A Unique Hunter

Chapter 275: Cocktail party

However, Prince Red Maple Leaf did not wonder how long, because Cook came once in the evening. As soon as the two met Cook, they told Prince Red Maple Leaf Duke Lu Dongxi’s ideas, but Prince Red Maple Leaf did not express his opinion. Cook After staying in Prince Red Maple Leaf's mansion for a while, he left, because Cook was attending a banquet with Duke Lu Dongxi in the evening.

"My lord, you actually have a cocktail party in such a place, I admire you!" Cook got on an unmarked ordinary carriage in the evening, and after an hour in the imperial capital, the carriage stopped at one. Behind the small church, Cook had to admire these old guys. You must know that no matter whether it is the Holy See, the major empires are not willing to provoke, because if you provoke the Holy See, it is tantamount to provoke a group of lunatics, and they are fatal lunatics.

"Hehe, this is the temple of the hunting goddess, but you also know that there are not many followers of the hunting goddess. Of course, because our empire has many mountainous areas, there are more followers of the hunting goddess, otherwise there is no such a big temple in the Imperial Capital." The information introduced by Duke Lu Dongxi surprised Cook.

Cook knows many gods, **** of wisdom, **** of justice, order, justice, peace, ocean, glory, inspiration, joy, harvest goddess, nature Goddess, God of Life, God of Memory, God of Fire, God of War, God of Water, Mother of Earth, God of Dark Night, God of Wind and Rain, God of Bacchus, God of Light, God of Darkness, etc. There are a lot of temples. Once heard.

"The first quarter moon is her bow, the moonlight is her arrow, and the protector of small animals. This is the goddess of hunting. In the mountains of our empire, there are countless followers of the goddess of hunting. They pray every time they hunt. "Lu Dongxi explained.

Cook and Duke Lu Dongxi, dressed in gray robes, got off the carriage and walked straight to the hall. The carriage also left. Cook followed; behind Duke Lu Dongxi, the two came to a box in the middle of the hall, Lu Dongxi The Duke put a gold coin in, then bowed to the statue of a goddess in the main hall, and put his hands together, Cook did the same, and then Duke Lu Dongxi took Cook to the side hall through the side door, and then entered the backyard .

The backyard of the temple is relatively large, and there are several temple guards dressed as archers along the way. The two did not stay in the backyard, but went directly to the second floor on the left side of the backyard and entered a hall.

"Haha, old stuff, you finally came!" As soon as Duke Lu Dongxi showed up, one of them roared with laughter.

"Humph!" Duke Lu Dongxi snorted coldly, took off his robe, and Cook was stunned.

This is because there are actually exposed maids in the reception. At first glance, these maids are doing some part-time jobs, and the middle-aged man who called for Lu Dongxi still had a woman dressed as a maid in his arms, but this woman’s shirt was gone. Instead, a big hand of the middle-aged man kept rubbing.

"You're going to die on a woman's belly sooner or later like this." Duke Lu Dongxi took a glass of wine from the maid passing by, and then cursed badly.

"Hey, don't play for nothing, don't play!" The middle-aged man smiled with a *, and the hand touching his chest meant to slide under the maid.

"Okay, okay, Prince Red Maple Leaf and Miss Conkeni will come later, chase away these irrelevant people, and drive them away!" Lu Dongxi looked at the middle-aged man, and then exclaimed Said loudly.

"I said Lu Dongxi, what do you invite them to do, don't you know..." an old man asked with a glass of wine and smiled.

Seeing that the maids were driven away one by one, the band was also driven away, and the door was closed, Cook realized that there were not many people, only ten people were not there. Duke Lu Dongxi said: "I Let me introduce you to everyone. This is the famous Baron Cook, the one who poisoned dozens of nobles and our poor three princes at once in the Munich War!"

"Wow!" someone exclaimed immediately.

Some people asked loudly: "Duke Lu Dongxi, what do you mean, if the black guard knows what we can do?"

"Sit down, sit down, and see if you are nobles anyway, how come you are like a hillbilly?" Duke Lu Dongxi shouted loudly, and then everyone gathered around and sat down.

"It’s nice to meet you, Baron Cook. I’m Earl Polay. To be honest, I should be most grateful for you. If you hadn’t poisoned my father and two brothers to death, maybe I’m already He was kicked out of the house with hundreds of gold coins!" A young man approached Cook, sat down, and said something that surprised Cook.

"Okay, okay, Baron Cook, I'm just a **** of a maid. I used to be a groom at home, but unfortunately, my father and two sons have reached the kingdom of heaven, so I am The groom has become the heir, thank the Lord!" Count Polay was embarrassed by Cook's look, and explained in a low voice.

"Haha! Cheers for your good luck!" Cook laughed in a low voice. Indeed, if this is the case, I really have to thank myself. The nobles in this world can only inherit the title. As for the children raised by maids, they will eventually be given to them. Give a sum of money and drive out of the house.

"Cheers!" Polay and Cook touched their glasses.

