A Unique Hunter

Chapter 274: Prince

Ceylon XIII felt that today’s half an hour was so long. Because the emperor was dispatched, the customization of routes, guards, and guards all required time to prepare. Originally, things like this should be prepared a day in advance, but who It is called an emergency today, and His Majesty the Emperor has given a half-hour deadline.

Fortunately, the palace is not very far from the Red Maple Leaf Manor. Guards were sent on the road to disperse the crowds. Crossbowmen occupied favorable terrain. The guards searched for suspicious areas, including some trees. Two teams were dispatched to serve as guards in the air.

But when Ceylon XIII hurried to the Red Maple Leaf Manor, he was dumbfounded. He looked at the clothes worn by Prince Red Maple Leaf and smelled the musty smell. Ceylon XIII was speechless. Poor, but it won’t be clean.

"Participate in Your Majesty!" There is no such cumbersome etiquette between the nobles and kings of this world as in ancient China on the earth, the Prince of Red Maple Leaf smiled and bowed.

"No need to be polite." Ceylon XIII smiled, holding up the Prince of Red Maple Leaf while enduring the smell of musty.

"See your majesty!" The guard on the other side also shouted loudly. Ceylon XIII turned his head with a smile, but seeing more than 30 guards and servants, Ceylon XIII smiled and froze.

Nima, you are the guards. Look at that guy, who actually exposed all the hair in the crotch, and that guy, are you wearing a hole suit? The more shameful people do not miss three points, you are good, two hairy **** are exposed on the chest, and the servant women over there. When Ceylon XIII saw the clothes of these servant women, he had an urge to vomit, Nima , Your white aprons are almost all black.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please!" Ceylon XIII bit his head and entered the mansion.

"Puff!" Ceylon XIII looked at the wooden torch inserted in the hall, almost vomiting blood.

"Your Majesty!" At this time, the two court mages next to Ceylon XIII released their magic shields, staring at the two-headed bird on the huge crystal lamp holder.

"What's wrong?" Ceylon XIII was immediately surrounded by two personal guards, and then asked suspiciously.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's okay, it's Xiaoni's pet, it's harmless." Prince Hong Maple Leaf said nonsense with his eyes open.

Then Ceylon XIII roared loudly: "Little Shuang, you don't want to go away, if you don't go away, be careful not to drink for you in the future...!"

"Punch!" The Dark Demon Eagle glanced at the two magicians contemptuously, and flew away.

"Your Majesty, at least an eighth-level monster!" A magician next to Ceylon XIII whispered.

"Kang Dang!" The hat in Ceylon XIII's hand dropped to the ground, and he made a bang. Obviously, it was added material. You must know that there is an eighth-level master beside you, that is Homan. If the Prince of Red Maple Leaf has any thoughts, he is not.

"Your Majesty! Please! In order to welcome your Majesty, a grand banquet has been specially prepared." Prince Red Maple Leaf pretended not to hear and led a group of people to the banquet hall.

When Ceylon XIII entered the banquet hall, he could not help but want to turn around and leave when he smelled the scent of smoke from the tangy wooden torches, but he took a deep breath, took a seat and said, "Prince Your Excellency, am I sorry for what happened today?"

"Uh. Your Majesty, what are you talking about?" The Prince of Red Maple Leaf looked at Ceylon XIII in doubt and asked.

"Don't you know?" Ceylon XIII asked in surprise.

"I don't know, I thought that your majesty was here to give away the things for the engagement ceremony." Prince Red Maple Leaf replied pretendingly.

Ceylon XIII said painfully: "The Seventh Prince was assassinated today!"

"I was assassinated. Was the injury serious? Don’t delay the engagement ceremony, Your Majesty, it’s my fault. We haven’t gone out for three days. You know, we’ll be laughed at when we go out like this, so it’s still I don't know the news." Prince Red Maple Leaf immediately stood up and asked nervously.

"He is dead!" Ceylon XIII said here, also feeling deeply pained, no matter how his own son is not.

"My God, my God, my Majesty, what can we do? I borrowed a loan shark to collect enough materials for the banquet. Your Majesty, if the engagement ceremony is not held, the interest will be increased tomorrow! "The Prince of Red Maple Leaf shouted.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will let the Minister of Finance repay the loan shark." Ceylon XIII was moved, and then promised.

"What about Xiao Ni?" Prince Red Maple Leaf said as if no one wanted Connie.

"Wait!" Ceylon XIII also had a headache.

"What about the military expenses?" Prince Red Maple Leaf asked weakly.

"Appropriate, immediately approve!" Ceylon XIII had no choice but to do so. Even if it was a change, he would have to wait for the storm to pass. Ceylon XIII was very upset and picked up the wine glass on the table.

"Puff!" The next moment Ceylon XIII sprayed out directly, very sour, just a touch of wine.

"Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty." Prince Red Maple Leaf said gratefully.

Then he shouted: "Serve, serve!"

