A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1218: Family 0 wizards (4)

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Cook has become the commander of the fleet. Under Cook's order, these prisoners have been tossed to death, and finally have a general context.

"Black Scorpion?" Cook heard that this organization was a little confused.

"Yes, it's a killer organization. As long as you have money, anyone can kill." Delaisi does the forcing a confession, but he is very familiar with it. Delaisi's people are even more addicted. Sometimes the captive wants to say , These people are not allowed to speak, you speak, I haven't used the means yet.

"Haha, this is just looking for death. Have you found out the stronghold of the black scorpions on this planet?" Cook asked.

"I found it clear, there are three known locations." Delaisi replied.

"Give you one day, take your fleet alive and die, and dig out the black scorpion for me." Cook said with a wave.

"Yes." Delaixi knows how powerful the warship's intelligence system is, and it is millions of kilometers away. If you want to hear what you say, you can hear it.

What's more, it's only thousands of kilometers away from the ground. Don't be too simple.

"Cordia, take a hundred warships to occupy the surrounding planets, fight casually, don't be afraid." Cook said.

"Sir, what if the Wizarding Empire?" Cordia asked.

"Follow the order, General, this is not something you should worry about." Cook stared in anger.

"Yes." Cordia immediately went to execute the order.

Seeing Cordia's departure, Delaisi said angrily: "Sir, does this man have a brain problem?"

"You have a problem with your brain. Black scorpions or something, just get rid of them. There are other gray and black things that you have to hold in your hands. I hope you will control the black and gray areas of the entire empire in the future. Just a word, There must be rules, what to do, what not to do, and if you violate it, don’t be polite.” Cook said.

"Yes, sir." Delaisi was excited when he got Cook's order. This gray area, black area, that is rich and oily.

"In this seizure, you keep one-fifth, and the rest to Prince Desai, your future income, one-third of your income, and the remaining two-thirds of the prince, what is inconvenient for the prince, you Take the initiative to do it, don't I need to teach you?" Cook said afterwards.

"Sir, you?" Delaisi asked suspiciously.

"I, I can take care of you for the rest of my life? Prince Desai is your future backer, Prince Desai’s enemy, you need to know what underwear they wear every day, you know, who the prince wants to die, then this person can swim To die, you can drink water and be choked to death, but you cannot be poisoned or killed, you know? In the future, Prince Desai is destined to be an emperor. To do the emperor requires some people to do these shameful things, you know But you need to be skillful, don't offend everyone, don't expose yourself easily, and you still have the identity of the fleet commander, so you will not be suspected by the wizard empire. What is left to do, know?" Cook Said angrily.

"Thank you, sir." Delaisi knew that Cook was for himself and his family.

Delaisi is gone. The planet is destined to be undercurrents. Prince Desai wakes up five days later. Of course, the affairs of Cordia and Delaisi have been done. The battleship monitors every move of the target soon. After finding all the members of the black scorpion organization, and after arresting them, one of Delaisi’s captains brought a group of interrogators to and fro, and finally pulled out all the black scorpion organizations on eleven planets. Of course There are also some other invisible organizations. The high-level leaders died inexplicably overnight, and then a new leader was risen. These people had many prohibited weapons in their hands, and they soon became the leaders of these forces. Who I don't know that behind these big bosses is the commander of a certain fleet.

In fact, if Cook was willing, Prince Desai would have woken up a long time ago. Prince Desai would be excited when he saw Cook for the first time: "Teacher."

"Okay, okay, just wake up." Cook patted Prince Desai on the shoulder and said.

Finally, the wizard of the fleet inspected Prince Desai, and found no abnormalities, and he was in good health.

"You report to the prince." Cook left the group of Prince Desai and left.

Prince Desai looked suspiciously at Delaisi and Cordia. Delaisi first reported: "His Royal Highness, it is a member of the Black Scorpion organization who has attacked you. According to our intelligence, the Black Scorpion member is a wealthy empire. Twelve planets, six thousand seven hundred people organized by the Black Scorpion, all of them were hanged."

"Twelve planets?" Prince Desai questioned while reading the report.

"Report to Your Highness, we launched an attack on the empire while you were in a coma, occupying twelve planets, one of which is a tourist planet, two administrative planets, and the others are agricultural and animal husbandry planets." Cordia said.

When Prince Desai heard this, he screamed: "What about the loss?"

"There was no loss, and six battleships of the Third Regiment of the Southern Legion, 120,000 people..." Cordia said.

Prince Desai hurriedly read the report and asked: "Is this what the teacher meant?"

"Yes, sir is almost certain that most of the backers behind this black scorpion are the current emperor. After all, how the previous heirs died is very suspicious, and the black scorpion is where talents in this area gather." Xi delivered a report again.

