A Unique Hunter

Chapter 613: Wake up

"Blood battle! Interesting!" When Cook heard this, he was not surprised, but muttered to himself.

"Cook, the orc blood battle is not as simple as you think, and the place of this blood battle is on the holy mountain!" Connie looked at Cook's appearance and said angrily.

"Holy Mountain?" Cook was shocked, because the holy mountain is a very special place.

"Yes, and it's the back mountain of the holy mountain!" Connie continued.

"Holy mountain, how is it possible!" Lina was also surprised, because the holy mountain is not an ordinary place. It can be said that it is an extremely special place, whether it is for humans or orcs, and it is also the most mysterious place on the continent. One of the places.

The blood battle of the orcs is just like the duel of the humans, but this blood battle is different. The blood battle here is more like a gambling battle. Of course, the blood battle means that one person must die.

However, the blood battle is generally used when there are irreconcilable conflicts between the two races. It is also one of the default solutions in the orc world. Obviously the orc royal family has seized the pillars of the Mekai Empire this time. If you let Cooke in the blood battle Death, can the Mekai Empire be able to sustain it? It's difficult!

"What's the difference in the back mountain?" Cook scratched his head and asked embarrassedly, because Cook knew very little about the history of the orcs, not to mention the history of the orcs, even the history of the humans. It's only a few tenths, as for the history of the wizards' union, Cook has no way to know.

Because what Cook received from a young age was not an aristocratic education. Some people say that aristocrats are born aristocrats. This is wrong. Among the aristocrats, there are many things to learn, and each aristocrat does not necessarily have only one heir. Then once you If the minimum requirements of a nobleman are not met, then the heir’s identity is likely to be deprived, because it is impossible for each family to let a humiliating heir inherit everything. This will only humiliate the whole family. Of course, in order to cover up this fact, it is very It is possible that accidents, crimes, etc. will happen to your successor in line.

There are many aspects that nobles need to learn. Art, including horse appreciation, oil painting, wine, food, etc., must be understood, and their development history must be clearly known, as well as erudition, including geography, humanities, and history. , The identification of each noble emblem and the history of each family emblem, etc., as well as aristocratic etiquette, including clothing, carriage, ornamentation, walking, talking, etc. It can be said that a nobleman is constantly in the process of inheriting the noble title. Spent in learning.

So Cook didn’t know this at all, and Cook asked about it, and Lina explained: “The Holy Mountain is the birthplace of the orc empire, and it is also the root of the orc empire. Legend has it that the sacred mountain is the jewel given to the orcs by the **** of war. , While the front mountain of the holy mountain is where the temple of the **** of war is located, while the back mountain is not known to humans. The back mountain of the holy mountain is also one of the places where the priests tried, but such trials are called the scarlet trials, because there are only those who do not The priest apprentice who has become the official priestly talent will choose this trial, and success is the official priest."

"What about failure?" Cook asked.

"No one knows, because those who participated in the trial from the back of the sacred mountain are all successful. No one knows where they are, and the result is only a few tenths of a percent. This is basically no return. However, we humans have hit the sacred mountain of the orc empire. The mountain in front of the sacred mountain is almost a huge forbidden area, and magic below the intermediate level is useless. As for the back mountain, that battle has not been recorded yet, but As for the Battle of the Holy Mountain, the entire human empire had to retreat to the current Scarlet Fortress. According to some records, since that battle, the top magicians who participated in the Holy Mountain battle also disappeared one after another in the following ten years. Accidental death, it is ridiculous that a Saint Magister was stabbed to death by a fishbone when he ate a fish. This is also the biggest reason why humans have never invaded the orc empire on a large scale for so many years." Lina said a lot in one breath.

Cook's face was a little pale, and he subconsciously asked, "Will the orc royal family let me enter the holy mountain trial?"

"Yes, just ask you to go to the back of the holy mountain, and the winner will come out." Connie's answer was somewhat helpless.

"Nima!" Cook yelled. Obviously, this is a conspiracy of the orc royal family, and this conspiracy may be one of the fatal weaknesses for Cook, because Cook is not a real orc. What is the holy mountain? That was the sacred mountain of the God of War Temple in the Orc Empire. When he thought of his identity as a human being, Cook's careless liver thumped.

"Hey, let me forget it!" Lina sighed for a while.

Cook’s face is a bit ugly. To tell the truth, Lina means Cook understands that Lina told Cook to let go and don’t get involved in the orc empire. Of course, it’s better not to interfere with the Mekai Empire. The eyes of the orcs are sacred and fair, so if Cook refuses, then Cook's position in the eyes of the orcs will fall, and it is even more impossible to rule the orcs.

Cook also wanted to give up in his heart, but Cook was not reconciled. One year's hard work and a rare opportunity in a century allowed Cook to get to this point. The invested capital is tens of billions of gold coins. Not to mention the huge amount of supplies, and the countless favors owed.

