A Unique Hunter

Chapter 260: War black guard

I went to the homepage recommendation. Although I found it after searching for a long time, it was on the homepage after all, so this week there will be two chapters a day, each with 3000+ words, and there will be occasional additions.

Cook was very depressed, very depressed, he just wanted to reach Ceylon City in peace, and then find Connie, and then it depends on Connie's attitude. If Connie is not willing, then Cook will not force Connie. , But I don’t know if Connie’s family Cook will be forced.

Cook smiled bitterly again, because he was ignored. Looking at the sprinting knight, he obviously blamed himself as something that could easily be crushed to death with his fingers. If it were other chambers of commerce, maybe Cook would slip away in troubled waters. Yes, but this is his own chamber of commerce, so Cook sighed.

"Shoo!" A piercing sound rang out, and all the black guards opened their eyes, and the black guards wearing the silver badge looked at his throat incredulously. There was something still shaking. Arrow feathers.

Everyone can't believe it, the mercenary deputy captain has even grown his mouth. You must know that the ability to shoot arrows makes a huge breaking sound. This is not something ordinary people can do. It has not reached a certain speed and strength. , Don’t even think about the sound of breaking through the air, this kind of arrow is also the most dangerous, because its flying speed is already greater than the speed of sound propagation, when you hear the sound, it is too late, no one thought Before the battle started, the black guard had actually lost an elite captain.

"Kill!" The remaining black guards immediately charged towards Cook with red eyes. Instead, the mercenary deputy captain was only left with two black guards. The remaining seven or eight black guards appeared in various colors. With the constant movement of the mount, seven or eight knight's spears pricked Cook's body.

The eyes of seven or eight knights stared at Cook, and the knight's guns in their hands shook slightly, making people unpredictable where they were attacking. All the knights on the mount had to do was to hold the weapon firmly. , Does not need to assassinate vigorously, because such a huge force will cause the knight to be injured, so in all occupations, the knight's ability to continue fighting is very strong.

"Boom!" Even if Cook is so awesome, he was pierced by seven or eight knight guns controlled by knights above level 3 within a distance of ten meters. He didn't dare to resist head-on. The inertial attack power is very powerful, and a professional knight can fully display this point. It does not mean that a horse is a knight. This is different. The fighting style of a knight is never the same as a warrior. As for Bagh A knight like Lu is simply a warrior with a mount.

Cook watched several knight's guns pierced into various parts of his body, his feet slammed hard, his whole person jumped several meters high with great strength, and the wooden carriage could not bear it. With such a great force, half of the frame was directly broken with a click, and the horses that pulled the cart roared and ran with four hooves, obviously frightened, and the cart was dragged away.

"Shoo!" The knights didn't think of Cook's trick at all. With the horse running fast, it was too late to change the trick. Several knights passed by each other, but how could Cook give up such a good opportunity? Two life-threatening blasts sounded again.

"Puff puff!" With two sounds, the necks of the two black guards were directly pierced with huge holes by the huge force of the arrows, spewing out a lot of blood, and then the whole person fell to the ground, and the mount galloped far away He returned to the master's side, but the master was already limp forever.

"Okay!" The deputy captain of the mercenary shouted immediately as he watched Cook put down two guards in black with two daggers in his hands.

"Kill!" Heiyiwei's ability to control the mount is extremely strong. The moment Cook just landed, the remaining six knights turned around. This time the three used knight spears and the three used one-handed swords. He sprinted across.

"Kill!" The mercenary deputy captain saw Cook fighting alone, and he did not have a long weapon at all, but the mercenary deputy captain saw the spear of the inspector who had just been killed by him not far away, and his eyes lit up and shouted. With a sound, the two black-clothed guards surrounding the mercenary deputy captain heard the target's roar, and swiftly pulled the mounts, and then the knight's guns in their hands pierced over.

"Haha, you rubbish, you have lost the speed and strength of your mounts, what else can you play with you?" The mercenary deputy captain laughed loudly and reached out and grabbed a knight's gun.

"Puff!" But it is a pity that this knight's gun is specially made, with something like a small dagger on one side. The knight sneered. When the knight's gun in his hand was turned, he directly took the mercenary deputy captain's The hand was cut, and a long blood trough was pulled out.

"Kill! Bang!" The mercenary deputy captain did not evade at all. With a vigorous wave of the other hand, a dagger was thrown on the knight's neck. The dagger was pierced, and within two seconds, the knight who was still sneer fell down from his horse in black.

"Dang!" The mercenary deputy captain grabbed the knight's gun in his hand and swept it behind him forcefully. With a pounding sound, he swung the knight's gun to his back.

"Damn black guard, you sir, when I was fighting on the battlefield, you guys were still in your mother's crotch and you got in and out, be, be, be!" The mercenary deputy captain has a knight gun in his hand. Constantly stabbing, sweeping, and hacking using the knight's gun as a spear, forcing the black guard to be in a hurry.

At this time, the mercenary deputy captain heard two breaks in the air. The mercenary deputy captain saw that there were only four black guards who were chasing Cooke. That is to say, Cook only solved five black guards. Wei, he solved only one, and there are five black guards remaining.

