A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1214:

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"The energy system is stable."

"Detection system self-check..."

"The detection system is on."

"The automatic screening system... is on."

With the sound of each machine, a series of energy light curtains were directly displayed, and soon, six screens appeared inside the turret.

Cook looked at it carefully for a while, then said, "It's done."

Luo Xiangyang looked at the energy light curtains, which was something his city couldn't do. Luo Xiangyang glanced at the five or six maintenance personnel, and then gave the order.

"Guards, isolate these people, do not allow contact with anyone, and offenders are allowed to kill." Luo Xiangyang is very dissatisfied with the current situation in the city, but didn't Luo Xiangyang have that strength before, and civil strife It will lead to a decline in the strength of the entire city, unable to deal with the indigenous people outside.

"Uh, Mr. Zhang, what are these light curtains? If I am not mistaken, this is the map of the area in front of us?" Luo Xiangyang still has some eyesight.

"Yes, this is the detection system. The detection distance is 5,000 kilometers. This is the most cost-effective distance for energy consumption and early warning response time set by the system according to the situation." Cook said.

"So what do these dots represent?" Luo Xiangyang looked at the red, white, black, and green dots.

"White means there is no dangerous target, black means a very dangerous target, red is a dangerous target, and green is our own." Cook said.

"So how about the power consumption?" Luo Xiangyang looked at this, it was an energy system.

"This is hard to say, it depends on the number and level of enemies you face." Cook said with a shrug.

"Just that kind of bumblebee." Luo Xiangyang said.

"That kind, 100,000 won't penetrate this defense." Cook said.

"Huh?" Luo Xiangyang didn't believe it.

"With a distance of five thousand kilometers, how long does it take for these hornets, and this is a defensive artillery, attacking more than 3,000 times per minute, using this to hit the hornet is a waste." Cook said.

"So these negative targets are underground?" Luo Xiangyang looked at the detection system carefully.

"Yes, but it's only a detection depth of 100 meters. If you can increase the energy and increase the detection depth during wartime, the maximum depth can reach 30,000 meters." Cook said, in fact, this is Cook's reference to geological exploration. However, Cook uses the detector to release the detection wave, and then measures the target based on the echo of the detection wave. With this fixed detection, the echo variable is not large. Once a creature enters, the echo is again Different.

"This is an energy display."

"This is used for automatic defense systems."

Cook introduced the functions of these light curtains one by one, including the real-time reflection status of the entire naval gun, the frequency of attacks, the sequence of enemy attacks and so on.

"So how about this manipulation?" Luo Xiangyang asked.

"There is almost no need for human control. To be precise, dozens of such energy cannons can be controlled by one person." Cook said.

"This, how is this possible?" Luo Xiangyang was stunned, knowing that the reason the city is like this is also because the battle damage is too great. The high-level superpowers are better. The low-level soldiers will be exposed to the air. Not a small injury.

Cook shrugged, and then directed Luo Xiangyang to manipulate the energy cannon to attack the hills outside.

After some experiments, Luo Xiangyang was silent, and asked for a while: "I don't know what Mr.'s final intention is?"

"You people, you are too suspicious, you don't have anything I can see here." Cook shook his head and said, although Cook has some attempts, will Cook speak? can you speak?

Luo Xiangyang then asked: "I wonder how many people like me can be dealt with at the same time by Mr.?"

"It depends on how to deal with it. It is more difficult to capture alive. If it is to kill, it is very simple. Build a small defensive tower. When people come, you can just kill them." Cook said with a shrug.

"Ten?" Luo Xiangyang asked.

"Cut, the smallest attack per second of the defensive tower is thousands of times, that is, one thousand people can be killed at the same time in one second, and the maximum attack distance is one hundred kilometers." Cook said angrily.

"Then sir, can I see this defensive tower?" Although Luo Xiangyang believed in his heart, he wouldn't believe it if he didn't see the real thing.

Without him, it is just too unbelievable.

Cook smacked his lips and asked, "You guys..."

Cook wanted to ask if these people came from the earth, but Cook had no way to ask. Cook knew that his earth may have been civilized, because the age of the earth’s birth is measured in hundreds of millions of years. Cook knows that the longest history of mankind is only 10,000 years, which means that it was at least tens of thousands and 10,000 years before that, so in these tens of thousands and 10,000 years, there really is no other civilization. Birth, this is a mystery.