Prince Desai glanced at Delaisi, then opened a glance. After Prince Desai saw it, he patted Delaisi on the shoulder: "Okay, you will take more pictures after this."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." What Delaisi showed to Prince Desai was his plan for controlling the black and gray domains, as well as related ideas. Of course, the most exciting thing for the prince is the large sum of wealth. You know, the Wizarding Empire Fighting is also for money, and the money comes from the gods unknowingly, because the forces of the dark world are fighting each other, who knows that the accumulated wealth has gone to the upper places?

"Cordia, the battleship you have incorporated will be under your command. Now I order you to continue to expand the results. I will say to the outside that I was assassinated by my dear brother and seriously injured. You have to take revenge." Prince Desai is out of the royal family. Yes, it's not just to plant up and blame.

"Yes!" Cordia immediately executed it.

"Delaisi, you are responsible for the security and patrolling of the occupied area. After it is stabilized, you will hand it over to other officials." Prince Desai continued.

"Yes." Of course, Delaisi knew what Prince Desai was talking about, and that was to take all the wealth of those gangs.

"Your Highness, rest assured, we must uproot the black scorpion that killed you." Delaisi continued to report.

After Delaisi left, the other officials immediately yelled: "Your Highness, don't you know that when you were in a coma, someone had exceeded your authority to command the fleet."

"His Royal Highness, people's hearts must be guarded." These officials are the local aboriginal officials who have taken refuge in.

"Okay, I won't pursue the matter this time. You manage your own affairs. My fleet is given to me by the teacher. If the teacher wants to take it back, I will return it without saying anything." Prince Desai Drink it angrily.

These officials were dumbfounded immediately, and gave them to the fleet, to the fleet of more than two hundred warships. Is this teacher Nima so generous?

In the evening, Prince Desai saw Cook: "Teacher, thank you so much, if it weren't for you..."

"Don't say so much. As a superior, you are unqualified. If your brother does not let you go to the imperial capital, you will not go, and all these officials must be replaced, and those with no background will be promoted. , Don't I need to teach you these?" Cook drank it angrily.

"Master, officials with no background are doing things..." Prince Desai said in confusion.

"Idiot, how did those people make their fortunes, and they will be loyal to you? If these people rebel, just one of them counts as one." Cook said coldly.

Prince Desai is a little speechless, his teacher is simply too domineering, too cold.

"Teacher, I still want these powerful people to support me..." Prince Desai said.

When Cook heard this, he asked in astonishment: "Do you still want to follow the old path of your father's generation and let these powerful and powerful people hold you back?"

"Could it be that my support is not enough. That powerful man can give you hundreds of warships? As long as you perform well enough, 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 are not a problem. If you don’t train a group of minions, you will Want to rely on those vampires? I think you have a problem with your brain. You should consider it carefully. If you want the support of those powerful and powerful, I will find someone else. There are many successors in your empire. "Cook is really speechless. This Prince Desai's mind is really funny.

Prince Desai blushed and looked at Cook: "Teacher, I was wrong."

"How did the dignitaries come, the imperial power changes, but those dignitaries sell you when they turn their heads, and then welcome the new master. For these dignitaries, they are only loyal to their own family, only their own status, for their own status. , For the sake of your own family, you can sell everything, so you have to cultivate a new group of powerful and loyal to your powerful, this is like tame the beast, one hand whip, the other hand bones, you only need to master the whip and bones, then these powerful Will bite any prey like a hunting dog, you know?" Cook said earnestly when he saw Prince Desai like this.

"It's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ teacher, I understand, I have the support of the teacher, that is the greatest support." Prince Desai was delighted, and Cook finally said that he would support more warships. It is what he needs. As for the powerful, Prince Desai does not believe this. As for how to deal with it, he has not yet figured out how to deal with it, but Cook's remarks did give Prince Desai a reminder.

In the end, the wizarding empire became more prosperous in the hands of Prince Desai, but two notorious organizations were also established. This is the future.

"Go, go secretly comfort your subjects." Cook said with a wave.

"Then teacher, you?" Prince Desai asked cautiously.

"I, I want to renovate the airport here, and also prepare to build a construction base." Cook said, of course, Cook will also build a teleportation facility. The world of a hundred wizards cannot be given up. There are many more. Good things are waiting for Cook to discover. Of course there are more. Cook wants to return to the world that has almost blurred memory.

ps: I still feel a little uncomfortable tonight. It is said that Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid is better than Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, but you must eat fruit after drinking, otherwise you will have to vomit. I will fight for two 6000 words tomorrow. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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