A Unique Hunter

Chapter 615: chameleon

Everything seems too quiet. You have to know that there are dense plants around. Cook's bow is already tightly held in his hand. The hard alloy arrows have been placed on the bow. Cook's eyes are slowly He glanced around, and listened quietly with his ears.

"Is it gone?" Cook found nothing at all, puzzled.

But then Cook's eyes lit up with a green light. A sneer appeared at the corner of Cook's mouth.

"Shoo!" Cook suddenly raised his bow, and then with a shoo, the surrounding air seemed to vibrate.

"Puff!" The Alloy Arrow rushed directly towards the root of the big tree next to it, and with a puff, it didn't enter the root of the tree directly.

"Hiss!" But at this moment, something resembling a lizard jumped up and looked at Cook vigilantly. The neck of this lizard was still bleeding, and the lizard hissed Threatening sound.

"Chameleon! "Cook has already eaten it at first glance. How could such an extinct beast like a chameleon exist here?

The skin of a chameleon will change with the surrounding environment, so this kind of skin was the favorite of thieves and assassins in the early days, and the skin of a complete chameleon is also lifted high, so it changes color Lizards were hunted in large numbers.

In the records of the Wizards’ Guild, there have been no traces of chameleons for more than five hundred years, so it is considered extinct, but Cook actually saw this kind of beast here.

"No! It's not a chameleon, it should be a dragon." But when Cook saw the chameleon's sharp claws, already strong limbs, and a body nearly five meters long, Cook knew that this was not a discoloration. lizard.

The dragons have some signs similar to dragons. The best way to distinguish them is through scales. The scales of lizards are absolutely different from the scales of the monsters of the dragons. Just now Cook only saw this thing change color, so it didn’t happen for a while recognize.

"Not good!" Just when Cook discovered that this was not a chameleon, but a chameleon that would change color, Cook immediately realized that it was not good, because almost all of the beasts of the dragon type lived in groups.

"Swish swish swish!" The sound of constant collision of branches rang, and then around Cook, more than a dozen such sub-dragon type beasts appeared.

"Nima!" Cook was really dissatisfied with his reaction. You must know that he was very vigilant in the past. Warcraft, especially the gregarious Warcraft, is not a joke, even in World of Warcraft, the lowest level is Some insect communities that are called Level 0 Monsters are almost invincible.

Thousands of hundreds of millions of insects come all over the sky, just imagine it, and some insects can get into your skin, blood vessels, nose, mouth, etc., so there is no such thing as a gregarious monster.

But Cook did not run, because running away in front of the gregarious beasts would be a death, because these beasts are not ordinary beasts, even ordinary beasts know cooperative hunting, so there is nothing to say about the gregarious beasts. , Hunting is even more for these guys, so running is a very stupid decision, because running will leave the back to these guys.

Someone is about to ask, isn't the hunter the best at flying kites, yes, but when facing more than a dozen beasts living in groups, and I don't know if there are still beasts hidden, flying kites is simply a joke.

"Hmph, you **** things!" Cook snorted coldly, and did not put the bow and arrow away, but shouted loudly in dragon language.

Cook himself took the potion with the power of the dragon, and he also carried a faint dragon's aura, but it was very thin. After all, the potion that Kuo used to overcome was not the potion made from the real dragon's blood, but the dragon, but That's it, in the eyes of these big guys, this is also a similar to himself.

As mentioned earlier, the beasts are like wild beasts. They don't need to be distinguished by seeing, but by the smell and the fluctuations, while the subdragon-type beasts are mostly by breath.

In the face of Cook's language of the dragon and the breath of the dragon, in the eyes of these subdragon beasts, this is the same subdragon, but with a slightly weird size.

"Hiss!" A huge guy came out from the side. The reason why he said he was a huge guy, because this guy is more than a lap bigger than the guys around him. He has a full body of twelve meters long, and Cook has been I thought this big guy’s body was just a rock hidden in a bush,

Although Cook was shocked, he did not flinch, because Cook understood the meaning of this big guy. Obviously, this big guy thought that Cook was the same kind who came to grab the site, and for both the Warcraft and the Beasts, they would grab the site. It is a matter of the same kind.

"I'm here to grab the site." Cook continued to shout loudly in dragon language, because Cook knew that if he admits to grab the site, then Cook will only face the leader, if he doesn't admit it, hum, that's it. You have to face these little guys first, and then the big guy in the lead.

Cook’s dragon language was clearly understood by the guy on the opposite side. This big guy’s next action surprised Cook, because this big guy actually stood upright, yes, it was upright, with a thick tail, and The strong hind legs show a triangle.

"Hiss!" Chameleon, let's call these Yalong for the time being, the chameleon leader looked at Cook condescendingly, hissing sound like a snake's tongue kept sticking out.

"I just want to challenge you!" Cook understood that this guy was asking if he wanted to challenge it.

