A Unique Hunter

Chapter 254: Ogre Guard

Thank you Yerkes, there are two big PK votes in the day and night, and everyone who insists on subscribing. Seeing the new apprentices, you are the driving force of Ryan Code. Thank you for your silent support, thank you!

Although Cook’s territory is said to have more than 5,000 guards, more than 1,000 people are stationed in the North Fort of Tierceau, and more than 1,000 people are stationed in the other two towns. There are also routine patrols. This is zero. There are more than 3,000 people in total, and there are only about 1,000 people in Heishi Town. More than 200 of them are spies. There are two hundred guards removed from the surrounding city gates, so the patrol guards in Heishi Town are simply Hundreds of people.

In addition, the agents of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night and the Ceylon Empire made trouble everywhere during their actions, causing most of the patrols to fall into rescue or fighting with other mercenary groups. You must know that they can take root in Blackstone Town. The mercenary group can't be an unknown role at all.

There are also humans, barbarians, and orcs who take advantage of the fire to rob and **** supplies. For these originally lawless guys, chaos is the best cover, so soon Blackstone Town will be in chaos. The people here are strong. This was also unexpected by the captain of the escort, Kaluri.

Although the dwarves have powerful rock lizard knights, these guys now treat the wine shop as a treasure, and there are two great elders commanding it, so the wine shop is considered the safest area, and there are the thieves’ guild and the wizard’s guild. There were dozens of corpses at the door. These guys tried to rush into the union and robbed them. However, in the face of the elite guards of the two major unions, dozens of corpses were left behind in one encounter, most of which were savages. .

"Ruta, take me to the Lord's Mansion!" Cook's injury finally stabilized. Under Cook's treatment of using healing potions and scraping away the rotten flesh, the toxins were finally removed, although Cook felt dizzy. Yes, Cook knew that this was caused by excessive blood loss, but the safety of Mickey and Manly still made Cook very worried, and even he was assassinated by himself tonight, things must not be that simple.

Ruta did not speak, but grabbed Cook and placed Cook on his shoulders, carefully looking around, and a dark blue light appeared in his hand. This is the talent magic of the Titans, but it is not needed. The magic that is directly released by chanting the spell, Ruta’s magic kill range can reach thousands of meters, and the magic power contained in such a huge body is almost infinite, so Titan is a terrifying existence in the ancient world, even these big guys There is no magic power, just rely on that brute force to make the enemy fear.

"I am Baron Cooke, I now order everyone to return to their residences, and to repeat, everyone will return to their residences, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!" Cook finally found out on Ruta's shoulder After most of Blackstone Town was shrouded in riots, you could see robbers and fights, Cook frowned, and then roared loudly.

But Cook’s voice was clearly not far spread, and Ruta repeated Cook’s words loudly afterwards twice, but the effect was minimal and no one cared at all, especially the savages. The reason why these savages are called savages is not. Understand the rules, and ignore the law, grab whatever you encounter.

"Ruta, go to the Lord's Mansion!" Cook sneered looking at the guys who were still robbing outside, then patted Ruta on the shoulder.

Ruta strode towards the lord's mansion, without Cook's instructions on the way, the one who encountered the robbery was directly released by a talented magic, and the ice sculpture appeared immediately.

"Haha, haha, come on! Come on, you cowardly fellows, the great Bagru manager is here, who dares to come over, you just come or not, if you just come, we will pass." The lord has not yet arrived. At home, Cook heard Bagru's loud voice and that arrogant voice, and Cook felt relaxed a lot.

"Boys, what are you still doing, killing Laozi, these are all gold coins!" Bagru stood arrogantly at the gate of the lord's mansion. Fifty tall ogre subordinates were in Baghru. Behind him, Baglu brandished two three-meter-five two-handed swords and shouted loudly.

More than a hundred people on the square opened their eyes, and they were a curse on the ogres that appeared. You must know that humans belong to the ranks of ogres, and they are still extremely difficult to deal with. , Because these guys can use weapons, of course claws and teeth are not decorations.

The person in charge of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night and the captain of the Ceylon empire's action team always remembered the scene just now. Hundreds of elite action personnel from both sides swarmed towards the gate that was seven or eight meters wide and five meters high. It seemed to these people that the Lord's Mansion did not use defense at all to build such a gate.

However, tragedies always happen inadvertently. The hundreds of people who just swarmed in suddenly heard a scream that tore the sky. The people behind had not figured out what was going on. They were three meters and five meters tall. Fifty ogres wearing heavy plate armor rushed over. It was just a charge. Hundreds of elite operatives with vindictiveness, no less than rank and rank 5, became fragmented.

The fifth-level warrior is very powerful, but facing a humanoid monster, and still wearing a heavy plate armor, there is no capital to resist. Okay, well, you have a grudge, but what about it, yours The weapon is only two meters, and the arm is no more than three meters and five meters. Even with the tens of centimeters released from the quarrel, the four-meter kill radius is already the largest, but you can look at the big sword in Baghru’s hand. It is three meters long and has an arm, at least a five-meter kill radius, and it is an absolute kill radius.

