A Unique Hunter

Chapter 288: Siege of Fire Python

Cook shouldn’t be enmity with a magician for such a trivial matter, because from Cook’s current vision, such a magician poses no danger to him at all, and the lives of the two are not at one level at all. Qi Shang said to look at the fire python, Cook rolled his eyes and replied: "It's up to you to hear such a big movement, I don't want to go to death!"

"Boom! Boom!" The power of the branches of the hot tree appeared. The fire python felt that the whole body was burned by fire. It stands to reason that even if the fire python is burned, it should not be so uncomfortable. In fact, it is like a person eating chili. , The mouth is comfortable to eat, but if you want to feed into the eyes, hehe!

The bursting fireballs were scattered like crazy without money, and there was no goal at all. Cook took a sneaky glance and couldn't help being frightened. If Cook took out his own special equipment just now, then this fire python might not be able to make it. What a danger, let alone anything else, it was just a magical giant crossbow, enough for this fire python.

"It was quite exciting just now!" But when Cook thinks about the scene just now, an inexplicable pleasure radiates from the bottom of his heart. Cook can imagine what the fire python looked like at that time, the duck that had come to the mouth actually flew away. Not only did he fly away, but before he left, he turned into an eagle and was pecked fiercely.

"Cool!" Cook can't help but snicker when he thinks about it. Cook finally understands that so many people like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, I'm afraid this is his current mood.

"Perverted!" Cook didn't expect that as soon as he exhaled, he heard a cold hum.

"Hmph, my pervert didn't let you follow." Cook found out that they were the only two magicians in the team, and Cook replied angrily.

The magician who was in dispute with Cook wanted to say something, so he was pulled by his companion, and then lifted the cloak and said to Cook: "Sorry, Cook, Mayfair is not bad, Cook, we I have something to discuss with you."

"Oh?" Cook looked at the two in confusion.

"My name is Elena, this is my best friend and classmate, Yafeier, we are students from Madeya Magic Martial Arts Academy, we are here to try this time." A girl with freckles, a little fat, probably in her twenties, and Yafeier may be smaller, with a baby face, but it gives a sense of superiority, obviously with aristocratic habits.

"Madya Demon Martial Arts Academy?" Cook rubbed his head and looked at Luo Lin next to him. Luo Lin had already woken up. He didn't say a word about Cook's life-saving grace, but Cook knew Luo Lin's Be human.

"The head of the team came from Madeya Demon Martial Arts Academy, and the two are considered his younger sisters, so..." Luo Lin explained in a low voice.

"Well, although I haven't heard of any Madeya Demon Martial Arts Academy, but what do you have?" Cook replied flatly.

As soon as Cook came out, Elena's eyes widened when he was good-tempered, and the baby's fat cheeks were added to her. The puffy look made Luo Lin's eyes widened. Elena said every word. Asked: "Cook, can I think that you are despising our Madeya Magic Martial Arts Academy?"

"Uh, sorry, I really don't know, I know that there is a Wushuang Academy in Magic City." Cook snorted and explained.

"Hmph, our Madeya Magic Martial Arts Academy is also ranked in the top five on the mainland, Cook, we are here to discuss with you this time, Yafeier is a fire magician, so I really hope to get the magic core of the fire python. , I hope you can make a price for Cook. Of course, this price is definitely not the outside market price, but your contribution in the team." Elena snorted coldly.

"I don't have any opinion on this. As for the amount of money, the head of Kensa will definitely not treat me badly." Cook thought it was something, but it turned out to be something, Cook readily agreed.

When Elena heard that Cook was so easy to talk, she smiled and said, "Then we thank you."

"Hey, Cook, you have suffered too much like this." Luo Lin whispered.

"Hehe, Brother Luo Lin, we were fortunate to be rescued by the team leader at last. Since the two magicians came to us and said in private, they must have been approved by the team leader. I don't want the team leader to lose face." Hehe smiled and patted Luo Lin on the shoulder. For Cook, the sixth-level fire python, and the magic core of the fire python that had overdrawn its magic power, was not worthy of attention at all.

"Well, since you have no objections, I won't say anything, but Cook, your personality is very suitable for our profession, Brother Luo Lin told you, our profession is not to worry about it, otherwise there is no way to get mixed up. "Luo Lin said meaningfully.

"Haha, it's mainly because the quality of this magic core has been very low after the overdraft of the magical power of the fire python, and it has no use value at all." Cook said with a smile. In fact, Luo Lin's implication, Cook heard, after all, he is A member of the reserve team, it is not good to say, whoever is in the position of the team leader can only speak for two magicians. Of course, if he meets a vicious mind, he may disappear as a reserve member. This kind of thing is the mercenary. There are many circles.

The fire python has been tossing for a long time. Now the fire python is weakened, and his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes. The rested head of Kensa and his party have been energized for a long time. Several archers and The thieves were all sent out to perform a vigilance mission. With such a big movement, it is hard to guarantee that no one will **** the spoils. There are only ten knights and fighters fully equipped, and three fighters and knights as backup forces. People are watching from a distance. Take Luo Lin and Qi Shang as examples. It is estimated that if the fire python stood there and let them chop, neither of them could cut a wound.