Animal language is not necessarily a real language. Even if it is the same pronunciation, the length, frequency, and coordinated actions of the pronunciation may express different meanings, and the gift of animal language and animal language is to make Cook understand these guys directly. The meaning of is a very magical talent, but the attack power released by a magician is almost comparable to the power of a heavy artillery, which is not a magical thing.

After a bluntness of "swish!", the rest of the chameleons left, because for a tribe, the matter of grabbing territory is the matter of the leader, because this is a challenge to the leader, and it does not concern the following tribes. To put it bluntly, whoever is strong is the leader, and there is no opinion below.

Cook even saw the dead orcs being dragged away by these chameleons. Obviously, for Warcraft, humans are food.

"Boom!" The chameleon leader looked at Cook, his eyes widened, and then his huge body slammed directly at Cook. You must know that the chameleon leader was twelve meters long and looked seven or eight meters high when standing. It was like a bamboo pole slammed into Cook, Cook sneered, and then dodged with his feet, and the leader of the chameleon slammed on the ground with a bang.

"Boom!" But at the moment when the dust was flying, Cook just felt a cold wind hit, and then there was a loud bang, Cook was directly kicked out by the chameleon's tail.

"Boom boom boom!" The chameleon leader didn't stop at all, but accelerated towards the place where Cook fell, and the ground made a buzzing sound.

"Nima!" Cook felt that his reaction was a little slow again. The force just now pumped up Cook's vitality and blood. After all, Cook was unprepared, and Cook did not realize that the movements of the chameleon leader were that way. He was attacked quickly and unsuspectingly.

"Boom!" Although Cook was tumbling with blood, he knew that the chameleon leader would not give up easily, so the moment he landed, he rolled several times. Cook's tumbling just avoided another attack by the chameleon leader.

"Boom!" But unfortunately, Cook was flew out again by his huge tail.

"Very good, very good!" This time Cook was prepared. When he landed, he stood up. Cook's nose was bleeding. Just now, Cook used his arm to block the attack of the chameleon leader's tail. Otherwise, Ku K’s life is difficult.

The chameleon leader was very puzzled, because of this kind of flapping and tail lashing, which is his own good trick. Many targets think that they have avoided their own attacks, but the real killer is the tail. To be honest, the power of tail lashing It was the biggest. Although the chameleon leader was very puzzled, the chameleon leader didn't hesitate at all, and directly and strongly backed up, and pounced again.

Cook's nerves are tense now, because Cook discovered that this chameleon is actually quite capable, flapping, biting, tail lashing, and catching. It can be said to be very coherent, and it can bite at the same time. , Snatch, this is a three-sided attack at the same time, and if the enemy dodges, then the tail lash will be relatively secretive.

"Bang!" Cook dodged the pounce, bite, and catch, but he didn't dodge the lash of his tail, and Cook was flew out again.

"Insidious!" Cook was drawn three times in a row, and Cook also saw a clue. That was the attack, bite, and catch of the chameleon leader, which forced the enemy to beat his tail from several directions. In this place, if it is an ordinary prey, I am afraid that it will be killed by the tail of this chameleon, but Cook's body is very strong.

"You are only at level 6, and my body strength is comparable to that of a seventh-level Yalong, so we will take good care of it!" After being pumped out three times in a row, Cook also understands that the simple power, the chameleon, has already constructed himself. It's no harm. Of course, Cook shouldn't send himself directly under the sharp teeth or under the claws.

In fact, Cook also knows that the chameleon is the strongest weapon, but it is also a weakness. When you catch a lizard, as long as you hold the tail, the lizard will have no means to counteract it.

"Damn!" Cook was taken away again, because every time the chameleon's attack would bring up dust, Cook only saw a dark shadow this time, and he was taken away, silently, really It's hard to guard against.

Of course, Cook didn’t use Thunder teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because Cook wanted to use this guy to exercise himself. If Cook wants to kill this chameleon, his sharp Thunder teeth and powerful alloy arrows are both. It's a good weapon, but Cook didn't do that, because Cook wanted to use the chameleon leader to hone himself for a while, because Cook hadn't fought for a long time, so Cook wanted to stimulate his fighting consciousness.

"Almost!" This time Cook touched the chameleon's tail, but the powerful force still made Cook's arm numb.

"I don't believe it anymore!" Then Cook fought the chameleon together, Cook kept dodge, and then looked for a chance to subdue this six-level beast.

"Boom!" Finally Cook found a chance and escaped the lash of his tail, and then Cook hit the chameleon's abdomen with a severe punch, making a dull noise.

"Hiss!" After being hit by Cook, the chameleon jumped away suddenly, became vigilant towards Cook, and kept making a hissing sound.

"Hey, isn't this guy like that? Shouldn't it be time to watch me perform?" Cook said with a smile, and then rushed directly towards the chameleon with his feet.

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