"Oh, I'm not reconciled, but I'm a human being to enter the holy mountain, I'm afraid there will be accidents!" Cook sighed.

"Human, what happened to human?" Lina asked suspiciously.

"Isn't the holy mountain just allowing the orcs to enter? That's the place of the God of War?" Cook asked without understanding.

"Nonsense, God of War is not an exclusive temple for orcs, God of War also has believers in the human empire, and a God of War that many warriors believe in." Lina rolled her eyes silently.

"Nani?" Cook was stunned.

"Yes, there is no racial distinction in God's faith." Xia also replied affirmatively.

"Then what am I afraid of!" Hearing this news, Cook's self-confidence swelled. Cook never knew that God of War had believers not only in the orc empire, but also in humans.

"That's a holy mountain, a mysterious place with unknown danger!" Lina said worriedly.

"Don't be afraid, brother has the means to save his life, besides, I am not only a magician, I am also a warrior, but also a priest." Cook patted his chest.

"Yes, but what level of magic do you release? Can intermediate level magic be released? As for your warrior, can you release vindictiveness? Priest, how many auras can you release?" Xia asked angrily.

Having said this, Cook couldn't help but lose his confidence, because magic practice not only has spiritual power and magic power, but also takes a lot of time to be familiar with spells. Cook has time, and besides, Cook does not use much magic power at all. , So the magician level has been hovering between the third and fourth levels.

As for fighting qi, no matter how strong the physical condition of Cook is, it is not very useful at all, so Cook generally forgets that he can still fight when fighting. As for the aura, it seems that Cook is only a primary aura.

In the end, Cook had the final say, only one body was strong enough and equipment was strong enough. Cook had a sense of crisis for no reason, because no matter how strong the body was, he could not say that he could not fight back. In the battle, the long-range determines everything, even the high-level warrior’s vindictive attack, there is a distance of tens to hundreds of meters, so a strong body is not the capital to settle down.

As for equipment, in Cook’s opinion, this is not the most secure thing. After all, most of the equipment Cook is carried in space equipment. In case of special circumstances, the space equipment cannot be opened, then the equipment is What is the use?

"West Asia, prepare five hundred arrows for me." Cook finally took out the devil's bow. Even now, Cook has not drawn the bow made by the devil to perfection, which shows how rare this material is.

"Okay!" Xia nodded.

"No magic arrows, just alloy arrows." Cook thought for a while and said, because in the holy mountain, magic items are not necessarily effective.

"Connie, you go to the orc empire, just say that I Cook has challenged!" Cook stroked the ghost bow and said directly to Connie.

"Cook, don't think about it anymore?" Lina asked hesitantly.

"Haha, how about being a trial? With this ghost bow, and 500 alloy arrows, plus my physique, I think it will be no problem to save my life." Cook laughed, it was because Cook had it. A sense of crisis, so Cook has to face difficulties even more.

Seeing that Cook had made up his mind, Lina did not dissuade them. Connie turned around and returned to the Maykai Empire through the teleportation array, and gave the Orc Empire a reply, while West Asia seized the time to refine the arrows. Cook only needed one. Requirements, just enough hard and sharp.

However, because the communication of the orcs is not very developed, even if there is a flying beast to send letters, it is estimated that it will take several days of work, plus Cook will be inseparable from the tree of life for a while, and Cook has worked diligently to practice Archery skills.

At the same time that Cook agreed to a **** battle with the orc empire, all the armies of the orc empire and the Mekai Empire that knew about this matter stopped at the same time. Obviously the orcs were prepared to respect the tradition and wait for the result of the **** battle. For such a scenario , Cook felt very thankful, but fortunately he did not refuse, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

In a few days, Cook just got acquainted with the archery skills. Cook originally wanted to take the next level of the dragon's power potion again, but he was afraid that the new power would not be suitable for the new power after taking it, so it would not be beautiful, so Ku Gram is not taken.

"It seems that I am also lost in the equipment!" Cook sat on Connie's double-headed dark eagle, sighing in his heart, because Cook summed up the past six months, and found that he is more and more important The potion is ready, and we refined the portable magic giant crossbow, the magic crystal cannon, and the magic potion together with West Asia, but there is no time to improve his level. If it weren’t for this **** battle, Cook realized that he might have to wait a long time to realize it. To this point.

"Connie, after this incident, I will improve my level." Cook said to Connie.

"Hehe, me too, in fact, it seems to me that all of what you do doesn't make much sense. Once we leave this plane, then you can take away all of this?" Connie did not understand Cook, but she never did. Speak out, and now Cook speaks out by herself, Connie speaks out.

"Connie, I'm sorry!" Cook hugged Connie, because Connie didn't have time to practice in this year. Cook now understands that all this is for himself. Maybe the previous Connie liked war. That kind of commanding the army. At that time, Connie knew that she was poisoned and would not live long. After Connie detoxified, Cook thought that Connie was like this. Cook only now remembers that Connie was taking risks before. At the time of the poison, Cook realized that Connie likes adventure, not war, and Cook understood a lot in an instant, a lot.

