A Unique Hunter

Chapter 415: Witch doctor

Cook saw one hundred orc girls filed in. The oldest one was ten years old, already dressed as a woman. The younger Cook was probably only years old, but Cook didn't care about these.

Cook saw that a hundred orc girls had entered the examination room. In fact, it was in a courtyard. Cook looked at these bunny girls and said loudly, "Now we are conducting the first assessment to identify herbs! Come on, everybody! People come to me first to carefully observe the herbs in front of me, and then go to the herbal piles over there to select the herbs that you have identified."

"Go ahead, come in line one by one!" Cook commanded loudly.

The orc girls came up one by one, carefully observing the herbs in front of Cook. These herbs were born out of Cook’s magic last night. They are just ordinary herbs, not magic herbs, so there is no difficulty at all.

The orc girls walked past Cook one by one, and then picked herbs from the herbal pile on the other side. Some orc girls also used their noses to smell the herbs.

After reading the previous one carefully, there are two large wooden frames in the back, which are filled with herbs. These herbs were born out of Cooke, so they are all relatively similar herbs.

"Pass!" The first bunny girl shivered holding the herb in her hand. Cook looked at it and shouted, and the bunny girl was led to the other side.

"Did not pass!"


"Did not pass!"

The loud shouts made some orc girls excited, while others were teary. One hundred orc girls soon finished their assessment, and Cook saw some orc girls actually crying.

Cook had no choice but to shout: "Three months later, there will be another apprenticeship assessment, and those who pass may not necessarily become witch doctors!"

One by one orc girls were put in, and then the herbs were identified, and finally the herbs were selected. They were all assessed by Cook himself under extremely fair conditions. The surrounding orcs also cheered for the admission of their daughters or relatives. Others were frustrated, and even the whole family was in pain, but most of the orc girls were hopeful about the assessment three months later.

"Okay, that's it for today. The three hundred witch doctors have been recruited. You can come back in three months." Cook took a look at it. Three hundred orc girl apprentices who can recognize herbs have been recruited. All right.

You must know that in order to increase the elimination rate, the herbs used for assessment are relatively difficult, but there are still 300 qualified. Cook does not want to recruit more, but can't, because he can't teach them every day.

Of course, after three months, Cook can completely recruit qualified witch doctors to accept disciples. These three hundred people have to teach themselves, of course, some of them must be eliminated.

What Cook expected did not happen, but many orc families reluctantly did not want to leave, and Cook had no choice.

Cook started teaching the next day. Cook adopted a step-by-step approach. The first step was to identify medicinal herbs. There were only more than one hundred common herbs, and only dozens of commonly used herbs.

Cook taught medicine knowledge, and Wu Mei taught cultural knowledge. Of course, Cook had to deal with some civil affairs issues. After half a month, Cook began teaching orc girls to make medicine.

There are three hundred small charcoal stoves with a thin stone slab on top. Cook first said: "Generally speaking, herbs need to be roasted or exposed to the sun to let the moisture in the herbs disappear, which is convenient for the preservation of the herbs. ."

"But some herbs have some side effects. Just like this copper coin vine, its leaves are about the size of a copper coin, and the color is brown. This copper coin vine can effectively kill parasites in the stomach, but it has a side effect. That will cause diarrhea, so we have to remove the harmful things in the herbs.

Everyone has a closer look. This kind of copper money vine needs to be soaked in common vinegar and then dried. "Cook demonstrated while teaching, and soon the whole hall was filled with vinegar.

"Okay, do this today." Cook told the apprentices below after finishing the operation.

Three hundred orc apprentices began to operate slowly, while Cook looked around while pointing, I have to say that the orcs are no more stupid than humans.

"Very well, everyone should pay attention to it. There are some thick copper money vines. You can cut them into thin slices, so that they can be soaked in vinegar easily." Cook prompted as he walked around.

A month is going to pass soon, the snow begins to melt slowly, and Cook is busy distributing breeding livestock to the herdsmen in the territory. Most of these are confiscated by the nobles, and a small part is from the humans. The empire bought it. For this batch of livestock, Cook has spent a lot of effort. He has prepared hundreds of pet space bags, but even so, Cook has made many trips.

Connie’s army is still training. Cook has sent Addo to Fort Ironsong. Now there are 20,000 elite Bunnymen troops in Fort Ironsong, and there are also in each of the five cities in Black Wolf City. The army of two thousand maintains law and order, and there are security teams under the army. After all, there are mostly werewolves here.

