A Unique Hunter

Chapter 257: Manly's surprise for Cook

"Okay!" Jin Qiangwei promised with a smile, and then left with the contract.

Cook is not worried about the issue of blood. For Cook, the pharmacist, the demon blood is sometimes the best test subject, but then the thieves’ union and the killer will send a large number of magic herbs, and Cook can’t Do not enter the laboratory again, after all, he still needs a lot of gold coins, and the gold coins needed by the Bunnyman tribe are still unknown.

While Cook was refining the medicine, Manli was with Mickey. Mickey was very guarded against Manli. She hugged Xiaolei and stared at Manli vigilantly. Manli smiled and said, "Sister Mickey, You don't have to look at me like this, how can we say we are all one family!"

"What's the matter with you?" Mickey's character is like this, mainly related to Mickey's birth as a commoner, if she meets Lori, she will immediately go crazy.

Manli smiled and asked, "What kind of person does Sister Mickey think Cook is?"

"What kind of person do you think he is?" Mickey asked back.

Manli glanced at Mickey, and then said, "This is also the purpose of my coming here today. I know that sister Mickey is Cook's fiancée. This is the place I envy the most. Sister Mickey must be suspicious of me as a star knight. Why would you be willing to be with a man dozens of years younger?"

"Hmm!" Mickey was indeed puzzled.

"In fact, when I first started, I and Cook were opposed to each other. At that time, my mount, a seven-level earth dragon, didn’t listen to my master for decades, and acted like a puppy to Cook’s love. I wanted to kill Cook very much, but you also know that Cook belongs to Wushuang Academy and I belong to the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, so I had to give up this idea, lest the efforts of the Temple are wasted, but gradually I became curious. You also know what a woman's curiosity means to her.

Until I got aphrodisiac, which is a kind of magic potion, I had a relationship with him as a last resort. In fact, this is not very important. The important thing is that I found that Cook is trustworthy and powerful.

Can easily kill the archbishop of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, as well as the elite fifty temple guards, this is not something ordinary people can do, but Cook did it.

At that time, I had nowhere to go. I left with Cook with the mentality of trying it out. But as I learned more about Cook, I found that Cook is a man who can rely on, although he is still a little man, maybe it is me. The special experience in the Temple of the Goddess of the Night made me very eager to find a place with a strong sense of security.

Cook suits my conditions, but after getting into Cook’s life, I realized that my choice was right.

Sister Mickey, not all men in this world are like Cook. Not only do they have powerful strength and the character of a real man, but they also have a huge network of relationships, such as dwarves, wizards’ guilds, thieves’ guilds, and Frost. Titan, and take a look at the ogres and trolls trained outside in the ice and snow. Let me ask, who can do this.

Sister Mickey, I’ll give you one last piece of advice. A man like Cook is not something that a woman can have. What we women have to do is to become his woman earlier and unite to block other women’s prying eyes. You Did you see Ms. Lala from the Thieves Guild? She is one of the peepers. "Manly said a lot, a lot, and said almost all of her own thoughts. It's not that Manly didn't want to occupy Cook alone or kick Mickey away, but Manly observed for a long time and found the consequences of doing so. She almost didn't expect it, so Manli came to Mickey today.

When Mickey heard Manli say this, she felt a little bit in her heart. For a long time, Mickey had complained about Cook, and blamed Cook for leaving such a woman, but today Mitch really discovered that this woman is a star knight. It's a starry knight with a seventh-level earth dragon. Such a woman can willingly follow Cook, a small second-level hunter. Doesn't this explain the problem?

Mickey’s psychology is very complicated. Every woman has a man of dreams, but Mickey was still busy in the field last year, so she knew that life was not what she had imagined. Mitch, who worked early, knew that she should take care of it. If you live, you must grasp it. To be honest, Cook is now much better than the Prince Charming he had originally imagined, because the object of his fantasy was the son of the owner of the grocery store. He can work hard, he only needs to work in the grocery store. It's busy inside, without having to endure the violent sun, and the cold frost wind Mickey is already content.

"So, then, what are we going to do?" Mickey finally plucked up the courage to ask.

"The first thing is to be his woman, Sister Mickey, let me tell you..." Manli heard Mickey's question, so she came up quietly, whispered, Mickey blushed. Only Xiao Lei's eyes widened, and she didn't understand why Mickey, who had been wary just now, was so good with this woman.

Cook is now ready to refine primary potions. Dozens of ingredients are cooked together directly like cooking a large pot of rice, and there is no need to purify them. In other words, practice makes perfect, and then put the refined potions directly If someone sees Cook's refining agent, they think it is cooking soup if they don't know it. Of course, the tools must be cleaned.

Cook put the refined medicine into the space ring, of course only half of it would be taken out, and the other half Cook was intercepted, and the delivery time would have to be delayed by a few days, or he would deliver it in more than two hours. Goods, isn't it doubtful.

As he walked, Cook was thinking about how to reach level 9 quickly. You must know that reaching level 9 before the age of 20 has a lifespan of 1,200 years. When Cook thinks of this number, he is very excited, 1,200. year!

