A Unique Hunter

Chapter 605: situation

What is a fighter plane? A fighter plane is a momentary opportunity on the battlefield. If you seize this opportunity, then you may win, but if you fail to seize it, you may lose.

Obviously the three elders did not seize the opportunity at all. The team of the Wizards’ Guild had just rushed out less than 20 meters away, and faced the attack of the dark elves that roared in.

"Boom!" The huge stone of the trebuchet first fell into the wizard's guild team. The trebuchet was placed at the highest point of Dunmore City. This way, it attacked from a high place and the range was not only very far, but also the falling attack power was even greater. Powerful.

There is also the location where the catapult is located. The team of the Magician Union is invisible at all, and it is well hidden. I have to say that this arrangement is very suitable for war.

Moreover, the trebuchets used by the dark elves are made of metal and the bones of warcraft. They are more powerful than the wooden trebuchets used by Cook, and have a longer range. At a distance of more than two thousand meters, the trebuchets are actually easy to do. The attack has arrived.

"Go away!"

"Knight, stand up a shield!"

"Elemental puppets, come out!" Facing the dark elf trebuchets, the team of the wizards' union can be described as a mess. There is no unified command at all. Everyone uses their own ability to avoid attacks.

Archers and thieves constantly dodge, while knights mostly resist. Magicians summon elemental puppets to resist. At this moment, it is the eight immortals who cross the sea and show their magical powers.

And the three elders still roared loudly: "Calm down! The knight came forward, the archer followed, and the magician was at the end!"

Even if Lina heard the words of the Third Elder, she knew that the Third Elder's response was very problematic. It is true that the Third Elder's order was correct, but such an order must be correct for the entire team as a whole.

So after the order of the three elders was given, a weird scene appeared, and the whole team shrank into a ball. Looking carefully, it turned out that the attendants of each magician protected the magician they followed. , And the magicians also released magic mutual shields to protect the attendants.

But even so, facing the attack of the dark elves, the team of the Wizards Guild could not move forward.

"Boom!" A Durette bursting arrow directly hit a knight, and then the bursting arrow burst out of the knight's vindictive shield.

"Bang!" The tall knight was directly shocked by the huge power of the explosion, but this knight was a high-level knight, and immediately got up again, but he was a little embarrassed.

"Shoo!" The bursting sound of countless arrows made everyone's scalp numb.

"Puff!" A huge crossbow arrow directly penetrates the bodies of two magic attendants, and then nails an intermediate magician directly to the ground. The large crossbow arrow has a large wrist and some exquisite patterns on it. The magic circle still shining above told the people around that it was a magic crossbow arrow.

The three elders looked at the overwhelming arrows. The Dark Elf’s archery skills are not comparable to humans. The various arrows are like eyes, and the arrows themselves contain magic. The light, this is the special profession owned by the elves, the archer!

Demon Archer, a very special profession, takes into account the attack power of magic and bow and arrow, making the arrows shot with magical power.

It can be said that the magic archer combines the advantages of magic and bow and arrow, and the attack power of magic is powerful, but the range of magic is not very satisfactory. Of course, the magic range mentioned here refers to the range that can lock the target with mental power. If you don’t lock it , A fireball can still fly thousands of meters, but that kind of magic is hardly threatening.

Bows and arrows have been long-range strikes for a long time. According to the average archer, there is at least one hundred kilograms of pulling force in the archer apprentice. This is the threshold for the archer apprentice, and the strength of the second-level archer bamboo archer is the apprentice’s Double, that is to reach 200 kilograms, level 3 is 300 kilograms, level 4 is 1,000 kilograms, level 5 is 2,000 kilograms, level 6 is 3,000 kilograms, and level 7 is a full 6,000 kilograms. It is a threshold, the threshold for entering a high-level professional, the eighth level is 8,000 kilograms, and the ninth level is 9,999 kilograms of power. If it exceeds ten thousand kilograms, it will reach the legendary level.

So everyone can imagine how far this kind of power can bring. You can say without hesitation that the attack power of advanced archers is no weaker than the heavy sniper rifles on earth, and the range is longer.

Of course, relatively speaking, the defense of advanced warriors is comparable to that of ordinary armored vehicles, but there is magic damage attached to the arrows of the archer, and humans are at most accompanied by some vindictive damage, and between magic and vindictiveness Damage, magic must be stronger.

So for a distance of thousands of meters, for the dark elves, although they can't lock the target, the arrows carried by the huge power and the magical damage still let the guys in the wizards' union see what is called a bowman.

