A Unique Hunter

Chapter 285: Windfall

"Impossible, impossible, how can a rookie like you come into contact with books of that level." The magician screamed.

"Haha. Forgot to tell you. I used to be a cleaner in the library of the Wizards' Guild for a while." Cook explained with a smile.

"God, there is such a task, **** it, why didn't I notice such a task?" another magician howled.

"Is there such a task?" The magician who spoke just now also asked in surprise.

At this time, Qi Shang replied: "There is such a task, but such a task requires extremely strict review procedures, and it must be a local resident of Magic City, and it must be guaranteed by the sheriff."

"Oh!" Most of the people present looked at Cook enviously, because the residents of Magic City are an enviable identity. Even civilians can live well in Magic City, but people from other places If you want to become a resident of the Magic City, the price is probably beyond the reach of most people on the scene.

However, Kenza was still uneasy and asked another magician to release a toxin detection, and found that it was not poisonous. After doing it, he caught a beast to test it, and the result was no toxin. Now Kensa finally Is relieved.

"Cook, you will be responsible for our food together with Qishang in the future. As for the stone camel, let's hand it to Luolin." After eating a delicious meal of wild grass mushroom soup with some rabbit meat in it, the head of Kensa took a shot. Pat Cook on the shoulder and ordered.

"But the leader..." Cook was competing with a roasted potato. Indeed, there was a trace of purple in the potato, and dozens of kilograms of potato were directly roasted and distributed to everyone.

"Okay, isn't it just a salary issue? The salary is raised to a level." Kenza's heart is full of joy. Such an auxiliary talent is hard to come by.

"Head..." Cook said again.

"Cook, let's do it like this, what a big deal, I will give you another thirty gold coins?" The Kensa leader said when he saw Cook, he interrupted again and promised.

"Commander, I mean if I can let me act alone in the future. Of course, I am not a fool and will not stay away from the brigade. After all, I am a hunter. What is it to be in the middle of the team? And it is not easier to find more. Food." Cook said quickly with a depressed look.

"This, this, I'll find an archer. You will follow her in the future. She is the highest-level archer in our team." Kenza thought about it, but wanted to refuse. Cook was a hunter again, and came out. Isn't the adventure just for practicing while fighting? If you refuse, Cook will definitely be dissatisfied, but if you allow it, you will be afraid of danger, so Captain Kenza came up with a compromise.

"Sorry, Cook, they don't want to take you, your level?" Kenza said embarrassedly after going around and coming back.

"Haha, my level is lower, captain, I'm just a hundred meters around, no more than five hundred meters, how about it?" Cook looked at Kenza.

"Okay, but this whistle is for you. Remember to blow it for the first time if there is any danger." Kenza thought about it, and then handed Cook a metal whistle. In the forest, this sharp sound is more penetrating than the sound. Stronger.

After talking with the head of Kensa once, Cook was completely liberated. Cook can sleep on the stone camel during the day, or wander in the surrounding forest, and at night Cook can sleep or guard the fire. Bake low-grade herbs next to the pile.

"Go!" Cook let out a little finger-sized sling-foot bee in his hand. On the feet of the sling-footed bee, a white fluff is stuck to his body. Because Cook found that only low-level medicine, that is, powder will be affected by moisture in this humid forest, thereby reducing the effect, Cook thought of candles, and the simplest and safest source of candles that has no effect on the body is The nests of various bees become the best yellow wax after entering the high temperature.

Cook followed the frightened little thing. Because of the huge resistance formed by the white fluff, the little thing had to fly for a while and then stopped, and then continued to fly swayingly, and the speed was not high.

"This is a dead horse in Wangshan!" Cook's figure is extremely flexible. In the dense forest, chance did not make any noise. Cook followed this little stilt bee to a hillside and saw Xiao Xiao The thing got directly into a bush. Cook couldn't help but gasp. There was no way. The little thing in the col just flew directly over, and Cook had to run hard. Fortunately, there are communication glasses acting as a telescope. Otherwise, Ku Gram has to be lost.

Cook looked around carefully and found that there were no powerful monsters within a kilometer. Then Cook took out some plant debris from a skin bag on his waist, then rolled it up with another plant leaf, and then put it in his mouth. With two red petals in it, he approached the bush quietly, and then lit the leaves wrapped in his hands.

A wisp of green smoke spreads through the bushes, and from time to time there are hanging-footed bees coming back from the outside, but as soon as they approach the bushes, they fall to the ground in less than two seconds, and there are still flying out from inside. , Also fell straight to the ground, his calves twitched from time to time.

"Don't worry, don't worry, wait until you will eat good things, these are not delicious." Cook tried his best to comfort the beating Ka Ka, this Ka Ka said that he strongly wanted to eat the hanging bees, and Cook comforted Said.

