A Unique Hunter

Chapter 267: Goodbye Connie

The reason why Cook came here is because Connie is here. The identity card that Cook gave to Connie has a positioning device. This method of positioning through spatial fluctuations is extremely accurate. Of course, such a good function Cook will definitely not With open permissions, Cook still admires the magical civilization of this world. At least one thing that resembles a satellite can be directly controlled with mental power. This may be achieved by future earth technology.

Cook landed lightly inside the manor, right next to a pool, but the surface of the pool was full of fallen leaves, which showed traces under the dim light in the distance, and there were some shrubs on the side of the pool. , Faintly saw traces of manual care.

With the help of shrubs, Cook went straight to a huge castle tens of meters high in the manor. This is a typical aristocratic castle. The whole is built with huge lapis lazuli. Lapis is the best building material, not only extremely hard. , Magic resistance is nothing to say, but lapis lazuli is only produced in the central area of ​​the Natal Mountains. It is thousands of kilometers away from where Cook is now. The price of a lapis lazuli here is almost equal The metal is still valuable.

"Wow!" A team of patrolling guards came over. Cook squatted down quickly. It was the first time that Cook saw a soldier with such a neat line and even footsteps. You must know the cold weapon. Most of the soldiers in the era rushed forward in a rush, no matter what queue. There is no such thing as firepower, it only depends on the combat power of individual soldiers.

When Cook saw these guards, he was very surprised, because these guards were obviously disabled, and the equipment on their bodies was also a little worn, but there were two second-level beasts in the guard patrol, the Red Dog. A very vicious omnivorous animal, usually appearing in groups. The red-haired dog is covered with red hair, but these red hairs are uneven, and there are dark and light colors, plus the forelimbs and the head are relatively large. , So it looks terrifying.

"Woo!" The two red dogs seemed to smell Cook's smell and roared menacingly towards where Cook was.

"Damn it!" How could Cook know that there is such a sensitive smell here, watching two red dogs showing their long fangs a few meters away, and making a picture to bite Cook can't help cursing secretly for his posture.

"Who, who!" The barking of the red-haired dog attracted the soldiers on patrol. They raised their weapons one after another. Two of them had only one arm, the other two had only one eye, and several others had all. There are many disabilities, some lame legs, and some palms only have a bare wrist, but the aura that these people show is definitely the aura of a veteran, and the direction of standing also faintly surrounds the place of Cook.

"Whoo!" Just as Cook was about to rush out, in the bushes not far away, a small figure turned into a shadow and rushed out.

"Oh!" The patrolling guard saw someone coming out, and immediately let go of the red dogs. The two red dogs suddenly turned into a black shadow and rushed out.

"There is an assassin, beep!" The guard patrolling hurriedly shouted loudly, then took out a warning whistle, and blew it vigorously.

"Wow! Wang!" The barking of red-haired dogs suddenly sounded all around, and obviously more than one red-haired dog rushed over from all directions.

"Damn!" After a while, Cook slipped out secretly. Cook did not expect that there would be a group of red-haired dogs in such a manor. Red-haired beasts were not afraid of anything, even giant dragons. Red-haired dogs dare to take a bite. It is said that this red-haired dog has the blood of a demon, so it is not afraid of the spiritual oppression of the dragon at all.

Hearing the fierce fighting sound coming from the woods not far from the castle, Cook hesitated for a moment, but still touched it quietly, because just now Cook found that the escaped figure is not low in speed, and most of the guards here It is an ordinary person, not an opponent of that person at all.

"Boom!" But at this moment, the wall on the side of the castle was directly blasted out of a big hole, and a black shadow fell down with countless stones, and some black flames were burning on these stones.

"Go!" Then a few figures quickly rushed out of the big hole of the castle, rushing directly to the wall next to the pool with a strong vindictive light.

"Since it's here, don't go!" But then there was a voice from the big hole, and then a black shadow flew directly. The black shadow quickly grew bigger after it broke through the big hole, and it instantly became a 15 meter. Tall big guy.

At first glance, Cook was also sweating, and he cursed secretly: "These people encounter the double-headed dark magic eagle, and they are not dead. Two eighth-level heads attacking at the same time are not equivalent to ninth level!"

"Puff puff puff puff!" Sure enough, the next moment a series of dark fist-sized dark magic burning with black flames directly slammed into the several fleeing figures.

"Kill!" The few celebrities who fled felt a huge threat, and at the same time they turned back and burst into a strong fighting spirit, and several colorful fighting spirit blades flew directly towards the dark magic eagle.

