A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1219: Family 0 wizards (5)

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"Then don't disturb the teacher. If the teacher has any needs, just speak up." When Delaisi heard this, he was very happy. In terms of financial resources, some of them came to the West, and in terms of logistics, especially the battleship, there was Cook in his heart. If you are still afraid of the emperor in the capital, then you really don't want to fight for something.

Cook waved his hand. For Prince Desai, Cook was very disappointed. As a high-ranking person, what he needs is not to recognize his parents. Not to mention that as a high-ranking person, sometimes some relatives are the most annoying. Many celebrities are not defeated. In the hands of the opponent, he was defeated by the six greedy hands.

And as a high-ranking person, if the relatives are too presumptuous, then it is to prepare a grave for the high-ranking person. Of course, for the opponent, it is even more necessary to kill them. You must hit six inches for snakes and the neck for chickens.

Instead of letting you go, what do you let others do now, when others don't let you go?

However, the identity of Prince Desai is another condition that cannot be bypassed. Cook plans to see if Prince Desai has his own support. If this is the case, then he will consider replacing him.

"Treasures of heaven and earth." Cook shook his head. Cook himself doesn't need any treasures of heaven and earth, but what about his own woman, his descendants, and the great sage?

Regardless of how the Great Sage is called the Great Sage of Heaven, in fact, the Great Sage is still far away from the Sage. Just like the Buddha, why the Great Sage did not jump out of the hands of others?

The thought of a group of saints secretly staring at each other makes Cook's heart cold. These saints' methods cannot be guessed at all.

Each of them is a means to reach the sky, only the treasures of heaven and earth may be able to compete. As for where these saints are always hiding, then I really don't know.

And Cook doesn't even know whether the suspended fortress is useful for the saints, so Cook doesn't plan to build more suspended fortresses in the big world. If you can deal with it, one can deal with it, and if you can't deal with it, there are not even ten.

The mobile dock is built above a mineral planet. On the ground, Cook built a magnetic elevator, which uses the magnetic generating device between the airport and the ground to form a gravity and anti-gravity magnetic channel, and then some items are packed in special boxes. Get up, this is the standard configuration of the airport on the other side of the wild world.

Prince Desai followed Cook almost every day, and when he saw Cook lift up dozens of human-tall components and put them together, Prince Desai took a breath.

"How many are the components?" Prince Desai asked subconsciously.

"Twelve thousand tons," a constructor replied.

"The teacher is so... so powerful?" Prince Desai asked.

"Mr. is very powerful. It is the kind of floating fortress. Mr. smashed it with a hammer. When we first saw it, we were shocked. Now we are used to it, and the teacher can fly directly into the universe without any power. "The construct wizard continued, ignoring Prince Desai's inability to shut his mouth tightly.

"Turn on the energy system." Cook was very busy, and the other people had nothing to help.

Cook's current component is a magnetic channel for transportation from the mining star to the airport. The ground is a huge magnetic field generator that forms a magnetic channel with the magnetic field transmitter above the airport to form gravity and anti-gravity to transport various materials. .

Although this method consumes energy, it has a huge advantage. It is fast to replenish. Ten thousand tons of replenishment materials are enough for two and a half hours.

With landing transport spacecraft, three thousand tons at a time, at least four times, not to mention the time to move goods up and down, the total flight time is more than one hour.

Magnetic channels can carry tens of thousands of tons of goods per hour, but this requires special containers and huge amounts of energy.

However, there is magma under this mine star. It is enough to directly extract the energy in the magma and convert it into magnetism. As for whether the energy will be extracted, it is absolutely impossible, because the energy will not disappear, but it will be transformed into magnetism. Part of it was lost, but not much. Most of the magnetism is still on this mining star.

"Open the magnetic channel."

"Ready to ship the goods."

"Turn on transmission."

Following Cook’s command, a huge cylindrical container containing 20,000 tons of metal material was ejected at the moment the magnetic force changed, and arrived at the airport within a few minutes. There are special fixing measures on the airport. In fact, operating the magnetic channel is the key. As the distance from the planet is farther, the gravitational force will decrease, and the energy of the magnetic channel will weaken. Otherwise, tens of thousands of tons of materials will not know where to fly. Up.

"It's amazing." Prince Desai exclaimed. Although it has been used in the wild world, this is what Prince Desai saw Cook built. It can be said that the supply capacity of such an airport is sufficient. It is equivalent to the replenishment speed of other five airports.

