A Unique Hunter

Chapter 606: Turnaround

Yes, the dark elves that Cook saw were almost stripped. That's why Cook asked. You must know that enemies are enemies, and enemies have dignity, and Cook does not want those dark elves to hate him from then on.

Of course, Cook is not afraid, but afraid of trouble. Cook has a lot of enemies, the Ceylon Empire, the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, the orc empire royal family, but in general, Cook has fewer enemies than friends.

Dwarves, barbarians, berserkers, and gnomes all have a good relationship with Cook, and of course Cook does not need to add an enemy.

Bagru took a look and immediately replied: "Master, you don't know, these guys are too rich, the whole set of magic equipment, we did this to count the spoils!"

Baglu’s answer made Cook roll his eyes. To tell the truth, Cook can no longer look down on the ordinary magic items, and the equipment of the elves is not about practicality, but about beauty and exquisiteness, so relatively speaking, Cook is still about practicality.

Cook yelled angrily: "You have to give someone a set of clothes even if you are picking up the equipment. Now it is spread like this. Where will I put Cook's face in the future?"

Bagru was depressed, he was already an enemy, and he was still paying attention to face, Bagru whispered: "It's all enemies, but also pay attention to face, are human beings so hypocritical?"

"Bagru, it's itchy, isn't it?" Cook heard this, and immediately roared loudly.

"Master, master, I was wrong, I'll change it now, I'll change it now!" Bagru was so excited that he realized that the identity card on his body was a magical equipment, and immediately begged for mercy.

Cook can’t laugh. This Bagglu obviously has gotten into the eyes of the money, but Cook also knows why Bagglu did this, because Bagglu’s ogres are already scared and afraid of going back to the original kind. Life without a meal.

Although ogres are very fierce, ogres, like other races, face the problem of food, and not only food, but also the threat of being attacked by other monsters. Nature is like this. Nothing is the most important thing. The top level, one thing drops one thing, natural circulation.

Just as Bagru hurriedly returned the dark elves' clothes to the dark elves, the dark elves who had washed down from the second street had already entered the area of ​​the first street.

However, when these dozens of dark elves saw a ruin, and some kobolds were still searching for something in the ruins, the dark elves became even more angry.

"Kill!" Dozens of dark elves immediately rushed towards the kobolds, and they bent their bows and arrows at some of these dark elves, watching the surroundings vigilantly. The bows in their hands were shining with a faint light of magic, obviously as long as someone showed up. Within the range of fire, the dark elves are facing the angry bows.

"Kang!" But the dark elf obviously muttered about the difficulty of walking in the ruins. A dark elf stepped lightly on a stone, but there knew that the stone could not withstand the power at all, so the whole dark elf fell over with a bang. On the ruins.

"Wow!" The kobold who was looking for something heard the noise and screamed and ran away.

"Kill!" the dark elves roared in unison, and rushed towards the kobold without hiding their presence. In the dark elves' minds, the blood of these enemies should be used to wash away their anger.

In the dark elf's sight, apart from the piles of ruins occupying the street, there were no enemies at all except the kobolds who ran away in a hurry.

But in the Kobold’s vision, one by one, heavily armed ogres and trolls hide behind the piles of ruins. These places are the blind spots of the dark elves’ sight, but the kobolds are not excited at all, and run instead. Faster, thinking these kobolds knew that a big battle was about to begin.

"Huh!" The speed of the dark elf is very fast. Although the ruins have hindered the movement of the dark elf, the agility of the elf is already high. With the running vindictiveness, the speed is very fast. Drop those kobolds.

The most depressing ones are those dark elves holding bows and arrows, because these dark elves found that it is really difficult to lock down the small kobolds in the undulating ruins, because the kobolds hardly walk in a straight line, just The gap between the ruins flashed by, and these kobolds never passed through the gap between the same ruins, so the dark elf archers could not find a chance to start.

"Dirty kobolds, we want to use your blood... bang!" a dark elf roared with a weird smile looking at the flashing figure of a kobold only tens of meters away, but there was nothing to say. When he settled, a black shadow appeared directly in front of his eyes, and then the dark elf felt a tremendous force and directly shook himself out.

"Flop!" One by one ogres emerged from the ruins, and then directly attacked the dark elves. This is the most commonly used action of ogres to hunt beasts, bash!