"Goo!" The Dark Demon Eagle showed disdainful eyes, and black flames flowed through his body, which looked very strange under the faint starlight, and the huge fighting energy blade was directly corroded by these black flames.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound Kind of hot feeling.

"Get out of the way, this is the magic flame of the dark element that can corrode the soul." One of several silhouettes shouted immediately.

But it was still too late. Two figures wrapped in black cloth were directly sprayed by the flame, and the black flame on their bodies suddenly burned crazily. In less than two seconds, these two people were left with a pile of ashes, including bones. There is no scum left.

The others were shocked and fleeing wildly, but the two-headed Dark Buzzard was not a vegetarian. The huge black wings slammed, and the huge body turned into an afterimage and rushed directly towards one of them. The huge paws were stained with black flames.

"Crack!" With a sound, a black figure was directly caught by the huge claws into a pile of meat sauce, and was directly burned into a pile of ashes by the black flame.

"Hmph, I want to run!" Cook heard this voice and looked up in surprise, then Cook immediately lowered his head.

Connie was floating in the big hole now, with a burst of cyan light on her body, and a wind blade flew out. Obviously, after Connie's vindictive spirit was corroded clean, her talent changed after the treatment. Of course, this is not the reason for becoming a wind magician.

Connie is now wearing her dressing gown, and she seems to have just taken a bath. There is nothing in her silk dressing gown. Well, well, she won’t be noticed in a dim environment, but Cook wears They are communication glasses. Communication glasses are ancient magic items that have communication, reception, and other functions, and night vision is only one of the small functions, so Cook clearly sees the spring light under the silk nightgown that is flying in the wind. Although Cook does not call himself a gentleman, Cook is not a voyeur.

"Ah!!!" Connie was releasing the wind blade in high spirits, but the voice that rang in her mind made Connie scream, covering her dressing gown and flying into the room, because Cook transmitted the voice to Kang through her ID card. Ni is gone.

"Ahem!" Cook ignored the guys who were chased by the double-headed dark eagle. Cook looked around, then jumped into the nearly ten-meter-high cave with a slight leap, and then sneaked in. , Cook coughed awkwardly when he saw Connie staring at him with wide eyes.

Connie remained unmoved, and Cook had to greet him: "Connie, are you okay?"

"Not good!" Connie said angrily.

"So bad?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Something was stolen!" Connie still said angrily, her expression unhappy.

Cook didn't answer the call, and then he didn't know what to say. After a while, Cook said in a low voice, "I'm here this time, because I need your help?"

"Hmph, please leave immediately, I don't know you!" Connie immediately threw the pillow she was holding to Cook after hearing Cook's words, and then shouted loudly.

"This...!" Cook didn't expect Connie to make such a big fire suddenly, and couldn't help being embarrassed.

"Please leave, I don't want to be told that Connie is having a lover in the middle of the night." Seeing Cook's appearance, Connie said again with anguish.

Cook sighed, and then asked, "Do you really like that Seventh Prince?"

"It's none of your business, please, leave immediately!" Connie's voice was getting colder and colder, almost roaring to Cook.

"Then..., take care!" Cook saw Connie doing this and wanted to say something, but then Cook gave up, left a word and turned and left.

"You! Bang, bang!" Connie saw that Cook had really just left, and threw the contents of the house angrily.

Cook heard the sound of Connie throwing things under the castle and smiled bitterly. Why doesn't Cook know what Connie needs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But for Cook, promises are not just empty words, but It is indeed necessary to take responsibility, so Cook gave up what he had to say at the last minute.

"Haha!" A laugh came from Cook's side. Cook was surprised and found a middle-aged man standing not far from him.

"Who is it?" Cook felt a sharp aura on the middle-aged man for the first time, like the tip of a needle. Cook couldn't help but shrink his eyes and put his hand on the space bag around his waist. Summon sharp claws.

"You are Cook, you are indeed young and promising. I haven't thanked you for saving my daughter, but since you are here, why not go through the door, please!" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

Cook was taken aback, and then said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I took the liberty to interrupt!"

"Hehe, I'm curious how an eighteen-year-old second-level hunter did this step today. If it is convenient, let's talk?" the middle-aged man invited again.

"Okay, excuse me!" Cook pondered for a while, and then he bowed. This was obviously Connie's father. Cook looked at the big broken hole and followed the middle-aged man to the castle.

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