A Unique Hunter

Chapter 614: Strong

In the orc royal family, the mad lion and the silver tiger watched Cook come over, with strong hatred gazes in their eyes. The fierce leopard is dead. This is nothing, but when the mad lion and the silver tiger return to the holy city At that time, I realized how bad things were.

The vast territory of the orc empire has actually fallen for the most part. Although the three major royal families have never actually controlled which areas, the three major orc royal families are nominally the rulers of the orc empire, so the wild lion and the silver tiger are facing such a situation. Only as much as possible to launch the remaining power to increase defense.

But there is good news, that is, the Temple of the God of War, regarded as the thorn in the eye of the orc royal family, is actually facing collapse. In a huge temple, there are only two or three kittens.

The orc royal family finally realized the taste of power, because now there is no restriction from the God of War Temple, and there is no opposing tribe, so the orders of the three royal families have been faithfully implemented.

The orc royal family even spent a huge price to figure out the structural framework of the Mekai Empire. As a result, the Mad Lion and the Silver Tiger discovered that the entire Mekai Empire was still a mess.

There is no actual administrative division, everything is still being established, but in the core area of ​​the Mekai Empire, there is only one, which is the Bunnyman Cook. After analysis, the Mad Lion and the Silver Tiger found that the Mekai Empire is now experiencing War, when everything is not on the right track, as long as the core figure of Cook can disappear, then the huge Mekai Empire will definitely be torn apart.

Because Yinhu knew that the tribes of the orcs could not be unified without Cook’s strong suppression, and Yinhu even analyzed that if Cook died, the divided Mekai Empire would surely be war. The major tribes will fight each other, and this time is the opportunity for the rise of the orc royal family.

So if you want to assassinate Cook, you definitely can't do it, because Silver Tiger has spent a huge price, but has not figured out Cook's whereabouts, so since there is no way to assassinate, then there is only a clear argument.

The reason why the Silver Tiger has to carry out such an urgent blood battle is really because of Silver Tiger’s analysis. Once Cook disappears, the many tribes of the Mekai Empire will definitely have conflicts when they face the issue of overwintering, so that the Orc Empire can win time. .

As for Connie, in Yinhu's view, it is impossible for a human to suppress the orcs. It is like a ruler of a country with different skin colors, but this is just the appearance. In fact, this guy is just standing in the foreground. It’s just a clown. People with the same skin color as him are being oppressed in the lower level, but he can’t say anything, because he is just a clown who is manipulated to perform. In Yinhu’s eyes, if Connie jumped out, it would be A clown is nothing but a race after all.

Silver Tiger saw Cook for the second time. Silver Tiger looked at the countless elite orc warriors here. Once upon a time, these orc warriors were ruled by the orc royal family in name, and it was these orc warriors that made Silver Tiger more determined. It's going to get rid of Cook.

Because in the eyes of Yinhu, the strong defense, under the hundreds of thousands of menacing orc army of the Mekai Empire, is actually like mud and sand. It has no effect at all. In just a few days, hundreds of thousands of Mekai The emperor team actually appeared below the holy mountain.

Yinhu felt bitter when he thought of these orcs and then looked at the sophisticated equipment of these orcs.

"Huh..." Mad Lion snorted coldly, but Mad Lion didn't dare to say anything, because Lie Leopard just cursed Cook and died for unknown reasons. Mad Lion still has lingering fears.

"How about blood battle?" Cook didn't mean to say goodbye at all. After all, orcs are not humans and don't need to pretend, Cook directly asked without a good face.

"Just to let you participate in the trial of the holy mountain, if you succeed, our orc empire belongs to the Mekai Empire." Yinhu said nothing more, directly.

"That is to say, this **** battle will be enough for me as long as I succeed in the trial?" Cook asked in confusion, because Cook discovered that this silver tiger was actually clever.

Silver Tiger’s trick can be said to be very useful. You don’t need to use anything. Just watch Cook’s trial. The Holy Mountain Trial is a famous road to death. Obviously Silver Tiger is here. Bet, but in Cook’s view, Silver Tiger is nothing to do. If you change the army of hundreds of thousands on the border, you will feel uneasy. As for the combat effectiveness of the Pig, it is in the well-equipped. The bear, the tauren, seemed to be scum, even a well-equipped Daoist could let a Pigman escape, after all, the equipment gap was not the same level.

"Yes, I don't think you are scared anymore!" Yinhu is still worried about Cook retreating, after all, Bunnymen are famous for being timid.

"Boom!" Unsuspectingly, the Silver Tiger was kicked out by Cook, flying hundreds of meters away, directly hitting the mud, raising a lot of dust and a dull sound.

