A Unique Hunter

Chapter 414: learning class

Under the leadership of Addo, Cook came to the court preparation office. As soon as he entered the door, Cook was dumbfounded because it was full of old men. Before Cook had time to ask Addo, he was surrounded by enthusiastic old men.

"Master Cook!"

"Master Cook, when do you think you will be a guest at my house!"

"Master Cook, Master Cook, thank you, thank you, my old man has lived all his life, and he has finally eaten flour!"

"My lord, my lord, do you want someone in your mine?"

Cook was sweating profusely, he hurriedly left after a polite greeting. Cook looked at Ado snickering, and asked angrily: "Whose idea is this, you are looking for a group of old men?"

"Master, this is the rule of our tribe. Only the elderly can judge the tribe." Ado quickly replied attentively.

"Damn!" Cook is speechless. Cook feels a headache again. Among the orcs, the greatest power is the power of the clan, but the Bunnyman is better. After all, the Bunnyman has always been a vassal race, without any status and no property. , And there is no power to judge.

"Well, what should I do?" Cook has great expectations for the formation of a court. After all, this is related to whether the territory can survive in the future. However, if a strict law is to be formulated, Cook does not think that It's too much to do it by myself.

There is also a penalty standard, which is also very important. It cannot be said that the penalty for stealing a silver coin is the same as that of a gold coin. Obviously, it must be separated.

After Cook returned to the house, he turned left and turned right, and finally thought of a better way. Cook immediately ordered: "Ado, does Black Wolf City know characters?"

"Master, what do you mean? Is it a werewolf, a tauren, or our bunny?" Addo asked suspiciously.

Cook became dizzy when he heard Addo's words, and then asked, "Are there many kinds of words?"

"Well, it doesn't matter how you speak, but there are some differences in the text." Ado nodded.

Cook was almost crazy, so he asked again: "What about the words used in the temple?"

"Oh, that's one kind of thing." Ado said.

"Since it is one type, then this is the case, you immediately find someone who knows the scriptures of the temple, I want to see them." Cook immediately ordered.

"But those are basically apprentice priests?" Ado replied in surprise.

When Cook heard what Addo said, he immediately thought of a person, and then said loudly: "Ado, go find a hundred orcs born of common people. The poorer the better, the rabbit people occupy half, and the rest will be everything. Yes, remember, you shouldn’t be too old, but you have to have suffered, know if you don’t."

"Yes!" Ador turned around and left immediately, and Cook remembered his speech disorder. Bunnymen are not rich, but poor.

Cook returned to the baronial realm, and found Wu Mei for the first time: "Wu Mei, do you know these words?" Cook took out the words of the Temple of God of War.

"Acknowledge!" Wu Mei was very happy to see Cooke. She hugged Cook's arm tightly and did not let go. Looking at the text, Wu Mei nodded.

"Yeah!" In his excitement, Cook gave Wu Mei a bite, and only discovered something wrong after the kiss, but he was relieved when he saw that Wu Mei didn't react much.

Then Cook asked again: "Wu Mei, would you like to teach others these words?"

"Not willing." Wu Mei replied shook her head.

"Why not?" Cook asked questioningly, knowing that Wu Mei used to rely on herself and was very obedient.

Wu Mei pouted her mouth and said, "I just want to be with you, not with others. Don't leave me, OK?"

Cook was petrified in an instant, if it wasn't for Wu Mei's current IQ to be too low, Cook had an impulse, and after a while Cook asked quietly: "So what if I'm with you? Would you like to teach?"

"Really, as long as I am with you, I am willing to do anything." Wu Mei replied excitedly.

Cook burst into tears in an instant, Nima, it would be nice if someone said this to him in the last life, but the current Umei makes Cook not want to start at all. One is because Umei’s IQ is too low, and now he just belongs to that. This is similar to the person he saw at first sight when he was born. It is a sense of dependence, and the second is that Cook is afraid of getting Wumei and losing it later, because no one can say whether Wumei will restore his previous memories.

Cook knows the pain of loss better than anyone, so Cook has been suppressing some of his thoughts about Umei in order to avoid too much damage to his relationship in the future.

"That's good." Cook said, patting Wu Mei's hand.

Cook is going to see West Asia, but I don’t know that West Asia is devoting himself to the refining of the magic pattern formation. Cook did not disturb him. It is not luck, but strength and hard work that can become a magic formation master. Ke didn't bother Sia.

And Manly just went to the Golden Pass for defense. As an elite trained in the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, these things are basically mastered. Cook is going to see the herbs planted in Windsor, she knows that Windsor will be bombed from a distance. Go away, say what kind of dead star Cook is.

When Cook brought Wu Mei back to Black Wolf City, it was already noon the next day. Because Manly was back, Cook stayed with Manly for one night. Manly also said that the next time Cook comes back, there will be a surprise for him. Grams.

"Master, everyone is here!" Cook just opened the door, because the teleportation array was placed in the house, of course Addo thought Cook was resting.

"Well, Wu Mei, let's go." Cook shouted from behind.

