A Unique Hunter

Chapter 258: Territory Development

But Cook had not had time to act. The next day, the Temple of the Goddess of the Night listed Cook as one of the objects that must be redeemed, and several temples also responded, which made Cook more vigilant, but fortunately The Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night is too far away from Cook's territory, and the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night is being suppressed by several large surrounding temples.

The battles between churches have always been **** and bloody. This is mainly related to the interests of the church. If you want to make money, you have to count the churches, because the church does not need to spend a cent at all, and all they get are pure profits. So Cook doesn't have to worry about a large-scale attack on the Temple of the Goddess of the Night.

The most urgent thing for Cook now is to leave some things in his hands and concentrate on refining the dragon's power potion. Although this will increase the strength of ninth level, I don’t know if it will increase life, but as long as there is a chance, Cook will not let it go.

On the second day, the Shaman Guild sent two instructors and gave Cook the identity contract of the two people. Because the two were controlled by the Shaman Guild, Cook took the two to the Bunnyman tribe that night.

"You two remember, you can never tell what you saw, and if you two complete the task satisfactorily, then this identity contract is not impossible to return to you, now you can tell me your names, remember , Not a code name!" Cook took the two to visit the Bunnyman tribe. In fact, Cook is not afraid of the two running away. Just kidding, you think everyone in the Natal Mountains can enter and leave freely like Cook. If you are the Orc Empire , May die faster.

"The code name Scissor Foot, the name Tross Fengxiao, "You Jie Greatly Provided"!" The first strong young man replied loudly, watching Cook cringe even more. At first glance, everyone thought this guy was A soldier.

"Very good! What are you good at?" Cook exclaimed, then asked.

"Master Baron, good at frontal assassination!" Tross reported loudly.

"Well, then you will be responsible for the Bunnyman's frontal fighting technique!" Cook ordered afterwards.

"Master Baron, codenamed Hunter, named Lie Jin "Mo Yi greatly provides roles, there are changes!", good at hiding." Then a teenager answered flatly.

"Well, it came out of the arena, well, you will be responsible for the scout training of the Bunnyman in the future." Cook looked at the file of the young man, and then ordered.

"Yes!" Liejin immediately agreed.

"Train them well. Dozens of strong werewolves are still being held over there. I think that is a very good training partner. I will give you a task. Be sure to give me these 800 rabbitmen within three months. Trained, not to mention how elite, but you must face the werewolves one-on-one to dare to fight, understand?" Cook said loudly, because the whole winter time is five months, so Cook has two Do some other training programs over the course of the month.

"Understood!" the two killer instructors immediately replied.

"Well, follow me, I'll take you to meet the people here. Addo, gather!" Cook shouted, and then took Tros and Lekin to meet with the 800 Bunnies, and appointed two As the instructor, Cook prepared some training equipment to the Bunnyman tribe without stopping.

At this time, the losses in Blackstone Town are also counted. The most casualties are the barbarians, with more than 500 deaths, followed by more than 400 humans, most of whom are operatives from the Temple of the Goddess of the Night and the Ceylon Empire. , And there are not many dwarves and dwarves.

The loss of the territory is even more than three million gold coins, because most of the barbarians looted things and ran away. Cook looked at the report in his hand and was furious. He gave these barbarians a chance to make money, but they actually Still taking advantage of the fire.

"Sebastian, in the future, a large number of barbarians are not allowed to enter the territory, and a law must be drawn out as soon as possible. If anyone commits any crimes in the future, they will use the law to speak, unless there are working barbarians. All the barbarians refused to enter the territory. Anyone who has entered will be sent directly to the slave camp where the road is built if the warning is not heard." Cook thought about no good way, only to start with laws and regulations as soon as possible, and the other is strict Limit the number of people entering the territory.

"Yes!" Sebastian replied with a bow.

"Kaluli, the patrol force in the territory will be doubled in the future. Baglu, your ogre guard will also join in, Luocuo, your focus is still on the Golden Pass. In the future, all orcs who have escaped will be registered. "Cook then ordered again.

"Yes, Lord Baron!" Kaluri agreed immediately.

"Kaluri, you can report the meritorious guards this time, and then I will reward each of them with a third-level magic wolf mount." Cook finally thought of the last time when he rescued Huang Hoof and others at the Golden Pass, there were still a group of demons. Wolf mounts.

"Thank you, Lord Baron." Kaluri immediately replied excitedly.