But will the last civilization be named after the planet Cook knows? Obviously this probability is too small, and it is in the Milky Way. Could it be said that there is no second or third planet with extraterrestrial life, and creatures like human beings, which are like the same natural environment, and may grow The same plant.

"Materials." Cook took out a list of materials.

Luo Xiangyang immediately went to handle it. Cook is on the top of a tall building where he lives. This is an air defense weapon. In fact, the top of each building is an air defense unit. There are thousands of air defense units in the entire city.

The entire city is isolated by a layer of material similar to glass, and these buildings also serve as supporting pillars that isolate the top of the air.

Luo Xiangyang drove everyone away. Luo Xiangyang wore protective clothing. Luo Xiangyang was also a strong man, but he was also a little helpless with the radiation in the air, but took a longer time.

Cook is different, directly exposed in the air, in fact, in Cook's view, the element activity here is relatively high, that is, the aura is abundant in the big world.

But Luo Xiangyang and these people are just ordinary people. As for the detailed situation, Cook will understand later. As for the situation of Luo Xiangyang and others, Cook has a few guesses, but the first thing Cook needs to do is to change this The current state of the city.

Whether it is to let these people test what is weird in the space of wizarding inheritance, or to say that it is a human position, Cook needs everything, and all he needs are people. Cook will let the city have a unified management one day earlier. To save more people at the bottom, regardless of the fact that the bottom occupies less than one-third of the entire city, but the population definitely occupies more than 80%.

Cook also learned that it is not that the city does not want to manage the people below, but that the energy consumption is not enough, what is the source of electricity, or the power supply of that spacecraft.

So some people say, is it good to distribute evenly?

Now that you are a supernatural person, are you willing?

Those born to death fight with the natives outside, and come back to enjoy the same treatment with those who can’t go out. This situation can be maintained at the beginning, but how long it lasts, there is no difference if there is no motivation, without desire, there is no faith to fight.

When the supernaturalists and ordinary people put forward their own requirements at the same time, whose opinions the senior leaders of the city will adopt, it must be the supernaturalists, because the city exists because of the existence of these superhumans.

So Cook's first step is to improve the city's waterproofing accuracy, which not only saves electricity, but also saves manpower and allows more supernaturalists to leave the city.

There are more people with supernatural powers out of the city, so the materials are naturally abundant, and with new weapons, ordinary people can also wear protective clothing to go out of the city. Not to mention, weeds, wild vegetables, and wild fruits are better than hungry.

This is the quickest plan Cook made after reading the information at Luo Li's house.

For a long time, Luo Xiangyang was completely numb. A flame of half a meter in diameter automatically flew various materials into the flame, and then there were individual parts. How powerful was Cook's mental power?

Luo Xiangyang couldn't estimate it at all. For a long time, with hundreds of tons of materials, it became a sharp-pointed tower. The tower was thirty meters high, and the tallest place was only the size of a head. The entire defense tower was made of all metal.

"Well, there is this. As long as the indigenous people do not exceed 20,000, then the sky above the city is safe." Cook said, this is a weakened version of the defense tower, there is no way, the materials here are ordinary, but the system is not at all. No shortage.

The entire control system was in the room downstairs. Luo Xiangyang stepped down to the floor and saw a three-hundred and sixty-degree light curtain.

This time Luo Xiangyang could understand without Cook's introduction. Luo Xiangyang asked in astonishment: "The air defense height is 100,000 meters?"

"To be precise, it starts to lock on dangerous targets at 100,000 meters, and everything that is not in your own camp at 30,000 meters will be attacked, which is mandatory." Cook said.

Luo Xiangyang looked at the series of numbers and asked dizzyly: "A hundred thousand attacks per second?"

"Almost, it doesn’t make sense to have more. The transmitters on it are as many as 50,000, mainly for power supply. This wire is too thin. If it is five or six times thicker, it can be increased to thirty or forty per second. Ten thousand times." Cook said.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the information of the people I want to deal with. There are thirty-six people, and these people's subordinates, there are more than 18,000 people in total." Luo Xiangyang handed Cook a tablet and said.

"Tsk tsk, cruel, 20,000 people can encompass the entire top combat power." Cook sighed.

"Mr. Zhang, I probably guessed that you were looking for me, just to make this city more efficient in carrying out your orders?" Luo Xiangyang asked.

Cook shook his head and said, "No, I'm for the people at the bottom. I think in a few days, these people can wear protective clothing and walk out of the city. Even the grass roots outside are better than a hungry stomach?"