When ogres are hunting, they do not blindly chase their prey, but when they cooperate in hunting, some ogres hide in some places and form an enclosure, while others drive their prey into the enclosure.

This is because although the ogres have great power and physical strength, they are not fast. If they rely solely on chasing, it is estimated that the ogres can only eat bark and insects, so the ogres in the encirclement should be prepared. , Once the prey comes over, the whole person will immediately pounce on it. Over time, the ogre's attack is the key to the hunt. In each ogre tribe, only the most experienced old hunter will act as the attacker, because One second early or one second late may allow the prey to escape, and the entire tribe will be hungry.

Before dozens of dark elves could react, they were attacked by the ogres hidden in the ruins. The ogres and trolls were hidden in the ruins. From the vibration of the ground, you can feel where the dark elves are. The ten dark elves were directly disrupted by the sudden attack.

"Boom!" An ogre hugged a dark elf. There was no extra action at all. With force, the whole person hit the dark elf. In the end, the ogre directly took the hapless darkness. The elf crashed into the ruins again, causing a series of ruins to collapse.

"Boom!" The other dark elf was even more unlucky, and was directly knocked into the crumbling house next to him, and then with a boom, the whole person was buried in.

The dark elves are proud of their martial arts, and there is no room for their archery skills. As for fighting spirit, you must know that the ogres are already tall, and the minimum for entering the ogre knights is 3.5 meters. The height, plus Cook’s devil training, adequate food, and a complete set of plate armor on the ogre, can be said to be extremely heavy.

Dou Qi and magic have one thing in common. They can be interrupted and require mental power to maintain. The sudden attack of the ogre just now directly caused the spirit of the dark elves to sway. The anger and magic immediately disappeared, and then the food The attack of the human demon caught the dark elves by surprise, so a dozen dark elves were knocked out happily.

"Damn, despicable guy! Looking for death!" Seeing this, some other dark elves immediately discarded their bows and arrows and one-handed swords, then drew out two daggers and shouted loudly.

The dark elves are confident that with the dagger in their hands and their high agility, these **** guys know that the dark elves are invincible in melee combat. The remaining dozens of dark elves rushed up in a swarm, almost across their entire bodies. Afterimage, this is the speed of the dark elf.

"Haha!" An ogre knight laughed.

"Rewind!" and a dark elf shouted immediately, because at this moment, the ogre without the slightest weapon in his hand suddenly appeared one by one giant weapons more than three meters long.

But it was too late. A giant weapon more than three meters long can deal with a dagger that is only 20 centimeters long. It can be said that a giant weapon does not require any moves at all, and a sweep is enough to make the dark elves at a loss.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Several dark elves were directly swept by the giant weapons. No way, these dark elves couldn't escape, because the ogres stood at the same distance as the weapons, and the dark elves vomited blood. The thing is, these guys are actually two giant weapons.

As for drawing a gap to get close to the body of the ogre, don't forget that there are two trolls behind these ogres. The spears in the hands of the trolls are already shaking slightly, which shows that the trolls can strike at any time.

"Damn it, despicable humans!" The ogres have room to equip them, which surprised the dark elves. This is basically a human conspiracy.

"Hehe, let you guys taste what a volley!" But when the remaining dozens of dark elves flew back, an ogre said with a smile.

"Not good!" Although he didn't understand the words of the ogre, the dark elves knew that hehe laughed badly.

"Shoo!" The kobold didn't know where he came out, and with a magic crossbow, a dozen kobolds shot more than two hundred crossbow arrows in a few seconds.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Even though the dark elves flew two daggers, one crossbow arrow was blocked.

"Haha!" More than two hundred crossbow arrows had no effect on the dark elves. The dark elves formed a defensive formation and found that no one was injured at all, so they couldn't help laughing.

"Is it too early to laugh?" A weird elven word came out, and the dark elves took a look and found that they were already surrounded.

"Damn it!" The dark elves know that they have been fooled. The crossbow bolt just now has two functions. One is that it can cause damage to the dark elves. If it can't cause damage, then delay the speed of these dark elves and force them to stay together. , And then the ogres surrounded.

"No, shoot me!" The dark elves on the second-floor street saw a huge shield appearing in the ogre's hand, and immediately realized the attack the dark elves below were about to face. , Immediately roared loudly.