"Let's go!" Wu Mei took Cook's arm affectionately, because Wu Mei was wearing human clothes when she first came and needs to be changed.

When Ado saw Wu Mei, his mouth opened wide. Looking at Wu Mei’s back, Ado was puzzled: "How did the master do this? Could it be that our guards still have loopholes, or else there is too much space in the house? What about one person? No, those guys must be lazy." Then Addo followed Cook angrily.

The house where Cook lived was originally a werewolf aristocrat's house. More than a hundred people gathered by Ado were in the city council not far away. Cook entered the council chamber and took a look.

Half of the Bunnymen were found, as well as some other races, as well as werewolves, Doug, Tauren, Goat, Pig, etc., several races. This is mainly because Black Wolf City is close to the Natal Mountains. There are more mountain adventurers, so there are more other races here.

"My lord!" Seeing Cook coming in, these people prostrated on the ground and saluted.

"Well, you all stand up." Cook nodded, this is the highest etiquette of the orcs.

Cook looked at a hundred orcs, and then said: "In the next month, I will find a teacher for you. You have to learn culture from her, that is, literacy. After a month, the top 80 can get Five gold coins in a month!"

Cook didn’t say anything about setting up a court, because these guys are basically illiterate now, so in the face of such people, the best thing is to lure them with profit. So when Cook’s words settled, a hundred people’s eyes widened. , Obviously the work of five gold coins is something these people would never think of.

"And during the month you are studying, each of you has a gold coin subsidy. Then, adults, I also cover food and accommodation. Come, come forward and register. After registration, you can get the money first." Cook clapped his hands and let these guys Wake up and speak loudly.

Wu Mei began to register the names, ages, family members and other information of these people, and Cook said while issuing gold coins: "Remember, I only want to rank in the top 80, and there are 20 people behind. You will Answer where it comes from, understand?"

Hearing what Cook said, more than a hundred people were very nervous, especially those who got the gold coins, they showed a fanatical look. It took more than one hour to register, Cook looked at. Arrange food and lodging for these guys and distribute school supplies.

Wu Mei smiled and squinted Cook's arms, while Xiao Bad this guy squinted at the fireplace, his big mouth, small arrows, and ka ka were all running around the room.

Cook is holding a pen in one hand, and a plan is written on his knees. First, the internal guards must be stationed. This is to manage public order. Cook is going to select a group from the army and then recruit a group. In the face of all the orcs, if Cook is limited to these five cities, then Bunnyman can be used, but Cook’s eyes are fixed on the entire empire, so you must do well at the beginning, as long as the beginning is done, then There will be such templates in the future.

In terms of agriculture, the orc empire basically relies on the sky for food, and the water source here is very unstable. There is no drop of water in autumn and winter. Not only is there a lot of rain in spring and summer, but the snow on the surrounding mountains melts and forms a flood, so the orc empire It has always been dominated by animal husbandry, and only a small part of the area is growing some food.

Animal husbandry requires more investment than planting. Livestock populations, forage reserves, and winter facilities built, etc., don’t need planting, and after planting and harvesting, they don’t care.

Moreover, most civilians and vassal races do not have livestock at all, so the livestock population is a relatively large number, because the population cannot be too small, and one or two does not work. Cook is based on 60 acres per person. It is allocated by the pasture. One mu of pasture can feed at least 3 sheep and one cow. Then a family of five can raise a total of 300 acres of pasture, and a maximum of 900 sheep or 300 cows can be raised, so the population must not be too small. , Sheep need at least one population.

A population is naturally stocked and a ram can match 30 ewes. A family needs at least this number. An ewe usually gives birth to two litters a year. Basically, benefits can be seen in the third year. Up.

So population is a key issue. Of course, the grass in the first year of the pasture can be stored for the winter, so Cook does not need to worry about this.

Cook knows that for civilians and vassal races who don't have grassland, grassland is their lifeblood, so Cook stipulates that it is strictly forbidden to sell and exchange grassland, which basically blocked the formation of big landlords.

Of course, in the future, Cook will have to set a rigid rule for the number of sheep per mu in the pasture. In fact, Cook feels that this rule is completely unnecessary, because the pasture is his own, of course he will cherish it. Two hundred more, because the pasture belongs to everyone, so if your sheep eat more, my family will eat less, so the pasture will become a desert.

Cook finally took out the plan of animal husbandry, only then realized that Wu Mei had actually fallen asleep by his side. Cook gave Wu Mei a piece of beast skin beside him to cover it, and then he planned to start business. Cook does not intend to strongly support.

Non-support does not mean suppressing business, but to have a limit. After all, productivity is low now. If there are more people engaged in business, since it is business, then there will definitely be benefits in earning. This society is not an industrial society. The more developed you will earn.

In the agricultural and animal husbandry society, the wealth brought by labor is the most stable. Cook used to read historical novels to develop business vigorously, but he did not know that in an age when farmers were starving to death, what kind of money was there. What product to buy? In an age when salt can't be eaten, is there still money to buy goods? This is simply a joke. What proportion of the whole society do those big landlords occupy?

