A Unique Hunter

Chapter 262: Still exposed

One more chapter!

Cook's body was taut, his hair was erected, and Norwen next to him was also tightly holding the spear in his hand, his muscles were also tight, and the general manager was pale and he was obviously scared to death. , Dozens of black-clothed guards galloped over, and the guards on the other side also looked over.

Fifty meters!

Thirty meters!

Twenty meters!

"Hanqi commander!" The black guard wearing a golden badge shouted loudly.

"Haha, it's the famous Golden Guardian Rani, welcome!" The guard commander who had scolded the three of Cooke just now also greeted him with a laugh, and the two quickly got together.

"Hanqi commander, is this time going to the imperial capital to participate in the marriage between the Red Maple Leaf Prince and the royal family a bit short?" Rani asked with a smile.

"It's not short, it's not short, more than 3,000 kilometers, but I will arrive in two days. Isn't there two days left? I can definitely arrive the night before. In fact, it doesn't matter if I go or not, but the face of Prince Red Maple Leaf Sold it," the leader of Hanqi replied.

"Yes, it's a pity that we have a task to do, otherwise we have to participate in such a grand event, but the Seventh Prince is really not good." Rani replied with a smile.

Cook and Novin both rolled their eyes, and these people made irresponsible remarks behind their backs, but from this it can also be seen that the imperial power of the Ceylon Empire is declining, otherwise these people would not be talking about the royal family with fanfare. This is an emperor system, not the British one on the earth, and the people dare to say anything.

"No matter how good the Seventh Prince is, with the help of Prince Red Maple Leaf, how weak can he go?" The leader of Hanqi disagreed.

Rani retorted, "Isn’t it enough that Prince Red Maple Leaf was suppressed by the emperor? Look at the emperor’s decree in the last ten years. Most of it was directed at Prince Red Maple Leaf, but it was also God’s will. 'S strength is weakened, but the other dukes, earls are..."

When Cook heard the two talking about the Prince of Red Maple Leaf, he listened very attentively. A golden guard and a guard led the two people side by side and walked to a place 15 meters away from the three of Cook, and the distance was still widening. , Novin also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah!!!" At this moment, a cry of exclamation came from the alley.

"There are assassins, there are assassins!" Then there was a loud roar from the alley. Cook and Nowen looked at each other and laughed bitterly. This may be God's will.

"Swish!" There was a sound of neat weapon twitching, and dozens of black-clothed guards and dozens of guards suddenly became vigilant.

"Hurry up, protect...!" The leader of Hanqi shouted loudly, and while exclaiming, he rushed towards the place where the guards were. Obviously the leader of Hanqi was to protect his master, not to capture any assassins.

"Come in!" Rani shouted loudly, and several black-clothed guards burst into a strong vindictive light and rushed directly into the alley.

"Let's go!" Cook and Nowen looked at them. Now what are you waiting for if you don't leave, the guard on one side went to guard the master on the other side, while the black guard on the other side stared at the alley vigilantly, but the three were ignored. Cook whispered.

Hearing Cook's words, Nuowen immediately pulled the manager and ran away. Such a run shocked the black guards. Several peripheral black guards rushed up, and Jinwei Rani took the lead.

"Go to hell!" Two white metal **** suddenly appeared in Cook's hands, and then suddenly threw them out.

After seeing Cook's movements and the things thrown out, Rani narrowed his eyes and immediately roared: "Engineering bomb!" Then the first one rolled off the horse and then plunged into the gutter on the side of the street. .

"Boom!" Cook was discarding after a delay, so only Rani and a few silver guards had time to escape, and the rest of the black guards had no time to escape, and the two engineering bombs exploded directly in the air.

"Puff!" Rani felt the violent vibration of the ground and the violent sound, and suddenly came out of the drain, spewing a large mouthful of sewage, and the whole body was about to rush out, but then he saw Cook throw another hand. Immediately he crawled down again.

"Haha!" Cook made a fake move. Every alley in such a small town leads to all fields, and Nuowen has entered an alley without interference.

However, the black guard did not catch up. Instead, two magicians emerged from the place where the guards were guarded. They were all suspended in the air. Looking at Cooke, he laughed and frowned. The wind magician directly stopped Norwen and the manager with a cyan light, and when he raised his hand, a wind blade swept over them. Look It looks like a posture of killing people.

"Bang!" However, Nuowen has extremely rich combat experience, and although the general manager is a second-level, he is also an old mercenary, so the two immediately fell to the ground and rolled up, and the building wall on one side was directly bombarded by a wind blade. It was in ruins, and there was a scream.

Cook turned his head and saw this scene, and immediately yelled at him: "Nyma is so hard, the magician is amazing, amazing, you **** shoot the magic again, let me see!"

"You...!" Hearing Cook's curse, the wind magician was about to punish the barbarian, but when the wind magician saw what was in Cook's hand, he felt intense When the magic fluctuated, the shocked almost swallowed the magic back, and the body shook and almost fell directly.

"Come down, Nima, you fly so high, so beautiful!" Cook raised the magic heavy crossbow in Yang's hand. This magic heavy crossbow has a range of up to 5,000 meters, and the powerful magical impetus and the magic Arrows has a very loud nickname: "Mage Terminator!"

"Holy~www.wuxiaspot.com~What are you doing?" Another fire magician couldn't help but asked strangely when he saw his companion, because Cook was in the alley and the wind magician could see. But the fire magician can't see it.

"Don't...." The wind magician named Huo Li was about to stop his companion from coming, but when he saw Cook shook the magic heavy crossbow in his hand, he couldn't help closing his mouth and watched his companion coming with a bitter expression. .

"Take it, know how to use it or not?" Cook took out a magic heavy crossbow and handed it to Nowen, who was staring wide.

Nuowen looked at the magic crossbow, and kept tapping his head. This is the first time that Nuowen saw this legendary thing, but about this kind of weapon, it is an artifact in every soldier's mind, so he knows how to use it.

"Take it, let him come down, and shoot him if he doesn't come down. What is it? It's a good thing that I didn't trouble them. They actually dare to provoke me. Let's go and find the big man to comment! "Cook was so annoyed that his heart was getting angry. Anyway, Cook felt angry after hearing Connie's engagement two days later, and gritted his teeth secretly: "Anyway, it's already like this. I just want to get the big vote, Nima's, not trying to chase Lao Tzu. Well, now I want you guys to look good. As for revealing your identity, fuck, I won’t be angry anymore, like a mouse."

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