But just after the roar, Baglu shouted loudly from below: "Let you **** fellows also look at your grandpa Baglu's majesty! Shoot!"

The dark elf on the second floor did not understand Baghru's words, but when he saw the weird machinery in front of several ogres behind Baghru, a bad premonition appeared in the dark elf's heart.

The imagination is also true, these guys want to be shot and exposed within range, so when Bagru shouted to shoot, some clever dark elves immediately retracted their heads.

"Everything!" After a series of dull noises, the dark elves discovered that one by one orbs had actually fallen to the second floor of the street.

"Rumble!" But when these **** fell in the air, there was a burst of fire, followed by a deafening roar.

Using the principle of parabola, the device designed by Cook to drop engineering bombs at the enemy, in Baghru's view, is the most suitable for this occasion.


"Ah!!!" A series of screams sounded on the second floor street.

The power of a bomb exploding in the air is the most powerful. Of course Cook knows this, and Cook has made tricks on engineering bombs.

"Ah, my eyes!"

"Ah, what is this, why is it so itchy!" A scream made the dark elves on the other floors look at each other.

"It smells!" On the third floor of the street, the dark elves smelled a disgusting odor. The elves have a cleanliness addiction, so this smell is very lethal. The third floor A part of the dark elves on the street shrank directly below the roots of the city wall, because the dark elves on the third floor saw those strange **** reaching the height of the fourth floor, so the dark elves on the third floor prayed that these guys would not Throw those odors onto this.

"It's a pity!" Cook secretly regretted seeing this situation, because the number of ogres and trolls was limited, so there was no way to enter the second-story street, which was also what Cook ordered.

Because the entire troll and ogre are only about 1,000, the smaller the area to defend, the better. If the second layer is also occupied, then the captives must increase manpower, and the defending area also needs manpower, so it’s not. I am afraid that there will be fewer people with more manpower, and it has lost its mobility. It can be said to be very dangerous to face nearly 100,000 dark elves.

You know that it is difficult to attack from below to above, but it is easy to attack from above. The dark elves only need a rope and can get down in a few seconds, so Cook decided not to attack the second layer.

The dark elf seniors took all these things in their eyes. For this small group of enemies, the dark elf seniors finally made a decision: to block the first floor.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", several huge billowing stones over a dozen meters high directly blocked the zigzag upward **** between the streets on the first floor and the streets on the second floor.

However, the dark elves just blocked the street, and the ogres below also reacted. Under the dark elves' prying eyes, a ball was thrown in the ruins, and the dark elves were wondering how these **** were thrown there to do it. Well.

"Quack, dark elves, take a look!" Baglu stood hundreds of meters away, and then shouted loudly, a small stone in his hand flew directly to the ball above the ruins. .

"Boom!" When the small stone hit the ball directly, with a boom, the ball exploded directly, and the power of the explosion directly blasted the ground into a big pit.

The dark elves were silent, and then an ogre covered the street with a huge tent cloth, and then pulled down the end of the street from the beginning, while some kobolds were doing something under the tent cloth.

"Insidious!" When the dark elves thought about it, they knew that those spheres must be buried in the ruins, or somewhere else, and once the dark elves wanted to land directly from the second floor to the first floor, they would pray for their own Don't have that kind of round ball at your end, otherwise, hum!

"These damn, sly, insidious, despicable guys came from there, look at their weapons and equipment, why humans are attacking us dark elves!" Speaker Winner roared loudly on the council.

"Speaker, I think we might as well send someone to figure it out and see what these humans are trying to do?" a member of the Diet proposed.

"Asshole, you coward, humans have already occupied our homes and ruined our buildings. Only with blood can we wash away the shame that humans have brought us. This is a shame!" Immediately, other councillors yelled.

"Hmph, wash with blood, go, go, go if you have the ability, don't just have a stinky mouth!" The person who was asked immediately stood up and shouted loudly.

"You, you are the shame and shame of our dark elves!" The face of the popular person who was hit back was livid. Although the dark elves are strong, who knows if the guys below the first floor have anything else strange in their hands. Weapons, and didn’t you see that kind of spheres everywhere in the ruins? Isn't going down now to find death? What is it?

"Okay, okay, what should we do now?" Speaker Winner asked angrily.

