A Unique Hunter

Chapter 620: Falling into the water

"Khan!" Cook was also shocked. Although Cook still has the ability to shoot the arrow farther, Cook himself knows that his effective design distance is only more than one thousand meters, even at all remote In the profession, it can be regarded as the top. At a distance of 1,450 meters, Cook's hit rate can reach 100%, and at 2,000 meters, the hit rate is only 80% of the original. As for the distance of 3,000 meters, it is almost 50%. .

The 50% here does not mean that you can hit 50 with one hundred arrows. Then I can hit one with two arrows. This hit probability is half, which means that you have a half chance of not shooting this time. Will hit, this hit rate is too low, maybe you will miss ten of ten arrows.

It’s hard for Cook to imagine shooting two murlocs from a distance of 3,000 meters. As for the fragmented murloc corpse that was stirred by arrows, Cook was not surprised at this, because after the arrows were flying at high speeds, It will spin by itself, and the high speed plus the power of rotation, plus the alloy arrows, it can be said that even a low-level monster will be broken into pieces by the huge power.

"Your Excellency Lacy, how about it? My bow is not bad, right?" Cook asked with a smile.

Lacy said with a smile: "Yes, but your bow is far worse than what I've seen. You must know the range of our giants' shooters..."

The people behind Cook didn’t listen, because the giants have archers, but the bows used by these archers are comparable to giant crossbows. It can be said that there is no need for a precise head. Imagine an arrow with a diameter of half a meter. Even if the arrow is scratched, it is estimated that it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

"That, Lord Lacy, I'm not a giant." Cook interrupted Lacy involuntarily, because Cook wanted to end this **** trial as soon as possible.

"Haha, forgot, you are weak human beings." Lacy was interrupted by Cook and woke up from the good memory.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency Lacy, haven't you said how to find your people?" Cook said immediately. If Cook hadn't been interested in the Cyclops, he would have left Lacy and left.

Lacy sighed: "Humans, are you all wary of others like this?"

"What?" Cook was surprised, but he didn't admit this sentence, instead he looked confused.

"Haha, nothing, humans, I still have a lot of good things here, which is very helpful for you to find my people." Lacy laughed and said.

Cook became more vigilant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally Cook came to the conclusion that this cyclops was indeed uneasy, and Cook also found a reason. After all, the cyclops were forced away by humans. Yes, it was finally picked up by the orcs and replaced with Cook himself. I am afraid that they hate both humans and orcs.

"Your Excellency Lacy, I'm sorry, I'm going to leave." Cook thought of this and quickly retreated. The cyclops obviously had a lot of hatred just now, but after all, the human reputation is indeed not very good.

But in Cook’s view, this is the reason for the prosperity of humanity. Nima, these ancient races are particular about one-on-one frontal battles, so these ancient races, including dwarves, elves, orcs, are not very tyrannical. As for human beings, what else is there besides the advantages in numbers?

And humans are also taking the advantage of numbers to the extreme. Look now, the orcs have been driven to the desolate wasteland, and the dwarves are shrouded in the endless mountains. They are also known as those who like to forge. If the dwarves are not connected with the dwarves. The alliance has long been divided up by humans.

The barbarians are on the plateau where the environment is extremely harsh, the elven tortoises huddled in the vast forest, relying on endless forests and powerful monsters to act as umbrellas, and the overlord dragons of the continent had to sign a non-interference contract with humans. As for races such as giants, they are even drowned in endless history.

So Cook doesn’t have any good feelings about the ancient races of human beings. In Cook’s view, the leader who led the rise of humanity is the real wise man.

"Human, don't you want a powerful force?" Lacy saw that Cook was leaving, and immediately changed his tone.

"No, I'm strong enough." Cook heard the temptation of the giant, waved his hand and quickly backed away.

"Human, I can give you everything you want." Lacy yelled anxiously as he watched Cook leave.

"No, everything I like is my own, and I don't like other people's gifts." Cook ran away with a three-headed chameleon and replied loudly as he ran.

"Roar! Damn it, come back!" The Cyclops roared loudly with scarlet inside the huge one eye.

"Boom!" Accompanied by this roar, the calm lake immediately boiled, and a huge wave rushed in all directions around Lazi.

"Nima!" When Cook saw such a scene, he couldn't help but breathe in the air, because the wave was as high as 20 or 30 meters, and it was advancing continuously, growing high, just like the high tide of the sea.

This is not the main thing. The main thing is that there are hordes of murlocs on the top of this huge wave. Cook kicked the two chameleons who followed him vigorously, shouting loudly: "Run!"

"Boom! Boom!" The first wave arrived in front of Cook almost in the blink of an eye, accompanied by the booming sound of the water arrows released by the murloc.

"Nima!" Cook still had time to say something, and the vindictiveness that had gathered abruptly opened the bow.

"Shoo!" The wave of murlocs closest to Cook suffered. Cook quickly drew his bow and then shot an arrow.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At a distance of less than a hundred meters, the alloy arrow produced a huge force directly through the bodies of several murlocs, and then the huge force stirred the wave, forming three on the wave. Hollow half a meter in diameter.

"Oh, it's almost!" Cook sighed as he watched the huge wave drown the blood that had just risen.

