A Unique Hunter

Chapter 278: Mistake

"Wow!" With a sound, the gold coins in Kony's hand were scattered all over the floor, and he looked at the horned eagle rising up into the sky in surprise. Everyone who was there was familiar with that huge figure, that was the only adult horned eagle. The male horned eagle is also the leader of this horned eagle group, and the huge roof is directly overturned.

"This, this, this!" Everyone's eyes widened. If something happens to these horned eagles, everyone present will not be able to eat and walk around. The current situation has never happened before. Now the horned eagles The leader seemed to be crazy.

"Boom! Bang!" The roof was overturned piece by piece, and the scene seemed to be the horned eagle leader looking for something.

"There are the last two!" Cook looked at the last two horned eagles not far in front. They were the one that was fed by the leader of the horned eagle just now. Cook's speed was extremely fast, and he was there as soon as a distance of ten meters. , And then two horned eagles were stuffed into the space bag.

"Woohoooo!" The horned eagle leader watched his tribe disappear into Cook's hands one by one, his eyes were red and his mouth grew wide, and a series of wind blades sprayed directly onto Cook's roof with a huge whistling sound.

"Damn it!" Cook feels that he knows the violent magic fluctuations, and he knows it is not good. This must be the horned eagle's talent magic, the wind blade spit, can release about thirty wind blades, intensively shooting at the enemy, this is A magic that can grow, there are three or five wind blades at a low level, and hundreds of wind blades at a high level. A human sixth-level magician may be able to release ten at a time, because the consumption of magic is too large, but the horned eagle is so big Body shape and magic core, magic power is not lacking at all, what is lacking is accurate positioning ability, which requires strong mental power, but this wind blade spit does not need too high mental power.

"Boom boom boom!" The grudge exploded under Cook's feet, and the next second was a dozen meters away. At this time, the wind blade directly hit the building with a series of booming noises.

"Help!" Cook looked at the wide-eyed Kony, his eyes rolled, and he rushed over with a pee.

"It's still alive!"

"What the **** did this kid do?"

"No, run!" a dozen soldiers murmured incredulously as they looked at Cook who was rushing towards him, but then they looked at the things behind Cook and were shocked that these guys dropped the things in their hands and fled. Up.

"Master sir! Master sir!" Cook shouted loudly while chuckling.

"Don't come here!" Kony roared loudly.

"Sir, what are you doing so fast?" Kony felt that something was wrong just after he shouted. He turned his head and found that Cook was parallel to himself.

"Damn bastard!" Kone punched it in his hand. Although he didn't have time to accumulate vindictiveness, Kone believed that the civilian kid would be knocked out by himself.

"Sir, sir, I was wrong." Cook yelled, speeding up, and he dodged Kony's fist, and then left a back, looking like he was scared by Kony.




A scream made Kony run desperately. Although Kony is a sixth-level fighter, he has never experienced danger since he was born as a nobleman. Of course, he will definitely compete with some people. When he is in a panic. Forget about urging fighting qi, if the sixth-level fighter urges the fighting qi, the speed is only faster than that of Cook. If he is replaced by other adventurers, he will have stimulated the fighting to catch up with Cook, and even the sixth-level fighter has not resisted the Horned Eagle leader. The ability, but escape is definitely possible.

"Damn bastard, I'm silver...puff!" Kony roared loudly, but with the puff, Kony's body was cut in half, and a lot of blood was sprayed out directly. Kony wouldn't die until he died. Believe that a sixth-level fighter can not run as fast as a civilian.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!" There was a mess on the entire castle. The wind blade attacked where Cooke went. The giant crossbows were directly shattered into pieces by the wind blade, and countless soldiers died.

"Go down to the lower level!" Mani finally showed up at this time, puffing up his anger and shouting. After drinking, Mani went down first. Just kidding, the angry level 6 flying beast is something everyone has to hide. Far away.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) .


"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It fell like raindrops.

"It's almost there!" Cook calculated the time, and the magic power of the horned eagle leader is probably not much. Cook looked at the spire not far away and noticed it.

"Huhuhuhu!" Cook was rolling on the spot again, leaving countless deep marks on the ground. The release magic of Warcraft is the same as the magician, and it also has the frequency of attack. Cook had already calculated it silently. At the beginning, there were still some scars on the body, but now that Cook has mastered the frequency of the horned eagle's release, he can just avoid it. The range magic is not good at this point, and there is no way to lock it.