"We should wait and see what the situation is. Haven't we already sent out a team to gather people?" someone suggested.

"You are nonsense, I think your trick is a failure!" Someone said irritably.

"Breach? Haha, I want to hear how it became a failure?" The previous speaker said with a smile, but everyone can hear it. This is a question with suppressed anger.

"It's very simple, if you are the people who are out of the tribe and hear that Dunmore City is attacked, what should you do as the first step?" This person asked in a contemptuous tone.

"Of course it's rescue!" someone said.

"What a rescue, how many people do we send to collect food in the team?" This person asked grimly.

Having said this, everyone understands that the food collecting team is no more than one squadron with a hundred people, and there are even more teams of ten and twenty people. Then when these teams heard that Dunmore City was attacked , Will definitely leave everything behind, including food and come back to rescue.

And these small teams are facing tens of thousands of humans, and a huge part of humans of high-level professionals, and the dark elves are rushing back, they must be very exhausted, and those humans can hide in every corner and give These dark elves must kill.

These councillors thought of the tribe members being hit by the magic released from the darkness, and then screaming and falling down one by one, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Oh, we better pray that the humans didn't think of this!" Winnel said with a sigh after a long time.

But Winnel’s prayers didn’t work at all, because the three elders of the Mage’s Guild who had been crushed and beaten by the dark elves were already angry. Because of the huge team of the Mage’s Guild, they didn’t move forward for a long time, so the three elders turned their attention Those dark elves who have not had time to enter Dunmore City.

This time the three elders did not organize a team to attack together. Instead, they let their subordinates choose a place, and then set up the net like this. The effect is obvious. These magicians and their attendants cooperate very tacitly, so one A hidden dark elf was arrested. Of course, each team of these wizards' unions had to fight trolls and ogres, because these two races had night vision capabilities.

Facing a small and capable team, there are not only kobolds with keen sense of smell, but also ogres, trolls, magicians, warriors, thieves, and archers. This is almost a perfect combination.

The dark elf squads are almost on their way crazy. Because Dunmore City is attacked, it means that the periphery of Dunmore City has been lost. Therefore, in the minds of these dark elves, the battle in Dunmore City is now fierce. It’s not that no one has thought that someone will ambush it, but the worst thing about the dark elves is arrogance and arrogance. In the dark elves’ eyes, they are a native here and have night vision capabilities. As for human beings, they don't, so they can confidently rush forward.

"Hurry up, hurry up, those **** humans dare to attack Dunmore City!" a dark elf captain hurriedly shouted, and the speed of the rock lizard under his body increased again.

The mounts of the dark elves are all beasts of the underground world, and the most important thing is the rock lizard, because the rock lizard can walk fast in various environments, even on the steep cliffs, the rock lizard can also walk on the ground. Able to swim, and the speed of the rock lizard has become the first choice for mounts. Almost every adult dark elf will have a rock lizard mount.

Just as this team of dark elves is on their way crazy, a group of humans are busy on the way of this team of dark elves, a huge trap is being disguised, and this trap is located at the bottom of a downward slope. , There are three traps.

"My lord, this ogre method really works. It's some grease and a few traps. We can catch two waves of dark elves." A warrior whispered to the leading magician.

"Didn't you see clearly that these ogres are also underground creatures? Go and work quickly, maybe someone will come later." The magician said irritably, because a high-level magician like him actually used a low-level one. Magic, let alone greasy spells, Nima, is that magic apprentice-level magic?

However, this magician also had to admire these ogres. The place he chose was open, and the scenery within a few kilometers could be seen at a glance. As long as there was an ambush, it was easy to spot.

"Come on!" As expected, half an hour later, a group of dark elves emerged from the passage above the slope. These dark elves were obviously very vigilant, and the two were in the lead, and only greeted the people behind them when the situation disappeared.

A team of twenty dark elves just walked down from above. At the top of the road, you could clearly see the empty cave. There was no one at all. So the leader roared, and these dark elves began to rush. On the way.

What these dark elves didn’t notice was that on the side of the road down, there were some round stones. These stones were not very stable in this place. In addition to the vibration of the rock lizard when they passed by, some stone **** started. Roll over.

The voice of "Bone Lulu!" did not alert the dark elves, because the sound of rolling rocks was not a hard-to-heard sound in the underground world, but was often heard.