The speed of replenishment is particularly important during war. The warships designed by Cook have automatic maintenance facilities, but these maintenance facilities require supplementary components. Take the protective armor shell for example, the number of spares is limited. Once the damage level to be repaired is reached, it is necessary to quickly supply parts, regardless of the wizard empire, and the wizard alliance, there is no such rapid replacement component system, so the combat power of more than two hundred battleships of Prince Desai is sufficient. It is equivalent to three to five times that of others.

This is also the biggest reason why Cordia can quickly defeat the Wizarding Empire Legion.

In the universe, battleships are the only thing that can determine victory or defeat. Of course, Prince Desai did not count Cook, and Cook can’t use ordinary people’s thinking. In half a month, almost one person has built such a huge Supply system.

"I'm exhausted." Cook has been spinning for half a month. If you want these components, you must first establish a production base. If you want a production base, you must automatically construct a puppet, which is something similar to a robotic arm. These systematic Everything had to be done at once, which consumed most of Cook's time.

"Teacher." Prince Desai graciously came to Cook and shouted respectfully.

"Go, what are you doing here? Hurry up and think about how to master the occupied area." Cook said grimly. This Prince Desai comes almost every day. Cook doesn't know if he is so leisurely as a big boss. , Why is it that after becoming a big boss, he is tired like a dog?

Prince Desai has only left, but he saw that Cook had almost established the base in just half a month, and the logistics were also complete. The largest logistic material consumed by the entire fleet was various spare parts for automatic repair. As for the living supplies, the share is not much.

Prince Desai is thinking about what to prepare for Cook. Prince Desai can’t figure out what his teacher needs besides the rare things, wealth, no, no, let’s say nothing else, a battleship is how much ?

A woman, who looks like her own teacher, who doesn't like women, thought of something that might happen, Prince Desai touched his butt.

Eat, this seems to be an excellent thing that those constructed wizards took out to honor their teachers.

"His Royal Highness, sir told you to come over." A constructer found Prince Desai and said.

Although most of these constructers are from Prince Desai, Prince Desai found that if his teacher said a word now, these guys would never listen to him, and the construct wizards have also vaguely become an independent faction. , But his teacher does not allow the constructed wizard to participate in politics, which makes him a lot relaxed.

"This is?" Prince Desai saw a two-person tall triangle standing in the airport, wondering.

"Here you are, this is a portal, which can lead directly to the airport on General Penney's side. I will stay there most of the time in the future. I will send someone to notify me if I have anything." Cook explained to Prince Desai One sentence, and then stepped into the portal.

Prince Desai and others were shocked, isn't something like a portal lost? If there is such a thing, the Wizarding Alliance is a sling, don’t want to sling.

"Your Highness!" In the triangular space, a person appeared. This person felt a little unstable, but only had two seconds.

"General Penney!" Prince Desai's eyes stared.

"Your Highness, it's me, it's me." General Penney also widened his eyes and came over at once.

"Papa!" Prince Desai slapped Penney twice.

"It's true, haha, it's true, my slap hurts, slap." Prince Desai said incoherently, like a madman, and then slapped General Penney twice.

Then in the bewildered gaze of General Penney, Prince Desai rushed directly into the portal.

"His Royal Highness." Here are two construct wizards in charge. Seeing Prince Desai, they quickly salute.

"Okay, okay, slap." This time Prince Desai came out of the teleportation room and slapped himself twice.

"Sacred tool, sacred tool, with this thing, what is the emperor, I want to sling...the teacher?" Prince Desai remembered that Cook had disappeared.

"I don't know, sir seems to be in a hurry," the two construct wizards said.

Prince Desai went back and forth more than a dozen times this day, from the prehistoric world to the wizarding empire. In the end, his body couldn't bear it. He was vomiting in the dark, so he let it go. Then the portal was listed as top secret. There were fifty more warships around the airport, guarding this. Airport.

When Cook came to the Continent of the Hundred Clan and Witch Clan, he found that there was not much change around the city. Cook was relieved that this Bai Clan and Witch Clan Continent was definitely one level higher than the prehistoric world.

"Sir." Luo Xiangyang said respectfully when he saw Cook.

"Are you okay these days?" Cook asked.

"The opposing tribe attacked three times and was killed by thousands of insects and hundreds of indigenous people. No one on our side has suffered any loss." Luo Xiangyang said proudly.