"Pump!" With two sounds, Cook's whole body was tense, and he jumped directly to the top of the tower nearly ten meters high, and the horned eagle just flew over Cook's head.

"Thorn Art!" As soon as Cook stretched out his hand, a green light appeared in his palm. Five or six slender black vines shot directly out of Cook's hand, and then suddenly became the thickness of chopsticks in the next second. , The next second is the thickness of the thumb, which is directly wrapped around the horned eagle's legs.

"Boom!" The vine was pulled by a huge force and stretched tightly. Cook's feet pressed **** the spire, and the boulder above the spire was kicked out of a pit by Cook directly, and a piece of rubble was blown away directly. .

"Thorns entangled!" A green light appeared in Cook's palm again, and the black vines skyrocketed. In less than a second, countless small vines were directly separated from five or six vines, and then they were entangled with each other. .

"Haha, come on!" Cook saw that the thick iron wire and thorns of his wrist were firmly entangled with the legs of the horned eagle leader, and he laughed. The iron wire and thorns are very tough, comparable to fine iron. The power of the sixth-level monster is great, but where is the horned eagle in the air, where Cook is on the ground, and Cook has released the thorny entanglement, this is a second-level magic, mainly to trap the enemy.

But the legs of the horned eagle leader were directly entangled tightly, and the vines were constantly growing crazily under the impetus of Cook's magic power, and Cook's magic power also crazily poured in.

"Kill!" But at this moment, Mani, who discovered all this through the observation hole, directly brought people to kill, and his vindictiveness skyrocketed, because Mani knew that if something happened to the horned eagle, he would wait for him to be the gallows, and behind him The guards also understand this.

"Huh! I want to pick it up! Sharp claws, come out!" Cook looked at Mani and the others who rushed towards him, and his spirit moved.

"Roar! Bang!" The iron armored Tyrannosaurus roared as soon as the sharp claws came out, but then there were bursts of rumblings. Cook was even more shocked, and his body fell directly afterwards.

"Damn, I forgot it was the roof, the thorns entangled!" Cook howled loudly, and then felt a strong force coming, Cook's magic surging wildly, all poured into the iron wire thorns in his hand.

"Boom! Ah!" Mani looked at the iron armored tyrannosaurus that suddenly appeared. Before he could react, he found that the whole person fell directly. Mani was horrified to see that the entire castle was directly crushed by this big guy. Ni screamed and fell.

"Boom! Ah! Nima, why are you so unlucky, sharp claws, sharp claws!" Cook fell directly, but then he was directly hit by the falling huge boulder, spewing a big mouthful of blood, Cook said loudly Shouted.

"Boom! Boom!" Hearing Cook's roar, sharp claws looked left and right, then waved his claws and began to pull up.

"Tap! Tap, oops!" Cook didn't know that after he yelled, the stones on his body had actually increased, and there was a tendency to hit his head, Cook yelled quickly.

"Ang!" But the sharp claw's head appeared the next moment, watching Cook Ang Ang cried.

"Okay, okay, I know you are not satisfied, move this **** stone to me!" Cook heard the roar of sharp claws and had to answer.

"Damn, at least a few bones are broken, **** it! Huh!" Cook held back the pain and stood up, and then saw the leader of the horned eagle wrapped in spider silk like the leader of the horned eagle bound by the wire thorns. Ke didn't expect that his last hard hit would actually tie up this big guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sharp claws, stun him! "Cook originally wanted to do it himself, but as long as he moved a little, he immediately hurt, so he had no choice but to order.

"Ang, Keng!" Sharp claws exclaimed with great excitement, and the two front claws were drawn with a loud sound.

"Bang!" Then, under Cook's surprised eyes, the sharp claws directly grabbed a large stone weighing several tons and slammed it directly at the head of the horned eagle.

"Ah!" Cook immediately cried, covering his eyes.

"Boom!" Cook heard the sound and found that the sharp claw had hit a second time.

"Okay, okay, don't smash it, it's already dizzy." Cook yelled quickly. This is more than dizziness. It is almost dizzy and can't be dizzy anymore. Cook shivered and put this six-level horned eagle. The leader put it into the pet space bag.

"Go, Sharp Claw, I wanted to see the royal treasure house of Ceylon XIII, but now it’s important to run away first!" Cook rode on the armored tyrannosaurus, looking at him just over a thousand meters away. The Royal Treasury, Cook originally planned to rabble the rabbits, but he didn't expect to be kicked by the rabbits.

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