A Unique Hunter

: 283 Alternative refining methods

"Damn!" Cook burst into a swear word, then reset it, mainly scanning materials and monsters, but Cook chose to ignore the magic items.

"Found a magic herb with 30 times the profit." After half an hour, Cook finally reminded him, Cook was very excited, this is also one of Cook's settings to scan.

"Sky Eye, exact location." Cook looked at the crowds of people on the left and right, and asked quickly.

"Nine meters on the left, a ten-year duck-foot flower is priced at one silver coin, but it's worth thirty silver coins in ten years." Sky Eye marked the position from the glasses and explained further.

"Boom!" Cook finally couldn't stand it anymore. The mere thirty silver coins were worthy of excitement, but it was the first scan of the sky's eye anyway. Cook took out a silver coin depressed and threw out all that one silver coin. A stall owner.

"Cook, Cook, you are awesome." Cook left the small square and threw the duck palm flower into the shop where the magic herb was purchased, in exchange for thirty silver coins, just like Rollin paid one. The face roared excitedly.

"Cook, how did you know?"

"Cook, are you too lucky?"

"Cook, what is that?"

"Cook, this is thirty times the profit. You, Brother Luo Lin, I have finally seen the missing ones. Thirty silver coins a day, three gold coins in ten days, more than three hundred gold coins a year, dear, you are so safe. It’s worth three hundred gold coins a year in this place. I can buy a Jiao Di Di..." On the way back to the hotel less than 50 meters, Luo Lin kept asking, and finally started to yell.

"Ahem, Brother Luo Lin, it's just a ten-year-old duck palm flower." Cook was annoyed by these words and said quickly.

"Duckfoot flower, what is it?" Luo Lin asked suspiciously.

"Duck palm flower, a low-level magic herb, is one of the materials for refining the lowest-level healing powder." Cook explained that this powder is one level lower than the magic potion. It is considered a magic potion, because the effect of the potion comes faster than the potion. The side effects are also smaller, and the potion is easier to use, and the powder needs to be used with a bandage.

"God, Cook, how did you know?" Luo Lin looked at Cook with an incredulous expression.

"I am a pharmacy apprentice." Cook replied helplessly, no way, pharmacy is generally something made and sold by apprentices. It is one of the favorite pharmacies of large adventure teams. After all, the income of an adventure is only a few hundred. Thousands of gold coins, one tenth must be used to use a bottle of magic potion, no one would do it if he wanted to.

And what shouldn’t be said, the world has a large population, so large teams do not lack manpower at all, as long as the main force is there, there are many other cannon fodder streets.

"Medicine, medicine, pharmacy apprentice!" Luo Lin's mouth opened wide, as if he had seen a dragon.

"Brother Luo Lin is just an apprentice." Cook explained dubiously.

"Then you will be equipped with this medicine?" Luo Lin asked excitedly.

"Of course!" Cook nodded.

"Go, what materials do I need, brother, I have five gold coins here, is it enough to buy materials?" Cook was directly dragged by Luo Lin and left, but he turned back to the small square.

"It's almost there!" Cook nodded.

The two wandered around, spending five gold coins to buy five low-level healing powder materials, and five gold coins were gone.

"Cook, can this work? It's a pity that the magic furnace requires more than 500 gold coins." Luo Lin asked suspiciously.

"Okay!" In Cook's view, there is no need for tools at all to configure the lowest level of therapeutic agents.

"Brother Cook, can this really work?" The two returned to the hotel, and then they went to the kitchen at the back of the hotel, and directly borrowed the kitchen stove and a pan with two silver coins. Cook asked Rollin to wash the herbs. Clean, I started to bake the herbs in a pan, watching Cook's movements, Luo Lin's eyes widened, how does this configuration of magic potion look like cooking?

"No problem!" Cook was full of confidence. Luo Lin did not see Cook holding the pan and lifting it up and down from time to time. After half an hour, the magic herb was dried.

"Brother Cook, you don't want to be a chef with this skill... I'm sorry!" Luo Lin looked at the baked and crisp magic herbs. The herbs looked like they had just been picked. There was no change, Luo Lin admired, but then realized that he had said the wrong thing. The gap between a chef and a pharmacy apprentice was simply not comparable.

"Boom boom boom! Boom!" Cook found a metal bowl of crushed salt and a wooden pestle in the kitchen, and directly mashed different medicines into fine powders.

"Okay!" Cook said, mixing these powders in proportions and then clapping his hands.

"Is that all right?" Rowling looked at the half bowl of aquamarine powder in the wooden bowl. The powder was still slightly fluorescent, but it couldn't be seen under the light.