It can be said that the Mage Guild’s team was only suppressed when the confrontation first began. Imagine facing tens of thousands of dark elves, trebuchets, and giant crossbows. The strands are destined to be suppressed at the outermost periphery of Dunmore City. Although the three elders want to work with the other two elders to release the forbidden curse, the three elders dare not. The forbidden curse can be released with great confidence, but this Where is it, the underground world, the top is a rock that is dozens of hundreds of kilometers thick, maybe everyone will have to be buried here.

Compared with the Mage’s Guild’s team being suppressed in the periphery of Dunmore City, Bagru’s boldness has also been rewarded generously. It can be said that Bagru just accidentally seized the opportunity and directly touched Dunmore. Below the walls of the city.

Bagru thought of the scene just now and it was fun, because Bagru, a group of ogres, kobolds, and trolls were discovered by the dark elves of Dunmore City, and the dark elves did not attack these guys at all.

On the contrary, he still laughed at Bagru and others. Bagru remembered those dark elves who laughed at themselves at the time: "Look, are these humans?"

"No, it's just a lackey of humans!"

"Haha, look at these ridiculous guys, do they want to fly directly onto the wall of this city?"

"Not flying, but jumping!"

The ridicule of the dark elves is not unreasonable. Imagine more than a thousand ogres and trolls walking on two feet, without a large-scale siege tool, no powerful weapons, can it be in the hands of these ogres? With his mace, still relying on the spears in the hands of those trolls, he can conquer the tall walls of Dunmore City, so the ridicule of the dark elves is understandable. ‘

Of course, the biggest reason is that the dark elf's high-level leaders did not order to launch an attack, and the cost of unauthorized actions in the high-ranking dark elf family is very painful.

However, before the ridicule of these dark elves was over, dozens of kobolds swarmed up to the only stone bridge leading to Dunmore City. However, after the weapons in these kobolds were seen by the dark elves, It was a ridicule.

"Haha, my God, these kobolds are so cute, do you want to just dig our walls down?" The dark elf saw that the weapon in the kobold's hand was a small shovel, yes, that kind of digging tool , Small shovel.

The stone bridge has not been destroyed by the dark elves, because destroying the stone bridge will allow the enemy to attack from all aspects, while leaving the stone bridge allows the enemy to fix the attack power here. This is countless times. The lesson of the war for the dark elves.

"Ding-ding-ding! Ding-ding-ding!" A series of sounds rang under the city wall.

Obviously the kobolds started to dig the city wall, but the dark scene under the lights showed up again. Under the city wall that the dark elves could not see, the kobolds swiftly twisted the handles of the little shovel, and suddenly these little shovel A circle of magic circles flashed above.

The city of Dunmore built by the dark elves is built on a huge lapis lazuli. The lapis lazuli can be said to have high magic resistance and very hard. That is to say, magical attacks on these lapis lazuli do not have much effect at all, and the hardness represents a physical attack. It doesn't help much at all.

But Cook learned through research that lapis lazuli is very hard, but lapis lazuli has a weakness, that is, it is too brittle. Once it encounters a force that exceeds its strength, the lapis lazuli will be crushed directly.

The shovel in the hands of the kobold is the magic engineer shovel equipped by Cook for the kobold, so there is only one type of magic circle on the shovel, sharp!

Cook knows that sharpening a knife does not accidentally chop wood. Although it is said that the cost of an engineer shovel is more than 100,000 gold coins, of course this has something to do with the kobold's inability to perform magic, and in the handle of the engineer shovel, As long as the pre-embedded magic crystal is twisted gently, the magic engineer shovel is considered a magic prop.

A sharp magic circle is applied, and some magic metal engineering shovel is added. It doesn’t look like it’s only the size of an adult's palm, but after activating the magic circle, it is enough to cut off the metal weapons created by humans. In fact, even if the magic circle is not activated, the magic metal is added. The engineer shovel is also very strong and sharp.

"Haha, these kobolds are so cute, they want to use their palm-sized shovel to break down our Dunmore City!"

"Yes! But how do you say these guys are humanoids?"

The dark elves didn’t know who said this, which made a particularly strong kobold below angry. This kobold is the leader of this kobold, a captain, you must know that under Cook’s hands, the kobold People never feel that Tao is laughed at by others.

But having said that, Cook's hands are not orcs, halflings, ogres, and trolls. These people are all classified as humanoids by humans, so naturally no one laughs.

