A Unique Hunter

Chapter 261: Avoid

Cook looked at Nowen, then put away the bow and arrow, and then replied: "No!" Cook also heard that this is because the wind monster is not moving, and to be honest, the height of 1,500 meters, the wind speed, etc. The impact is still very large, not to mention a first-class wind type monster.

"Then..." Noven was about to let Cook go quickly, but he knew that when he saw Cook took out a bag and then took out a bird with a big beak from it, Noven shut up immediately.

"Go, kill that guy!" Cook threw a magic crystal coin to his mouth.

But Big Mouth turned his head to one side and stretched out a foot. Obviously he was very upset by Cook. Cook saw the paw and his face was gloomy. Then he sighed: "Okay, okay, just Add one!"

In the eyes of Novin's dementia, Big Mouth swallowed two magic crystal coins into his stomach, and then flew away. Novin was going crazy, knowing that the total amount of this transaction was only more than one hundred. Ten thousand gold coins, and this mysterious man actually shot two magic crystal coins. Just kidding, this one is more than one million gold coins. Nowen tried to suppress his horror, and secretly made up his mind to take this one. Report the matter to the Patriarch.

"Tweet, twee, twee," a scream of rapid screams pulled Nowen back from horror. What I saw was the wind dove struggling constantly in Cook's hands.

"Bang!" With a sound of "bang!" Nowen's eyelids jumped, because Cook stunned this level of wind dove directly with his finger, and then stuffed it into another bag. At this time, Nowen saw Cook. There are at least ten identical bags on his waist.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down!" Noven kept admonishing himself, but Noven couldn't calm down at all. There are actually ten pet space pouches worth ten million gold coins. Isn't it 100 million gold coins? gold!

And what makes Noven even more frightened is that the Wind Dove is a first-level monster, a first-level monster, and even a lower-level monster is stronger than the usual beasts. The Hill in front of him actually bombs a first-level monster with a finger. I am dizzy, and Nuowen finally knows why the black guards who are at least the third-level knights died so refreshingly. Nima, one finger can knock the first-level beasts into a metamorphosis, using the power of ten fingers with bows and arrows . You third-level knight forgot the fart.

Noven just followed Cook in this way. Now Noven feels that even the black guards who come to a regiment are not afraid of him. With such a perversion, Noven would not want to come more. It is better to be the idiot Duke Lu Dongxi himself. Then, Novin couldn't help wondering: "Is this a humanoid monster?"

"Manager, manager?" Cook finally saw the carriage leaning in the canal by the side of a small channel. Fortunately, in autumn, there was no water. When Cook opened the door of the carriage, the manager fainted unexpectedly.

"Put him on his back!" Cook looked around, and then said to Noven.

Noven dared not say anything at all, so he directly picked up the manager and waited for Cook's order. Cook scratched his head and asked, "How far is it from the area controlled by the Silver Lily family?"

"No, from here to the imperial capital, they are not allies of the Silver Lily family, and there are too many princes. Everyone with a bit of strength wants to get in." Nuowen shook his head.

When Cook heard this, he immediately burst into a swear word: "Nima, you mean there is no ally of your Patriarch on the ground nearly 3,000 kilometers from the imperial capital?"

"Well, three thousand five hundred and ten kilometers." Nowen added.

"Oh, where is the mountain to the west?" Cook asked again.

"That's the rest of the Pooh Mountains, which originated from the natural boundary between the Daya Empire and the Hesse Empire, but it's not very long, only a few hundred kilometers." Noven explained carefully.

"Nima, it's only two hundred kilometers. It would be great if it extended to the imperial capital!" Cook couldn't help cursing dissatisfiedly, and Nuowen was speechless. If it extends to the imperial capital, the border between the Daya Empire and the Hesse Empire is not enough. It also extends to the empire.

"Let's go, or take the road!" Cook looked at it. If there is a huge mountain range, wouldn't it be easy to reach Ceylon City on his own with sharp claws?

"But over the Pooh and the mountains, if we go there, wouldn't the rest of the people expect it?" Noven listened to Cook's tone and preferred to walk in the forest, so he suggested in a low voice.

"Nonsense, you think those black-clothed guards can't think of it. Since the whereabouts have been exposed, then since the black-clothed guards can tame the wind dove, there must be the rest of the messenger. You haven't come out yet, people already know it, and shit. Unexpectedly." Cook cursed badly.

As soon as Nowen heard it, he just bowed his head and hurryed. Cook said that it made sense. You must know that many people can’t get used to the situation where the owner of the house sits in that position. Those guys will definitely do things very happily. With a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers, I couldn't help but have a toothache.

