A Unique Hunter

Chapter 276: acting

"The price of a siege crossbow is more expensive. The main thing is that the bowstring must be refined by an alchemist, and the crossbow body is also made of white iron and precision mechanical components. There are not only dwarves but also dwarfs, but you don’t have to Worry, after the establishment of our business alliance, there will definitely be branches in your territories, but we can mobilize some products at any time, including siege crossbows, for sale. Of course, as for the sales, it depends on God’s will. If we don’t sell it, let’s send it to other places for sale. And when we sell it, we must test it out. This crossbow arrow is not very expensive, as long as the arrow is only three hundred gold coins." Cook said with a wink.

"Haha, Baron Cook said well. There are bandits in my territory. They looted several times a year. It seems that we will also sell siege crossbows in the future." An earl reacted first and said what sales. Do you dare to sell this siege crossbow? This is just a pretense, which means that anyone whose territory is in danger can use the name of selling a batch of them. Of course, the crossbow arrows that are consumed are paid for.

"Yes, yes!" The nobles next to them are not stupid, and those without money and equipment immediately agreed, while the rich princes glanced at each other.

"In fact, this siege crossbow is not practical. We use a small siege crossbow that can be equipped on a carriage. It only requires three people to use it..." Cook said with a smile, because he didn't even think about it. Sell ​​siege crossbows.

"Your Excellency Cook, Your Excellency Cook, can it really be equipped on a carriage?" a nobleman asked in surprise.

"Yes, this kind of siege crossbow is called a ballista. It can penetrate fish scale armor at a distance of 300 meters. Although the plate armor will not be penetrated, the powerful force can directly shock the soldiers behind the plate armor. Death, and this kind of ballista can be fired quickly, five to eight crossbow arrows can be fired in one minute." Cook explained with a smile.

"And this kind of ballista is not expensive, only 10,000 gold coins, and this kind of ballista can be disassembled directly and pulled away with horses directly. I want this kind of ballista to follow the infantry..." Cook behind. Nothing to say.

"Okay, okay, I want five hundred!" Prince Red Maple Leaf roared with bright eyes.

"Puff!" The nobles and the nobles in the reception spit out the wine at the same time, even those without alcohol also spit out.

They looked suspiciously at Prince Red Maple Leaf, do you have so much money? Ten thousand one, it costs five million, and your **** prince's territory does not have as much income as an earl's territory.

"This is a magic crystal card of one million gold coins, which is considered a deposit!" Then the Red Maple Leaf Prince took out a magic crystal card out of thin air and said with a smile.

"Space equipment!" A dozen or so nobles screamed, looking at Prince Red Maple Leaf incredulously, as if Prince Red Maple Leaf was not a human, but an orc.

"Ahem, in fact, this time we deliberately invited His Royal Highness to join the Commercial Alliance, or is this the first order?" Duke Lu Dongxi suggested in a low voice.

"Okay! I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!" The faces of the nobles and the nobles all turned green, and they nodded one after another. Although the internal sales price of the business alliance was only added to the cost price by 5%, it was a transaction of 5 million gold coins and the profit could reach two One hundred and fifty thousand gold coins, everyone present can at least share tens of thousands of gold coins. If you disagree, your Royal Highness may directly trade with Baron Cook. The loss of these tens of thousands of gold coins is enough for these nobles to have a headache for many days.

"I said that His Royal Highness seems to have dealt with me directly!" Cook asked with a smile.

Duke Lu Dongxi cursed secretly: "This kid did it on purpose! But I like it!"

Duke Lu Dongxi said solemnly: "Your Excellency Baron Cook, I'm sorry, His Royal Highness is a member of our Commercial League. Haven't you heard that the members of the Commercial League just now agreed that His Royal Highness joins the Commercial League?"

"Yes! Baron Cook, His Royal Highness is a member of the Commercial League, so this is a transaction between the Commercial League and Your Excellency. For our first successful transaction, cheers!" An old man deserves to be an old fox, and he immediately took over.

"Okay, but it seems that you haven't asked the Prince to agree or disagree?" Cook glanced at Prince Red Maple Leaf and said helplessly.

"Ahem, Baron Cook, I think we will stay away for a while. Our business alliance is going to have a meeting. I think His Royal Highness is willing to participate in the meeting of the business alliance!" Duke Lu Dongxi quickly coughed, joking, these five hundred The trade of ten thousand gold coins can't be let go, and in this situation, it is very advantageous for Prince Red Maple Leaf to join the Commercial League.

"Well, I'll be with you for a while, Miss Conkney, I think you would like to tell me the story of the Goddess of Hunting!" Cook invited with a wry smile.

"Of course!" Connie agreed with a smile.

When Cook and Connie disappeared at the door, there was a fierce quarrel in the room. Connie took Cook's arm and smiled and said, "You bad guy!"

