A Unique Hunter

Chapter 255: Goodbye contract

The riots quickly subsided, thanks to Bagru, this group of ogre heavy cavalry did not kill according to Cook's orders, but everyone broke their legs and stripped away their money. Equipment Now Bagru's vision is higher, unless it is particularly good equipment, even so, in the evening, all fifty ogre cavalry came back, and the monster mounts were full of things.

"Why don't you guys obey orders, so many wounded?" Cook complained angrily.

"Master, these guys are also valuable even if they are sold to slave merchants. What a shame to kill. Look at this guy's body, it's definitely a strong labor." Bagru picked up a barbarian to defend.

"Well, now you order your subordinates to patrol first." Cook can't care about this guy with his brain full of gold coins.

Cook then pointed the finger at Phyllis Deman: "Why don't you know how to move, do you want to see the end of my territory?"

"Cut, a group of ogres are more than enough, they still use me, and you are sure that I want to take action for such things in the future, I only need a dragon language magic..." Phyllis Deman said lazily.

"Stop!" Cook hurriedly interrupted. Cook really didn't dare to let this guy move easily. This guy had a dragon language magic, and he didn't know how many buildings to rebuild, Nima's, ninth level. Dragon Whisper Magic is estimated to make most of his Blackstone Town into ruins.

"Hey, Cook, what's the matter with that little guy? Isn't Thunder Dragon supposed to be from Zijin Dragon City, why is it here?" Felice Deman asked in a low voice afterwards.

"Purple Golden Dragon City?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Ahem. Ahem. There are six dragon cities, distributed in various places in the mainland. In the Natal Mountains is the Silver Dragon City, and the Purple Dragon City is far, far away." Phyllis Deman seemed to think. I said that I missed my mouth, but I still explained.

"Xiao Lei is my dearest baby!" Cook took Xiao Lei in his arms and rubbed his mouth full of oil dotingly.

Phyllis Deman rolled his eyes and muttered in his heart: "Bullshit, if you can give birth to an authentic thunder dragon as a human being, then wouldn't ants also give birth to elephants!"

"Mickey, Xiao Lei will follow me from now on. When you return to the academy, please pay attention to your safety. In addition, I will send Sinta to protect our parents. Be careful when going out. The Ceylon Empire finally happened, and The Temple of the Goddess of the Night, I said Manli, can't the saint really return?" Cook comforted Mickey, and then asked Manli.

"I want to chase you if I go back, or chase you if I don't want to go back, do you choose the one?" Manli gave Cook a charming look, and then asked with a smile.

"Forget it!" Cook waved.

"But fortunately this time I didn’t hurt the meridians, otherwise I don’t know how long to raise it. It seems that I have to go to the Ceylon Empire. I don’t give these guys any color, and I think my territory is a tavern. Anyone can do it," Cook said angrily.

"Sebastian, come up with a charter and issue identification certificates to the residents of the territory. Passes are required to enter and exit the territory. Once the pass time has passed. I will be expelled without a new pass. There are two types of identity certificates. One is temporary, the other is ten-year period, temporary for those who work, permanent housing deeds are required, and the other is to measure the land of the territory. Nicos, your intelligence agency must speed up the progress, This time I actually touched so many people. I will focus on humans in the future, Kaluri. This time it is your negligence. Of course, I also have a part of the responsibility. First, I am relieved of your role as the head of the guard, but temporarily manage the guard. It depends on your performance in the future." Cook ordered a lot of things in three and two times.


"Thank you Lord Baron!" Both Nicos and Kaluri replied loudly.

"Bagru, you did a good job this time. I decided to recruit one hundred ogres from the underground world, and another one hundred trolls. The ogres are still under your control, and the trolls are still under the control of Luo Cuo. Are you confident?" Cook thought about it, or gritted his teeth, because the two hundred ogres and trolls are not a small number.

"You have confidence, master, don’t you know. Last time I went back and wandered around, those guys all wanted to follow me to the ground, but who is Bagru who is the most loyal to the master? Finally, I chose five Ten of the most elite, not to mention a hundred this time, even five hundred, there are also many ogres coming." Bagru's mouth burst into laughter.

"Hey, tell me, you, there are so many people in our tribe?" Cook asked strangely.

