A Unique Hunter

Chapter 268: Depressed Prince of Red Maple Leaf

Cook walked into the castle, and then he was very surprised, because the layout of the entire castle is very simple, there are a few oil paintings on the walls, which Cook does not understand, there are a few pots of green plants in the corridor, solid wood stairs, whitewashed The walls are simple and elegant.

"Hehe, don't laugh, this is my study room!" The middle-aged man took Cook to a room on the second floor. Cook did not even see a servant along the way. Cook walked into the room and found that the study room looked like It's quite small, but it's actually quite big, because two huge bookshelves occupies a lot of space, there are also two sets of peculiar plate armor, and there are a few oil paintings on the walls of men dressed in dukes.

"This study room has been passed down from my ancestors to the present day. It has a history of more than 570 years, and I also spent my childhood here. I really miss that time." The middle-aged man motioned to Cook to sit down and then Arrived a cup of coffee for Cook.

Cook didn't know what to say, so he smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you!"

"It should be me thank you. The time Connie and I spent with me for decades add up to only a few years. I stayed in the territory for a long time, and Xiaoni and his wife were in this imperial capital, but the wife died later, just staying. After Xiaoni is here alone, since the day Xiaoni’s mother left, the gap between our father and daughter has grown deeper and deeper, until she is poisoned, but facing this toxin, I can’t do anything, and I still want to stay in the territory..." The middle-aged man couldn't tell after saying.

Cook can feel how painful it is for a father to choose between his own relatives and the people in his territory. To put it bluntly, Connie’s hostage in the Imperial City is a bit bigger. Cook said comfortingly: Are you all right now!"

"I have to thank you, Cook! To you, our empire is no stranger, but some people are happy and some are worried. I sincerely thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't think Xiao Ni would be better." Connie His father stood up and bowed deeply to Cook, then said.

"I knew that the third prince was there at the time. All this was a misunderstanding." Cook said with a wry smile.

"Haha, regardless of misunderstanding or misunderstanding, some people in the imperial capital can't wait to kill you anyway, and some people thank you in private. You don't know. When the news of the death of those nobles came back, the whole emperor was crazy. Some of the nobles that the prince led at the time were sent out by the whole family. In this way, how many titles and territories would be vacated, it is precisely because these nobles competed for benefits with each other that the unstable empire in the rear had to withdraw its troops." Prince Red Maple Leaf Haha Said with a smile.

Cook touched his head and said nothing. Prince Red Maple Leaf then said: "But Cook, you still have to be careful. After all, you are now the most wanted criminal in the empire, but you don't have to worry about me."

Cook couldn't help it anymore, and asked with a smile: "His Royal Highness came to me for these things, right?"

"I'm very curious, Cook, as the son of a fisherman, why did you achieve your status today in just over a year?" Prince Red Maple Leaf asked with a sip of coffee.

"This is actually nothing. There are only two points. One is talent. I have the blood of the bunny, and the awakened talent of beasts and beasts is able to communicate with all beasts and beasts, and it is verbal." Cook sat upright The body said.

Prince Red Maple Leaf pondered: "I haven't heard of this talent. But it doesn't feel very good."

"Hehe, in fact, this world has no talent for rubbish. I knew the poison that killed the three princes from Big Mouth. It was just four wild fruits. Taking these four wild fruits alone will not cause any problems at all, but once The combination of two wild fruits is very poisonous, and the trade with Yalong also relies on this talent. The thieves’ guild, the assassin’s guild, and the wizard’s guild have opened branches in my territory for this reason. A lot of magic materials." Cook explained with a smile.

"Really." The Prince of Red Maple Leaf uttered three words for a while.

"The other thing is that I have a better talent for refining pharmaceutical agents. Don’t be afraid to tell your prince that my level in the Mage’s Guild is S-level. It is because of my talent for refining pharmaceutical agents. Thirty times higher than the average pharmacist, and 50 times the top grade rate. As for the top grade and perfect grade, this is a confidential level." Cook said again.

"Hiss!" The prince of Red Maple Leaf was stunned, and took a deep breath. As a prince, there are talents under his hands, as well as pharmacists. Of course, they are not very high, but ten times qualified. The rate, this is simply against the sky. As for the top grade and above, the Prince of Red Maple Leaf has seen it several times. As for the best and perfect, the Prince of Red Maple Leaf has not seen it at all. The Prince of Red Maple Leaf finally knows why a small The small second-level hunter will rise so quickly, how can he not get the support of the Wizards’ Union and the largest trade union in the mainland with such a natural talent? It would be unreasonable if he did not rise.

Cook was very satisfied with the response of Prince Red Maple Leaf. Cook said that anyone with a little ability can inquire about it, especially a person like the Prince. Cook then asked: "Your Royal Highness, I heard about the Moracan Desert. There is a sand thief in it, I wonder if you can tell me in detail?"

"Molagan Desert?" The prince didn't turn his mind. What does this Moragan Desert have to do with you?

"Yes!" Cook nodded, went to a cup of coffee, put some milk in, and sat there in a listening posture.