This kobold can understand a few dark elf words. This guy is smarter, so he became the captain. The captain muttered a few words, so the digging action that the kobold was about to stop immediately started again. Up.

In Baglu’s location, you can easily see that dozens of caves of various sizes are being dug out by kobolds, and some kobolds are starting to stuff these basin-sized caves.

"Okay, don't say anything, get rid of these **** guys!" A dark elf officer heard the tinkling sound below, and shouted impatiently.

"Yes!" The dark elves are of the dark element, so they are still violent in their nature. They didn't do anything just now because they didn't order, so a group of dark elves took out their bows and arrows and started attacking the kobolds below.

"Huh?" But it was what the dark elf thought was the mortal arrow. After touching the kobold, it was actually bounced away, leaving only a dazzling spark.

The dark elves couldn’t help but sighed in surprise. These dark elves knew that the kobold’s equipment can be said to be a tortoise shell. Since the kobold Cook himself intends to become an engineer, the equipment is different from other kobolds. The backpack on the back is not leather, but metal, and it looks like a tortoise shell. In this way, the kobold is equipped with a toolbox and armor. The kobold's head is also stamped as a whole, similar to a safety helmet. The inner lining is made of high-grade monster leather, which can be said to be tailor-made for engineers.

This wave of attacks by the dark elf was bounced off by the toolbox on the body, taking into account the armor. Because the toolbox is arc-shaped, the defense is extraordinarily higher, and even if the attack breaks the upper layer, Don't forget that this is a tool box. Not only does it contain things, but there is also a layer below near the back of the kobold.

Moreover, the dark elves didn’t use much power at all. If they attacked with all their strength, the kobold would have to be directly shaken to the ground by the powerful force on the arrow. Of course, serious injuries are impossible because the toolbox is almost a semicircle. The shape is most conducive to relieve the strength.

"Wow!" The dark elf had just been surprised when he heard the kobold running back wow.

"Ula!" Baglu also yelled, and all the ogres and trolls immediately lay on the ground.

The dark elves were stunned, and then burst into laughter, because in the eyes of the dark elves, these ogres were too courageous, and they only attacked the kobolds, the cannibals at a distance of nearly a kilometer. The demons are scared to get down?

"Haha! Haha!"

So there was a burst of laughter on the wall, and it was not surprising that the kobolds ran. The kobolds are notoriously timid, but this timid faces the strong. If you face the weak, hum, I'm afraid that even your meat can be gnawed clean.

But the arrogant dark elves did not realize that when the trolls and ogres were crawling on the ground, they had a small shield in their hands. The shields were facing in the direction of Dunmore City, and the kobolds swarmed. After strolling behind the ogre, he got down.

This move made the arrogant dark elves laugh, but in a position that the dark elves could not see, the leader of the kobold engineer, the captain, took a square box from Bagrul’s hand. , And then connect the two wires in the handle to the two protrusions on the box, and the box and the wires are both black and white.

The reason why this kobold became the captain was because this guy was able to connect this kind of thread skillfully. Of course, the kobold inherited the dog's vision and color blindness, so this thread is black and white.

The captain quickly picked it up and pressed it slightly at a certain position. A green bright spot began to flash on the box, but within a few seconds, the green bright spot stabilized.

"Head, okay!" The kobold captain looked at the green bright spot that no longer flashed, and he was relieved to report to Baglough.

"Hey, smart!" Bagrul smiled.

"Let's start!" Bagru ordered.

The Kobold Captain took a deep breath, then opened it on the other side of the box, and then a downward-drawn object appeared inside, and the Captain was excited and pulled down the object directly.

"Boom!" A huge shock rang out with a deafening roar.

"Charge formation!" Baglu shouted loudly, but this guy didn't forget to grab the black and white box and stuff it into the space bag.

Just this action made Bagrul complain: "Damn it, wasting my mental energy!"

Baglu’s complaint is not without reason, because the ogres also need to use mental power at the beginning of the space bag, but everyone knows that the mental power of the ogre is a little pitiful, so it caused the ogre to open the space bag one day. Limited times.

With a huge roar, the walls of Dunmore City collapsed for a period of 20 meters, and the group of dark elves standing on it also disappeared.

The site of the collapse was next to the huge gate, because according to Cook’s analysis, the internal structure of the surrounding stones was destroyed during the excavation of the gate, and the gap formed by the huge gate just brought better blasting. The effect of, because the dark elves excavated and measured the city gate is very tall, then the corresponding wide city gate hole has no force point, and the huge force brought by blasting will be transmitted when the lapis lazuli is transmitted to the city gate hole If you don't go out, the huge power will not be transmitted, and the internal structure of the rock will withstand, and collapse is inevitable.

