A Unique Hunter

: Episode 282

"Hey! Hey! Boys, get up, get up, and go!" Luo Lin roared loudly, and quickly rushed to the place where the four stone camels were. Luo Lin's shouting also served as an army member. The role of the messenger.

"Damn Luo Lin, you can't shout ten seconds late, can't you? I'm going to win this time!" a big man stood up angrily and shouted at Luo Lin.

"Oh, Buken, if you don't prepare quickly, the captain will come and kick your **** again." Luo Lin replied with weird gestures as he ran.

"Damn it, Luo Lin, you **** fellow." Buken was annoyed, but he turned around and left.

The roar of Luo Lin made all the mercenaries of the 351st Regiment stand up one after another, and began to prepare to set off. They received drinking water and a bag of dry food in Unni's hands. Cook also had a share. Cook opened it and saw it. Large pieces of bread, not bread. Relatively speaking, although the taste of the bread is not good, and the hardness is similar to that of iron, the bread occupies the smallest wrapping space. The bread in Cook's hands is the size of a basketball and is 5 cm thick When you eat, you just need to prepare hot water to soak. There is also a bag with some dried meat, but it is closer to the meat floss on the earth. The quantity of meat floss is small. After all, the forest is a big food source.

There is also a wooden rice bowl, which is made of the hardest red pine wood. In this way, Cook received a bag of drinking water, a dry food, and a wooden rice bowl. This is the most basic adventure equipment.

"Cook, this is mosquito-proof. It can prevent common poisonous insects. Remember to spread it on your body before entering the forest." Luo Lin then gave Cook a small skin and said.

"Thank you." Cook took a look and found that it was just some irritating sulfur stone powder, which was effective against low-level poisonous insects. For some Beast-level people, I am afraid that it will annoy those guys even more, but there is a khaka around Cook. It's too late for some poisonous insects, but Cook can't show that it's not.

For the rest of the time, Cook followed Rollin, Unni, and another Qishang, and the four people tied some supplies to the four stone camels. When they were not there, it was mainly flour and salt in skins. , Grease and other things, as well as arrows and tents, etc., not many things.

"Go, go, go." The head Kenza yelled loudly while riding his wildebeest, feeling proud. Although his team is small, there are many wildebeests, basically two per person. Not only did the task save time, but also ran faster when faced with danger, but Kenza was speechless again when he saw four stone camels, because the speed of stone camels was slower than that of wildebeests. But it is impossible for the team to avoid logistics supplies.

"Let's go, Cook, you are probably the first monster you have seen." Luo Lin also rode a wildebeest, while Cook only sat on the stone camel and slowly moved forward.

The stone camel is more than six meters long and more than three meters high. It looks like a giant bus from a distance. Its four legs are extremely thick. The stone camel can eat for half a month without eating. It is the best logistics pack animal. one.

"Yes, it's the first time I have seen it." Cook replied with a smile. Cook said it was the first time I saw a stone camel.

"Rolin, the little guy Cook will leave it to you. Be careful not to fall behind." Kenza rode a wildebeest back and forth, and talked with his team members with a smile from time to time, because this way is to enter the World of Warcraft The only road in the forest, the road is ten meters wide, but on this ten-meter wide road, the mercenaries passing by from time to time also amaze Cook.

However, there is no security problem on this road. There are a large number of patrols in the Magic City on the road that extends from the Magic City into the Warcraft Forest for more than 200 kilometers. These patrol teams are well equipped, and there are dragon knights that fly by from time to time. The Warcraft Forest will only be dangerous in the future, not only from Warcraft, but also from other adventurers.

"I see, captain." Luo Lin agreed, patting his chest.

"Cook, be careful." Kenza looked at Cook and exhorted.

"Thank you, head!" Cook quickly thanked him.

"Guys, hurry up and go to Sancha Town tonight and try to enter the Warcraft Forest tomorrow night." Kenza shouted loudly.

Cook asked suspiciously, "Brother Luolin, haven't this Sancha Town entered the Warcraft Forest yet?"

"Hehe, I have entered, but it is one of the outermost towns. There are dozens of such towns in front of them at the edge of the Warcraft Forest, which is more than 500 kilometers away. However, the Hongyan Lake we are going to must pass three Cha Town, the real entry into the Forest of Warcraft requires more than 60 kilometers from Sancha Town," Luo Lin explained carefully.

"Okay, the shop in front of the old Nike, let's feed the mount, take a rest, eat some dry food and then continue on the road." After several hours of driving, Kenza shouted loudly, and then a group of people entered A place similar to a manor surrounded by a huge log fence.

"Man, each wildebeest feeds half a catty of black beans, half a catty of corn, a catty of barley, and a big pot of boiling water." After Cook entered, he discovered that this place was actually a huge yard with rows of stables in the middle of the yard. , And there are huge tables and chairs made of logs next to them, Kenza is roaring loudly.

"Yes, yes!" The two guys hurriedly pushed over a small cart, and then they started to feed the wildebeest.