"Lacy, look at the arrow!" Cook drew an arrow again, which then shouted loudly.

"Open, open again, woo! Boom!" Cook exhausted his whole body strength and added a grudge, but the bow was not fully drawn. When Cook let go, Cook clearly saw the air shock. , And after the arrow was shot out, first I heard a low whine, and finally a huge bang.

"Boom!" The wave, which was less than ten meters away from Cook, was directly dented by this huge bang.

"Finally broke the sound barrier!" Cook was very excited when he saw this scene.

"Wow!" But then a huge wave covered Cook.

"Bang!" Lacy looked at the huge blood hole on his shoulder, shocked. You must know that Lacy himself is a cyclops and his own defense is very high. It can be said that the defense of Lacy's skin is comparable to a ninth-level monster.

"Cunning, despicable, shameless human being, I'm going to tear you apart!" Lacy then understood and roared loudly. It was obvious that Lacy saw that the arrows that Cook shot just now were just ordinary arrows. Knowing that Cook actually changed his arrows this time, in Laqi's heart, this is what Cook deliberately did.

"Boom!" The next moment, the huge wave swept back strangely like a big hand, like a huge whirlpool at the bottom of the lake.

"Ding-ding!" Cook felt the world spin, accompanied by a ding-ding sound.

"Damn it!" Cook's perception tells Cook that this is countless murlocs attacking him around, but these murlocs' crude weapons have no effect on Cook at all, but the turbid, constantly rotating water around them makes Cook doesn't need power.

"Go to hell!" Cook drew out a one-handed sword, and then, relying on his strong perception, directly shot it.

"Cuckoo!" After a chill of cold light, the murlocs around Cook were all torn apart. Facing the magic pattern equipment, these murlocs could hardly defend themselves.

"Thorn Art!" Cook felt that he was still moving towards the middle of the lake. He immediately took out a few black seeds and poured enough magic power to release the thorn art immediately. Fortunately, now Cook does not need the thorn art. Read the spell.

"Swish!" Several algae grew out in an instant. And Cook grabbed the algae directly.

"Uh, why is it so thick?" Cook looked at the thick algae in his hand and was puzzled. Now that Cook has something fixed, he relaxes a lot. The algae is several times larger than the one that Cook released before.

"Cuckoo!" At this moment, Cook knew that the three-headed chameleon was braving the steam drum and struggling in the water. Obviously these guys couldn't swim.

"Damn humans, die!" And Lacy's huge roar spread throughout the lake.

"Damn!" Just as Cook put the three-headed chameleon into the pet space bag, he felt the surrounding water pressure suddenly increased.

"Enjoy!" Lacy's voice came over again.

"Really, this water pressure is really not something that ordinary people can bear!" Cook felt the increasing water pressure around him. If he were ordinary people, he would have been crushed to death by the huge water pressure. But who is Cook? Those who have taken the potion of the dragon's power are stronger than the general ninth-level beasts, so the huge water pressure only slows Cook's actions.

"Yo! Really powerful!" Apparently Lacy sensed this scene, and a mocking voice came over.

"Then try this again?" Lacy's voice gave Cook a bad feeling.

"Huhuhu!" The next moment Cook felt the surrounding water start to spin.

"Nima!" Cook cursed loudly in his heart, because this huge vortex was almost centered on Cook himself, and the huge rotating power made it difficult for Cook to resist.

"Ding Ding Ding!" The murlocs in the water began to attack Cook again.

"Nima, fight it!" Cook roared in his heart, then let go of the algae he held with one hand and grab Thunder Fang with the other.

Then Cook began to dig the soil at the roots of the algae. With Cook's power and the sharpness of Thunder's teeth, a cave was formed in a short time. Actually, thanks to Lacy, the water flow controlled by Lacy rotates upward. Cook excavated some dirt and rocks, which were immediately sucked away by the whirlpool.

"Damn human beings, what about people?" Lacy knew that Cook was digging a hole, but Lacy couldn't do anything about it. For some reason, Lacy's movement distance was very limited, but in an instant, Lacy felt No more than Cook's trail, Lacy roared loudly, and countless murlocs began to search frantically.

"Huh? Is this mud weird?; Cook heard Lacy's roar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and gave up the idea of ​​preparing to enter the natural space and let Kaka take the natural space away. Cook was still digging there. Inside the cave, it did not disappear.

"Prison, could it be said..." Cook heard Lacy's roar and thought of Lacy's words, but Cook couldn't grasp whether Lacy's words were true or false.

"Forget it, let's find a way to leave first." Cook gave up the thought of preparing to find out.

"Oh!" But the next moment, Cook was discovered by a murloc, and the murloc's unique voice immediately rang.

"Damn it!" Cook immediately cursed secretly.

"Humble Ant, surrender!" Lacy's excited voice came over again.

While Cook stared at a group of uninvited guests with a gloomy face, Cook cursed in his heart: "The freshwater crocodile man, Nima, aren't these guys extinct!"

PS: I'm sorry, when I used to play World of Warcraft, I was playing pet hunters, so when I was writing something, it was affected. I am correcting it. Thank you ak for your correction. As for the management, I also realize this, and try to minimize it in the future. write!

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