"Is there something you want in the Moracan Desert?" The prince responded, his eyebrows were bent with a smile, and he asked with a smile.

"This has something to do with it. If His Royal Highness has detailed information about the Moracan Desert, I will pay His Royal Highness a large amount." Cook was very happy to see the Prince's response. Cook was willing to pay a big price for information on the dry desert.

"What kind of information do you want to know in detail?" Prince Red Maple Leaf was taken aback. Obviously he didn't expect that Cook would directly propose a deal. Prince Red Maple Leaf had never been so passive before. Right is in his hands.

"Hehe, the most detailed, if possible, I will provide a large number of weapons and materials for His Royal Highness, and then I will trouble His Royal Highness." Cook doesn't see millions of things at all, but he wants to be thorough. The Prince of Red Maple Leaf can also help to master the Moragan Desert.

"A large number?" Prince Red Maple Leaf was a little moved, but these old guys would not show it at all. Instead, they looked at Cook playfully, wanting to know the specific number.

"Oh, you are really boring. I said a lot. Now I trade at least 50,000 sets of armors made by dwarves once with the thieves’ guild. This is still a small number. If His Royal Highness can provide an exact map of the area. , As well as the location of the sand thief, and the approximate distribution map of the beasts. Not only can I give His Royal Highness a set of armor equipment, including weapons, but also connect the Prince with the dwarves, and strive for the Prince to hire hundreds of dwarves." Cook sighed and said complainingly.

Prince Red Maple Leaf was stunned, because Prince Red Maple Leaf felt that compared to Cook, it was like Cook was the Prince and he was a little baron, but I am afraid that there is no baron like Cook in the entire continent. , And Cook’s conditions made His Royal Highness stare wide.

Fifty thousand sets of lock armor equipment were built by dwarves, and their value is almost hundreds of millions. If there are such fifty thousand sets of equipment, the Prince of Red Maple Leaf can guarantee to sweep the entire empire. Just kidding, the defensive power of fine iron equipment made by dwarves is now Ten times the empire’s equipment, the endurance and attack power are even twenty times. The same big sword, made by dwarves, can directly cut off human beings. As for the hundreds of dwarves, this is even more unexpected by the Prince.

"Why, His Royal Highness still feels unsatisfied. If His Royal Highness can promise me one thing, it is not impossible to make heavy crossbows, but the number should not exceed 10,000. This thing is very troublesome to build, and the cost is expensive. "Cook was unmoved when he saw the Prince of Red Maple Leaf, and he whispered secretly, mainly because the detailed information of the Moracan Desert is too important to Cook.

Prince Red Maple Leaf stammered and asked: "Yes, yes, is it a heavy crossbow?"

"It's not a continuous heavy crossbow. The continuous heavy crossbow consumes arrows too fast, but you can equip the Prince's guard in a small amount. The continuous heavy crossbow can shoot out five arrow boxes in one minute. How much is fifty three-sided arrows? , I don't think His Royal Highness can use it." Cook said with a frown.

"Whoever said to use a three-sided arrow, it is not the same to use an ordinary bamboo arrow." Prince Red Maple Leaf replied irritably, the army he was facing, there needed dozens of silver coins for the three-sided arrow. Arrows, ordinary bamboo arrows, can be killed without iron arrows.

"Ahem. Ahem. It would be better to use an ordinary military heavy crossbow, which has a long range and great lethality." Cook said grimly. The cost of an ordinary military heavy crossbow is only one-third of that of a dwarf.

"But what did you just say you want me to promise you?" Prince Red Maple Leaf calculated the price of the heavy crossbow built by ten thousand dwarves, and then asked calmly.

"I want Connie to be the consul of my territory, of course it is military." Cook replied with a smile.

"I don't agree!" Connie's voice came from the door.

"Isn't your territory the woman Manli now? I don't want to use the things that others have used! Never!" Manli said condescendingly, and the Prince of Red Maple Leaf was in pain. This was another loss of hundreds of millions of gold coins.

"It's not that territory." Cook is embarrassed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you know that you have to buy the Moragan Desert and Ural Swamp, you must tell Connie. If you don't say it, Cook really can't find anyone. Be the chief of the military.

"Do you still have territory?" Prince Red Maple Leaf was surprised.

"This has to be agreed to by Connie first, otherwise it can't be revealed." Cook said embarrassedly.

"Humph! You can..." Connie said with a cold snort.

"Forget it!" Cook waved his hand.

"Xiao Ni, listen first before talking, Cook, we swear not to reveal what we heard tonight." Prince Red Maple Leaf immediately interrupted his daughter, knowing that it is a weapon of hundreds of millions of gold coins, Prince Red Maple Leaf. Distressed, this has to improve combat effectiveness.

"Well, since you swear, these are some documents, you will understand after reading them." Cook took out some documents and handed them to Connie.

"Puff!" Prince Red Maple Leaf just read a document, immediately spit out a big mouthful of saliva, and then looked at Cook incredulously: "More than 70 billion gold coins, you, you, you choose such broken places. ?"

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