A Unique Hunter

Chapter 284: Ignore

As for the content and results of the meeting, Cook is not aware of it, because Cook is a reserve mercenary and has no right to know these confidential matters. The course of action and combat methods of each adventure group must be strictly kept secret. Otherwise, if it is known to others, it may bring catastrophic consequences.

Early the next morning, the Mercenary Corps prayed at the Temple of the Harvest Goddess, the only religious building in the town, because the full name of the Harvest Goddess is the Goddess of Harvest, Agriculture and Forestry. Bing believes in this goddess.

Then Cook and the others left the town. After leaving the town, Cook keenly noticed that there were four people missing from the team, two archers and two thieves. They were obviously scouts for the team. At this time, Luo Lin He also whispered: "Every time you enter the forest, you must take precautions, mainly because you are afraid of being followed, but if you don't need it in the afternoon, because it is already the territory of Warcraft."

But maybe it was Cook’s bad luck. Cook found that the whole team had turned three times in succession. Obviously there was another team in front or another team behind. Cook guarded the stone camel at noon, Luo Lin Participate in a high-level team meeting under a large tree not far away.

"Today I tell you the bad news that we turned three times, which means that there are three adventurous teams near us, and they are the kind of team that we have to avoid. Now we are getting farther and farther away from our scheduled location. Everyone said, what should I do?" Kenza asked solemnly. He met three teams on the same day, and they were basically in the same direction. Obviously, this was abnormal.

The captain of the first team, Tony, a fire swordsman, wore chain mail. He groaned and said, "Should we wait?"

"Wait, according to what I said, let's go directly over these three teams. As far as mobility is concerned, our regiment is not afraid at all." The second team leader Staf is an earth-type shield warrior, carrying a shield of fine iron on his back. , Said loudly.

Since it was a captain-level meeting, there were only Captain Kenza, Deputy Captain Moqi, and three captains. Among them, Luo Lin had almost no right to speak. Moqi spoke at this time: "We can't wait, although The mission time is relatively ample, but no one knows if there is any delay in the future. Since it is three teams, then there must be something happening in the depths of the forest, and there will be three teams. As long as we act normally, I think that The three teams will definitely run faster than us."

"Just follow what the deputy commander said. Let's continue to set off. If this happens tomorrow, then we will speed up and rush over." Commander Kenza thought Moqi was right. After all, if the other party was really going for something, Then the speed will certainly not be slow, it will only speed up.

The simple resolution came down. After all, Kenza was the leader, and the team was on the road again. Luo Lin was in charge of logistics and it was harder all the way. The most difficult part was walking in the forest, even if it was the route just taken half a month ago. , Will be covered by countless plants, walking in the Warcraft Forest is very particular.

"Cook, in the forest, don't walk along the river, because it is very likely that you will meet a beast drinking water."

"In addition, don't go on the ridge. Although there is a wide view, there are no tall trees on the ridge, and it is easy to be spotted by some flying monsters."

"Don't go where there are too many trees. Maybe there are monsters hiding behind the big tree."

Luo Lin taught Cook adventure experience along the way. In such a forest, it is the fastest to walk 20 kilometers a day. In the forest, everyone looked around vigilantly, and the swordsman pulled out With his own big sword, the archer will adjust the bowstring from time to time, and the arrows will be held in his hand at any time, and the magician will also take out the staff. It is easy to say that Luolin's logistics staff, these logistics staff are In the center of the team, because the logistic materials are lost in the forest, it means death.

"Rest!" There are not many open areas in the jungle, and finally there is an open area, so Captain Kenza immediately ordered a rest, otherwise the long-term mental tension will cause problems.

"Luo Lin, now your team is in charge of guarding! Be careful not to go far, to be within our sight." Kensa shouted orders.

"Yes!" Luo Lin quickly agreed.

"Cook, you go east! Unni, you go west, Qishang, you go north. I am in charge of the south. Remember, it is just about 150 meters away from the team. This is a warning whistle. The situation immediately blew the whistle, and then quickly ran back to see if it was not, Cook." Luo Lin quickly arranged the task.

"Understood." Cook immediately agreed. In fact, this kind of alert task is very simple, it is just a warning, and the distance of one hundred and fifty meters is not very far. The wildebeest only needs a few seconds, but only these few seconds. Zhong, the whole team is ready to attack.

Cook rode a wildebeest and stopped one hundred and fifty meters away from the team. Although there was an open area, the weeds on the ground were still more than one meter deep. Cook took a look with his magic eyes and found one The zero-level magic rabbit was actually crawling two meters away from him. If Cook hadn't had a magic eye, he would have been fooled by this little thing.

"Puff!" Cook directly moved the bowstring slightly, and an inferior arrow worth ten copper coins was shot out, and it suddenly penetrated the eyes of the devil rabbit, until the devil rabbit did not understand how he was discovered by this human. .

