A Unique Hunter

: 281 Reserve Mercenary

Thanks Yerkes. There is no black person during the day!

Connie learned about war since she was a child, just to inherit the prince’s title. From the very beginning she didn’t like it, and then she became addicted to it. Connie likes to see her opponent step into the trap she designed. , And then defeated it a little bit, so that the opponent would never figure out how his next move was.

This is even more true for Connie after the poisoning, but after the poison is removed, Connie finds that she has fallen in love with the profession of commanding war. Although there have been many battles in the territory of Prince Red Maple Leaf, in Connie’s view it is just a group of groups. The robbers are nothing more than the chess game.

And the chess game involved in the Bunnyman tribe is countless Bunnymen and a huge empire that occupies one-fifth of the entire world. Connie faced such a big challenge, instead of fearing, she was excited. Connie followed Said: "But if you need Cook's cooperation, I hope you can listen to me."

"Okay!" Cook nodded and replied. What Cook thinks most now is to throw this matter to Connie as soon as possible, and devote himself wholeheartedly to cultivation. There are talents cultivated in the dark goddess temple of Manli in the territory. Coupled with the relationship between the dwarves, the ogres, the trolls, and the Frost Titans, there is no big problem in managing the territory, and Manly cannot have other ideas. The dwarves are Cook’s most loyal partners, and the trolls And the ogres are Cook's servants, and the Frost Titans are Cook's followers. Once Manly is disadvantageous to Cook, then Manly will be attacked by these guys the first time.

As for the Bunnyman tribe, Cook has control over the logistics, without logistical support, Cook believes that thousands of Bunnyman can't even make a splash, so it seems that Cook has left everything behind, but in fact everything is in Cook's hands. Under control, let alone the big killer of Sky Eye.

Cook dropped a lot of supplies and left. Of course, the teleportation array was set up in the place where Connie lived. After returning to the territory, Cook only asked about the news of the Golden Pass. The project was progressing smoothly. A few awakened frosts Titans are equivalent to several large cranes, blocks of huge boulders, directly placed where needed by these frost Titans.

Although Director Sebastian was dissatisfied with the huge consumption of Frost Titan, Cook did not take it seriously. Compared to mastering the Golden Pass, millions of gold coins are nothing.

"Hmph, it's been half a month after leaving, I thought you wouldn't be here for the New Year?" Manli complained dissatisfiedly, lying in Cook's arms.

"Hehe, isn't this coming to feed you as soon as you come back?" Cook chuckled.

"Then you are still leaving?" Manli asked, tilting her head up.

"There are still two months before the New Year, and I will go out to practice for a while." Cook kissed Manli and then said.

"Humph!" Manli snorted unhappily.

"Don't do this, I'll come back once every half a month." Cook shook Manli's shoulder and promised.

"Ten days!" Manli replied.

"I'm going to practice, not to travel, I promise, I will come back when I have time, and the matters of the territory will be left to you." Cook explained and touched Manli's body with his hand, feeling that Manli was amazing. Cook turned over and pressed it up again.

"Well, then you remember!" Manli felt Cook's strong body, hugged Cook tightly, and said to Cook's ear.

"Of course, there is such a good... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kissing back.

"This bowl of water must be leveled." Cook smiled bitterly, and looked at the Wushuang Academy behind him. Cook came to the academy the next day and spent the night with Mickey, but Mickey's body is really too big. She was weak, she couldn't satisfy Cook, a humanoid monster, and now Mickey was still limp on the bed.

"But you still have to learn before you take the risk!" Cook took out his communication glasses and walked straight to the library.

The library of Wushuang Academy is huge. As long as you have points, you can read books. However, the points are different for different levels of books. Low-level basic books only earn one point a day, while some high-level books cost hundreds of points an hour.

Fortunately, all Cooke reads were the illustrations of Warcraft, the types and distinctions of ore, the identification of magical medicinal materials, and other junior and intermediate books, and the way that Cook reads the book caused the librarian to ask several times: "This student, What kind of books are you looking for?"

"I don't know!" Cook faced the librarian's question and replied helplessly, leaving the librarian's eyes blank.

Other students who read books are far away from Cook, because Cook just flips through the book. Basically, it takes a few days for others to complete a book in a few minutes. This is to store information in the eyes of the sky. This kind of thing continues After a week or so, Cook read thousands of books for the junior and middle level, but didn't touch the advanced one. In this way, Cook's thousands of points were completely consumed.

"If you want to practice, you need to find the materials for the awakening potions, you also need to find the fire dragon, the sky eye, and give a place suitable for these conditions." Cook asked.