However, the dark elves never thought that the gates of the city were the biggest weakness of Dunmore City, and this time it was also the top engineering bomb of the dwarves, of course only Cook could take it out.

The walls of the Jinshi structure were all collapsed by the explosion, and the dark elves on the first floor were uncomfortable. The huge vibration shook most of the slightly lower strength directly and fainted, and those near the collapsed place were even more affected. The shock was seriously injured, because these dark elves were not prepared at all, because most of their attention was on the team of the wizards’ guild, and the team of the wizards’ guild was still thousands of meters away, which was not a threat at all. .

In fact, it is still the same sentence, no matter how high-level professionals are unprepared, they are extremely vulnerable, because the strength of the body alone is not enough to resist such a big shock. After all, the dark elves are not known for being tough.

In the face of the dark elves who hadn't reacted yet, the ogres and trolls didn't need Cook to shout at all. The explosions hadn't ended yet, and there were falling stones. Some ogre knights got up and rushed up.

Without any suspense, the ogres quickly occupied the first floor of Dunmore City, and the gain was enough to make Bagru's two big mouths unable to close together, but there was a crisis that followed.

The dark elves also reacted and began to fight back fiercely. The city of Dunmore is very suitable for street fighting, but the dark elves seem to have overlooked one point, that is, the melee ogres and trolls are not afraid of the dark elves at all. Proud archery skills can't play much role in this environment.

And although the dark elves’ equipment is magic equipment, these equipment are just leather armor, and a small amount of metal is just accessories. But Bagru and others, a full set of heavy plate armor, it can be said that except for the eyes, everything is thick. Under the metal wrapper.

The zigzag streets of Dunmore City seem to be a huge hindrance to the dark elves here. What is the fighting environment of the dark elves? It must be a place with a wide view, and a place that is constantly covered.

But this does not mean that the dark elves have been suppressed by the ogres. Don’t forget, Dunmore City has a pyramid structure, so the elves on the upper street can freely exert their personal combat power!

Because of the angle, the dark elves’ trebuchets and crossbow arrows have no way to attack the ogres on the first floor. As long as there are ogres, trolls, or kobolds who show up, they will attract a while. Durette's bursting arrow attack.

Baglu paid the lives of two ogre knights, five trolls, and more than a dozen kobolds. After this profound lesson, Baglu and others immediately hid in various buildings. In the objects, most of these buildings extend into the stone walls.

In this way, the zigzag junction of the street on the second floor and the street on the first floor forms a close firefight.

What's even more hateful is that the dark elf also cut off the bottom layer of water, because the water source is from top to bottom.

On the other hand, Bagru blocked the sewer passages on the upper floors and blocked the kobolds. You should know that the dark elves and elves are a race that likes to be clean, so Dunmore City became stinky after a long time. The smelly city of the sky.

In this regard, the dark elves are even more competitive for the first floor. However, because of the defensive considerations, the junction between the first and second floors has no buildings around, and the ground is very flat. Because there are several huge rolling stones on the second floor of the street, once an enemy is about to attack, then the dark elves will use these rolling stones to teach those **** enemies.

But what made the dark elf high-level depressing was that the enemies who occupied the first floor did not attack the second floor, making the dark elf's preparations useless.

In fact, the dark elves didn't know who Bagru was? He was an ogre. Does an ogre have such a big vision? Bagru had the mentality of just getting a vote.

But when Bagrul saw that the wizards’ union team was suppressed by the dark elves above his head and couldn’t make a step forward, Bagr’s heart was very cold. It turned out that he was going to bring the spoils back. In Gru's consciousness, there was no idea of ​​occupying Dunmore City at all, because that was a matter for the people of the Mage Guild, and all he wanted was to grab it and leave.

"Give me a bet on the streets over there!" Baglu saw that he couldn't walk, so he would save his life, so an order was issued.

Bagru didn't know that after the order was issued, the dark elves almost maddened, because the dark elves saw buildings being knocked down directly, and then blocked the streets that were not large.

To know the buildings on these streets, it is the life's hard work of the dark elves. Those walls carved with various openwork patterns were directly destroyed by violence. You must know that a stone carved with openwork patterns is almost costly. A dark elf for several months, but here, thousands of such stones were torn down and then turned into a pile of rubble.