Most of the ogres are incapable of fighting spirit. Bagru is a metamorphosis of awakening fighting energy. Even if it is not awakening fighting energy, with great power, your fifth-level fighter's fighting energy protection can protect it, but it is huge. The counter-shock force also makes you dizzy, and the ogres are generally two heavy weapons, swinging up and down like dumpling stuffing, even the elite fighters have to be shaken by the shock of their internal organs.

So when the awakened group of operatives burst into anger and rushed up, these operatives’ weapons had not touched the ogre’s armor, and they were forced back by two giant weapons. Just kidding, even at level 5. Warriors don't dare to say that their necks can resist heavy giant weapons, so these fighters must not change their skills.

This change is a tragedy for these fighters, because most of the ogres were trained by Bagrul. This man has two heads, so the weapon moves in the two hands are completely different. Although the wisdom of the ogres is not the same. High, but it's amazing to learn this trick.

A sixth-level warrior braved the red flames of the fire system. He saw two big swords swung down, so he raised the big sword in his hand to block it. When the big sword blocked one big sword, the other The big sword slanted across an arc and directly cut to the arm holding the big sword. The warrior was startled, and then he turned his wrist and blocked it again, but he was not lucky yet. It was split from the other side.

"Bang!" Okay, let's get out of the way. The grudge exploded, and the big sword severely slashed on the shoulder. The huge power caused the stone slab under the soldier's feet to be cracked.

Before the soldier could react, a huge metal boot directly hit the crotch of the sixth-level fighter. Although the crotch of the sixth-level fighter had thick lock armor, this foot and the top Don't say that the plate armor boots you wear are lock armor, it is estimated that the iron plate will be kicked to pieces.

"Ah!!!" The soldier flew tens of meters away with endless pain and screams.

"Bang!" The warrior hadn't finished his pain, a huge shadow jumped up directly, and then kicked the warrior heavily, and the world was quiet.

"Damn it, **** it!" The head of the Knights Templar looked at the slaughtered subordinates, and only jumped and cursed. These ogres should not say that they have weapons that are more sophisticated than their own, but they have no weapons. Fifty ogres will also make these hundreds of people retreat. What's more, look at the plate armor on those ogres. Nima is actually better than the temple knights.

The captain of the Ceylon Empire Operation Team was bitter. The entire empire of Ceylon Empire did not have such well-equipped soldiers. What's more, even if there are, can they be the opponent of the 3.5-meter-high ogre? When three elite subordinates were beaten up by a giant ogre in a hurry, their weapons could not reach the body of this ogre, and the giant iron weapons were not afraid of your grudge. With one-handed swords, what made the captain of the action team crazy was that the ogre would directly hit his head fiercely. Now everyone on the scene knew what the ridiculous corner on these ogre helmets was. Something happened.

Half of the body of the elite operative who was hit by the helmet was torn by two corners, and the internal organs flowed to the ground. Only one of the remaining two subordinates escaped.

But the next moment everyone on the scene swarmed back and fled, because these fifty ogres charge is a charge, but Nima, can you be more shameless, actually summoned a monster and rode The Warcraft mount charges.

What makes the head of the Knights of the Temple and the person in charge burst into tears is that the armor on these monsters actually has the symbol of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, how can this not let this head burst into tears and watch those monsters The mount chased himself happily, and the head of the Knights of the Temple had a dead heart.

"Stop!" But before the group of people escaped from the small square, they braked together, staring at the big guy who is more than 20 meters high in front of them with wide eyes. Even the most elite intelligence personnel, their calves are trembling. .

"Titan, Frost Titan!" the leader of the Knights of the Night Goddess Temple murmured, and then his body softened and fell to the ground like this. No one knows the terrifying power possessed by the Titan than the people in the temple. The power to contend.

"Kill!" Only the ignorant Ceylon Empire Action Team captain shouted.

"Boom!" But what greeted the captain was a blue ray. This blue ray directly exploded the seventh-level fighter into a pile of shards covered with hoarfrost, and the slabs on the ground were frozen. Straight.

"Kang Dang~www.wuxiaspot.com~Kang Dang!" Everyone saw this scene, and there were fifty ogre heavy cavalry riding tall beasts behind them. I don’t know who was the first to drop their weapons and then the first Two, the third, the whole small square was extremely silent.

"Baghru, patrol me along the street. I dared to rob, kill, kill people who set fire, and break the leg directly while running around in the street." Cook looked at these guys and called Bagru aloud.

"Yes, Master, but Master, these trophies?" Baglu stared at the weapons and weapons in these people's hands.

"Get off, you can't do without you." Cook cursed badly. Cook faintly felt that the ogre guard was reliable. It seemed that he had to recruit ogres and troll guards.

"Yes! Boys, give me a charge, if you hear the master's words, interrupt the legs of those guys, but remember not to drop the spoils." Bagrufeng also urged the mount under his hips to charge first. Go out, and the remaining ogres also follow. Fifty five-level monster mounts rumbling sounds resounded through the sky of Blackstone Town.

"Damn it, how much money does it cost!" Cook looked at the street that was trampled by the Warcraft mount, distressed, and then turned his eyes to the group of people in the small square.

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