"Master, our tribe was separated in the past. We must know that our ancestors were rock ogres. That is to say, the rock ogres of the entire underground world were separated by a tribe, and there are also individual foods scattered in the underground world. Human demons, and they are all males, because the tribe will not allow too many adult ogre males. Trolls are much better, because trolls are monogamous, and our ogres will According to ability, like Baglu, at least ten wives." Baglu explained excitedly.

"Well, let's recruit a hundred more people, but let's talk about it first. The one hundred people recruited at the end are just for the reserve team, and the equipment cannot be as good as yours." Cook hesitated and said.

"Don't worry, Master, Baghru still knows this. Master, please see if you have borrowed two space bags from me. I will take these things back to the tribe." Bagru rubbed his huge hands, which should be called claws. .

"What's the use of these? Put these things in the warehouse and go to the warehouse to get 20 sets of lock armor. They are specially made for you. You can't use these things when you bring them back. In addition, you will bring a hundred giant swords. "Cook said with a wave of his hand.

"Thank you, master, thank you, you are simply too great, too wise..." Bagru flattered excitedly.

However, the elders of the Thieves Guild and the Wizards Guild on the side are very surprised. You must know that if the ogres see humans not attacking you, it’s fine. As for obeying the commands of humans, you can dream it. What are these guys called, cannibals magic! The guy who specializes in cannibalism.

Cook waved his hand bitterly and said: "Fuck you! Lonnie, you go with Baglu. Without humans, this guy can't pass the teleportation array."

"Yes, sir!" Lonnie looked at Baglu and answered with a wry smile.

"Cook, Cook, the two elders asked me to ask, when will the wine shop start......" Sam rushed in and asked.

"No, you didn't send out the Knights to help me during the day." Cook bluntly refused.

"In the future, the cost price will supply the weapons and equipment used in your territory." Sam gritted his teeth.

"Don't go!" Cook said unhappily. The dwarf's behavior in the afternoon made Cook very chilling.

Sam looked at Cook who didn't want to move at all, gritted his teeth and said, "Cook, it's not what you think. Go, go! Go into the study. After speaking, he pulled Cook into the study.

"Cook, you must be surprised why the two elders value the wine shop so much. There is a reason. You don't really think that our dwarves really want to drink the bar so much. You don't even have to send the two elders. 50,000 craftsmen were also dispatched, which can be said to have never happened in the dwarf kingdom. This is all thought..." Sam took a deep breath.

"Because of what?" Cook was also curious.

"Because your liquor can speed up the speed of our dwarves' fighting spirit." Sam gritted his teeth.

Cook pondered for a moment, and then jumped up all of a sudden: "Is it under the same mental strength, what is the growth rate?"

"Yes, it's almost one-fifth!" Sam returned helplessly, and then waited for Cook to ripped off.

"Haha, haha, let me say it earlier, if I had known this way, I wouldn't blame you, let's go!" Cook made a calculation in his heart and said with a laugh.

Sam looked at Cook suspiciously, then asked incredulously: "You know such important news, don't you mention any conditions?"

"Didn't you supply the equipment of my territory at the cost price. Do you still want to send me it?" Cook asked in surprise.

"No problem, the cost price. This is not only my promise, but also the promise of the two elders." Sam patted his chest and was very moved. This Cook is too friends.

In fact, Cook is thinking in his mind: "How many bunnymen are there in this orc empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and how many adult warriors are there? Should they be equipped with mail armor or plate armor? Is it better to use a one-handed sword and a crossbow? And a shield, or a two-handed sword, or a spear. Should the spear be an all-metal spear? Do you need some spares?"

If Sam knew Cook’s calculations, he would have left immediately. Nima, there are no more than a billion or hundreds of millions of rabbitmen in the orc empire. This number is enough for everyone in the dwarf kingdom to build for hundreds of years. .

"But are we going to sign a contract?" Sam asked in a low voice for fear of Cook's repentance.

Cook blinked his eyes and was deeply moved. This Sam would really plan for himself. Cook pointed his head like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes, but also the elders of the Wizards Guild and Thieves Guild as witnesses. People, but it’s best to find an elder to sign the contract. I think Elder Bronze Hammer is fine."

"No, no, just elder Wildhammer." Sam said with bright eyes, who made Elder Wildhammer Sam's patriarch.

"Okay, it's up to you to decide." Cook was originally good for the Wildhammer tribe, but people have to take the initiative. Cook can't explain it again. This elder Wildhammer will definitely be used as a negative teaching material by the younger dwarves. .

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