A Unique Hunter

Chapter 272: Roaring Ceylon 13

"Wow!" Cook didn't even look at it. The armor-piercing crossbow shot the armor-piercing arrow directly into the corner, and kicking the seventh prince's leg did not slow down.

"Uh!" The fire magician suddenly showed up, and then fell softly to the ground. The magician couldn't figure out how, he had activated the invisibility technique on the robe of the magician, why this robber could shoot accurately In the middle of oneself, but also between the eyebrows.

"Bang!" The seventh prince was only in his twenties, a low-level soldier, where he could withstand Cook's full kick. The whole person directly hit the wall, and then fell softly to the ground, leaving a pool of Yin Hong blood. , Obviously those who were already dead could not die again, the Seventh Prince didn't believe that he would die like this until he died.

"Hmph, Ceylon Thirteenth Division, this is just interest!" Cook snorted coldly. Since Ceylon Thirteenth dared to send someone to assassinate himself, then he doesn't have to keep his hands, and even kill the Seventh Prince. Prince Red Maple Leaf does not have to fall into a new predicament.

"Boom!" Cook waved his thunder teeth and directly used brute force to break through the magic circle that protected the items. The goods on the second floor were looted, and the bearer magic crystal card on the seventh prince was also looted by Cook, and then the building was looted. Although the goods that were dropped were all low-level magic materials, Cook did not let it go, but Cook was disappointed that there were only a few thousand gold coins in the account.

But that magician’s mage robe made Cook very happy. It was an extremely rare invisibility robe. It was made from the fur of dark monsters. It was very expensive. It was worth millions of gold coins. However, invisibility is useless against Cook's magic eyes, but this magician is indeed very poor, with only a few hundred gold coins and no space equipment. Cook searched for a bit and was about to leave.

"Boom boom boom!" Cook can already hear the rapid sound of horseshoes, but it hasn't been two minutes since Cook started attacking the guards. Cook made two jumps directly over several houses, and then found a relatively secluded place. Put away the black cloak directly, and then slipped out among the crowd.

Ceylon XIII was in a particularly bad mood, because he had received several great aristocrats in a row, and the atmosphere of the conversation was always wrong. It was cold, but after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong with it. This is Ceylon Ten. The place where the third generation was depressed, but thinking that tonight was the engagement ceremony of the seventh prince and the first heir of the red maple leaf, Ceylon XIII showed a smile again, in the view of Ceylon XIII, the red maple leaf prince is himself The beast that was raised, this beast could kill its master at any time as long as it wanted to, so it was only after decades of hard work that Pupil Thirteen continued to suppress the Red Maple Leaf family.

"Hehe, as long as you hold this tiger in your hands, are you fish still enough to see?" Thinking of the countless nobles, big and small, Ceylon XIII smiled disdainfully, as long as the Red Maple Leaf family was resolved, It is not a piece of cake for the elite soldiers of the Red Maple Leaf Family to confront the private soldiers of the nobles. This is also one of the reasons why Ceylon XIII allowed those nobles to be allowed. The third generation does not want to be the emperor.

"Report to your majesty, the seventh prince, the seventh prince was attacked!" A guard rushed in hurriedly, ignoring etiquette, directly kneeling on one knee and reporting loudly.

"Well, did the assassin catch it? Who is it?" Ceylon XIII asked without looking up.

The guards below heard Ceylon XIII’s question and were stunned for a while, hardly knowing how to answer, and then whispered: "The Seventh Prince, he, he already..."

"Is it injured? Ask the pastor for medical treatment as soon as possible, at least to survive the evening engagement party." Ceylon XIII faintly ordered.

"The Seventh Prince is...dead!" the guard reported with gritted teeth.

"Pop!" The pen in Ceylon XIII's hand was directly broken, and his eyes widened and looked at the guard below in disbelief.

"Not only the Seventh Prince died, but the Mooney magician who followed the Seventh Prince also died. The guard Kenny was seriously injured. Wulai Ke is still unconscious, and his nose is broken, and all the seventeen guards are paralyzed." Wei gritted his teeth and reported again.

"Damn it, **** it, who did it?" Ceylon XIII roared, knowing that the two ocean knights were specially sent by himself, and the magician was also the palace magician, both in his own hands. Of high-end force.

"According to the intelligence, there was only one person. It was said that it was a robbery, but we found this at the scene!" the guard whispered.

"One person, one person, one person actually killed a great magician and severely injured two ocean knights. Don't tell me that I was..." Ceylon XIII opened his guard and presented something, and roared immediately. stopped.