"Come up, what are you doing in a daze?" Cook took out a space bag, directly released two war horses, and then jumped up and said.

What Nowen wanted to say is that the horse is not his own master and cannot be easily controlled. However, seeing that the horse under Cook’s crotch not only has no scorpion, but also looks like an intimacy, Cook patted the horse affectionately. Nuowen was speechless in his head, and muttered in his heart: "Is this mysterious man still an animal trainer?"

Until Noven rode his horse out of the woods, he was still wondering how Cook did it. The horse under his crotch didn’t need to be directed by himself, and he followed Cook very docilely, better than his own horse that had followed him for several years. They were all well-behaved, and Cook became even more mysterious in Novin's mind.

"Well, let's not take the road?" Noven asked in a low voice when he saw Cook walking on the ridge of the farmland.

"Nonsense, there are at least fifty black-clothed guards in front of you, you have to go to yourself." Cook said grumpily. This is all the credit of the communication glasses, but the communication glasses are used for reconnaissance like this and the time is not long, about Can be used for one night, all Cooke has to do is to break through the first encirclement of the black guard.

Noven got more and more frightened. It seemed that there was no road ahead, but when he got there, his eyes lit up and there was a fork in the road, but it was blocked by weeds and sometimes it was a stream, but Cook chose the route. There is a simple wooden bridge above.

"Well, you'll follow up later. There are thirty black guards and fifty city guards in front of us. We must break through here, otherwise we will travel more than a hundred kilometers." Stopped in the woods outside the town and said to Noven.

Noven nodded numbly. Noven could clearly hear the hooves of the patrol on the road. In Noven’s eyes, Cook could not be locked without a lock. He avoided the patrol after crossing the road several times. Those who knew thought that Cook was inside the black guard and knew the time of the patrol.

"Aren't we rushing over? How do we go slowly?" Novin asked strangely, and the two had put away the horses.

"There are caravans ahead. Let's see if we can get past. If we can get past, it would be the best. And don't you think that a sneak attack is the best choice?" Cook rolled his eyes, who said to get ahead. Go far away.

Cook and Nowen, as well as a general manager. The general manager is a middle-aged man and a third-level fighter. It is said that he is Gerry’s difficult brother and a person whom Gerry trusts. The three of them rely on the caravan. Behind, waiting for inspection.

"The three of you, that's you, come out!" But not long after the three of Cooke stood up, they were picked up by two city guards.

"Crap!" Cook secretly said, because Cook found that the three of them didn't take anything. At night, you didn't take anything. People don't doubt who you suspect.

"Speaking of you, the three of you come here!" Noven could not wait to do it, but was stubbornly held back by Cook.

"Hunting!" Cook whispered as he walked forward, then walked up flatteringly.

Nuowen looked at Cook's movements and couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and seeing Cook's flattery again, Nuowen was speechless: "Dude, you are still a strong man at any rate, the black guard who killed him is strong. It's shameful to be like this!"

"What do you three do?" Seeing the three of Cooke coming over, the two soldiers asked.

"Two adults, we wanted to pick up some game. There was no one when we went out in the afternoon. What's wrong now?" Noven also nodded and said with a bow. Nowen is from the Ceylon Empire, so he didn't say anything.

"Hmph! You three come here, hurry up!" The two soldiers looked at each other, and then drove the three of them to the town~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nowen was surprised and watched passing him by. Heiyiwei, Nowen is unbelievable, is it possible that the goddess of luck is on his side.

"The three of you have been requisitioned now, bang!" Two small soldiers led Cook and his party to the other side of the town. The three of Cook discovered that there were dozens of elite guards in front of them, and the armors on these guards It could be seen that it was a high-level guard. Cook winked at Nowen, and then the two of them stunned them one by one and dragged them into the nearby alley.

When they came out, there were two small soldiers and one being held. The three were about to sneak away from the alley. How did you know that a tall knight on the opposite side shouted: "You two slackers, let you find Where's the handyman, is there no handyman in this **** place? You actually only find one, **** it, don’t you know who we are, come here!"

"Damn!" Nuowen and Cook yelled. They shouldn't have done anything if they knew this. They didn't have a smooth journey to get into the team of such big people.

"Good!" To make matters worse, Cook had to remove his communication glasses when he entered the town. There was a sound of horseshoes behind the town. The two of them glanced at them and both laughed bitterly, because this time there were not only three silver-white names. There was also a black guard with a golden badge, and nearly thirty black guards rushed towards the three of them.

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