A Unique Hunter

Chapter 621: Falling monocular giant

The freshwater crocodile, this is also a unique unit of the orcs. In ancient times, it was the main force of the navy in the orcs. According to records, these naval forces have been extinct in the conflict with the sea. You must know the saltwater crocodile of the sea. The combat effectiveness of the crocodile is several times that of the freshwater crocodile.

Cook looked at these ugly tails, with pale blue scales on their bodies, more than two meters high, and holding weapons made of thick stones. Cook had a headache, because fighting in the water was completely different from the ground, and Obviously the power of these crocodile people should not be underestimated.

"Damn it!" Cook cursed secretly. Although Cook can dive now, it can only be a short time, and Cook can't stand it for a long time.

Cook placed Thunder Fang, put away the bow, and two one-handed swords appeared in Cook's hands.

"Oh woo woo woo!" Along with the roar of the crocodile man, the crowd of crocodile man began to rush towards Cook.

"Shoo!" And the murloc on the other side also began to release water arrows, and the sound of shoo was clearer in the water, and Cook also knew that water magic had an attack bonus in it.

"Come on, **** bastard!" Cook looked at the crocodiles and murlocs who couldn't be seen, and he had no choice but to fight.

"Zizizi!" The crocodile man's belly issued a high-frequency vibration, which was the unique expression of excitement of the crocodile man.

"A bunch of rubbish!" Indeed, in Cook’s view, a single crocodile man and murloc are rubbish, not his own opponents at all, but don’t forget that there are no crocodile and murlocs here, Cook. Even if it is abnormal, it will not fail to leave a certain amount of room for oneself, besides, there is still the cyclops eyeing, and who knows if there are other species in this lake?

Cook’s one-handed sword doesn’t need any fancy moves at all. This is of course the same as in the water. The one-handed sword itself will be affected by water when it moves. Even if Cook has the perverted power, Cook also feels this one-handed sword. The sword is not so easy to use in my own hands. I feel that there is always a force around my sword. It often slashes towards the murloc’s head, but it hits the shoulders, although the murloc’s shoulders and head are almost the same. One, because the murloc does not have a neck, but for Cook, it is very different.

Cook's one-handed sword is also a repaired magic pattern equipment, so for those murlocs and crocodile men who are equipped with shells and algae, it is no different from cutting tofu. Two one-handed swords are like a blender. , Directly cut the murlocs and crocodile people into several pieces.

"Damn it!" Cook wanted to ask the murloc and the crocodile in the water. It was a joke. Even if Cook is abnormal, he can't be faster than the murloc and the crocodile. Cook can only step on the bottom of the lake. , Walking to the shore step by step, every step Cook would cut open several murlocs and crocodile men.

"Quack, kill, kill, see how much you human can kill!" Lacy's business gave Cook a bad feeling. But Cook had no choice at all. If Cook didn't kill these murlocs and crocodile people, then Cook wouldn't be able to move at all.

Just when Cook took ten kills in one step, more and more troops from the Mekai Empire arrived outside the holy mountain, fox priests, cat assassins, Doug scouts, bunny witch doctors, and bears. A group of infantry, tauren totem warriors, werewolf hussars, etc. have gathered as many as a million. With the holy mountain as the boundary, all places close to the Mekai Empire are included in the territory of the Mekai Empire, which is valued by the orcs. People, in front of so many powerful troops, there is no wave of waves at all.

"Who the **** is, if the lord can't get out of this **** sacred mountain, Lao Tzu will turn this sacred mountain over, and those **** royals, I will strip them one by one." Baglu roared loudly.

And the orc royal family is terrified. It is not the ogre Bagru that makes the orc royal fear, but under this holy mountain, hundreds of dragons, yes, hundreds of dragons, where these dragons inhabit. , The plants were all withered and yellow, and the Silver Tiger never thought that the most difficult race on the mainland, the Dragon Clan of the Great Dragon, would come here.

"I said this **** sacred mountain is not our sacred mountain, or should we rush in?" There was a restless shout from the Dulong clan.

"Shut up, we can count on Baron Cooke, don't underestimate human beings, since Baron Cooke chooses the trial, then wait for him to try out." Keron shouted sharply.

"Great Dragon Lord, this is an internal matter of our orcs, and your dragon clan has no right to interfere." Yinhu tried several times and finally said loudly and quickly.

"Jiejie! Our poisonous dragon clan has left the Dragon Council, and now we are participating in the war as residents of the Meikai Empire." Kalong shook his residence permit.

Connie was speechless. If a group of poisonous dragons was watching for a residence permit, I am afraid that no one would dare to apply for it. Lina and Xia were surprised. You must know that although the poisonous dragon is not the strongest among the dragons, it is the most powerful. Difficult.

"You..." Yinhu completely slumped on the ground.

"Boys, refresh me, watch this **** sacred mountain for me, and immediately notify me if there is any movement." Kalong shouted loudly when interrupting Yinhu.

"Hoho!" Dozens of poisonous dragons flew into the sky immediately and scattered.

"Jiejie, stupid fellow, you'd better pray that Cook can come out safe and sound, otherwise our poisonous dragon won't mind eating orcs." Kelong grinned and said with a strange smile.

"How could this be, how could this be?" Yinhu kept repeating, his face becoming paler and paler.

"Ding Ding!"

