A Unique Hunter

Chapter 277: action

Every empire in this world, no matter how big or small, has a group of air knights, Roland's griffon knights, Ceylon's horned eagle knights, Arran's flying leopard knights, etc., these air knights are all elites who are most loyal to the royal family. Knights, these knights are selected from countless knights, after strict training, it is possible to control these monsters.

These air knights are also the fastest armed forces in each empire. These places where flying monsters are raised and knights trained are all under the most stringent protection. Cook dressed in civilian costumes, followed behind two heavily armed soldiers. Walking in a huge garden in the deepest part of the palace.

"Remember, kid! You can't make a lot of noise here, you can't tell what you've learned here, you can't walk around at will, you can't carry irritating things, and you can't light a fire. If you offend, kill it!" The soldier walking in front of Cook Sternly ordered.

"Yes!" Cook replied with a pleasing eyebrow. Cook is now a civilian with identity documents. He also has a letter from the mayor of the local town and a letter of recommendation from a local sheriff. He has also passed through five guards. In his body search, there were two magicians and three sets of clothes, from the inside to the outside.

"Your working hours will be from 8 am to 11 am every morning. You are not allowed to approach here during the rest of the day. You can only stay where you live. You have a vacation every three months, but now you are still on a probationary period." The soldier then continued.

"Yes!" Cook replied still pleasingly.

"Mani! Bring you somebody here." A soldier stopped under a huge castle-like building and shouted loudly. There are not only suspension bridges, but also deep water channels, and a huge crossbow is exposed above the castle. Little trace of it.

"It's Henry, put down the suspension bridge!" A group of at least ten soldiers holding military heavy crossbows pointed at the three people below with the heavy crossbow in his hand, and one of them waved and lowered the suspension bridge.

"This is a document, sign it!" Henry handed a sheepskin scroll, and the man named Mani looked at it and signed it directly.

While signing Mani, he asked, "Has this person signed a life and death contract?"

"It's signed, two gold coins a month, this is not something everyone can resist." Henry waved his hand and replied.

"Hope, I don't want to be attacked by those **** guys again." Mani signed and returned the scroll to Henry.

"Hey, boy, good luck, you are the fifth person I have taken in half a year." Henry waved to Mani and said to Cook at the same time.

"Thank you!" Cook replied weakly.

"Come here, check this kid carefully, and take this kid to wash it again, and throw away this suit for me." Mani looked at Cook and said loudly.

Then Cook was stripped naked and thrown into a large wooden barrel and checked carefully. There were two magicians among them. When Cook stood next to Mani again, it was already half an hour later, Ma Ni smiled at Cook and said, "Boy, what's your name?"

"Jon!" Cook replied weakly.

"Well, Jon, you must remember what I'm talking about below. Your job is to clean up the excrement of the horned eagle and clean the animal pen. Although these big guys don't necessarily **** in their dens. , But cleaning up every day is a must. The grass in these big guys’ dens have to be changed every day, but you’d better clean up after 8 o’clock in the morning, because those big guys are not at home at that time, if you are cleaning them When the big guys are back, then I wish you good luck, Cony, and take this kid down to get to know him." Mani carefully ordered again.

"Boy, remember what I said!" Mani shouted again.

"Thank you!" Cook replied weakly.

Then Cook was taken out. Cook went out and found that this is a good castle, but it is more like a huge bird's nest. The top of the castle is divided into several compartments of different sizes by huge logs. It measures hundreds of square meters and is about ten meters high. And the upper part of these compartments is also covered with tiles made of the best metal plates and clay.

"Jon, hurry up and don't look at it. The wood is also made of fine iron pillars. It is now past nine o'clock, and those big guys should be back in more than an hour." A fighter, this fighter has at least level six, but he took Cook to do it once, and Cook did the rest. In fact, the monthly salary for cleaning this job is 150 gold coins. After all, he has to face it. For the fifth-level horned eagle, the low-level eagles have no defense at all, but these guys don’t want to do such a humble job, so they recruit some civilians. As for being attacked by a fifth-level beast and die, that’s normal. After all, this A year is the receipt of more than a thousand gold coins. Those military officers will not care about the lives and deaths of civilians, and these are voluntary.

"Sir, how many big guys are there here?" Cook asked stupidly.

"Hehe, there are a total of six horned eagle knight teams, a total of 30 horned eagles, and five of them are young horned eagles." Kony was called by a nondescript chief of Cooke with a smile. In Kony's view, A redneck is a redneck.

"But why didn't I see Master Knight here, Master Master, I admire Master Knight the most." Cook then asked foolishly again, and began to clean up the hay that fell on the ground.

"Haha, you don't understand after I have said it, let's put it this way, our Emperor is afraid that the knight masters will steal these horned eagles!" Kony replied with a laugh, and Cook understood that this is also a check and balance , In case that knight has a bad heart, take away a horned eagle, the emperor of Ceylon will have the heart of crying to death. This horned eagle was built by the empire that took hundreds of years of hard work and spent countless gold coins. .

Kony watched Cook clean up very quickly. The power in his hand was obviously not small. Kony commanded while chatting with Cook. About an hour later, Cook saw a dozen soldiers carrying a large amount of meat up. Cook opened his eyes wide and asked: "Sir Kony, what is the purpose of so much meat? Is it dried bacon?"