"Boom! Bang!" Seeing what was in his hand, King Ceylon thirteen angrily kicked the table away, and the seats kicked away, breaking them into a pile in the middle of the hall.

"Damn it, **** it, it's him!" Ceylon XIII roared, looking at the piece of cloth in his hand, there were a few words on it: "I Cook will come back again!"

"Damn it, I knew it, I knew it, I told the black guards to step up their guard and check everyone in and out... Forget it, go down!" Ceylon XIII roared, but then realized that he did it. It has no effect at all. According to the information collected by the intelligence department, Cook is not something that the black guard can handle.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Seventh Prince..." the guard asked hesitantly.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Ceylon XIII roared, his body suddenly erupted, and the guards ran away quickly in fright.

"Damn it, **** it! Homan, is there any way you can find this bastard?" Ceylon XIII vented, and then asked.

"No, according to the information I got, Cook seems to have a deep relationship with the Thieves' Guild, the Assassin's Guild is the Killer's Guild, and the Magician's Guild, because there is no assassin or thieves to pick up the wanted order we issued. "A middle man suddenly appeared in the hall.

Ceylon XIII's eyes widened after hearing this, and he said in disbelief: "Impossible, impossible, but just a teenage bastard!"

"Your Majesty, this is the truth. If the wanted order was in the past, the Assassin's Union would have at least countless people to pick it up, but it has been so long since the wanted order was issued, and there is no assassin to pick it up. This already shows the problem." Man said in a deep voice.

"Damn bastard, bastard, the third prince, the seventh prince, and the two princes were killed, **** it!" Ceylon XIII roared, desperately smashing the objects in front of him, and there was a cloud of debris in the hall. The fragmented rainstorm is normal.

"Your Majesty, you should calm down. Cook is no longer the magic attendant more than a year ago." Homan frowned.

"Homan, what do you mean by this?" Ceylon XIII asked with wide eyes.

"Your Majesty, you have dozens of princes, and you still have decades of lifespan, and for the empire, benefits are everything." Homan looked at Ceylon XIII and said word by word.

"Homan, are you asking me to apologize to that teenage bastard, and then throw the deaths of two sons aside?" Ceylon XIII roared.

"It's all up to you, Your Majesty, but this is the best way." Horman said coldly.

"The best way, the best way is to kill me that **** little bastard, kill it!" Ceylon XIII was completely violent, not because of the death of a seventh prince, but because of the relationship between the seven princes. In the future, the plan to master the Red Maple Leaf Family has been going on for decades, but now the Seventh Prince has been killed, so Ceylon XIII ran away. This is the biggest reason why Ceylon XIII ran away.

Horman said coldly: "Two sea knights, one great magician, and seventeen elite guards, Your Majesty, you think that **** in your mouth is going to kill your remaining son, what can you do?" After Homan finished speaking, he twisted and disappeared.

"And what you should be most concerned about now is the reaction of Prince Red Maple Leaf?" Homan's voice came out, but people couldn't see the shadow.

"Come, come, get ready to drive, I'm going to the mansion of the Prince of Red Maple Leaf!" Ceylon XIII was reminded by Homan, and immediately ordered loudly.

Prince Red Maple Leaf heard the report from the guard in his study and laughed loudly: "Okay, good job, I'm still worried about how to face the engagement party in the evening. I didn't expect someone to do it first, okay! Dead! OK!"

"Father!" Connie said dissatisfied.

"Hey! Xiaoni, can you take away your beloved little Shuang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I spent fifty gold coins to buy ten-year-old wine." Then the Prince of Red Maple Leaf I saw a bird with two heads drinking his wine secretly.

"Hmph, then I will buy Xiao Shuang every year's salary!" Connie threatened.

"General, General, there came a man who claimed to be a servant of the palace, saying that your majesty will come to the mansion in half an hour." At this time, a guard ran into the study and reported loudly.

"Rodiman, how many times have I told you that you have to knock when you enter the door, and you have to knock on the door. You said that your quality is only for the team leader." Prince Red Maple Leaf cursed unmovedly.

"Your Majesty is coming, General!" Roddiman said loudly.

"Well, if the order goes on, you all put on the worst clothes, and hide the meat and white bread that I bought in the morning. I ordered the kitchen to prepare brown bread, the worst kind, and then go. In the tavern, I bought me ten catties and a copper coin and a catty of fruit wine. In addition, I replaced all silver knives and forks with bamboo, and replaced the plates with wood. In addition, I went to ask Mani to see if my old clothes were returned from last year. Have you found one for me, go quickly, why are you still staring?" Prince Red Maple Leaf was not as excited as Rodríman expected, and he indulged in a loud command.

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