A Unique Hunter

: 279 Guardian

"What's the matter?" Outside the castle where the horned eagle was raised, there were a lot of royal guards. Because the castle was built of huge stones, when the sharp claws came out, only the middle part was crushed and the surroundings were still good, so the outside People don’t know what happened inside.

In addition, the horned eagle breeding area is a restricted area, these guards do not dare to enter easily, and even if they want to enter, because the suspension bridge has not been put down.

"What happened here?" At this time, a majestic voice sounded.

"The captain, it's the captain, the captain, I didn't know what was wrong just now, a huge horned eagle frantically attacked the building on the castle for ten minutes, and then there was a bang, and there was no movement." Someone I recognized that this was a captain of the Imperial Guard, and he quickly reported it.

"Let's go, let's go, how many times have I told you that this is a restricted area, it is a restricted area, even if something happened..." Because of the relatively long distance, these onlookers did not find a dead body in the canal. Someone is struggling constantly, know that if you fall so high, even if there is water, you will be seriously injured.

"Help, help!" Just as the captain was about to disperse the guards, a person finally got up in the canal.

"Who?" The captain drew out his weapon and asked vigilantly.

"The enemy... the enemy attack!" The man who got up struggled to squeeze out two words.

"Haha, isn't this guy drunk?"

"That's right, last time a madman was drunk and shot everywhere with a huge crossbow, and he shouted that he was a dragon slayer."

"I think it is also true. These guys are all nobles, and the salary is terrible. I heard that every time I feed the horned eagle, these guys eat enough first, and then feed the horned eagle. It will not be a horned eagle. Are you crazy about this?"

The guards whispered to the ears, because the guarding horned eagle is a child of nobles, the treatment and welfare are terrible, and it does not belong to anyone's jurisdiction, directly under the Ceylon XIII.

"Okay, you two, go and... Clang! Clang!" The captain frowned and ordered, but before he could finish speaking, he saw a wall of the castle slowly leaning over, clanging! There was a loud noise, and the huge stone hit the canal directly. Even the one who called for help was hit by a huge stone.

"Ang!" After hard work, Sharp Claw finally knocked down a castle wall, shouting excitedly.

"Stop screaming, go!" Cook yelled in an angry voice.

"The enemy... the enemy attack!" Seeing the sharp claws, the captain roared with grudge, then ran away with his feet. Just kidding, this thing is 15 meters high and it doesn't seem to be vegetarian. Lord, how much combat power is needed to destroy a castle directly.

"Ah!!! Run! It's a tyrannosaurus armored!"



"Help!" Originally, these guards clenched their weapons subconsciously, but with the footsteps of the captain, all the guards ran away in a rush. Some knowledgeable people finally knew what they saw, screaming sternly. The sound immediately resounded through the palace.

"Ang! Aung!" Looking at the fast-speeding guards, Sharp Claw was excited, Cook directed the direction, Sharp Claws from time to time kicked the unlucky guy who was not running fast.

"Boom! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

"Ang!" The sharp claws are extremely fast, the thick and powerful feet are constantly moving, and there is a jump from time to time, and the huge tail is tossed around like a whip, and from time to time there are unlucky people who are dizzy. Entering this dangerous area where the tail was flicking, he was directly knocked out, leaving a blood stain and a harsh scream.

"Boom!" A door inside the palace was rushed open by sharp claws. At this time, a bell rang in the palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's not good, it's not good." A guard rushed into the study of King Ceylon XIII.

"What happened?" At this time, Ceylon XIII heard the rush of bells outside, and Homan hurriedly asked, there is no way the soundproofing effect of the study is too good.

"A tyrannosaurus armored at least level seven attacked the place where the horned eagles were bred and destroyed the castle. It was running all the way. The doors on our three levels were all destroyed by this 15-meter-high tyrannosaurus. !" The guard said hurriedly.

"Wow!" Homan disappeared with an afterimage, and after a moment Homan returned with a shocked look.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, quickly enter the secret road. It is the **** Cook. I have seen the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, coming to us, Your Majesty!" Horman exclaimed.

"Boom, what?" The thing in Ceylon XIII's hand fell suddenly, shocked.

"Your Majesty, that armored tyrannosaurus is obviously Cook's demon, come on, or it will be too late, the seventh-level armored tyrannosaurus... Ang! Ang! Ang!" Homan heard a loud roar before he finished speaking. , Ceylon XIII's face turned white all at once.

Cook was depressed. This iron armored tyrannosaurus was obviously a complete saboteur. He wanted to engage with anything to see how it was destroyed by sharp claws along the way. Cook said angrily: "Sharp claws, Hurry up!"

"Ang! Aung!" Sharp Claw shouted, and then accelerated.