"Ding Ding!" Even though Cook's two-handed swords were constantly swinging, the various weapons and water arrows in all directions continued to hit Cook, making a stinging sound on Cook's armor.

Cook feels his scalp is numb. Cook is thinking about how to get out of here now. The surrounding water is already blood red. Cook can only judge the enemy by perception. He can't see anything in his field of vision, but the magic eye sees. Only the murlocs arrived, the crocodile people simply rely on strength.

"Boom!" Cook felt his body shook and almost lay on the bottom of the lake.

"The crocodile man warrior!" Cook knew that a crocodile man who was more than 3 meters high was different from the crocodile man just now. This crocodile man had a thick black wood in his hand.

"Boom! Boom!" One after another of great power made Cook feel a pain. You must know that Cook is now equipped with mail armor. Although it is magic pattern equipment, the magic pattern equipment resists elemental power, and these crocodile warriors However, pure power does not have the slightest elemental power at all. The impact resistance of the lock armor is not as good as that of the plate armor, but even with the plate armor, the huge power shock will make Cook uncomfortable.

There is not one crocodile man warrior around, but a group. Although Cook has great power, a single crocodile man warrior is not Cook’s opponent, but the ants kill the elephants, and they are in the water again. It is not clear at all, the crocodile and the murloc are even more important, making it difficult for Cook to escape from the battle.

"Boom! Boom!: During the confusion, two more hits on Cook's body. Cook was already in a hurry by the constant movement of the water, plus the attacks of the murloc and the crocodile warrior, Cook I almost fell to the ground.

"Nima!" Cook was so angry that he took out two crystal bottles and smashed them directly in front of him.

The gray-green liquid was directly stirred by the water and scattered. Cook ignored the attacks of these crocodile men and murlocs. Two crystal bottles appeared in his hands. Cook touched the two crystal bottles forcefully: "Wow! "The turquoise liquid was once again dispersed by the stirring current.

"I call you mine, powerful paralysis potion, smash! Powerful lethargic potion! smash! Powerful deadly poison! smash! Powerful suffocation potion! smash! Dragon poison, also smash!" Cook was forced into flames , A bottle of poison smashed in the water without money.

Soon, Cook discovered the power of high-quality poison. Soon the murlocs and crocodile people around Cook rolled their eyes and slowly sank to the bottom. When Cook finally took out the dragon poison potion At that time, it almost smashed.

"Jiejie, very good, so much blood, enough!" At this moment, Lacy's voice made Cook's bad premonition more and more intense.

Cook slowly surfaced on the surface of the water. It doesn’t matter if you look at it. It turns out that the corpses of the murlocs and crocodile killed by Cook, as well as the blood flow controlled by Lacy, flowed directly to the center of the lake. Qi Zheng used his blood to draw a magic circle in the volley.

"Forbidden!" Cook was taken aback.

"Devil from the abyss, come out!" Lacy's forbidden technique was quickly completed, Lacy then roared loudly in a devilish voice.

"Damn, it's a corrupted cyclops, Nima, I've missed it." Cook watched the blood-red magic circle transform into a huge blood-red light gate, and with Lacy's roar, Cook also watched Knowing the true face of Lacy, now Lacy’s eyeballs are blood red. This is a symbol of demonization, which proves that this is the greatest manifestation of believing in those evil and powerful demons and eventually becoming slaves to those demons. Humans use the word "depraved".

"The main plane, the main plane!" A group of small evil demons emerged from the light gate, and immediately cheered.

"Fresh meat, fresh meat!" The little evil demon who kept pouring out saw the murlocs and crocodile people, and immediately rushed to cheer, and soon the murlocs and crocodile people near the gate were smashed by countless murlocs Demon bite.

"Roar, **** evil demon, there is trash there!" A huge roar came from the light gate.

"Sheephead Demon!" Cook saw the head of a huge goat with a height of five meters and a tall figure with a huge axe in his hand. He couldn't help but, the sheephead demon, the cannon fodder of the **** demon, powerful. endless.

"I hate the **** sunshine!" Then a cold voice came.

"Evil Mage!" Cook saw a flaming figure walking out of the light door and said again.

"Go away, you crap, I haven't eaten it yet!" A seven or eight-meter-high figure rushed directly into the lake, grabbed a small evil demon, tore it to pieces, and threw it away. Put the half-eaten murloc corpse of this little evil demon into the huge mouth, chewing on a mouthful of blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tauren! "Cook* has no strength.


"Swallow souls, **** it, why does Lacy believe in demons?" Cook shrank his head.

"Damn, bastard, bastard, don't start the blood sacrifice, let the adults come out!" a sharp voice roared at the light gate.

"Upper demon, Scythe Demon, Nima!" Cook cursed secretly. Behind the Scythe Demon swarmed with skeletons and three-headed dogs from hell. In a moment, at least thousands of demons came out of the light gate in the middle of the lake. Cook breathed a sigh of relief that the light door was gradually disappearing, and what worries Cook is that a group of skeleton mages are using the corpses of murlocs, crocodile people, and effective evil demons to make things that Cook can't understand.

"Would you like to throw in all the poisonous dragon's venom?" Seeing the corpses piled up, and the skeleton mage is constantly waving the bone staff, the bone staff attracts all the blood, and then begins to depict What, Cook felt a little tangled.

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