"Hey!" Cook put the magic rabbit into the skin of the horned horse to avoid the smell of blood.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Just as Cook was picking a goose feather grass, a beep warning sounded from the north, and Cook quickly jumped on his mount and rushed over.

"Boom! Boom!"


On the back of the wildebeest, Cook only heard the sound of fighting spirit and fierce fighting. Before Cook arrived, he heard the cheers of the members.

"The leader is good!"

"That is, a tertiary otter was killed!"

"This smooth fur is worth hundreds of gold coins. If it is made..." Cook took a closer look and discovered that Qishang had met a foraging otter. Only the second-level Qishang immediately started. After the warning whistle was blown, the Kenza commander rushed over and hacked this three-level beast to death with two blows. The earth otter was two hundred catties in size, the size of a pig on the earth. The overlord on the periphery of the Warcraft Forest, but for the Kenza leader of the Great Swordsman level, it is like a rabbit meeting a dog, and there is no room for resistance.

"Everyone will continue to rest, and continue to be vigilant. This otter will give everyone a snack at night." Kensa chief shouted loudly.

"Okay!" The group members applauded, even in the adventure group, there are rules, that is, the trophies obtained by themselves, the team only needs 10%, and the rest is under personal control, so Kenza would say that.

Cook took a look, and was not interested at all. Cook went back to watch again. In Cook's eyes, the surrounding forest was no longer dangerous.

But a huge warehouse, delicious mushrooms, fresh grass roots, delicious wild vegetables, and some sweet and sour fruits. The Forest of Warcraft has a subtropical climate and is rich in products. In one hour, Cook not only collected some Although the magic herb is the lowest level, Cook has collected it, as well as some wild vegetables and green, white, and black fruits.

Cook even found a potato vine, and directly dug out this potato that is at least five or six years old. It weighs tens of kilograms. Cook's mouth burst open and he said with joy in his heart: "It seems that these glasses It is still good, at least if I used to have no idea that there would be such a delicious tuber under such a ferocious vine."

"Woo!" A horn sounded, and Cook knew that this was a gathering horn, and it seemed that there was enough rest.

When Cook took the wildebeest back to the temporary resting place, everyone looked at Cook's eyes changed, because Cook's wildebeest was tied with two big skins and a string of dark brown tubers.

"Cook, what are you doing?" Captain Kenza asked in confusion when he saw Cook dressed like this.

"Head, this is the wild vegetables I collected." Cook replied with a smile.

The rest of the team members all came over. These people are all combat professionals who don't know these flowers and plants. Of course, they don't have time to know these things. If you have time to know these things, it is better to practice more.

However, one of the magicians sneered and said: "Rookie, this Warcraft Forest is not the small forest where you live. Don't find something you don't know, or you won't know how to die!"

"But I know everyone!" Cook didn't feel annoyed at all. Such a magician would not be his opponent.

"Well, don't say anything, Cook, if you know, what is this tuber?" Kenza asked.

"Potatoes. And for five years, the inside may have shown a purple color, and the pulpy potatoes can regain their physical strength." Cook said with a slight smile.

"What about this white root?" Kenza continued to ask.

"The tender root of hedgehog is very delicious, and if it is cooked with poisonous wild vegetables, the root will turn black." Cook replied.

"Then what about this mushroom?" Head of Kensa continued to ask.

"White-backed fungus. The back is white and the top is dark brown. However, there is a special place to pay attention to such mushrooms. Those that grow under poisonous plants cannot be eaten. If they are poisonous, they can only be picked under non-toxic plants. Growing." Cook continued to answer.

"Qi Shang, is Cook right?" Kenza ignored Cook and turned to ask Qi Shang.

"Leader, what Cook said about potato and hedgehog is correct." Qi Shang nodded slightly and replied.

"That is the mushroom is poisonous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magician who spoke just now sneered.

"No, my lord, I don’t know what Cook said because I’ve never eaten anything like that." Qishang is a man in his thirties. Although Qishang has a low level, his status in the entire team. It's not low, because Kaishang can find enough food in the forest and can distinguish dozens of edible wild vegetables and fruits. Such a person is no less effective than a combat professional in the entire team.

"Hmph, I don't know a mercenary all year round, how did you know that as a rookie?" The magician still asked coldly, with a look of contempt.

"Hehe, my lord, the hundred-backed fungus is recorded on page 351 of the Mushrooms in the Mainland Plant Illustrated Book. If you don't believe it, you can open it and see." Cook said with a smile.

"You..." The magician looked so ugly and ugly, glaring at Cook.

"Furthermore, there are 13 categories and 121 subcategories on the Plant Illustrated Book. I clearly remember a total of 17,921 plants, including 1,500 known magical plants! "Cook waved his head and took off the things on the corner horse, then continued.

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