"Of course!" Cook replied with a clap of hands, and then left first. Cook was afraid of Rollin and then asked why. Could you tell Luo Lin that I was equipped with a perfect-level potion?

"But, but what we bought seems to be gray!" Luo Lin muttered suspiciously as he looked at Cook's back, but then saw someone coming in the kitchen, Luo Lin quickly put the powder into a small Left in his skin.

Not long after Luo Lin left, the door to the basement of the kitchen opened. Three people came out. One of the three asked: "Deacon Feidi, your report is timely, although we don’t know the price of these two magic herbs. The reason for the increase is that the current price is twenty times that of last year. Among them, blue grass has reached 25 times, and centipede grass has reached 21 times. After months of investigation, the Chamber of Commerce has not found any reason. Although The Chamber of Commerce received your subpoena, but it didn’t pay attention at all. No wonder others."

"Master General, if you can make these two magic herbs increase so much, it is estimated that the financial resources must be very strong. Although the two magic herbs are of rare level, the blue grass is also produced in the snowy area. It is easy for advanced adventurers to obtain. , As for the centipede flower, although it is said to be found near the dragon’s lair, there is also the Yalong’s lair, and even the abandoned lair will grow. This time we found an abandoned dragon’s lair. There are a lot of centipede flowers, but the dragon's lair is occupied by a six-level two-headed money python, so we have to ask for help from the headquarters, and the location of the dragon's lair is not very good, and we are afraid that the news will leak out, so I asked the headquarters for help," the deacon explained.

"You have done a good job. The Gorse Mercenary Group has set off. There are two groups. More than 300 main group members are divided into more than a dozen teams. They have already assembled in the surrounding towns and will gather at the agreed location. With this batch of centipede grass, no matter who buys it later, we all have the right to participate." The manager said.

The three of them were all black adventurer cloaks, and they said as they walked, but when one of them walked to the place where Cook prepared the potion just now, he shook his nose in confusion, then paid his attention and looked at the residue in the wooden bowl. The medicated powder is puzzled.

"What's the matter?" The manager asked suspiciously while looking at the people around him.

"Interesting, interesting!" said the man with his nose hoarse, and then he looked at the surroundings, picked up Cook's pan of roasting herbs and smelled it, then looked at the metal bowl, his eyes brighter Yes, he kept muttering.

"Sir, this is?" The owner of the inn, who is the deacon of the Gorse Chamber of Commerce, asked quietly.

"Master of appraisal, the herb." The manager said in a low voice and concisely.

"Hiss! It's not the one from the headquarters, right?" The deacon took a breath and asked weakly. The manager just nodded without saying anything, while the deacon's body trembled slightly.

"Master, what's the matter?" the manager asked softly.

"Haha, nothing, it's just a very interesting thing." The man with a sensational nose chuckled, but he was shocked. The therapeutic powder is indeed very low-level, but there are almost no such high-quality ones. Just like planting apples, you It’s just a big fist, but someone grows a basketball the size of a basketball, the same apple, your few dollars will cost you a catty, others might have a few hundred yuan, or a few thousand yuan a catty, this is the difference.

"Haha!" The manager didn't say anything when he heard this. The three of them went straight out, and the appraisal master with a nose shook his nose slightly when he passed the hotel lobby and glanced at the table in the middle of the lobby casually. The eyes of the two people on the scene were about to smile.

"Go, get the kitchen steward!" The general manager casually ordered after entering the door.

"Yes, my lord!" The deacon turned and walked out of the room.

Cook felt someone staring at him, but only saw three cloaks when he turned his head. Cook looked at it with magic eyes and was a little surprised, because two of the three are senior professionals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A person is an intermediate professional, and the magic eye can only roughly distinguish the level of a person. Elementary, intermediate, and advanced can be distinguished, but they cannot be distinguished by profession.

"Cook, let's go, the head of the meeting is over." Cook remembered the magical light on the two of them. The magic wave emitted from each person is different in Cook's eyes, which is different from what everyone absorbs. Elemental purity has a lot to do with level, and Luo Lin also patted Cook on the shoulder, because other people have already arrived, the hotel provides a meeting place, and every adventure group will have a meeting before entering the forest.

"Oh, Brother Luo Lin, you'd better not tell me about my apprenticeship in pharmacy. You also know my skills...!" Cook whispered.

"Haha, I know, isn't it because the technology is worse, but it's better than the one you bought." Luo Lin gave Cook an understanding look, and then replied. Cook was surprised. Did Luo Lin still recognize the medicine? ability.

But the next moment Cook was speechless, because Luo Lin continued to say: "You don’t know, those profiteers, five gold coins can only buy one-tenth of what you refine. I don’t believe in technology no matter how bad. The share is not worth the effect of someone else's share, the big deal is that I will use more.


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