A Unique Hunter

Chapter 289: Gorse Mercenary Group

"Haha. It's a good harvest. It's a sixth-level fire python. The most rare thing is that the skin of this fire python is actually intact." The visitor did not answer Cook's question, but looked at the fire python in the middle of the field and said with a smile. .

"Captain, you are mistaken. The most valuable thing about this fire python is the bloodshot eyes. This fire python doesn't know why. After the violent, the eyes are filled with the essence of blood..." But the next one The man dressed as a magician said corrected.

"Stop, who are you?" Luo Lin was not as good at talking as Cook, and directly drew out his weapon and shouted.

"Get out of the way, we are the third squadron of the first squadron of the first group of the gorse mercenary group." Just after Luo Lin's words were finished, a soldier arrogantly pointed to Luo Lin's nose and shouted.

"Gorse!" Luo Lin, a few prepared fighters and two magicians all stared. This gorse mercenary group is the top five large-scale mercenary group in the mainland, and the main force of the whole team exceeds Ten thousand, the number of logistical staff exceeds thirty thousand. This is just a mercenary group, and the Gorse Chamber of Commerce is even more of a behemoth, with more than twenty thousand guards. Even the largest thief group on the mainland does not dare to deal with gold. The flower chamber of commerce hands.

"You know it's great, go away, do you think our gorse mercenary group will **** your fire python?" The soldier shouted loudly afterwards.

"What's the matter, what's the matter." At this moment, a more clever warrior hurriedly walked out with two members on his back. One of them was a female archer and a thief, all covered in blood, and the whole person fell into a coma. In the middle, Luo Lin saw it and ran over in surprise.

"Quickly, get the potion and bandage!" Luo Lin yelled loudly after checking it. Qi Shang quickly took out the potion he was carrying.

"Haha, haha!"

"Haha, these **** teams actually use potions!"

"That is, this potion is better than the potion we use."

"Hey! You want a healing potion, no, we only need the two eyeballs of the fire python, how about the exchange of these two bottles of intermediate healing potion." Someone even took out two bottles of healing potion and dangled in front of Luo Lin.

"Get out!" Cook didn't want to get ahead, but these people were too much, Cook shouted coldly.

"Haha, haha!"

"Rocky, this little brother will let you go!"

"Little brother, you are so awesome, you dare to shout to Rocky!"

"Yes, Loki is the only Thunder Knight in our regiment!"

"Little brother, you are awesome!"

The gorse people heard Cook's roar, and they froze for a while, and then they ridiculed loudly. Loki, who was teased, froze for a moment and then looked at Cook with a smile, but his eyes were full of chill.

"Is this how the Gorse Mercenary Group is in the mercenary world?" Just when the atmosphere was solemn, Kenza walked over, still full of warfare, and said lightly mockingly.

"Hmph, don't know how to praise, in this world, it is a small matter to die a few people, today you crossed the fire python with this little bastard..." Rocky snorted and pointed at Cook.

"Whoo!" With a sound, Loki directly grabbed the arrow that was shot at him.

"It's better to keep your mouth clean." Cook said coldly, and Cook was really angry.

"Interesting, is this the equipment in your team, dear, it's actually handmade, click!" Rocky didn't look at Cook, staring at the arrows made from the green branches in his hands, admiringly said, and then even more. Squeezed into pieces with a click.

"Little bastard, you are dead today!" Then Loki jumped up and pointed at Cook and shouted.

"Humph!" Cook snorted coldly, contemptuously.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho!" But the following scene made everyone retreat more than ten meters in horror, because Loki suddenly curled up on the ground, his entire face was full of a strange purple, and his body was even curled up There was a **** ho sound in a ball of throat.

"It doesn't matter who dies!" Cook said lazily.

All the members of the Gorse Mercenary Group looked at each other. The magician who spoke at the beginning looked very solemn, and then ordered: "Come here, hold down Loki for me!"

"Hehe, it's best not to touch it, otherwise, hehe!" Cook stunned the two members of the Gorse Mercenary Group directly with a double sound, and looked at the deputy captain with fear.

"Boy, you'd better pray that Rocky won't have anything to do, otherwise... Whoosh!" The deputy squadron stared at Cook and said in a cold voice, but Cook shot an arrow again when he raised his hand. Coming over, the deputy captain waved a blue magic shield, obviously a water magician, and then two water dragons surrounded the magician's body, and the arrows made of branches were directly shattered by the water dragon.

"Boy, look for...Puff!" the magician shouted loudly, but he fainted to the ground before he finished speaking.