"Hehe, this is also to create opportunities for His Royal Highness. Even if you have money, you can't solve all the problems. Although I don't know the current situation of the Ceylon Empire very well, I know why the nobles here formed a business alliance. Originally, it was to guard against the emperor and the prince, now there is an opportunity to cooperate with the prince, then these people will definitely not let go. The hundreds of thousands of civilian troops crawling out of the blood in the imperial capital are the greatest danger. In terms of His Royal Highness in the remote northwestern province, these nobles are more at ease." Cook explained with a smile.

"Humph, otherwise you think my father will agree. There are at least two aristocratic territories adjacent to the Northwestern Province. Joining the Commercial League is the best choice, so that the emperor's blockade of us will be useless." Connie snorted. One cry, because Cook said too politely.

"Don't talk about them, I think your father's wisdom will definitely talk very well. What do you think of the Bunnyman tribe and do you have any long-term plans?" Cook asked with a smile, smelling the fragrance from Connie. Tao.

"This requires your cooperation. Since they recognize you as the king of the Bunnymen, why don't we rescue all the Bunnymen under this banner and get back the territory that the Bunnymen once owned?" Connie was very confident. Asked.

"Hey, you have a big appetite. Anyway, you will be the Archon of the Bunnyman tribe in the future. I will be satisfied with all the supplies, but the less people know about this, the better." Cook took a breath after hearing it. You must know that the current Bunnymen and Tribes are located in the western part of the Natal Mountains, while the Bunnymen originally owned the territory at the far east, separated by the entire Orc Empire. If you want to regain the Bunnyman territory, you will almost have to fight from the west. east.

"What do you think, you still want to fight in the past, how can a bunny race be the opponent of dozens of orc races, what we have to do is to win over all the vassal races, as well as some inferior orc races, if possible If it’s not, it’s best to draw some main battle races, tauren, bear, pigmen and other races, but this requires accurate information.” Connie frowned as she said, because humans really understand the orc empire It's too little.

Cook pondered for a moment, and then said: "Information can be obtained from the merchants. After the beginning of the spring, I will find someone to set up a chamber of commerce to specialize in the business of the orc empire. Then you will be in charge of it." Cook still doesn't know the whole thing. The orc empire is accumulating strength, making final preparations for next year's invasion.

"You are not afraid of me harming you!" Connie asked quietly when she heard Cook's words.

"I'm afraid, why don't you be afraid, but you don't need to be suspicious, don't use anyone!" Cook said, watching the moonlight on Connie's charming and heroic face and replied.

"Oh!" Connie sighed. Connie realized that she might be inseparable from this life-saver for the rest of her life. She was a magic attendant more than a year ago, but now she has to rely on the great nobles and princes. It's a character, what caused this change, Connie didn't know it herself.

"Prepare for tomorrow. Let's go back to the territory." Cook heard Connie's sigh and did not speak for a while. The two stood on the corridor on the second floor, watching the bright moonlight flooding the entire backyard, and hearing a message from behind. The footsteps coming, Cook said.

"Okay!" Connie replied submissively like a little woman.

"Duke Lu Dongxi!" Cook saw that it was Duke Lu Dongxi who came over, so he took the initiative to step forward, and then returned to the reception hall together.

Cook did not ask about the business alliance carefully. He is just a partner of the business alliance, but seeing the radiant face of His Royal Highness, Cook knew that the old guy was in a very happy mood, and the rest of the nobles were also very excited. Because tonight I have tens of thousands of gold coins, and think about the plate armor promised by Cook, the small siege crossbow, and so on, and the scale armor. These are all large sums of wealth.

During the banquet, Duke Lu Dongxi asked in a low voice: "Brother Cook, those of us are going to return to the territory tomorrow, don't you know how to deal with the Horned Hawk Knight?"

"Tomorrow, so anxious?" Cook asked with a frown.

"Don’t be in a hurry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once the establishment of the business alliance is known by the black guard, we don’t even want to leave. We decided to leave at noon tomorrow. This time is when everyone was unexpected. Please Brother Cook for help.” Duke Lu Dongxi didn't think Cook was too young, and he called himself brother by mouth.

"Okay, but I have to notify the Prince once, and I will give Ceylon XIII an unforgettable gift tomorrow at noon. Then you will take this opportunity to leave." A smile appeared on Cook's mouth.

"Huh?" Duke Lu Dongxi was shocked.

"Of course, I have to solve the problem of the horned eagle first. I wonder if Lord Duke can let me get in?" Cook wanted to go in directly, but the place where the horned eagle is raised is not an ordinary place. There is not only a magic circle. There are also a large number of guards, magicians, there is no way to sneak in, only to enter in an open manner.

"Yes!" Lu Dongxi spit out a word, and then quietly told Cook his own way, and Cook's eyes brightened as he listened.

"Hehe, Lord Duke, listen to the good news tomorrow!" Cook laughed, thinking that he would come to the Ceylon Empire to harvest so much, Cook's big molars of laughter were exposed.

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