"Wait." Captain Kenza stretched out his hand to stop the two guys. When Cook was wondering, a magician chanted a spell, and then a poison detection magic was released, and the other magician was also opposite. The boiling water that comes up is tested for toxins.

"I see it, Cook, this is the experience, I tell you, the relationship between the adventurers is extremely complicated, maybe someone has given chronic poison, so you must be careful, and this is also one of the default rules. "Rolin taught Cook a bit.

"Oh!" Cook understands it, but Cook is more concerned about the fact that the two magicians release a toxin detection and actually have to chant spells, which makes Cook a little bit puzzled that these two intermediate magicians have What does it do?

In fact, Cook was wrong. Cook has been in Wushuang Academy. The magicians he has contacted are all geniuses. In this world, there are more ordinary magicians, and they may not be able to release an instant magic in a lifetime. No matter how many levels it is.

After soaking the dough with boiling water, the group added some pork floss and ate it with a wooden spoon. Within half an hour, the wildebeest was also fed and rested for a while. After Kensa paid the money, the team started again. On the road.

Cook saw several forks on the road. There were patrols in Magic City. Each fork had a sign. In the evening, Cook and his team finally came to Sancha Town. They said it was a town, but it was actually quite In a village, this is also the last stationed place for the soldiers of the Magic City.

The entire Sancha Town is a city wall built with tall logs, and there are several tall towers. There are more than a dozen shops in the town and a small square.

"Cook, did you see it? Don't underestimate this. The top five chambers of commerce in the whole continent have branches here. Adventurers can sell things directly to them. Their credit is also very good, but there are still a large number of material merchants. These businessmen don't have much capital, but they have a vicious vision and can keep prices down and quality lower, so they earn this money." Luo Lin pointed to the person in the small square and explained.

Then Cook followed the others and checked into an inn. The inn was very large. The wildebeest was placed in the animal pen, and the people moved into the inn. Cook asked suspiciously, "Is there no need for guards here?" Ke pointed to the wildebeest in the animal pen.

"Man, are you doubting the credibility of our Golden Sparrow Chamber of Commerce?" The man in charge of the animal pen shouted dissatisfiedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's Cook's first adventure." Luo Lin quickly explained.

"Huh, boy, our Gorse Chamber of Commerce ranks third on the mainland, don't you know?" Hearing Luo Lin's words, the big man finally didn't do anything, but he still roared loudly to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Sorry, I don't know about you..." Cook explained, but he was dragged away by Rollin before he finished the explanation.

"Cook, be careful when speaking later. The Gorse Chamber of Commerce is the third largest chamber of commerce, and the second-ranked mercenary group, the Gorse Mercenary Group is just the guard department of this chamber of commerce." Luo Lin whispered. Tao.

"I see, Brother Luo Lin." Cook quickly replied.

"Let's go, I'll take you out to see it. After today, it will not be so easy for more than half a month in the future." Luo Lin patted Cook on the shoulder.

"Brother Luo Lin, how many gold coins can the Gorse Chamber of Commerce earn in a year?" Cook asked weakly beside Luo Lin.

"How come there are hundreds of millions of gold coins?" Luo Lin guessed after touching the slightly growing beard.

"Oh, that's not a lot!" Cook said oh, and the following words were kept quietly, and Luo Lin's attention had been completely attracted by the caravans.

"What's here?" Cook asked in confusion when he saw Luo Lin's appearance.

"Hehe, do you want me to take you to see it, you only need one silver coin at a time, of course, if you want to do it, at least ten silver coins." Luo Lin laughed.

"No" Cook saw Luo Lin's expression and an adventurer's cheerful expression came out of the caravan, and Cook guessed what it was.

"Okay, let's forget it, I also have to recharge, but I will not let them go when I come back." Luo Lin looked back several times and accompanied Cook into the small square with reluctance.

"Sky Eye, start scanning to see if there are any rare items." Cook put on his glasses at this time, and then began to give orders.

"Start scanning, compare the database..." Tianyan muttered to himself, and then Cook started looking around, and Tianyan made comparisons based on the materials that Cook entered in the college library.

"Wow~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook, your crystal glasses are so handsome." Luo Lin next to him said with a look of envy.

"Haha, it's just made of inferior crystals." Cook laughed. Indeed, the purer the crystals in this world, the better, and the grade and quality of the colors are reduced.

"But this style is very good. These glasses have a pair of gold coins, right?" Luo Lin looked at the color of the glasses is translucent black, which felt a pity, but Luo Lin still thought the style of the glasses was excellent. If it is equipped with a transparent crystal chip, at least dozens of gold coins, but now it is no more than one gold coin, so Luo Lin asked.

"Boom!" Cook didn't stand firmly, almost fell to the ground, and then was speechless.

"Found a treasure-level item, fifteen meters away from the front." Cook was excited when he heard the words from the sky's eye.

But Cook saw that Haoxuan did not faint again, because fifteen meters away was a guy dressed as a magician, and he looked like a senior magician, and the gem-level item mentioned by Sky Eye was on the ring finger of the magic book. A ring, obviously a space ring, Cook was depressed.

The next two updates will be sent together, before nine o'clock in the evening, this is the first one!

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