A Unique Hunter

Chapter 607: Ancient Tree of Wisdom

The third elder was very satisfied with the situation in front of him, the dark elf asked so, obviously he was ready to bow his head, but the third elder couldn't see the expressions of Winnell and others, otherwise they would not be so self-righteous.

"Hehe, I just want your oldest war tree." The third elder said with a smile.

"Impossible!" Not only Winnel exclaimed that it was impossible, but the rest of the dark elves also exclaimed.

"Why? Is there any problem?" The third elder asked faintly, and asked condescendingly, while the sixth and seventh elders next to him felt a little bad.

"Your Excellency, did you really come here for the War Old Tree? No other meaning?" Winnel smiled and asked with a smile, as if he was about to compromise.

"Yes!" The Third Elder replied loudly.

"Then we choose war!" Winnel's next sentence was like a scoop of cold water poured on the three elders.

"Partners, the time has come to dedicate your lives to the darkness. These **** humans want to completely wipe our dark elves from this land..." Then Winnel said loudly in elf language.

"Wait!" Lina said at this moment, because Lina felt something was wrong, could it be said that this ancient tree of war had something secretive?

"Who are you?" Feeling Lina's majestic aura, even Winnel felt that her breathing was not so smooth, and asked loudly.

"Space Magician, Lina!" Lina answered politely.

"Sweet, Winnell, Dunmore City Speaker!" Winnell also replied, because Lina gave Winnell a little too much, and said without hesitation, even if it was the leader of the wizards' union just now Winner did not feel the slightest pressure when she came out to speak.

"Your Excellency Speaker, I'm very curious. Could it be that this ancient tree of war has any special effect on you?" Lina asked her own question.

"Hehe, the ancient war tree is the only thing that still exists that we brought from the ground. This is the spiritual sustenance of our dark elves, and to most of our dark elves, the ancient war tree is like a parent Similarly, you humans may not know that when we were young, most of us dark elves were brought up under the care of ancient war trees. After all, for the dangerous underground world, danger is everywhere, and the only safest place is war. Above the ancient tree, the ancient war tree is our cradle, and it is even more impossible that you want the oldest ancient war tree, because this ancient war tree is about to become the tree of wisdom. "Neither did Winnell. What is concealed, explained it again.

"The Tree of Wisdom!" Not only Lina exclaimed, but even several elders of the Wizards' Guild exclaimed, and Cook also exclaimed.

The tree of wisdom is a species with the same name as the tree of life. The tree of life can increase life. According to legend, the ancient tree of wisdom can make a person smarter. This is not the main thing. The biggest role of the ancient tree of wisdom is to use Come to awaken those old trees that are old enough to make these old trees a new species, tree people!

In addition, the tree of life, the tree of time, the tree of eternity, and the tree of the world are said to be as famous as the tree of wisdom. According to legend, the tree of life, the tree of wisdom, the tree of time, and the tree of eternity are the branches of the tree of the world. All the people present were so surprised.

And these ancient trees are only in the records of the existence and a few words of legends, even if it is the tree of life, people's understanding of her is limited to what is guarded by the natural elves.

Hearing this news, Lina and others knew that this time the matter was complicated, and what made the three elders the most difficult thing was that it was only then that they realized that the dark elves were actually believers after darkness.

And the way the Wizards Guild treats believers and temples is fundamentally neutral, because the top of the Wizards Guild knows that these guys all have backgrounds.

This is why the Mage Union is so powerful, but what it owns is only a city in the Magic City. This has a great relationship with the gods, and the Mage Union will also intervene in disputes on the mainland. This does not mean that the Mage Union is not strong enough. It's because the support behind every war is the result of competition among the Holy See.

Winner and others thought that the city was going to be broken this time, but they didn't expect that after an explanation, the team of the Wizards Guild retreated and maintained a defensive posture.

"Lina, what do you do now?" There is nothing for the third elders. After all, after understanding the situation, the third elders also know that unless all the dark elves are killed, it is not easy to talk about. These dark elves are now defending the city. The elves abandon the city, so where do you look for the dark elves in the huge underground world?

What's more, the dark elves are not a dish. You can say without hesitation that the dark elves have lived for tens of thousands of years, and there are definitely many strong ones. The three elders are not willing to be stared at by several top dark elves all day.

"Oh! Wait a minute!" Lina didn't know what to do, everything was up to Cook.

Cook also felt incredible. Will the ancient tree of war grow into the ancient tree of wisdom? But Cook didn't have a better way, as long as he gritted his teeth and said: "Lina, you can tell me about my current situation. If the dark elves don't agree, you can grab it!"

Cook also has no choice, because the tree of life is already able to speak, and as long as you can’t see Cook, it will shout loudly, making it like a baby. Cook has no choice but to block the entire orc hotel. garden.

Lina groaned slightly, and agreed, because for Lina, nothing else is important, Cook is the most important, so Lina said to the three elders and teleported directly to Dunmore City. The top platform.