"Graffic Qi is definitely not good, the speed of its own operation is too slow, even if it is a mental power recovery potion, it is difficult to achieve, let alone this spiritual power recovery potion is not easy to get!"

"Magic, this is not enough. Magic depends on mental power. Once the magic power exceeds the limit of spiritual power control, I am afraid that I will burst and die." Cook frowned and calculated, but there is no way to achieve it quickly. Nine levels.

Cook couldn't help being frustrated: "Forget it, first raise the magic power and grudge to level three as soon as possible, and then use the dragon power potion, or one step at a time... wait! If the dragon power potion reaches level 9, Then..."

"It's possible. Isn’t there a saying about witches and immortals on earth? The witches are cultivated, and immortals are the primordial spirits. Isn’t that spiritual power? Once a month, I am equivalent to the fifth level Yes, there are still four stages. He? You must try it out." Cook clenched his fist. If this test is successful, his life span will be greatly increased. If it is not successful, it does not matter. After all, his strength has increased. It's good for myself.

"Manly, Manly, are you there? Huh!" Cook couldn't wait to discuss with Manly, mainly because Mickey didn't understand, but when Cook came to Manly's house, he saw a faint light Cook was surprised by the candlelight.

Cook opened the door gently, and then closed it again, obviously afraid that Mickey would see it. Then Cook went to the bedroom and saw Manli's bare half, but Cook had just experienced the assassination, so he was very Carefully took a look with the magic eye, this look does not matter, it is not Manly's earth magic light, but fire, but the fire magic light is weak and pitiful.

"Hehe!" Cook took a closer look at this person's figure, and then saw the clothes in the corner, Cook smiled in his heart.

"Manli, let me tell you a good news!" Cook rolled his eyes, took off his clothes three times, got into Manli's bed, and hugged the person under the bed tightly. , Now that he knew it was Mickey, how could Cook let go of such a good opportunity, and said while covering up.

"Hey, Mickey!" Cook hugged Mickey tightly. Mickey suddenly became tense, and his whole body became tight. Cook was deliberately puzzled, but the hand that hugged Mickey didn't Relax.

"You...uh, uh!" Mickey wanted to explain a few more words, but how could Cook let such an embarrassing scene appear, so he kissed Mickey's lips deeply, and Mickey wanted to struggle , But the power of a magician has the power of a hunter, and Cook is a perverted hunter who uses a potion of dragon power. Mickey faces a big bad wolf like a little lamb, without any resistance. Coupled with Cook's hot body, Mickey suddenly fell into Cook's arms.

"Mickey, I love you!" Cook whispered in Mickey's ear. Feeling Mickey's smooth ketone body, Cook hugged Mickey more gently.

"Me too!" Mickey also hugged Cook tightly, stroking Cook's sturdy back with both hands unconsciously.

Suddenly Mickey transformed from a girl to a woman, but Cook was very uncomfortable, because Mickey's delicate body couldn't help Cook's brute force, and Mickey was a girl again, Cook felt even more pity, although Cook didn't have much fun, but in the face of Mickey's embrace, Cook was still very happy.

Cook looked at Mickey falling asleep in his arms and thought a lot. Although I don’t know why Mickey did this, Mickey appeared in Manly’s room. This fully explains the problem. Cook has been still there. How to deal with Mickey's troubles. I didn't expect such a good thing. Mickey's now is very different from the hunter's daughter in the country. After the magical baptism, the skin has become smoother and smoother. , The whole skin exudes a shining luster, and her golden hair and fiery red pupils make Mickey full of charm.

"Baby, get up!" Cook said softly when seeing Mickey's eyelids move.

"You villain!" Mickey cursed softly.

"Hey!" Cook just hugged Mickey more tightly, feeling the unique elasticity of the girl's chest, Cook's* came up again, but Mickey couldn't even get out of bed now, let alone doing other things.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You rest first, I will see you later." Cook kissed Mickey, then got up and put on clothes, said something to Mickey, and looked at Mickey After falling asleep again, Cook left the room.

As soon as Cook left the room, he rushed into his room and saw that Manli was indeed in his bed. Cook immediately rushed to Manly's body and began to vent the fire that had been holding back all night, in the spacious room. Suddenly spring is boundless.

"Manli, what's the matter with Mickey?" Cook just came out of the bathroom in his big nightgown, looking at Manli hugging the quilt. Manli still has a high body, facing the characteristic crimson red, Ku Ke patted Manli's body and asked.

"Hmph, don't you men always want to have a lot of lovers? I'm not pimping you upright." Manli was slapped by Cook, turned over, and didn't mind exposing her irritated body. In Cook's vision.

"Hey!" Cook laughed dryly, and then said: "What to do with me in the future." Then Cook left the room, because Cook decided to prepare the dragon power potion for Mickey too, of course Mickey You need the blood of the fire-type Yalong, and you have to look for the fire-type Yalong immediately. Cook doesn’t want to learn what he is today. Cook feels very sorry for Mickey for doing so, but he was held back for a night without venting, so Cook had to Work hard for your own sex.

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