After half an hour passed, Cook found that there were almost no sling-foot bees coming out or going back, but Cook did not act immediately, but repeated the action just now, but this time took out a hollow grass stalk, and then Stuffed the littered plant debris in, then Cook puffed up his mouth and put the grass stalk directly into the sling-footed bee's hole, blowing hard.

"Hehe!" A few minutes later, Cook chopped off the surrounding bushes with a smile, and then Cook began to dig hard.

When Cook dug to a depth of more than one meter, a round honeycomb of one meter square was exposed, and there were many sling-footed bees in it. These sling-footed bees are those that are already adults but cannot fly. Guys. If Cook did not smoke the cave with poison at the end, the sling-footed bee would scatter out when he opened it rashly. Don’t underestimate the sling-footed bee. The poison is very strong. Although it is not fatal to Cook, it is painful. It is inevitable.

"Huh? There is actually an unborn queen bee. Cook slowly opened the hive, revealing layers of pagoda shapes. Cook found the corpse of the current queen bee in the middle, and KaKa could not wait to rush. Go out, eggs, young bee pupae, and Cook saw an egg-sized bulge on the edge, and Cook was surprised.

The so-called royal jelly refers to the food for nurturing the next generation of queen bees in the bee colony. Bees do not determine the **** and type of adult bees by the eggs, but the food fed by the bees is related. Feeding nectar and pollen are Worker bees and drones, in the entire bee colony, the most pitiful is the drone. The worker bees will drive the adult drones out of the nest on a sunny day to achieve the purpose of mating with the queen bee. For some elderly queen bees, if the next generation of queen bees is born At the time, they would also be attacked and killed by the original worker bees. Therefore, the shortest life span of a group of bees is the drone, which is less than ten days after birth, followed by the worker bees, and finally the queen bee. Although the queen bee has a long life span, it is a continuation bee. Group of fertility tools.

Obviously the number of this group of stilt bees has reached the number of groups, and each group of bees will be divided into groups, that is, if the number of worker bees exceeds the standard, a new generation of queen bees will be produced, and finally this newborn queen will bring a group of loyal bees. Subordinates separate the original community.

Cook looked at this egg-sized hive, which was ten centimeters deep, and found an enlarged version of the maggot-like queen bee in a kind of pale yellow pulp. Cook was very excited. It's royal jelly, which is one of the rare natural things that can restore mental power without side effects.

Cook carefully took out a crystal bottle, and then used a crystal clamp to directly clamp the queen bee out. This queen bee larva is also a good thing, and then slowly scraped the royal jelly with a small crystal spatula, and finally obtained Full of nearly two hundred grams of royal jelly.

"Tsk tut, it's a great harvest." Cook sealed the bottle of the queen bee larvae, and the bottle of royal jelly was also sealed and dropped in the space ring. These two things now have no tools, and Cook does not plan to make a finished product.

"Huh!" But when Cook just got ready to leave, he actually picked up the hive and took it back. There were more than 100 catties of wild honey and some pollen, all of which needed to be taken slowly. Take care of it, but an uninvited guest apparently wanted to rob Cook's hand. A bear, and a devil bear, stood taller than Cook, his eyes fixed on the hive in Cook's hand. The saliva is all flowing down.

"Fuck, demo, don't look for it here!" Cook cursed badly. A tertiary devil bear in a small area. Cook doesn't want to do it. Although bear bile is a precious magic medicinal material, but the third devil bear Of course, Cook used the bear language to curse, which sounds like a deep roar to outsiders.

"Roar! Bang bang bang!" The Demon Bear was visibly taken aback, then roared, then slapped his chest vigorously.

"What, you asked me to compete with you, and then use this as a bet?" Cook couldn't believe his ears. The devil bear actually despised himself and wanted to compete with him.

"You're a demo, it's better not to find a fight!" Cook ignored the big guy, but gave a low growl again, of course it was a beast.

"Roar!" The devil bear showed its sharp fangs, then bowed his body in a posture that he wanted to pounce.

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~Okay, this is what you forced me. I haven't exercised for a long time!" Cook reluctantly put down the hive, because he said that if he doesn't put things down, he has to do it.

"Come on!" Cook twisted his body casually, then hooked his finger at the devil bear.

"Roar!" Hearing Cook's words, the demon bear rushed over in annoyance, and the huge slap swept past Cooke, and a big mouth bit directly towards Cook, obviously it was two moves. .

"Hi!" Cook moved all of a sudden and approached the devil bear in an instant. Then, before the devil bear could react, he grabbed the devil bear's swept paws with both hands, exhaled, and then pulled with both hands and twisted his body. .

"Boom!" The demon bear that was two and a half meters high was like a toy and was thrown directly more than ten meters away by Cook, and there was just a bunch of thorns on the ground.

"Huhuhu!" The devil bear was fainted, stood up shaking, then shook his head left and right, then looked at Cook, showing his fangs, rushing over again.

"Oh, it's a demo, I want to come again!" Cook looked at the devil bear and scolded.

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