What makes Cook most delighted is that the output of the mine has always been high. A large amount of magic metal has been extracted by Cook. Because the orcs have assembled large-scale troops and small conflicts continue, so magic materials, especially magic metal The price of the magic metal has risen all the way, almost tripled. Cook's income from magic metal alone is more than one billion gold coins a month, but most of these magic metals have been exchanged for supplies, grain, bacon, salt, linen, etc. Things, without the support of this mine, Cook's territory can be said to be bankrupt.

Because the orcs eat so much, a bunny soldier is equivalent to the food of three humans, and the werewolves are equivalent to five, and Cook’s mines are full, so the food is bigger, and most of the werewolves actually like it. According to what those werewolves said, the work of the mine is not so good in this life. Flour and bacon are full. Not only that, the more you do, the more points you get, the more you take home.

In fact, most werewolves do not live very well, and only those nobles are the real luxury.

Connie and Cook discussed not hurriedly launching an attack, because there will be a rainy season in the spring, and more food will be planted there after turning over Tiesongbao, so Cook and Connie discussed and waited until the food was planted. Otherwise, the site will be larger in the future and there will be no food at the end of the year, so you will be blinded.

And the coalition forces of the human empire that Cook contacted have also begun to gather. The coalition forces of 300,000 people, the Ceylon Empire, the Roland Empire, Randy, Arran, Maser, and Rochelle, have responded in succession and have begun. Soldiers are assembled, and after the assembly is complete, they will drive to the Golden Pass, and then exert pressure on the werewolf's territory. That's when Connie started to launch it.

The Bright Empire also agreed to the requests of the surrounding empires to send troops. A total of one million coalition forces have already started to go to the Scarlet Fortress, while the Magic City and several major unions have issued the task of expelling the orcs, because a large number of orcs have poured into the Warcraft In the forest, not only did they kill mercenaries, they also wanted to open a passage to the south.

Compared with the relatively peaceful Bunnyman territory, the temple of the Orc Empire was in shock, not only a shock, but also a huge shock.

In the discussion hall of the God of War Temple, more than a dozen sub-temple leaders and high priests, as well as the Khaki priests, the high priests of Moza, etc. all looked at the information on the table.

Mo Sa roared: "I ask the temple to send priests and temple guards to help us werewolves put down the rebellion."

Moza's roar did not attract anyone to speak. Moza looked at the bear guard leader and said, "Manglu, you gather half of the bear guards to help..."

"Ahem, High Priest Moza, we bear guards only three thousand people. Our duty is to protect the holy city and temple, so we can't transfer people." Munlu interrupted directly. The bears are also the main race. Therefore, although Munro was a leader, he would not look at anyone's face.

And Munlu held a piece of sheepskin in his hand. This is a letter from the tribe, the bear priest, this thing is actually true, and when the bear patriarch opened one eye and closed one eye, the bear has ever The first priest of Mengke took away a total of two thousand young bearmen.

Munro also knew that Mengke was equipped with equipment, but he couldn't even compare to him, and Mengke had several fine iron weapons made by dwarves coming later, and he received a big sword, a big sword tailored for the bear~www. wuxiaspot.com~ But when he saw Moza and Khaki, Manlu was a little angry. The bears without priests might be the ghosts of these two races, so Manlu was ordered by the patriarch to watch the changes.

"You..., Natasha, how about you?" Mo Sa's face turned blue, but facing the bear, Mo Sa was unable to threaten them, Mo Sa turned around and asked Medusa Snake Man.

"Haha, High Priest Moza, are you wrong? In this weather, our Medusa is the weakest time of combat, should we wait for the summer?" Natasha replied with a smile as the leader twisted the waist of the water snake. .

Moza was taken aback, and then looked at the tiger leader, who knew that the tiger leader immediately said: "High priest, you also know that our three royal families sent most of the soldiers out, and all that was left was to guard the holy city. ."

The tiger leader hopes that the werewolf will die, because the temple is controlled by the werewolf, and the fox clan has been fighting for many years, so it is impossible to send troops.

Mo Sa looked at Khaki with a gloomy face, looked at everyone with a cold snort and said, "Humph, since everyone is unwilling, then we werewolves will solve it by ourselves!" Then Mo Sa angrily left.

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