"Haha, I don't see it. This is feeding the big guys. This is just a part of it. It needs to be fed twice a day." Kony explained with a smile.

"Hey, we haven't sold so much meat during the New Year in our town!" Cook pretended to be a hillbilly with a shocked expression on his face. At this moment, a thumb-sized gray spider fell from the ceiling and fell directly. It was on Cook's collar, and then quickly got into the clothes. Then Cook had a transparent crystal ring in his hand, and Cook quietly put on the ring.

"Jon, let's go, let's help too. We'll cut off some of the best pieces of meat later, and I'll give you one!" Kony looked at Cook's drooling and patted Cook on the shoulder.

"Can we eat too?" Cook's saliva was about to flow out.

"Yes, how can't it!" Kony said that he should eat, and then he took Cook to help.

Cook carried a whole sheep that had been skinned and washed and walked towards the castle. The rest of the soldiers just looked at Cook, nodded and did not speak, but what these people didn’t know was that they were out of sight. A large bottle of colorless liquid was dumped directly on top of the pallet truck by Cook

Then there is beef, just two back and forth, these meats are placed on the top of the castle, but they are divided into many parts, in each compartment is placed, Cook is worried about how to add more ingredients, who knows Nilima commanded: "Jon, you have to check carefully every time you put the food, because if you don’t put some, you will attack the other horned eagles, so we will all suffer, and the portion must be about the same. Hurry up, go check it again, and this piece of lamb leg will be given to you."

"Yes, sir!" Cook ran to check quickly.

"Hey, guys, let's get started. I bet this kid is lucky and won't die. I bet ten gold coins." Kony watched Cook go to check, and said to the others around him.

"I bet he is dead! Later, I will see the horned eagle directly frightened to the ground, and then eaten by the horned eagle, five gold coins!" Another soldier immediately stood up and said.

"Three gold coins, die!"

"Two gold coins, live!"

"Five gold coins, live!"

"Three gold coins, die!"

A group of people placed their bets one after another, and then looked at the black spots in the sky in the distance. As for Cook's figure, the soldiers could not see at all, because they were blocked by the building. These soldiers smiled and looked at the ever-increasing horns. eagle.

As soon as Cook rushed out to check, he poured a bottle of strength potion, a bottle of Fengxing potion, and then a bottle of powerful paralysis potion and some honey appeared constantly, and then two things were spilled in these compartments. If anyone could see Cook’s figure on the meat, he would definitely be surprised, because Cook’s speed was too fast.

"Hey, Ceylon XIII, this is the reward you gave me. My buddy is also tens of thousands of gold coins a minute to clean up a piece of garbage that has disappeared. The 35-headed eagle is not an exaggeration, right? !" Cook spilled the potion in half a minute, and then took a bottle of invisible potion, then shrank in the shadow on the shelf of the ceiling, and put on the shadow robe, which can isolate the body itself. Fluctuations.

"Pump, pounce, pounce!" A burst of huge wind and the sound of wings inciting sounded directly in Cook's ears. Cook looked at the three-headed eagle, two big and one small, obviously a family moving. They rushed towards their own food like chickens.

"Haha, haha, that kid must have been scared to the ground. It must have become a horned eagle's lunch. Sorry, guys, I won." Kony laughed loudly.

"Goo!" Cook looked at the big guy below, and was surprised, because the big guy below doesn't eat meat at all, but tore the meat into small pieces to the little horned eagle next to him and the other horned eagle, Cook Looking at this horned eagle is like looking at a big rooster in a flock of chickens, and so is that guy. He yelled when he found something delicious. The hen rushed over like flying, and then ate it. Obviously this The horned eagle is the only leader of this group of horned eagles, and it is also a male horned eagle.

"Cuckoo!" The little horned eagle who ate the meat first couldn't bear the powerful medicine, and suddenly fainted. The horned eagle leader looked at the little horned eagle in confusion, touched it with his mouth, and screamed. Scream.

"Pump!" At this time, another horned eagle slowly limped to the ground.

"Damn it!" Cook slowly moved in the other direction, it was all right.



"Three!" When Cook came down again, there was a bird with a big mouth on his shoulder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The big mouth was already hiding on it. Cook took out one space bag and kept holding The horned eagles that were limp on the ground were thrown into the space bag.

"Boom! Boom!" Cook heard a boom, and then a huge chirp sounded. Cook secretly looked out and found that the horned eagle leader was running frantically, apparently finding that his tribe was missing.

"Crap!" At the moment when Cook appeared, the horned eagle leader looked at Cook, and Cook jumped up. Due to the use of the space bag, the invisible potion lost its effect. Cook knew that he had been discovered, and immediately He jumped up and rushed out, because there was still a nine-headed eagle that had not been put away.

"Boom!" As soon as Cook ran away, he heard a huge sound, his big mouth went directly into Cook's arms, and then Cook felt a piece of sunlight coming in, and the horned eagle leader directly made a metal plate with a claw. The roof was overturned.

"You wait for me!" Cook was hit by the falling shingles. Looking at the falling debris, Cook used his hands and feet together to reinstall the horned eagles paralyzed by the powerful paralysis potion. Even if the low-level potions are at the perfect level, their effectiveness is very limited to the five-level beasts.

Nearly seven thousand words!

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