Thousands of bugs have had a huge impact on the entire city. Among other things, hundreds of kilometers around the city is definitely a safe area. Now there are many courageous ordinary people out of the city, collecting some wild vegetables and berries, and then quickly Back.

"Well, after ordinary people leave the city, are there any adverse reactions?" Cook asked.

"Yes, some people will have shortness of breath and coma for a longer time after they leave the city," Luo Xiangyang said.

"Well, find a big container filled with water, and put... Or I will come, find a place, and then take a big container, at least a container of ten tons of water, and notify me." Cook gave a hmm, ready to put The water of life is blended with water for these people to drink. These people can't stand the active elements here, and even if they are radiated, they will have such a reaction. The water of life enhances the physical fitness and can make these people's bad conditions disappear. More abilities can be born.

"Those people have been quarantined. There is a hospital and there are enough containers." Luo Xiangyang looked at the things in Cook's hands, itchy in his heart.

"Let's go," Cook said.

Luo Xiangyang is also riding a speeding car, and it is very ordinary. Of course, whether in the city or outside the city, Luo Xiangyang, who has defensive towers and naval gun command, is very safe, unless he finds his own death.

"General." The quarantine area is under military control. If Luo Xiangyang killed other people, these soldiers still had a feeling of resistance, but now it is completely different. Three times the indigenous people lost their soldiers, which was unimaginable before, let alone. In addition, during this period of time, those with supernatural powers who went out brought back more food. Of course, a large part of these foods had to offset the quota of the energy gun, and as the number of bugs increased, the price gradually dropped, and it was only three or five ordinary people When you go out, as long as you have an energy gun in your hand, you dare to attack the bug, it seems that the bug has become a dish overnight.

"Yeah." Luo Xiangyang led people, and these guards wouldn't check it at all.

"Sir, I don't know what to do with the container. This is one of the hospital's water storage systems. It weighs 60 tons." Luo Xiangyang came to the hospital. The first floor of the building was filled with huge containers, dozens of them. So many.

Cook opened the mouth of a container and dropped a few drops of the water of life. Don't look at a few drops. There are hundreds of bottles. No way, Cook's height is many times his original height.

"If you have an adverse reaction, you can inject it once a day, one milliliter at a time. If the condition does not improve on the first day, increase the dose." Cook closed the mouth of the jar and said.

"Injection, this..." Luo Xiangyang was stunned, this was drinking water.

Cook didn't like Luo Xiangyang at all, and went straight out. Luo Xiangyang watched Cook walk out the door, and then Cook turned around and said, "Give me an identity certificate and enough credit."

"Yes, yes, I've already prepared it for my husband." Luo Xiangyang quickly touched it out. Luo Xiangyang was already ready, but Cook did not say that Luo Xiangyang dared to take it out.

"If the supernatural person has an adverse reaction, increase the dose, but the average person's dose is best to experiment." Cook said last and left.

Luo Xiangyang hurriedly guarded this place, and then personally watched his guards inject ordinary people with adverse reactions.

How fast is the effect of the water of life? It takes less than five minutes to inject. Some of the appropriate doses have been relieved, and the larger doses have recovered. However, there are many in the army who have been irradiated. After being sent over, the injection Once, he recovered.

So this hospital became a key protection object, especially the 60-ton jar in the middle, which was not listed as top secret. When Luo Xiangyang saw that Cook had only dropped a few drops, he was even more in awe of Cook.

"This is the pistachio?" Cook looked at the eggs one by one. The eggs were cut with a cross knife and then roasted. The eggs had the size of a fist, and one serving was one.

"Yes." The waiter here has a very bad attitude. If Cook hadn't paid the credit first, the waiter wouldn't care about himself.

Cook waved his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The waiter was gone, Cook looked at the tools for eating, just his hands, nothing else.

"Hey, it tastes good." Cook grasped with both hands and took a bite. He found that the worm egg tasted good and had a unique fragrance.

"Waiter, come here for all the dishes you have here." Cook took out his credit card and said loudly.

"Tubaozi!" A group of people on the table next to them heard Cook say so, and a young man couldn't help but sarcastically said.

When Luo Xiangyang, who had just come in with a hat, heard this, his face turned black immediately.

"Lao Luo, come, the things here taste good." Cook saw Luo Xiangyang's face. Greeted immediately.

"Humph." Luo Xiangyang snorted.

"Things shameful." That young man knew that seeing Luo Xiangyang wearing a hat was even more unscrupulous.

ps: I tried my best, still dizzy, 4500 words+. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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