"Grass roots, those grass roots are also radiating." Luo Xiangyang said.

"General Luo, I don’t agree with your previous practices. Do you know that human bodies are a process of constant change. If ordinary people are allowed to bear some radiation and eat some plants under safe conditions, then maybe More abilities will be born." Cook said.

"But our experiment..." Luo Xiangyang had some doubts.

"That's a very low probability, maybe one in ten thousand chance, maybe one hundred thousand chance, I'm talking about the safe tolerance range, half an hour is too long, then ten minutes, ten minutes is too long, then One minute, or even ten seconds, is fine. Our body is a process of constant change. Maybe when the father is an ordinary person, some of the abilities of the offspring will be revealed. This is a gradual process. I don’t believe you. Go back and check, do the ancestors of the supernatural person have any experience in the wild?" Cook said.

"This is the method of operation. You can do it yourself. How many people die has nothing to do with me. In addition, I am allowed to build twelve defensive towers for you, four on each side, eight energy cannons, and four corners. Arrange one in the middle, and any enemy in the direction will face at least three energy cannons. If they are not lucky, they will face five." Cook took out a drawing and said.

"Okay." Luo Xiangyang saw that Cook's defense method was really reasonable. Such defense and attack are much stronger than they are now.

"In addition, the cables of the power supply should be thicker three or four times." Cook said at last, and then Cook left.

Luo Li looked at Cook who walked in and swallowed the food quickly. Cook said, "You find a place to live by yourself. I will live with you temporarily."

For Cook's statement, Luo Li could only leave with her own things obediently, and did not dare to resist.

All the things in Luo Li’s room were thrown away. The whole room was wrapped in heavy slap-thick battleship outer defensive armor, weighing more than thousands of tons, but this is a whole, and the entire building Cook has already seen it. There is no problem at all.

In this room, Cook took out the portal, inlaid the star core, and then activated the portal. Cook closed his eyes and carefully felt the spatial fluctuations.

"Huh? Is there a teleportation facility on this plane?" After a while, Cook opened his eyes.

But Cook didn't care, but continued to stuff the star core into the portal. After a day and night, Cook poured a lot of mental power recovery potions.

"I wipe, so many portals, and look at the frequency of fluctuations, it is not the Council of Gods?" This search for portals is a job of luck. If someone else’s portals are not transmitted, then it will not be sensed. It can be searched only when others are using it. Of course, if others are also searching, it is of course better. However, the unknown portals will not be easily connected. It is more popular. Who knows that the opposite is a person or a ghost?

There is also a downside, that is, such a search will let others know that you exist.

Someone asked why Cook didn’t directly use the space coordinates of the Council of Gods?

This involves the issue of distance. The transmission distance of the portal is proportional to the output energy. Cook can directly use the space coordinates of the Council of Gods, but once the energy limit of the portal is exceeded, the entire portal will collapse. The consequence of coming is that this building or this city will be swallowed by the powerful spatial turbulence.

The farther the distance, the larger the portal required. There is a teleportation array called the interstellar teleportation array.

"Without the space coordinates of the Council of Gods, it seems that the distance is too far." Cook said, shaking his head.

A space here is similar to a star field, that is, a galaxy, just like the Milky Way. The reason why it appears this way is because the mutual forces are almost connected to form a whole. Then in this whole, due to the force The reason for the field can be regarded as one space, and to cross another star field, two force fields must be penetrated.

And if there are several star regions in between, it will have to penetrate a lot of force fields. This force field is the so-called space barrier, crystal wall. When your crystal wall is actually the outer force field of each star region, like The atmosphere of the planet is the same.

I have to say that Cook's understanding of space is getting deeper and deeper. This is also the reason that Cook continues to expand the world, the Council of Gods, and the prehistoric world. He has shuttled more and more times, and slowly realized it.

It makes sense to practice the truth, but being able to be in a big world, a small world, and a wild world like Cook is as easy as going to the kitchen or the toilet in your own living room.

What is behind this, is strength, it is Cook's strength in the Council of the Gods, without this strength, ordinary people will have to go bankrupt if they teleport a few times.

"It seems that a portal must be established on the Wild Plane, and the mobile dock is not available for the time being." Cook thought for a moment and decided to use the jumping teleport.

That is, to establish a teleportation array on the Primordial Plane and then teleport to other places. This teleportation consumes high energy but has a high safety factor. Since this inheritance space is connected to the Primordial Plane with a wormhole, it is equivalent to saying that there are two spaces. There is a hole in the force field, and the safety factor is the highest when transmitted.