Cook rushed out of the palace easily, no way, no matter how fast people are not as fast as sharp claws, Cook rushed out of the palace in less than two minutes, it is estimated that the guards who reported the news are still breathing at least halfway, Ku Ke looked at the Ceylon Palace behind him regretfully. Cook was originally going to rob the Treasury of the Ceylon Empire, but now Cook’s internal organs have been shaken, and he cannot easily use his strength. He also has a broken leg. Healing potion, but cannot fight at all.

"Boom!" The huge city gate was directly torn into pieces by a sharp claw, and Cook directly drove the sharp claw out of the city gate.

"Haha, Baron Cook, you should stay!" As soon as Cook arrived outside the city, he saw two figures standing in the volley, both magicians, and there were dozens of Warcraft knights behind the two magicians. Obviously followers of two magicians.

"Who are you?" Cook took a look with his magic eyes and found two magicians, one is the great magician and the other is the holy magician. They are obviously the guardian power of the Ceylon Empire. Cook stands hundreds of meters away. Kai outside asked loudly.

"Hmph, kid, you'd better catch it with your hands, or if we two do it..." The red robe of the great mage is obviously a fire mage, and the staff in his hand emits bright red light. Obviously it was a good staff, but the tone of this great fire magister was not so good.

"Two? I think I didn't provoke them!" Cook stared at these two guys, his saliva was about to flow down, boy, don't these two guys deliver food to your door, but be careful, otherwise this The two guys got into trouble, and they only had to run away. Cook had an idea as soon as he rolled his eyes, and asked loudly.

"Humph, we are the guardians of the Ceylon Empire." The Fire Element Grand Mage said with a cold snort.

"But, but it was Ceylon XIII who provoke me first." Cook defended weakly, and an inconspicuous little gray spider was quickly approaching the feet of the two guardians.

"We don't care about the tatters of Ceylon XIII. We came for the horned eagle's business. We are the patron saint of the empire, not a person." The earthy saint magician in the earthy yellow robe said lightly.

"Would you take Ceylon XIII to exchange it with me?" Cook suggested weakly.

"Kill that kid for me, but only a second-level hunter!" The Fire Master Magister vomited blood angrily by Cook's suggestion.

"Kaka!" Kaka arrived at the feet of the two and found that only the fire magician was on the mount, and the earth system holy magician was suspended in the air. It was obviously an earth system anti-gravity technique. Ka waving his little feet, tilted his head to look around, and finally climbed onto the mount of the Fire Master Magister, a level five salamander.

"Kill!" Dozens of Warcraft knights behind the two guardians rushed over.

"I surrender, I surrender?" Cook cried out when dozens of Warcraft Knights rushed over at once.

"Haha! Haha!" The fire magister laughed loudly.

"I surrender to Nima! Ruta, Ka Ka, do it!" As soon as the laughter of the fire magister ended, Cook cursed and then roared.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Blocks of huge hail, if one meter and two meters in diameter were still hail, they fell directly into the group of followers of the two guardians without warning.

"Damn boy, falling rocks... bang!" Seeing this, the earth-based holy wizard immediately yelled, and then waved his hand to release the sixth-level earth-based magic rock falling technique, which is a low-level version of meteorite fall, but The holy demon's words hadn't been finished yet, a huge ice spear directly hit the earth-type holy demon's anti-gravity shield, and the whole person was knocked into the air by huge power.

"Boom! Frost... Frost Titan!" The earth-type holy magician finally stabilized his figure~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but then saw the ice gun a full meter thick outside the shield, watching with the ice gun In the past, the holy magician also took a breath, and a 20-meter-long giant stood in front of him, feeling the majestic ice magic power that was actually exuding, and the earth holy magician closed in despair. Closed eyes.

"Damn Lorraine, you didn't do it!" When the Earth-type holy magician was picked up by Ruta, he saw that the fire-type great magister was still riding on the mount, and he couldn't help cursing. It seemed to the magic director that if Lorraine, the great fire magister, had acted, he wouldn't have been caught by the Frost Titan directly.

"Holy Sorcerer, I will shut up if I am, now I declare, robbery!" Cook said arrogantly. Cook brought it through the single-player teleportation array bar Ruta last night, just in case, I didn't expect The guardians of these two empires chose the battlefield here, obviously not wanting to destroy the imperial capital, but the two did not expect Cook to hide such a person outside the city. Of course, the two of them did not watch out at all, otherwise, a holy demon. Guide a great magister to cooperate, and Cook and Ruta can only escape.

"Hit, robbery?" The holy magician hardly believed his ears, carrying a seven-level iron-clad tyrannosaurus, and an adult awakened Frost Titan who was able to fight the giant dragon for robbery?

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