So Cook decided not to support the business first, and all that was left was the construction of water conservancy and so on. Cook made detailed plans one by one.

"Finally, I have a rough plan." Cook finally got almost done and stretched.

"Uh! It's dawn?" Wu Mei was awakened by Cook, and asked with sleepy eyes.

"Hehe. It's still early, go back to the room and go to bed." Cook said, patting Wu Mei on the shoulder.

"No, I'm sleeping here." Wu Mei shook her head, then leaned on Cook's arm to sleep.

Cook was speechless, he was just about to walk around, but seeing Wu Mei sleeping soundly, Cook had to pick up the sheepskin and start thinking about war.

"Logistics, medical care..." Cook listed the factors that affected the victory or defeat of the war.

Logistical Cook directly ignores it. There is a single-person teleportation magic circle. There is no problem with logistics. Cook has a headache in medical treatment. It is obviously impossible to use magic potions on a large scale.

"Witch doctor?" Cook thought for a while and wrote two words. Of course, Cook didn't really want to learn witch doctor. Cook decided to take out the magic potion in a different way, just like the ointment made in the ancient battlefield. Pills, just take out something like this.

"Ado!" Cook does what he wants.

"Master!" When Ado opened the door, Cook realized that it was already dawn.

"Recruit me a group of clever bunny girls, and set the number to one hundred." Cook ordered.

"Yes! Master, are you going to choose a maid?" Ado asked cautiously.

Cook glared at Addo, and then said: "I am going to teach them to learn witch doctor."

"Witch doctor, sir, you mean..." Addo opened his mouth wide.

"Well, it's the witch doctor who cures diseases." Cook nodded.

During the day, Cook had been studying with the young people of Professor Wu Mei. At noon, Addo came back, but Addo's eyes were obviously dark circles, as if he had been beaten.

"Why? Was he beaten?" Cook asked grimly.

"Hmm!" Ador lowered his head.

"Hmph, have the things I explained been done?" Cook grunted dissatisfiedly.

Ado lowered his head in shame and replied, "Master, I can't do this anymore, do you think?"

"Master, I was beaten by my dad. We had already selected a hundred girls. Some of them said, "Master, you want to choose so many maids. You must be uneasy and kind. I was angry at that time and I just gave you I said about the recruitment of witch doctors. Now it’s all right. First, I hid my daughter in a twitchy manner. When I heard about the recruitment of witch doctors, they all rushed up. My dad wanted me to take both My younger sister also brought me, but one of my younger sisters was only eight years old. I didn't agree with my father who beat me hard, sir, I couldn't do this job." Ado explained aggrievedly.

Cook almost fainted when he heard that. Isn't he just a witch doctor, but Cook asked again: "So how many people are there?"

"When I left just now, more than 500 girls had signed up." Addo replied, and Cook opened his mouth, speechless.

When Cook followed Ado to the recruitment location in Black Wolf City, he found that the situation was already serious, the streets were blocked, and some people shouted: "Why are we just recruiting bunny people? Tauren can't do it?"

"That is, we sheep people can do it too!"

"Huh, who made us adults be bunny people?"

"Master Cook is here!"

"Master Cook is here!"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly with sharp eyes, and the crowd rushed around. When Cook saw the crowd, he immediately yelled: "Don't make a noise!"

The crowd was yelled by Cook, and immediately there was no sound. Cook jumped to one side of the roof and said loudly, "Well, now I announce that all girls over 12 and under 18 You can participate in the selection of witch doctors, regardless of race!"

"Tomorrow morning, right here, when the time comes, I will personally write the question. Anyone who answers correctly can become a witch doctor." Cook looked at the people below with excitement and immediately added.

"My lord, you are a bunny man, do you favor the bunny man?"


Someone immediately reacted and asked loudly that Cook was speechless. Who said the orcs were stupid, Cook replied loudly: "I will be selected publicly, and everyone can supervise then, okay?"

"Okay!" The crowd slowly dispersed, but some others hurried out of the city.

Cook looked at Addo and glared at the guy: "It's you, there is no security measures."

"Go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and find me a hundred thin stone slabs, then send me some more charcoal, and set up a hundred small stoves, and then put the stone slabs on." Cook is not angry. Commanded.

"Master, are you going to barbecue?" Addo asked suspiciously.

"Bang, there is so much nonsense, you'll know by then." Cook kicked the guy angrily and scolded.

On the second day, when Cook came to the recruitment site, he was shocked. The dense crowd, at least tens of thousands, was full of people on the roof, on the street, and girls. Well-dressed.

Addo took people to maintain order, and the girls lined up one by one. Cook looked at the girls who were recruiting at least one to two thousand people. Cook felt a bit of a headache, and there were people who kept gathering, obviously from others. The city rushed over.

"Now the assessment begins, Addo, let a hundred people come in first." Cook shouted from the courtyard.

Today, I have more than 5,000 words. I have a cold and a cough. It is probably due to the air. I want to go to the hospital to hang water, but I don’t know the corridors are full. I’d better go home and take medicine!

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