"Boom!" Cook rolled directly into the bushes on the side of the road. There was no way. Just killing two black guards had already taken a big risk. Within a distance of 20 meters, there were six blacks in two directions. The clothing guards sprinted to each other, and the target was the middle self. Cook shot two arrows directly without hesitation, but after such a delay, Cook was almost stabbed by two knights' guns, but Cook was very lucky. This time, only two of the remaining four use knight guns, and the rest are one-handed swords. If all four knights use knight guns, Cook will not be hit because Cook is always ready to use giants. The tower shield is gone, but the chance of revealing the identity is greatly reduced.

"Thank you!" Cook was about to emerge and continue to attack, but he knew that the remaining four black guards turned their heads and ran away.

"Quick, quick, kill them, or there will be more black guards coming." The mercenary deputy captain widened his eyes, almost not believing that what he saw was true, the famous black guard was actually The man turned around and ran away. You must know that the black guards are powerful elite troops in the entire Ceylon Empire, but then the mercenary deputy captain woke up immediately and shouted loudly.

"Shoo!" When Cook heard this, he immediately shot two arrows, but it is a pity that these black guards seemed to have expected this, and they patted the horse in a zigzag manner, and even tightly clung to the horse. , But even so, the two hapless black guards were directly exploded by Cook, and Cook's quasi-head was not covered. However, the mounts of the remaining two knights were quicker at once. The two black guards did not go directly on the road, but rushed into the woods. When Cook pulled the bow again, the two knights had already entered the woods. , Cook just shook his head.

"Damn, damn, Dangdang, Dangdang, puff!" Seeing this situation, the mercenary deputy captain immediately became angry, and the knight gun in his hand flew up and down. You must know that the knight gun is several times heavier than the long spear, but this one As if the mercenary deputy captain didn't care at all, the black guard had a flaw and was directly plunged into his chest by the mercenary deputy captain, spraying a large red blood mist.

"You, why don't you go after it?" The mercenary deputy captain asked Cook angrily.

"Nonsense, what is your position?" Cook rolled his eyes and hunting down the black guard is important, but in contrast, the director of his chamber of commerce is the most important.

Thinking of this, Cook couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Will there be anything in the Chamber of Commerce?"

"No, there will be nothing wrong without evidence. If something happens, the black guard will not be dispatched, but the city guard." The mercenary deputy captain replied while wrapping the wound with his portable bandage.

"Take it, this is a healing potion, can you fight with that stuff?" Cook threw a bottle of healing potion directly to the deputy captain.

"Thank you, are you the **** of the Chamber of Commerce this time?" The deputy captain saw a bottle of magic potion and immediately thanked him, then unscrewed the bottle and took a sip and asked.

"Well, don't ask if you don't know, you belong to the Silver Lily family?" Cook said vaguely.

The deputy captain watched the wound on his hand heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, his eyes widened. He knew that magic potions were extremely expensive, but he didn't expect such a good effect. It is impossible for the army to use these things on a large scale. , Too expensive, of course those dying will be used, and such medicines are not distributed to individuals.

"Yes, my name is Nuo Wen, and I'm the deputy guard in charge of the Silver Lily Family!" Nuo Wen replied with a smile.

"So what grudges does the Silver Lily family have with this Duke Lu Dongxi?" Cook asked curiously.

"It's not about the crown prince. The head of the empire is the minister of finance of the empire. He is not in harmony with Duke Lu Dongxi. Now Duke Lu Dongxi supports the fifth princes, and the head of the patriarch is optimistic about the seventh princes. Anyway, the top empire is in chaos. It doesn't seem to be very clear, just a rough explanation.

"Oh!" Cook began to collect loot weapons, equipment, and mounts. Cook has a lot of pet space bags, and this weapon is also made by dwarves. Although it is an export type, It's also better than the ones used by the Bunny Tribe before.

"It's still your good intentions, and you actually know to hide our purpose of action!" Nuowen's eyes widened. This is the first time that Nuowen has seen someone pack a war horse with a pet space bag. The owner of the pet space bag has one, but that It was a pretended three-level beast, a favorite of the Patriarch, but then Novin thought of what Cook said that he shouldn’t know, don’t ask~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, he guessed how strong the Karoo Chamber of Commerce should be. Powerful.

"Uh! Let's go, the manager doesn't know where he went!" Cook then put on his communication glasses and began to look around.

"Crystal glasses are still in solid color, beloved, these are probably thousands of gold coins!" Nuowen was envious when he saw Cook take out the communication glasses. If Nuowen knew the true value of this thing, he would not faint directly. The two then entered the woods, because the carriage ran into the woods.

"Tweet!" But at this moment, there was a clear cry from the sky.

"Hurry up, this is a special tweet for finding someone for the black guard!" Nuowen said in shock when he heard this cry.

"Why?" Cook looked at the sky and found a small black spot at a height of more than a thousand meters. This thing is not big, only the size of a grass chicken. Cook drew out an arrow.

Nowen looked at Cook’s movements and his jaw dropped and asked, “No, that’s the wind monster. Although it’s only one level, and they usually fly at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters, you can Get this thing down?"

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