"Puff!" But when a billowing rock was accidentally touched by the rock lizard's leg, the stone ball burst with a puff.

"Boom!" Inside the stone ball was the greasy technique applied by the magician. The rock lizard's foot touched this greasy technique and immediately slipped, and then the rock lizard immediately lit up with a khaki light, and the rock lizard shrank. A ball.

"Boom!" A rock lizard kept applying stoneskin art to himself, shrank into a ball, and then rolled down the road, and then there was a loud boom, and twenty dark elves connected the rocks. The lizard rushed directly into the three huge traps.

When these dark elves reacted, the dazzling weapon swayed above the trap.

"Tsk tsk, how come these dark elves come in again?" A warrior unbelievably **** a dark elf who had fainted at the bottom of the trap, and sighed.

"It's very simple. When the rock lizard encounters an attack, especially when it is attacked suddenly, it will directly shrink into a ball, and then first release the stone skin technique to increase defense. This trick is for many monsters who want to attack the rock lizard. It is difficult to deal with, but in such a road environment, curling up will only roll down, and continuously releasing the stone skin technique will increase the weight, and then the speed will be faster, and the dark elf There is no time to react at all. The instinct is to catch the rock lizard, because the rock lizard can walk on any road. Besides, this road is a cliff on one side and a cliff on the other. The dark elves can’t escape, the ogre. And the troll is using these points to let the dark elves who relax their vigilance fall directly into the trap." The magician explained while staring at the captive vigilantly.

"Damn, what if the rock lizards don't curl up together?" the soldier asked depressedly.

"Hehe, the road of applying greasy technique, do you think you can stand on it?" The magician asked with a smile.

When the three elders saw the dark elves being escorted back, The excited expression on his face was beyond words, and he immediately shouted loudly: "Come on, put these guys in a prominent place for Lao Tzu!"

When one after another dark elves were placed in a conspicuous position by the Mage Guild’s team, the entire Dunmore City was silent. In the top area of ​​Dunmore City, dozens of members of the council looked at the **** with grim faces. The dark elves in the conspicuous position were burning with raging anger in their eyes.

"Haha, the decision makers of Dunmore City, have you seen it? Have you seen it? There are more than 1,300 dark elves here, and now they are our captives!" The three elders exclaimed and shouted.

"Human, are you trying to immortalize with our dark elves?" Speaker Winner asked coldly.

"Don't stop dying, in a big tone, do you believe that our magicians' union will directly release the forbidden curse!" the third elder shouted loudly.

"Mage's Guild?" The dark elves were completely taken aback. The Mage's Union is the largest power in the mainland. Even the dark elves know it, but why did these people from the Mage's Union attack Dunmore City? Human conspiracy?

"Mage Guild, we have no grievances with your trade union, why are you doing this?" Winnel's face was extremely pale, but she had to shout loudly, because for the dark elves, the Mage Guild was a giant.

"Does your magician union want to tear up the contract and occupy the third underground world?" another member of the assembly exclaimed.

"No, no, we won't occupy the third layer of the world. We are here this time just for your dark elves to pick up things!" The sixth elder hurriedly said, because the third layer is not only the dark elves, but also There are several races. Once these races are mistaken for the Wizards’ Guild to invade the third world, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Puff! What do you want~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for one thing you actually invaded the entire Dunmore City!" Winnel was depressed and wanted to vomit blood, Nima, you are not bullying.

But Winnel didn't say it, but took a deep breath and asked: "What is it that is worthy of the Wizards' Union?"

PS: Regarding the currency issue, let me explain it specifically. Because this continent has a history of tens of thousands of years, how big is the gap between the rich and the poor? Let’s look at it, just a few decades, how big is the gap between the rich and the poor in society? Some people can eat hundreds of thousands with a meal, and it takes decades for an ordinary farmer to accumulate. This is good. In some parts of the west, the income of planting a year is only a few thousand yuan.

And although this continent has changed, don't forget that there is a privileged class, nobles, no matter who is the king or emperor, all the nobles are sitting, so the privileged class has been drawing the blood of common people for tens of thousands of years.

There are also millions of currencies, because the Magic City is the largest city in the mainland, and how many people, tens of billions, and tens of billions of people, have the wealth of the top part of the food chain in the entire continent. ?

So I say that there is a problem with my logic, I disagree!

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