"My God, that is Master Maureen's masterpiece. It took Master Maureen three years to produce it. It was made of two thousand years of cherry wood!" a dark elf shouted almost desperately, because She saw a wooden flagpole on the street being smashed to the ground by a collapsed building, and then torn apart. You must know that wood in the underground world itself is a luxury item, not to mention that it was made by someone called a master by an elf. The value of things in the minds of dark elves.

"No, no, my shop, the bone carvings inside me!" another dark elf yelled frantically.

"No, I'm going to kill those **** bastards, bastards!" The dark elf ran away. When a person sees his beloved thing being broken with his own eyes, then that person will lose his mind at this time. Runaway is the easiest. The direct way.

A group of dark elves rushed from the streets of the second floor to the first floor with a one-handed sword. The eyes of these dark elves were full of anger, and the anger had already made the eyes of these dark elves bloodshot.

"Kill all those bastards, **** it, they are committing a crime! A crime!" A dark elf kept urging the mount under him and roared loudly.

"Kill them!" The rest of the dark elves also roared loudly.

What these dark elves burst out is an almost substantial magical light. The dark elves are both magical and martial arts, that is, they are not only proficient in magic, but also proficient in fighting energy, because they have a long life to practice, to study, to understand. these things.

Dozens of dark elves rushed to the first street, but the strange thing is that the dark elves did not stop it.

Cook learned about this through the communication glasses Bagglu carried. To be honest, Cook didn't expect that Bagglu would bring such a big windfall to himself, and he saw the dark elf rush down.

Don’t forget, Lina’s sight just happened to be able to see most of Dunmore City, so Cook reminded Bagru, Cook also knew that the Dark Elf was a temptation, in fact, Cook also knew that it was mainly the dark elves. Most of the energy was attracted by the team of the Wizards’ Guild, otherwise the Dark Elves had many ways to make Bagru and others disappear.

Not to mention anything else, those dark elves can land on the first floor directly from the second floor with ropes, but now there is a huge team of the wizards’ union next to them, so if the dark elves continue like this, wouldn’t it be for senior wizards, senior bows and arrows Hand as a target, you must know that although advanced human archers have less attack power than the dark elves, don’t forget that these archers can use a series of magic arrows such as magic burst arrows, armor-piercing arrows, and magic arrows.

And once the dark elves hit the first-level streets on a large scale, no one knows whether the army of the wizards’ union will directly rush into Dunmore City. For the dark elves, who are already small in their forces, don’t let the wizards Close to Dunmore City, the huge team of the union is the best choice.

As for the Baglus, it is best for them to attack the second floor of the street. If they do not attack, there is no hindrance. After all, the first floor has been lost, so it is enough to hold the second floor tightly.

This is the consideration of the dark elves, but the dark elves below don’t understand, and this time the impact of dozens of dark elves, the dark elves did not stop them, so these high-levels are just letting these guys do a tentative attack. , And then make the next plan based on this tentative attack.

Because the senior management has to consider the overall situation, not the local area. When the senior management sees that those things are broken, it is distressed. No, it must be distressed. But the senior management has his own reason and does not have the reason and calm to face any situation, so it is not suitable As the leadership.

"Hey, boys, the exploits are here!" Receiving Cook's prompt, Baglu roared with a smile.

Bagru gathered hundreds of ogres and trolls, and then there was a round of discussions. Finally, these hundreds of trolls and ogres started to take action, and Bagru was so comfortable. Looking at his own spoils.

Piles of gems~www.wuxiaspot.com~Magic metal, magic props, anyway, the first floor of the street was looted by Bagru, and Bagru knew that the more than three thousand dark elves were the biggest gain .

But now the dark elves looked like they were about to kill Bagru, and Cook, who was far away in the magic city, saw the dark elves' situation, and was surprised to spray out the wine in his mouth.

"It's too much, too much, Baglu, what are you doing?" Cook snarled immediately.

"Master? What's the matter?" Hearing Cook's roar, Baglu couldn't help but shrink his neck.

"Those dark elves, how can you do that?" Cook shouted loudly.

Bagru glanced at the dark elves who were being held together, and found nothing wrong, so Bagru smiled and replied: "Master, don't worry, I will keep all the virgins for you, and I am detained separately for men and women. , We ogres and trolls will not find such ugly guys!"

"Bagru, what are you talking about, I'm asking why you stripped all those dark elves?" Cook shouted bitterly.

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