Luo Xiangyang looked at the more than 30 people who came to the party. These were some of the top people in the entire city.

"Lao Luo, who made this new weapon?" Luo Xiangyang directly took out the energy gun made by Cook and gave it to these people. These people came immediately.

"When everyone is here, I will say it together." Luo Xiangyang said.

"Lao Luo, this is not interesting enough for you. Such a good thing should be shared with you soon." These people are still calculating the energy gun in Luo Xiangyang's hand.

These people have already had several factions. Among them, Luo Xiangyang's strength is relatively weak, because Luo Xiangyang is too selfless, and the people who follow him can't get much benefit, but Luo Xiangyang's own strength is superior, so he has command. For the position of an officer, everyone also needs an experienced commander.

"What do you mean, Lao Luo, don't listen to them." He and Lao Luo belong to the same force, and his temperament is not better than that.

"Hehe, Lao Luo, I didn't say that, as long as I stuck all the metal materials, how many energy guns can you make? If you give me the drawings, I can give you 10% of the profit." A fat man said.

In the same society, the distribution of benefits is eternal, but in the distribution of benefits, the ugly food will be cursed at the spine, while the food that is slightly more beautiful will be unconsciously considered good. The latter is the so-called The Mingzhu.

Regardless of what society is in control of interests, it is a small group of people. When this small group of people has control of their interests, it is impossible to let them go, and this forms the so-called second generation.

Of course, society is progressing, and these interest groups are not prophets. When a few people succeed, these interest groups will expose these newly emerged people and make everyone think that it is easy to become that small group of people. Then be enthusiastic about contributing profits to others.

There is no society where there are no interest groups. This is human nature, not only humans, but also livestock. The strong eat more and occupy more, while the weak only eat leftovers and be bullied by the strong.

"Since I am looking for everyone, there must be a reason." Luo Xiangyang said lightly. These people who monopolize materials have very high profits, and there are weapons and so on.

In half an hour, thirty-six people arrived, Luo Xiangyang put on an eye, this is actually a terminal controller that controls the defense tower.

"Lao Luo. You also get a pair of glasses, I tell you, don't pretend to be a gentleman for a rough person like you." Someone sneered.

"Yeah, I am such a rough person, doing things, sometimes it is very rough." Luo Xiangyang walked to the window, slowly opened the window, and an unpleasant breath entered the room.

"Haha, Lao Luo, I would like to see how you are so rough." A fat woman lit a cigarette and said with a laugh.

"It's very simple, that means you all die and it will be done." Luo Xiangyang grabbed the energy gun in his hand, and then clicked at the fat woman.


The whole body of this fat woman burst open all at once, and the energy protective suit did not have time to activate.

"Damn it." The whole room was in chaos, and then the rest of the people activated their energy protective suits.

"Come and save me, I'm..."

"Guardian, summon the guardian, someone is looking for death."

"Hurry up and support me..." A large part of these people frantically called their subordinates.

"Lao Luo. Are you crazy?" A man in the same circle with Lao Luo asked with a numb scalp.

"No, wait a few minutes and you can watch a good show." Luo Xiangyang touched his glasses. This is really a good thing. To get the communication frequency of others, and then simulate the voice of others, give orders. Those direct lines are estimated to have received some special channels. The order is being executed.

"Luo Xiangyang, what did you say?" These people shouted sharply when they heard this.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your direct line is receiving new orders. Without your special frequency, how could I send those people to death." Luo Xiangyang looked at these guys who had dismissed himself before. , Said with a smile.

"Don't listen to him, this guy is talking nonsense, we are dealing with special encrypted channels, how can it be hacked by him?" a man said loudly.

"Yes, I also used a secret word when I was talking."

"Sorry, we are using a special communicator, Luo Xiangyang, you just wait for someone to blow your head."

"Haha, Luo Xiangyang, I heard that you have a daughter, who is also a supernatural person. I like this kind of woman the most, so I can play for long enough, haha."

These people in the entire room didn't believe it and said some crazy words.

"As you can see, the feast is about to begin." A group of special aircraft is flying to high altitude from somewhere. A roof is slowly opening. Looking at the special painting of these aircraft, the man who just said the secret language was added. With a pale face, he shouted on the communicator: "Asshole, asshole, I'm across from you, where are you going?" For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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