Connie’s face was full of tears, and the unspeakable taste in her heart. From the acquaintance with Cook, the relationship between Connie and Cook has changed several times. Just now Cook took the initiative to hug herself, and the relationship went further. For this One step, Connie did a lot.

"Quack! Quack!" The Dark Demon Eagle was as high as level eight, and was already more intelligent than ordinary humans. Seeing the appearance of Connie and Cook, he could not help but quack with excitement.

"Little Shuang!" Connie shouted angrily.

Cook didn't say anything, but his arm around Connie became tighter, and he secretly said, "Brother is also fallen!"

It is true that Cook only wanted to marry Mickey in the beginning, but as his status climbed, and the relationship between people, Cook also had to make some decisions. The relationship is not always determined by people, unless it is Cold-blooded animals.

Connie, Lina, Sia, Mickey, Manly, and Umei called out one by one in Cook’s mind. Connie gave Cooke unseen support. The Meikai Empire has today, Kang Ni contributed a lot.

Lina is still indispensable, the Magic Teleportation Array has saved herself much time, and countless space bags, pet bags, these are all refined by Connie alone, Cook can now imagine Lina alone in the laboratory The scene of refining the space bag.

West Asia, this woman was a deal with herself at first, and now Cook finds that he actually likes West Asia, because West Asia understands the heart of men. Of course, I have to say that West Asia is also a charming stunner.

As for Mickey, Cook found that he had more responsibility than other women, a responsibility of his wife.

Manli, the person in charge of this Baronian Realm, has done more. How long have I not asked about the affairs of the Baronian Realm, three months, six months?

What did Wumei say, this fox woman has a unique charm, and after Wumei’s soul is recondensed, it feels as clear to Cook as a puddle of water, and this woman has always regarded Cook as the most trusted person. , Which makes Cook reluctant to let go.

"Oh!" Cook sighed secretly and closed his eyes.

"Eh?" The moment Cook closed his eyes, a figure of a woman appeared in Cook's mind. After Cook saw the figure of this woman, he was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Connie asked quickly when he heard Cook's astonishment.

"It's okay!" Cook was asked by Connie, and he woke up immediately and put his head on Connie's gentle shoulder again.

The speed of the Dark Demon Eagle is extremely fast, and in the air, there is nothing in the air that dares to harass the eighth-level Dark Demon Eagle. Of course, the premise is that the Dark Demon Eagle does not go to the places where high-level flying beasts gather.

In this way, after a day and night of flying, I finally saw the legendary sacred mountain, and at the foot of the sacred mountain, there have long been soldiers of the Mekai Empire guarding here.

Cook sighed and had to arouse frenzy. His body rose instantly, his ears drooped, his body also had a faint white fluff, and his upper lip was cracked.

"Haha!" Connie had never thought that Cook was so funny now, maybe because of her mood, Connie covered her mouth and smiled.

"Don't laugh." Cook must be so depressed, how depressed, after all, two ears with cheeks dangling beside the eyes is a very unpleasant thing, Cook does not understand why other bunny people The ears are upright, and my own is drooping.

"My lord!" a bear man saw Cook and Connie step down the Dark Buzzard, and immediately trot over and shouted in excitement.

"Yes, are you the first to come?" Cook patted the bear man on the shoulder and said.

"Yes! Your lord, the third squadron of our Ninth Army arrived first. I am the leader of the battalion, Nobita!" the bear man replied loudly.

"Very well, now you are the captain." Cook issued an order as early as a week ago. If anyone rushes to the foot of the sacred mountain first, then Cook will have a reward. Cook is also afraid of the orc empire. No, who knows what secret old guy exists behind this huge empire.

What Cook didn’t expect was that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was the order that made the hundreds of thousands of the Mekai Empire’s army madly rush forward. As a result, he accidentally clashed with the Orc Empire’s army. It should be said It was the army of the Mekai Empire that directly crushed the Pig Knights of the orc empire. Just yesterday, nearly 100,000 troops rushed to the foot of the holy mountain, and there were a steady stream of troops coming to the holy mountain. This brigade was the first to arrive. No one left behind in the entire brigade. This is what Cook values ​​most.

"The third brigade each rewarded 500 acres of land and two hundred cattle!" Cook then issued a reward.

"All the soldiers who came here remembered their great achievements once!" Cook issued an order afterwards.

"Master Xie!" This bear man fell to the ground on one knee. According to the training rules set by Cook, soldiers are not allowed to kneel down. However, Cook's rule was resisted by all soldiers and eventually evolved into one knee. Fell to the ground.

"Master Xie!" everyone knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly, the whole voice spreading dozens of kilometers away.

"Get up, let's go, let's see who is so bold and dare to fight with me?" Cook pulled Nobita up, and then walked towards the orc empire, and said as he walked.

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