"What the hell!" Cook cursed badly, looked at the wild lion standing aside, pointed to the wild lion's nose and asked: "Say, what a trial method?"

Facing Cook’s strength, the mad lion was dumbfounded, and the silver tiger was an advanced beast soul warrior. However, the life and death of such an advanced beast soul warrior was directly kicked. In fact, if the mad lion knew that Cook itself had seven levels The power of Yalong, coupled with the madness of the Bunnyman, what is the blessing power? If Cook was really interested, I'm afraid it would be possible for Yinhu to be kicked directly with minced meat.

"Just enter from here, as for how to get out, I don't know." Mad Lion wanted to have an attack, but looking at Cook's appearance, he couldn't help but lower his head and said.

"Hmph, you guys wait!" In fact, Cook also learned about the trial from various aspects, but the successful people said it was different. Anyway, in one sentence, a life of nine deaths, there are those who encounter monsters and horrors. It's a maze, wait, it's all different.

According to Cook’s speculation, this is probably another dimension or domain. As for what kind of family it is, it is not clear to the orcs, and there is no strange phenomenon in this holy mountain, which is probably not very low-level. It is very advanced.

What makes Cook feel more worried is that these successful trials and said that the people who encountered the trials had accidents a few days later, either became fools or died accidentally. This made Cook a little worried, but he has come to today. At this step, Cook did not seem to give up. Instead, Cook made up his mind. This trial of the holy mountain was to make a breakthrough, and it was not that he did not go out alive.

Cook now fully understands that everything depends on his own strength. Although he is extremely powerful now, as long as a few people in this core have a betrayal, then Cook's life will be difficult, such as Manly , Such as Sebastian and so on, so Cook now has an urgent need to improve his own strength.

Cook put on the leather armor with the help of Connie, and said to Connie: "You go back first, what should you do, don't worry about me."

"No, I'll wait for you here!" Connie said stubbornly.

"Well, let's get acquainted with the holy city first. Anyway, this place will belong to us." Cook did not object, and drew out the bow made by Devil Teng from the natural space, as well as a quiver containing 500 full metal arrows , Five hundred arrows is not a small number, but for Cooke there is not much burden at all.

Then Cook took out a huge backpack, which contained food, all of which was some dried meat. After all, dried meat is the best for physical recovery, and these are made from the meat of advanced monsters.

"Go!" Cook looked at Connie, only to say two words.

"Waiting for you!" Connie hugged Cook and said two words softly.

Cook understood the meaning of these two words. Even if she didn't come out, Connie would have been waiting here. Cook felt a little bit sour, and Connie did not prevent Cook from entering the holy mountain.

Cook patted Connie on the back, and said, "Don't worry! I'm not an ordinary person!"

Then Cook pushed Connie away, looked at the path leading to the top of the holy mountain, and climbed up without hesitation. Just after Cook disappeared from the tree beside the path, two figures flashed out.

Lina and Xia looked at the tearful Connie, and patted Connie on the shoulder. At this time, Yinhu had already gotten up in disarray.

Lina looked at Yinhu and said coldly: "If Cook can't get out, then I will destroy the orc royal family!"

Yinhu heard Lina's words and said loudly, "You are not allowed to interfere in worldly affairs!"

"Shit can't intervene, I'll let you see with your own eyes what it means to not intervene!" Xia also said coldly, and the momentum on her body rushed directly.

"Puff!" Yinhu and Mad Lion were directly pressed down on the ground. Yinhu looked at Lina and Xia in horror. Yinhu didn't get the information of these two women. Yinhu found that he seemed to be gone. The most stupid move.

Cook is walking on the small road ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook is very uncomfortable, because Cook is also very uncomfortable in his heart. To be honest, no danger is false, because chances are the most uncertain thing.

"Huh?" Just as Cook thought about it, Cook found that the mountain road that had been upward had become flat, and there were several dead bodies on this road.

"Tigers, Lions, Leopards?" Cook walked up vigilantly and examined them carefully, and found that these were actually the corpses of several orcs, and they seemed to have been dead for several days.

"Damn the orc, it's so insidious!" Then Cook discovered that the corpse had died within a few days, and Cook understood right away. Obviously this **** orc was sent by the orc royal family and was prepared for himself, but no Know how to die here.

Cook looked around vigilantly and found no movement. The surroundings were silent. Cook slowly squatted down, ready to carefully check how these orcs died. You must know that the dead can tell a lot of things. Although Cook is not very Proficient, but know some furs.

"No, it's too quiet." Then Cook stood up immediately and looked around vigilantly, because the surroundings were too quiet, and the quiet seemed to freeze the air.

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