangyang and Luo Li were stunned.

"My name, sir," Luo Xiangyang asked, with a more respectful tone.

"My last name is Zhang. You can call me Zhang Yong or Cook." Cook said.

"I don't know how long it will take for Mr. to make the energy cannon?" Luo Xiangyang asked. .

"It depends on what standard is needed. The highest standard takes five days, and the lowest standard only takes one day." Cook said.

"What is the highest standard?" Luo Xiangyang asked.

"The highest standard excitation power can crush huge meteorites with a diameter of six kilometers away from two million kilometers. It is generally used as a starry sky defense. The lowest 10,000 kilometers has the maximum excitation power. Well, a city like yours has plenty of energy. It can be turned into ruins in one minute." Cook said.

"We use protective armor outside." Luo Xiangyang was short of breath.

"You have tried the sonic mode. I don't need to destroy anything, but the life inside has to disappear." Cook showed his white teeth.

"What is your ultimate goal?" Luo Xiangyang took a deep breath and looked at Cook and asked.

Cook looked at Luo Xiangyang and said with a smile: "General Luo, it seems that no one has told you how powerful my spiritual power is."

Luo Xiangyang was like being pinched by an invisible big hand, his entire body deformed.

"Please, let him go, my father didn't mean it." Luo Li immediately looked at Cook pleadingly.

Cook didn't move at all, Luo Xiangyang fell on the ground, Luo Xiangyang breathed, watching Cook full of fear.

"Okay. Let's go, I will refit a fort for you, you can see the power, but I hope you can control the city." Cook said with a smile.

Cook’s strength is not in his strength, but in his construction ability. As for where Cook should be on his side, it is entirely Cook’s own interest. Don’t forget, this is the space for wizards to pass on. Who knows what other powerful guys are. Of course, Cook is also for these people who may come from the same place. Cook also wants to return to the place where he once lived.

In the defense zone that Luo Xiangyang is in charge of, in a certain turret, Cook saw the primitive operating turret and shook his head and said, "It's too crude."

There are only a few maintenance personnel here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Xiangyang excuses to repair the turret and move the soldiers away. When the other maintenance personnel heard this, they all looked at Cook curiously. There was Luo Xiangyang, there was nothing. Stupid, stupidly came out to question Cook.

Cook thought about it, and immediately raised his hand, he twisted the entire barrel directly. This huge energy transmitter, like a ball of dough, was kneaded into a lump by Cook and tossed aside.

Then Cook took out a naval gun out of thin air. The naval gun looked much smaller than the original launcher, only one-tenth the size. What Cook took out was a full set of naval guns.

The entire turret was emptied by Cook, and then these people were stupid, because a ball of flame suddenly appeared, and the metal on one side suddenly broke by itself, and then turned into powder, entered the flame, and then formed parts.

After being dumbfounded for two hours, Cook turned on the power.

"Start self-test." Cook directly issued the password.

With a group of dumbfounded people opening their mouths, the machine made a sound: "The energy system starts to self-check..." For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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