A Unique Hunter

Chapter 273: Duke Lu Dongxi's Suggestion

Cook swayed around and found that no one was following him, so he swaggered back to the residence of Duke Lu Dongxi. However, due to the assassination of the Seventh Prince, the number of patrols in the area where the nobles lived was obviously increased, and the number of guards in each residence There are also more, but Cook still easily entered the residence of Duke Lu Dongxi. Cook learned from the butler that Duke Lu Dongxi was not at home.

Cook returned to the guest room. Only then did he have time to carefully check the harvest. The biggest harvest was the sixth-level magic core on the second floor, as well as mythril ore. The mythril ore was prepared by Cook for the experiment. The magic metal is effectively extracted, and the remaining purple eggs are also Thunder, but Cook does not know the specific type, and Cook put a magic seal and put it away.

"Pharmaceutical formula, Tianyan, can you detect the age of this medicine formula?" Cook looked at the scroll in his hand.

"There is no relevant information, no match!" The answer given by Tianyan made Cook very depressed.

"So how do you collect information?" Cook asked afterwards.

"As long as you open the relevant information in front of the communication glasses, Tianyan can automatically enter it." Tianyan's answer is still so simple.

"So if all the monsters, ores, and magic materials are entered, can they be identified?" Cook asked afterwards.

"Correct!" Tianyan answered even more this time.

Cook touched his nose. It seems that when he will go back to Wushuang Academy, he will no longer need appraisers to appraise things. The so-called appraisers are all magicians with professional knowledge, but not all appraisals. The masters are proficient in all things. This is the same as collecting. Some are proficient in calligraphy and painting, some are proficient in porcelain, some are proficient in bronze, and some are jade. The appraiser of this world is the same, magic herbs, types of warcraft, magic ore, The types of appraisers such as magic weapons are also different.

Cook opened the scroll cautiously, but Cook didn’t recognize the text on it. Cook looked at the cuneiform script and touched his head. He decided to enter linguistics when entering data. There are too many characters. Dwarf characters, elves characters, dragon characters, orcs use characters more than the characters of the 56 ethnic groups in China, but Cook knows some elven characters and dragon characters, which are obviously not the two. This kind of text, because in the magic spell, both Elvish and Dragon language occupy a part.

"It's not the invisible robe, but the shadow robe. You can find such a high-level robe in such a remote place. Tsk tsk, fortunately, I aimed at this guy's head." Cook then took out the invisible method. The robe, but what makes Cook excited is that it is actually the shadow robe in the advanced mage robe.

The greatest function of the shadow robe is to make people ignore their own existence and interfere with mental locking, just like if Cook wears the shadow robe and walks on the street, the pedestrians in the past will automatically ignore the existence of Cook, even if it is watching When you arrive at Cook, you will also subconsciously not remember Cook. As for interfering with the lock, it is when the magician locks himself, the mage robe can interfere with this kind of lock, making it more difficult to lock.

The biggest advantage of the shadow robe is that as long as it is in a dark environment, it will automatically blend with the surroundings. This is because the material of the shadow robe comes from the shadow leopard in the dark warcraft, a medium-to-high-level dark spiritual dual system Warcraft, good at stealth.

"Haha, haha, this robe is worth nearly ten million gold coins. You know the Shadow Leopard is very powerful. No wonder this guy is so poor. Fortunately, my eyes are locked." Cook put the robe away happily. .

As for magic swords, Cook doesn’t look at them at all. These weapons have their own ghost swords. As for the amount of money in the magic crystal card, Cook can’t check it now. Cook collects the spoils. Later, I started to meditate, and Cook now uses the earth element stimulation method.

Cook now finally knows the pros and cons of the earth element stimulation method. The earth element stimulation method restores magic power very quickly, almost instantaneously, but the shock to the mental power is relatively large, but Cook has become accustomed to it when he was at level 1. The force is relatively strong.

But the disadvantages have also emerged, that is, the space around the source of magic power has become extremely tough under the impact of the continuous earth element stimulation method, although the more tough the surrounding space, the less shock Cook's soul will be subjected to. , But on the contrary, Cook wanted to advance to expand the space of the source of magic power, the difficulty has risen several times.

Cook's current mental power has reached the level of the top level of a third-level magician. However, due to Cook's long-term use of earth element stimulation to restore magic power, the space around the source of magic power is abnormally tough. Cook has not broken this barrier twice in succession. , Although the purity of the magic power in the source of Cook’s magic power is several times that of other second-level magicians, and the damage of Cook’s second-level magic is almost the same as that of third-level magic, the amount of this magic power is only that of the second-level magician. the amount.

It is necessary to know that when a magician is raised by one level, magic damage is almost doubled, and the amount of magic power is doubled, so Cook wants to reach the level of a third-level magician as soon as possible.