"Hehe, don't think that it is useful to have protective magic. Some toxins can work through the air. They are not powerful, but you have to smash them with a water dragon. This effect is very good!" Cook casually once again Draw out an extremely ugly arrow, and slowly put it on a bowstring.

"Huh!" Everyone in the gorse mercenary group backed away, looking at the crude bows and arrows in Cook's hands, their scalp was numb, and a thunder fighter was still curled up in a ball, and he was a demon. The instructor's deputy squadron leader fainted even more unclearly.

But Kenza and the others took a deep breath. This Cook is simply too abnormal. Not only did the sixth-level fire python got his way, but even the elite main force of the two gorse mercenary groups were unclear. Because of Cook's deceit, everyone looked at the bows and arrows in Cook's hands and their scalp was numb. Now the bows and arrows made by Withered Teng are more powerful than magic weapons in these people's eyes.

"Flap! Flap! Good, good!" At this time, more than a hundred people appeared again. These more than one hundred people have the same badges as the thirty people who came here just now, and they are obviously all golden sparrows. People from the Flower Mercenary Corps.

"Tsk tsk, two wastes, this little brother is a good method, the powder made from the dead bone vine and the juice of the soulgrass can actually have a powerful paralyzing effect. Tsk tsk!" The leading magician dressed up Man walked up to the unconscious magician, his nose shook slightly, and then he checked it carefully.

But Cook narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "Hehe, if you say it is strong paralysis, then strong paralysis is fine. You can try detoxification?"

"As for Loki, it's okay to die!" The magician narrowed his eyes when he heard Cook's words, but then looked at Loki and said lightly.

"Master!" among those who came out later, a young man interruptedly shouted.

"Huh, I won't be able to save it anyway. The branches of the spiced tree are smeared with the sap of vanilla and dare to touch it with your hands. If you want to die, just touch Loki now." This name was called. The person for the master said coldly.

"Hehe, you are wrong, and the juice of the Soul Eater Vine. Although it is only five years old, I was lucky enough to find it in the dead bones of a monster." Cook continued to explain with a smile.

"Damn it!" The man dressed up as the magician heard Cook say so, and immediately waved a bottle of blue liquid, and then poured it directly on his hand, and even stripped off all his clothes in two strokes. , Flushing the body with blue liquid, several women in the adventure group blushed.

With a strange expression on Cook's face, Luo Lin asked in a low voice, "What is Soul Eater?"

"A poisonous weed that can devour mental power." Cook said faintly. In fact, this thing was collected by Frost Titans. As long as these Titans have magical fluctuations, they don't let it go, but I don't know if it is a poisonous weed, but it's cheap. Cook.

"You are cruel!" The master sternly said to Cook after washing his body with blue liquid.

"Hehe, I still have a big bag here!" Cook raised the skin in Yang's hand.

"Don't, don't!" The master flew back, and dropped a bottle of black potion on Loki in the process of retreating.

"Zizi!" Loki was completely corroded by the black potion, leaving a pool of black water on the ground.

"Huh, it is actually the corpse water refined from the bones of the corpse witch!" Cook said softly, because the sky eye has already given the comparison data based on the effect, and the corpse water occupies 90% of the similarity. There was a cry.

"Get to know, I am gorse..." The master said with a smile after hearing Cooke's words.

"I'm not interested in getting to know you, let's settle the dispute between us first!" Cook waved his hand slightly and said lightly, but he had several small skins in his hand, which looked like a small monster. Made from his stomach, it looks weird in Cook's hands.

"Boy, are you not giving face?" The master said with a smile.

"The face is earned by myself, not by others." Cook explained with a faint smile.

"Humph~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't you think there is nothing you can do with you, as long as there is an archer remotely attacking you, what should you kid do?" the master said with a cold snort.

"Cut, just the rookies behind you!" Cook said disdainfully. Indeed, when it comes to archery, Cook is not afraid of anyone.

"Okay, okay, I like confident people, or let's take a gamble?" The master said in admiration, but the meaning of contempt was obvious.

"Bet, why?" Cook replied with no face.

At this time, the people behind the master went crazy: "Boy, don't be ignorant of praise!"

"Praise, come to grab the spoils and hurt our people, is this the so-called praise, then I also killed one of you just now, it is praised you? How about I kill more?" Cook smiled faintly Asked rhetorically, the bow and arrow in his hand moved slightly.

"Hoo!" The mercenaries in the gorse mercenary group burst out of vindictiveness. Some warriors even raised the big shields in their hands, hiding behind the shields. Some magicians did not hesitate to waste scrolls and magic power. Release two magic shields one after another.

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