"Your Excellency Lina, what are you?" Faced with the sudden appearance of Lina, Winnel and others were shocked, and immediately understood who was coming, so these dark elves looked at Lina warily, and Winnie You asked.

"Actually, when we came to Dunmore City this time, we also had a last resort." Lina then said about the situation of the Tree of Life.

Just after Lina finished speaking, an old voice rang: "Impossible. As long as our tree people have awakened wisdom, there will be no situation like what you said!"

At this time Lina realized that there was actually a tree man on the top platform. The tree man was a bit like a human, but it was only an enlarged version, and the appearance made Lina also feel surprised. How should I say, That is the limbs composed of rough tree trunks. There are some light green buds on the limbs, and the head is more like a bald man, with only a few sparse twigs at the edge of the head, and this tree People's mouth and eyes seemed to grow on the abdomen, the first thing Lina felt was weird, very weird.

But who is Lina, who can cultivate such a rare and difficult-to-practice magic in the Space Department to the level of a holy magister, her comprehension and wisdom are not comparable to ordinary people.

Lina keenly caught the word ‘we tree people’, so Lina tentatively asked: "Your Excellency is a tree person? Could it be that you are...!"

"Yes, I am the ancient tree of wisdom!" The bald tree man looked at Lina and replied with a smile, but the tree man's smile almost opened his mouth.

"Could it be that there is no specific tree species for the ancient wisdom tree?" Lina asked very curiously. Lina knew that this curiosity was not only for herself, even every magician was very curious.

"Yes, the ancient tree of wisdom has no racial restrictions. As long as it reaches a certain level, it can become the ancient tree of wisdom. But relatively speaking, the tree of life is a natural race, and the tree of time is more difficult to evolve. As for the eternal Trees, that’s even more a legend. The only relatively easy evolutionary direction for our ordinary tree people is the ancient wisdom tree!” The ancient wisdom tree answered Lina's curiosity.

But then the ancient tree of wisdom said again: "Since I answered your question, so powerful magician, I also have a question?"

"Please say!" Lina knows how powerful the ancient tree of wisdom is, yes, you ask me questions and I answered, so is it my turn? Lina is ashamed to say no? I must be embarrassed, because what the ancient tree of wisdom talks about can be said to be included in the history of the wizard's union.

"What exactly is the tree of life you are talking about is born, there must be external forces, otherwise there will be no such situation as you said." The problem of ancient wisdom trees is also very important for ancient wisdom trees, because as long as To figure out this question, maybe a large number of tree people will awaken.

What the ancient war tree did not know, Cook has issued an order in the Maykai Empire. All priests who are proficient in psychic songs must perform a trial forcibly, and the content of the trial is confidential. Of course, Cook The priests mentioned are definitely not the priests of the God of War Temple, but the shamans trained by the Mekai Empire. The history of shaman priests is earlier than the history of the priests of the God of War. This is also a small part of Cook's strategy to divide the rights of the God of War Temple. That's it.

Cook’s mind is very simple. In the Maykai Empire, there are probably thousands of priests who can psychic songs. So as long as one tenth of these thousands of people can awaken a treeman, this fighting power should be more than a few meters. In this world, huge trees hundreds of meters high are quite common. Once Cook saw it in the Natal Mountains, an ancient tree almost covered half of the mountain. What a huge ancient tree this is.

And the attack power of such a big guy, hehe! Cook can imagine that when there are such old trees in the big cities of the Mekai Empire, then needless to say, public security will definitely be much better. As for how to transport such a big old tree back, Cook seems to have no one at all. I thought, according to Cook’s logic, this thing has to be done step by step. It’s really impossible. Let these guys go back. So when Cook communicated with Lina and the ancient tree of wisdom, Cook listened, On one side, he used his sky eyes to find the mountain range closest to the Mekai Empire, and then looked for the ancient trees in it.

"It was accidentally awakened by a person." Lina replied lightly.

"It's impossible!" The dark elves exclaimed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are any human beings in this world that can wake up the Treants, this is just nonsense.

"Your Excellency, can you give me a leaf of the awakened tree of life?" asked the ancient wisdom tree for a while.

"No, because I don't know what use you want this for?" Lina smiled in her heart, because Lina's keen consciousness said, this leaf must be extraordinary.

"Your Excellency is too much. The leaves are just a tool for us to convey information. I can tell from the leaves whether what you say is true or not." The ancient wisdom tree understood Lina's thoughts and explained.

"Okay!" Lina was speechless, this ancient tree of wisdom was really smart, and she explained clearly in one sentence.

Lina took out a green leaf. What was strange was that when the leaf appeared in Lina's hand, it actually emitted a faint green light, surrounded by the leaves.

"Leaves of the tree of life!" The dark elves are almost going to worship, because tens of thousands of years, the dark elves have seen the legendary fetish again.

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