"No, no, I have to deal with the case, I'll leave." Ceylon XIII was finally lucky to see the turbid liquid in the glass under the dim light, and the plate in front of him was a wooden plate. It's dark, and the knife and fork are made of bamboo. As for the thing in the middle of the big table, it is not a barbecue, but a huge toast, but brown bread. Ceylon XIII hurriedly refused. Ran away.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Prince Red Maple Leaf shouted several times at the door, smiling when he saw the departure of King Ceylon XIII. The emperor used to restrain himself with military expenses, but now he has three space bags inside. There is a magic crystal card containing two 5 million gold coins, and the prince of Red Maple Leaf has a lot of confidence and strength!

"Damn it, how do you do it!" If Ceylon XIII didn't know that Prince Red Maple Leaf was playing with him, he would have lived in vain.

"Get me the Minister of Finance, I want the Prince of Red Maple Leaf to kneel and beg me! Damn it!" Ceylon XIII ordered.

"Homan, closely supervise the Prince of Red Maple Leaf, and be sure not to let him leave the imperial capital!" Ceylon XIII then gritted his teeth and ordered.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing I can do about it!" Homan replied with a wry smile.

"Boom! Homan, what are you talking about?" Another table worth thousands of gold coins was smashed.

"What you saw in the Prince’s Mansion is indeed an eighth-level monster, and it is an eighth-level dark magic eagle. The combat power of the double-headed dark magic eagle is comparable to that of a ninth-level monster. Don't even show up in public, once the Prince of Red Maple Leaf comes to a dead fish..." Homan did not go on wisely.

"Double-headed dark eagle, Homan, are you sure you are not mistaken?" Ceylon XIII asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

"No! So I think it is the best choice to send the Prince of Red Maple Leaf as soon as possible, otherwise the cost of protecting your majesty is more than one million gold coins. If you activate the defensive magic circle of the palace, you will consume one hundred thousand gold coins a day. If the Prince of Red Maple Leaf stays. In one month..." Homan replied affirmatively.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Ceylon XIII ran away again, a demonic familiar comparable to a ninth-level beast, Nima, why is it so bad.

"Your Majesty, you just smashed it once in the morning. Those items are worth two hundred thousand gold coins, and they have just been replaced." Homan's mouth twitched.

"Damn it!" Hearing Homan's words, Ceylon XIII looked at an oil painting he was about to drop, and roared loudly.

However, when Duke Lu Dongxi came to the entrance of Red Maple Leaf Villa and saw that Prince Red Maple Leaf was dressed as a guard, he was stunned. Although the Red Maple Leaf family was embarrassed, he saw that Prince Red Maple Leaf yesterday was not like that. Duke Lu Dongxi stepped up to greet him doubtfully: "His Royal Highness, are you?"

"Ah, haha, it is Duke Lu Dongxi, we, we are having a masquerade party!" Prince Red Maple Leaf replied awkwardly.

"Puff!!!" Several guards suddenly laughed.

"Go, go, a bunch of bastards!" Prince Red Maple Leaf shouted immediately, and the thirty guards dispersed all at once.

After hearing the invitation of Duke Lu Dongxi, Prince Red Maple Leaf asked doubtfully: "Duke Lu Dongxi is here to invite me to the evening reception?"

Prince Red Maple Leaf could not help but wonder. You must know that the group headed by Ceylon XIII and supported by these nobles was the group that suppressed his family for decades, but now Duke Lu Dongxi actually invites himself to participate in the reception. This is not the sun from the west. Is it out?

"Yes, not only me, but also Duke Silverpine, Duke Blue Rose, Duke Black Rose, Earl Blue Lingcao...!" Duke Lu Dongxi said several famous nobles.

"You are ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Prince of Red Maple Leaf is puzzled again.

"Hehe, those of us have decided to form a business alliance, and of course you, Prince Prince!" Duke Lu Dongxi replied with a smile.

"Business alliance?" Prince Red Maple Leaf had a weird face. What kind of business alliance? Isn't the business alliance that you said is a strategic alliance, but what do these guys do?

"Of course we also sincerely invite Miss Conkeni!" Duke Lu Dongxi finally turned to the front, and continued smiling.

"Xiao Ni?" The Red Maple Leaf Prince was completely confused. What were these people's ideas? Could it be that King Ceylon XIII has also completely turned his face, but thinking of the two-headed guy, the Red Maple Leaf Prince happily agreed: "Well, I will go to the meeting on time!"

"His Royal Highness, there will naturally be a carriage to pick you up at that time. You also know that the Seventh Prince has just had an accident. If our reception is discovered again..." Duke Lu Dongxi was very excited when he heard that Prince Hong Maple Leaf agreed. Exhorted.

"Okay!" Although the Prince of Red Maple Leaf was full of doubts, there was a two-headed dark magic eagle sitting on the ground, and he didn't need to be afraid of anything, he agreed.

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