Duke Lu Dongxi began to say: "Everyone, everybody, I have reached a verbal agreement with Baron Cooke. He will serve as a partner of our business alliance to provide us with a large number of fine iron weapons and equipment made by dwarves, and we will Use grain, rice wine, fruit wine, bacon and other materials to trade with Lord Baron Cook!"

"Really, Duke Lu Dongxi, what are you saying is true?" Hearing this, the old man who asked Duke Lu Dongxi had his eyes brightened.

"Of course, everyone knows that I have a good relationship with the dwarves, otherwise there will be no 50,000 dwarf craftsmen working for me. As long as you want, you can have as many weapons and equipment as you want." Cook stood up and smiled. Tao.

"Then Baron Cook, how much is a dwarf's lock armor?" a man asked loudly.

"It depends on what kind of lock armor is. If it is the best fish scale armor, the lowest is three thousand gold coins, if the worst ring armor is only a few hundred gold coins." Cook said with a smile.

"Scaly armor? Are there really fish-scale armors for sale?"

"The fish scale armor, the fish scale armor of three thousand gold coins is really not expensive! And it was made by a dwarf. This can be used as a family heirloom!"

"Baron Cook, how many can this fish scales have?"

Countless discussions sounded, and someone asked loudly. Cook replied with a smile: "There are 20 fish scales a month! It is not made by the dwarf apprentice."

"Created by an apprentice, Baron Cook, what's going on?" someone asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, in fact, most of the weapons and equipment sold in humans are made by young dwarves as apprentices. Those real craftsmen will not come to build these worthless things. Real dwarf craftsmen like to build heavy equipment, plate armor, Shields, swords, etc., because these weapons are the most profitable. Although a good set of fine iron plate armor will cost a dwarf craftsman several years, this set of plate armor is worth tens of thousands of gold coins, which is enough for dwarves to consume. , Only those apprentices will make fish scales. Of course, if there are apprentices, there are teachers. The fish scales I sell are made by these teachers when they demonstrate.” Cook explained with a smile.

"Baron Cook, I want two sets of plate armor. I wonder if you have sold them?" a person asked loudly.

"Hehe, here, there are not only plate armor for sale, but also siege crossbows, engineering bombs, and enchant plate armor!" Cook said with a smile.

"Baron Cook, I want a plate armor!"

"Two sets! I want two sets!"

"I want ten sets!"

The nobles below stared wide-eyed. You must know that the plate armor is not allowed to flow between the various human empires. A set of this thing is worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins. It takes a few years of human craftsmen to build a set. It's something that money can't buy, just like the entire continent only the Bright Empire is equipped with thousands of heavy armored infantry and thousands of heavy armored cavalry. The heavy armor mentioned here is plate armor.

When the Prince of Red Maple Leaf brought Connie into the door, he saw the scene in front of him. Both of them were surprised. To know that Cook is a wanted criminal, these nobles dared to surround Cook in such a fair manner.

"Well, here, I Cook promised that the plate armor of the first transaction will be sold to everyone at a very favorable price of 20,000 gold coins." Cook looked at these excited nobles, it was like In the later generations, those small countries got the main battle tanks of a certain big country. Equipping a set of plate armor in this world is indeed equivalent to a tank. Who can't be excited.

"I want six sets, six sets, not two sets!"

"Twenty sets, twenty sets! My God, this is the greatest wealth I leave to my children and grandchildren!"

"Huh, I want fifty sets, but I want to use an iron ore mortgage, don't you know Baron Cook?"

"Everyone, everybody, please don't get excited. We will be partners in the future. We have time to discuss business. I think we should make a toast for the establishment of this business alliance and welcome our Royal Highness the Red Maple Leaf!" At this time, Duke Lu Dongxi Said loudly.

"Baron Cook, how about I use the forest farm as a mortgage?" But these nobles obviously did not obey Duke Lu Dongxi's words. They dismissed Prince Red Maple Leaf, at most they just nodded, and then continued to watch Cook, one of the viscounts said

"Huh, Linchang, is that useful?" another nobleman said irritably.

"But the income of my territory is less than 20,000 gold coins in a year?" The viscount said bitterly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haha, as a partner, I think I can give you equipment first. As for money, We can talk about it slowly later! "Cook said with a smile.

"Baron Cook, for your generosity, cheers!" The viscount excitedly toasted.

Prince Red Maple Leaf's face is so ugly, how ugly, a prince of his own is actually ignored, and a little baron is actually regarded as a guest of honor by the nobles and the nobles, this is how the prince's love is so embarrassing!

"Baron Cook, the siege crossbow that your Excellency just mentioned?" Someone asked in a low voice. As soon as this person asked, everyone had shut up. Obviously, a siege crossbow is no different from a big killer on earth. Strategic missiles, this is a weapon for siege and defense.

"Haha, we can only purchase this item from members of the business alliance, and the quantity... unlimited!" Cook replied with a smile.

"Then, this price?" Everyone was surprised, but some people continued to ask, and the others held their breath and waited for Cook's answer.

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