"Uh! Damn it!" Cook used the earth element stimulation method twice in half an hour to push the magic density to a new level, and the purity level increased again, but he still didn't advance. Cook didn't dare to do it again. The earth element stimulation method is performed, because now Cook feels that his head is almost exploded. The earth element stimulation method is like nuclear fission at all. Cook does not dare to take the risk at all. If the fission is huge, maybe he will take his brain It's about to burst, this Cook doesn't dare to bet at all.

"Oh, you have to consume magic power!" Cook couldn't help being depressed. Other magicians were afraid of consuming magic power, but he had to constantly release magic power, otherwise his brain would be painful.

Cook took out a small seed in his hand. This is the seed of the low-level magic herb Cryptanthus. Cook directly inputs the magic power. The seeds of the Cichlid plant begin to germinate, and then slowly grow and bloom in Cook's hands. ,withered!

"It still failed. It seems that the magic herb spawned by magic has a very small chance of bearing seeds." Cook put away the withered magic herb. The herb can be used, but the seed that Cook wanted was not picked up.

"Is this the sequelae caused by violating the laws of nature?" Cook consumed a part of his magic power, and he felt that his head was not so painful, so he stopped, and all the seeds relied on his own magic power, and magic relied on it. Your own magic power affects the elements in the air, and the magic power consumed by the two is quite different.

"Come in!" Cook's mental power keenly sensed that someone outside the door was about to knock, and Cook called out a prank in advance.

It was Duke Lu Dongxi who opened the door. Duke Lu Dongxi was shocked. You must know that the distance between Cook and the door is more than 15 meters, and there is still a living room, and he can actually detect it. He was also an intermediate knight, Duke Lu Dongxi couldn't help but think that if he were on the battlefield, he would be dead.

Fifteen meters is indeed not long, but it is inside the house, not only separated by two doors, a bedroom and a living room, a living room and a corridor, and Duke Lu Dongxi dare to guarantee that his residence has excellent sound insulation, let alone There is no gap between the thick cashmere carpet on the ground and the solid wood door. The spiritual power can penetrate two solid wood wooden doors. This spiritual power is not generally high.

"Your Excellency Cook." Lu Dongxi confirmed Cook's strength, and he became more respectful. If he used to admire Cook's luck and the relationship and strength behind him, now Duke Lu Dongxi has sincerely admired him. Cook's own strength, Cook did not expect that his pranks would relieve himself a lot of trouble in a few years.

"Haha, Lord Duke, are you ready?" Cook asked with a smile.

"It's almost done. I'm here to invite Lord Cook to attend a party." Duke Lu Dongxi smiled and invited.

"Don't you know that I just killed the Seventh Prince?" Cook asked directly, and then looked at Duke Lu Dongxi. Although Cook also knew that this was definitely not a trap, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

"Haha, I have heard that, where is your Majesty to appease Prince Red Maple Leaf, I have a suggestion, I don't know if Lord Cook would like to listen?" Duke Lu Dongxi replied excitedly.

Cook was speechless. Your prince was killed by me, and he was so happy, but Cook still replied: "Would you like to hear the advice of Lord Duke?"

"In fact, Lord Cook, you can completely support the Red Maple Leaf family, and let the Red Maple Leaf family use this as an opportunity to cut off the idea of ​​royal marriage. The daughter of the Prince Red Maple Leaf family is very helpful to the development of your territory. "The last sentence, Duke Lu Dongxi laughed a little~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook did not expect that there are so many smart people. Cook was just about to refuse, and then his eyes rolled and said: "I can't guarantee this, if If the Duke has a way to contact Prince Red Maple Leaf, I don’t mind, but I just don’t know the relationship between Prince Red Maple Leaf and the current royal family?"

"Well, as long as your Excellency Cook is willing, I will invite the Prince of Red Maple Leaf." When Duke Lu Dongxi heard that Cook was willing, he immediately patted his chest and promised that Duke Lu Dongxi was very excited. When the prince drew in, it was not impossible for the emperor to do it for himself. Duke Lu Dongxi was very excited when he thought that he could actually participate in such a big event.

"Could it be possible that my Fair family can inherit the prince?" Duke Lu Dongxi thought excitedly as he walked, knowing that the Duke’s power is great, but that refers to administrative power, and even the number of guards is strictly limited. Not to mention the army, the prince is different, not only has the right to raise soldiers, but also has administrative power, and the duke’s territory is only one of the dozens of the prince’s territory. The prince’s territory can exceed one province, and the duke is only A city is only one tenth of a province.

"Well, letting the Red Maple Leaf Family have a good relationship with these nobles is beneficial to the Red Maple Leaf Family." Cook looked at Duke Lu Dongxi, who was walking in a hurry, and thought to himself.

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