"Yellow Hoof, Red Hoof, Dasa, Bensa, and Cool Tail. Your Orc Guards should also play a role. Now I have to strengthen training in winter, you know, and you can expand the area of ​​patrol, anyway. It can be said to be my territory. In the future, someone from the Orc Empire will delimit some lands and forests in some surrounding areas. Of course, only the right to use is left. The ownership is still mine. Sebastian will come up with a charter for this matter. Come." Cook then talked about the orcs. Now every day there are orcs coming to Cook, and they are dragging their families. Compared with Cook's territory, it is still early winter, and there is no freezing yet, and most areas of the orc empire It is already covered in snow, and Cook intends to arrange these orcs in some surrounding places where no one lives, forming villages. This will not only benefit the expansion of his own territory, but also the construction of his territory.

"Thank you, the leader!" The orcs are very excited. You must know that the environment here is several times better than that of the Orc Empire, and Cook provides all the orcs with food and some basic living utensils, all for free, of course. Some are just reclaiming the land, and some work for digging ditches. Cook will pay a certain amount for these jobs. This is also the reason why the orcs keep turning to Cook.

"Manly, the overall scheduling of the territory is up to you. The thieves’ guild, the magician’s guild, and the dwarves’ transactions are all handed over to you. Food requires a lot of reserves. It’s better not to give me gold coins. The rest, now the supplies are the most important." Cook said to Manly even more. In doing so, Cook dispersed the power of the territory, and no one thought about it.

Manli smiled and replied: "Yes, Lord Baron!"

"Ahem, there are talents, artisans. The territory needs a lot of artisans. Let me announce this in the mercenary union. You can hire some with a high salary!" Cook said afterwards, but found that no one was in charge of this matter, Ku I couldn't help but sigh secretly, there are still too few people I can trust.

Mickey went back to the academy with Lyle’s tutor, Xiao Lei followed, and Windsor was left in the territory by Cook. Cook gave Windsor a large area, which was the back garden behind the Lord’s Mansion, Phyllis Deman was kicked out, because the huge back garden was turned into a barbecue booth by this guy, and it was full of oily smoke all day long.

On the border of the Ceylon Empire, a team of merchants are being inspected. These merchants are carrying some luxury goods. The caravan’s carriage has a big word "Kalu". This is Cook Investment and Murphy's father, Gerry. Because of Cook’s relationship with the ogres and trolls in the underground world, the Karoo Chamber of Commerce has a huge source of materials in the underground world. In just a few months, it merged several small chambers of commerce. It has become one of the medium-sized chambers of commerce in the Magic City. In the medium-sized chamber of commerce in the magic city, the total income of one year is not much worse than that of the Ceylon Empire.

Cook sat on the carriage as a coachman. Cook couldn't help complaining. Although the Ceylon Empire had a wizard's union, it did not have a teleportation array. There was only a teleportation array that passed messages. Cook had to use the Randy Empire to enter the Ceylon Empire. And Cook's identity is also kept secret. Everyone knows that Cook is a poor relative of a high-level manager, so it is relatively easy to be a coachman.

There is only a very small border between the Randy Empire and the Ceylon Empire. Most of the remaining borders of the Ceylon Empire are bordered by the Roland Empire, and the rest is a huge empire to the south~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Hesse Empire, the Hesse Empire Close to the sea, and northwest is a mysterious empire Daya Empire.

After the war with the Roland Empire, the Roland Empire blocked the border. Therefore, the merchants from the Magic City had to travel from the Randy Empire to the Ceylon Empire. The carriage will always be the mainstream method of transportation of goods in this world, but the Karoo Chamber of Commerce adopted four *The carriage uses a fine iron structure, so it pulls a lot of goods and has a certain degree of defense. The mercenaries escorted are sent by the mercenary union. As long as the chamber of commerce publishes tasks in the mercenary union, mercenaries will come to pick you up Take it, otherwise no chamber of commerce can feed so many guards on its own, and the mercenaries on each line have their own relationships, which can reduce unnecessary trouble.

Just like now, Cook’s caravan came later, but set off first, and those who came first had to be strictly inspected. Cook also vaguely heard the captain in charge of the inspection and the mercenary escorting say loudly: "Jose Captain, you must come to have a drink in the future!" "Captain Nick, don't worry, I will bring you a bottle of Imperial Capital's wine when I come back!"

"Prince of Red Maple Leaf, haha, I'm afraid this engagement ceremony will be disrupted!" Cook touched a space bag on his waist. Inside was a sharp claw, and his big mouth was also put away by Cook. After all, the big mouth is Cook’s sign, and Kaka is jumping around on Cook’s carriage. Next to Cook is a small fluffy arrow. Don’t look at the fluffy little things, they can be turned into a large automatic launcher in a blink of an eye. The metamorphosis of Bone Arrow.

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