"Prepare, knight, charge! Warriors keep up!" Because of being tossed by the fire python, the rare blade of grass within thousands of square meters is not growing, and it is basically flat, so several knights don't need to mount and fight.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The rigorously trained wildebeest rushed toward the fire python with its hoofs. Even after rigorous training, the wildebeest was blindfolded by the knight and galloped forward under the control of the knight. Although the fire python has overdrawn a lot of magic and physical strength, the mental coercion of the sixth-level beast is still there after all, so in order to avoid accidents, it is necessary to blindfold.

"Kill!" Several soldiers braved a raging grudge, and rushed over in an attack formation.

"It's all like this, with so many people?" Cook asked in confusion.

"Hehe, there is nothing wrong with being careful. These knights and warriors are all distracting. Of course, for the sake of being careful, the only ultimate move is the leader. After all, the skin, tendons, eyeballs, and teeth of a sixth-level fire python are not worthwhile. Fei, even the blood is several gold coins per catty. Our team has never killed level 6 monsters before, so this time our team’s level must be able to go up. Take the skin of the fire python, the more the wound The more, the less the usable skin, the lower the value, and so does the tendon. If it is cut off, there is no place to cry. Therefore, in the average team, only a few experienced members of the team will attack the Warcraft, and the rest The people just attracted attention, and then blocked the attack of the monsters, otherwise everyone would rush forward, and in the end there might be only the magic core." Luo Lin explained with a smile.

"Khan!" Cook sweats profusely. Cook always thinks that killing Warcraft is like killing BOSS in the game. Everyone rushes forward. But think about it, everyone is desperate to make money. The remaining magic core is valuable.

Cook saw Captain Kenza constantly walking around the fire python, and the fire python's bloodshot eyes had obviously lost sight. He could only perceive the enemy by the smell of the tongue and the touch of the body and the ground. However, there were several soldiers nearby. The running back and forth of several knights and the elemental fluctuations caused by the outbreak of grudge made the fire python look like a blind man, only the constant hoarse roar.

"Knight, containment, warrior, defense!" Kenza commanded loudly and simply. On the battlefield, there is no need for too many complicated languages ​​at all, what is needed is simple language.

Commander Kenza gave an order, and the knight instigated the mount to continue to run around the fire python, while the soldiers raised their shields one after another, and the vindictiveness was even more violent. At this time, the gap appeared, the fastest warrior. It took less than two seconds for the grudge to spurt out, and some for a few seconds.

"Shield attack! Boom!" The two soldiers held the shields in both hands and kicked hard under their feet. The whole person suddenly flew towards the fire python like a cannonball. The shield suddenly contacted the fire python's body, and a loud noise erupted. .

"Hiss!" The fire python neighed instinctively, and then the thick body of the bucket suddenly curled up, and the tail suddenly pulled over.

"Shield Strike!" Seeing the other soldiers, they rushed forward one after another. Several fighters were very experienced, and they all rushed to one side. Several fighters shouted in unison with the half-human shield and the power of vindictiveness.

"Boom!" The powerful force erupted from the fire python's body by several soldiers directly knocked the fire python's body several meters away.

"Okay!" The fire python's body rolled out suddenly, Kenza shouted, the already accumulated vindictiveness and his body jumped high.

"Broken!" Kensa roared, and a burst of flame emerged from the big sword, and the vindictiveness on his body was extremely dim. The tip of the big sword was even more exposed with a half-meter-long flaming blade.

"Puff!" Kensa has rich experience, and the big sword directly pierced the white belly exposed when the fire python rolled, and then directly pierced into ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ until it had no handle.

"Hiss!" The fire python roared, his body trembling violently, and his huge tail slammed directly at Kensa.

"Shield Strike!" However, the several fighters who had just hit the shield once again exploded out of anger, and then several fine iron shields slammed directly on the body of the fire python, and the fire python was knocked out again.

"The cooperation is beautiful!" Cook clapped his hands vigorously. If the shield strikes of these warriors were one second late, the Kensa commander would definitely be hit by the giant tail of the fire python, and the sixth-level monster would die. With one blow, the head of Kenza might be seriously injured if he is not dead, and Kenza after the outbreak of fighting qi does not have too strong resistance at all, because although fighting qi does not require chanting, it takes enough time to accumulate fighting qi, otherwise the meridians in the body I can’t bear it. If I force the meridian to be damaged, then the whole person will be destroyed. Therefore, the stronger the body and the wider the meridian, the faster the fighting energy will erupt. This is the same as the gun. It’s a truth that the faster the loading time, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

"Cooperation? Humph, this is also called cooperation." But someone coldly hummed dissatisfiedly.

"Who are you?" Cook looked back and asked in surprise, because Cook found that there were more than thirty people behind him, and he looked at the fire python with enthusiasm.

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