"Warcraft Forest, Red Rock Lake, where there are not only magic materials for awakening potions, but also fire type monsters appear on nearby extinct volcanoes. According to the data, there is a 50% chance that fire type dragon monsters will appear. Red Rock Lakes are basically The upper part is the middle-level monster haunt area, which is very suitable for cultivation." Tianyan gave the answer.

"Okay, so what is the best next step?" Cook asked with a move in his heart.

"According to data analysis, we should join a mercenary squad, and then take on a mission to Hongyan Lake..." Tianyan said a series of plans.

Cook interrupted and asked, "Tianyan, what data did you analyze based on?"

"Men's Guide, Warcraft Forest Life Skills, Notes for Adventurers, Magicians..." Tianyan gave many titles of books.

"Well, you don't need to say." Cook is speechless, he can't remember whether he has read these books, but it is not a good thing to have mercenaries who are familiar with the route.

Cook came to the mercenary union, took out his mercenary card, and said to the staff: "Thank you, I want to go to Red Rock Lake!"

"You rubbish..., haha, let me check it out." The staff member swiped the mercenary card on the instrument, and replied dissatisfied, but then he saw a purple gold coin under the mercenary card. Yiliang.

"Haha, this sir, Hongyan Lake is an intermediate adventure area, and it is usually a team of more than 20 people. Today there are two large teams and one small team. Tomorrow there will be a large team and three small teams. Each team recruited some reserve mercenaries.” The staff smiled and put the purple gold coins in their sleeves, and then explained.

"Reserve mercenaries, are they handymen?" Cook asked doubtfully, knowing that the mercenary group not only has mercenaries for combat, but also when adventurous, especially large teams, only combatants are not enough. Logistic support personnel, these are called reserve mercenaries, but they are actually handyman. Of course, if they perform well in the future, they will definitely be absorbed.

"Then sir, do you have any skills, otherwise your level is too low!" The staff member heard Cook ask this, and asked again.

"My father is a groom, I think I can take care of the mount!" Cook thought for a while, and if he was treated, he would be too busy to meet the battle. Cooking is too hard, so only feeding the mount.

"Well, do you want to join a large team or a small team?" The staff asked thoughtfully, but he was slanderous in his heart: "Ah, the hillbilly, don't you just want to follow the large mercenary group to collect points? Do you think the mounts are all rural Horse fed by the groom!"

"Small!" Cook took it for granted that small teams had fewer mounts.

However, when Cook appeared in this small team, he discovered that there were almost twenty people in total, but there were at least forty mounts and several pack animals. Most of the mounts were second-level wildebeests and third-level fire patterns. Barbarian, this is one of the lowest and cheapest mounts, while the pack beast is the second-level monster stone camel, the earth type monster, the body is huge, the weight is strong, there is only one earth type magic, stone skin art, When encountering the enemy's attacks, he constantly brushes stoneskin art on himself, and he will curl up into a ball, herbivorous monster, and his personality is relatively gentle.

"Are you the second-level hunter Cook?" The head of the group asked after reading the letter of recommendation from the mercenary union.

"Yes, head!" Cook carried the ghost bow, and the vines of the devil vine looked like wrinkled withered vines, in the slightest inconspicuous.

"Luo Lin! Come here," the leader shouted, and then a young man in leather armor arrived.

"Luo Lin, this little guy will be handed over to you. From now on, you two will be responsible for the mounts and pack beasts." The commander is a tall warrior, and Cook took a peek with a magic eye, probably at level six. Great Sword Master.

"Hello, I'm Luo Lin!" Luo Lin smiled and stretched out his hand to Cook.

"Hello, this is Cook." Cook also smiled and shook hands.

"Cook, very good. In fact, we mainly take care of these four timid stone camels~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the other mounts, we don’t need to look at them during the day, just pay attention to some at night. Those guys treat the mounts as I look at it like my wife." Luo Lin explained with a smile.

"Understood!" Cook felt relieved and replied with a smile.

"But bathing the mount is still our business." Luo Lin continued with a sly smile on his mouth.

"This is our leader, Kenza, a fire-type sword master, that is the deputy leader Moqi, a fire-type sword master, that is the captain of the first team, Tony, that is the leader of the second team, Star Husband, those two are magicians in the team, they are two middle-level magicians, and I am the captain of the third team. That is Unni, who is in charge of the food. Introduced it again.

"Luo Lin, get ready. We will leave in half an hour. We must enter Sancha Town today." Kensa roared loudly.

"Yes, captain, kid Cook, let's do it, come, come, follow me." Luo Lin shouted at Cook, and then trot to lead the way.

Notice: There is no one watch tomorrow morning. Tonight is a bit urgent and delayed, so there will be only one watch tomorrow, which will be made up later.

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