A Unique Hunter

Chapter 287: Fire Python

"Boom!" Just after Cook's shouting, a fireball rushed directly to Luo Lin who was driving the mount in front. With a boom, the two mounts were directly blasted into coke.

"Damn it, fighting, preparing to fight, it's actually a fire python, and it's a fifth-level fire python!" Kenza looked over when Cook exclaimed, but Kenza didn't see any danger until the fireball was released. Kenza saw that a dark-brown stone next to the boulder was actually moving, only to find out where it was actually a python. When the python stretched its neck, Kenza screamed.

"Wow! Whoops, where's my shield?"

"My great sword, great sword!"

"Damn scout, these guys!"

The whole camp was in a mess, because just let go of vigilance, after all, as a temporary camp, someone must have checked in advance, and some can't even find their own weapons.

"Magic, archer, suppress! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Warrior, defense **** it, it's here!"

"Cook, avoid, avoid!"

"Assassin, go see how Luo Lin is doing."

A series of commands were yelled out by the Kenza commander. Two archers took the lead in attacking. The distance of more than 100 meters is the most powerful attack distance for the archers. Swish a few times, a few Jing Tiejian flew towards the fire python with white light, the white light is the feather behind the arrow.

"Keng! Keng!" Unfortunately, the arrows of the two archers in the rush did not release any anger at all, and the fine iron arrows directly rubbed the scales of the fire python with a metallic sound and a series of sparks.

"Cook, don't care about the mounts, get away!" Although Kenza wanted to rush out, but the long-term adventure experience told Kenza that a commander is the most important at this time, Kenza shouted loudly, because Cook is more than 50 meters away from the camp and more than 50 meters away from the fire python. Although the soldiers in the team are already in a defensive formation, the speed of humans and the speed of the fire python are not at the same level.

"Sisi!" The fire python stuck out his tongue, a pair of fiery red pupils looked at it, and found that there were two foods in front of him, and based on perception, there was no danger at all.

"Boom!" So a five-level bursting fireball was directly released to the defensive formation in the camp more than 100 meters away. With a boom, even with the protection of fighting spirit, the soldiers who had just organized in a hurry were also huge. The explosive power of shook off. As for the two magicians, they had already avoided far away, and the two had not had time to release a magic.

"Boom!" Fire Python kept advancing, and once again released a bursting fireball, throwing the whole team into chaos.

"Roar! Moqi, you are here to command!" Kensa roared, and the light of vindictiveness burst out from his body, and then quickly rushed towards the fire python.

Cook was putting Rollin on his back, because Rollin was unfortunately stunned by the bursting fireball, but what everyone didn't notice was that Cook put the crystal glasses behind his head.

"The distance, thirty meters! The distance, twenty meters! The distance, ten meters!" There were bursts of harsh reminders in Cook's mind. This is the distance the fire python approaches Cook, almost ten meters per second. This is the speed at which the fire python still releases magic.

"Damn it! Huhuhu!" Cook's scalp was numb, because he had heard the sound of the fire python's body rubbing against the ground, and the strong smell of fish.

"Cook, stay away!" Kenza looked at the fire python behind Cook and Rollin and opened his mouth. The next moment he was about to swallow them in one bite, Kenza yelled anxiously.

"Turn around, seventy degrees, attack!" A harsh voice came from Cook's mind.

"Go to hell!" Cook opened the bowstring and turned around when he said that he turned around. Then, as soon as the sentence of seventy degrees sounded, Cook's inferior wooden arrow flew out.

"Puff!" The fire python did not expect that the two foods would suddenly become hunters. With a puff, the wooden arrow directly penetrated the soft upper jaw of the fire python, and directly penetrated most of it, like a fishbone directly. It is the same as piercing into the upper jaw of a person. No matter how great you are, there is only pain. Of course, a person can easily take it out with a hand, but the fire python...

"Boom! Bang, boom!" Kenza clearly saw this scene petrified, and then a jump took Cooke and Rollin up like chickens. Just as Kenza turned around, it came from behind. There was a tingling sensation. After Kenza returned to the camp, he found that everyone was evading quickly. Kenza looked back.

The fire python went mad, and the thick tail of the huge bucket was constantly sweeping. Blocks of boulders were pulverized like flour. There was no bulge within tens of square meters, a crooked neck tree. It was directly entangled by the fire python and turned into countless debris, and the huge house-sized rock was pumped by the fire python with layers of rubble splashing.

"Cook, what kind of arrow do you use?" Everyone was hiding hundreds of meters away, and the place where the fire python was shook with huge vibrations and overwhelming small rocks, and even thousands of catties of boulders. Being thrown into the air, Kenza couldn't help but ask Cook in doubt, but it was generally not allowed to do so, because it involved mercenaries.

"It's made from the branches of the hot tree." Cook took out a few more arrows.

The people around looked at Cook’s green hands. It was just a few straight branches that were directly cut off and made extremely inferior arrows. No one wanted such arrows to burn, but the mercenaries present all sucked up. With a sigh of air, some people even swallowed their saliva unconsciously, because they all knew from Captain Kensa where Cook shot the arrow.

"Brother, you are strong!" The corners of an archer's mouth twitched, because as long as the pulp of a tree like a hot tree contaminates the skin, the skin will be like fire for several days. Nothing works, think about it. The arrow made of such a tree branch entered the upper jaw, and everyone felt their toothache. They admired Cook's approach to the extreme.

"Hmph, isn't it just luck!" said the magician who disliked Cook coldly.

"Well, thanks to Cook this time, but Cook, what you did just now is too dangerous, since it is a branch of a hot tree, then let's wait!" Head of Kensa said immediately.

"Actually, I still have an arrow made of five-spice tree here, but I dare not use it!" Cook carefully drew out an arrow of still very poor quality, but this arrow was wrapped in the back part by Cook with animal skins.

"Hiss!" Everyone took a few steps away. This spiced tree is a very poisonous tree, but this tree emits a scent to attract the animals to eat. In the end, under each spiced tree is a tree. Pile of bones, this is truly one of the highly poisonous plants most people know.

Cook even put the arrow on the bowstring and swayed towards the magician intentionally or unconsciously. The magician immediately screamed and hid behind his companion~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook, don't... …. "Head of Kenza's scalp was numb and he stood in front of Cook.

"Hehe, it turns out to be a stingy woman. Don't think that the magician is like yours." Cook said with a smile when he heard the magician's exclamation. In fact, these two magicians did it. Keep it mysterious.

"You!" The screaming female magician was so annoyed that she immediately raised her staff and chanted a spell.

"You'd better not move!" Cook said in a cold voice, the bow and arrow in his hand shook, and the surrounding group members all had scalp numb, looking at the inferior bow and arrow in Cook's hand, although the bow was like a dry vine. Yes, the arrows are handmade by themselves, and the craftsmanship is extremely clumsy, and a copper coin is worthless.

However, the members of the group who know the material of the arrow in Cook’s hand are unwilling to face such a person, the branches of the burning tree, the branches of the spiced tree, what materials are these, look at the fire that is still mad in the distance Python, the members of the team felt that their resistance was definitely not as strong as that of Fire Python.

"Well, Cook, let's go, let's see the fire python, that big guy is definitely not good!" Qi Shang patted Cook on the shoulder and hugged Cook and left.

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