A Unique Hunter

Chapter 626: Uphill

It stands to reason that the devil's defense and strength are not afraid of these poisonous dragons, and the devil's resistance to poison is very strong, and the resistance of **** creatures to poison is very strong.

But this resistance is based on trauma, and the Scythe Demon swallowed the murlocs and the crocodile, and most of Cook’s poison is of perfect quality. More importantly, the poison of the Dragon is also sucked into the stomach by the Scythe Demon. went.

Cook has several highly poisonous potions in his hand. With the addition of the poisonous dragon’s venom, it is estimated that Cook will not be able to solve the changes. Moreover, the duration and power of the perfect quality poison are very powerful, so the sickle The power of the demon is reduced, and the reaction speed is reduced, so is it still the opponent of the dragon?

"Damn it, I won't let you go." The Scythe Demon looked at the dozens of poisonous dragons swarming, and jumped into the lake with a roar. I have to say that this is the right choice, because poisonous dragons cannot Swim.

"Stop it, **** it." Keron roared loudly, because with the several bone sickles on the Scythe Demon, yes, the Scythe Demon is because of the sickle-like bone on the body, and the longest is on the arm. Two giant sickles. The quality of this sickle is constantly polished by the Sickle Demon with elemental power. It is a natural high-quality magic weapon. Kalong is the eye hot, and the Sickle Demon is about to enter the water. Can Kalong be less than it?

Of course, the reason why Kalong wanted the Scythe Demon was more as a kind of capital to show off. After all, although **** creatures have not been seen before, the Scythe Demon is a high-level demon, and its meaning is not comparable to that of ordinary demons.

"Haha! Big lizards, just wait!" Seeing the crazy look of Kalong, the sickle demon roared with laughter, and then plunged into the lake below.

"Dragon's breath, spray him!" Kalong commanded loudly. In fact, the poisonous dragon didn't have too many attack methods at all, only the dragon's breath, spraying poison, and melee.

However, these three methods are very powerful in frontal combat. After all, the poisonous dragon is almost full of poison, but there are no effective methods for long-range attacks.

"Goodbye, big lizard!" The Scythe Demon was very fast and plunged directly into the lake with a roar.

"Damn it, **** it..." Karon howled angrily.

"Ah!!!" But a high-pitched scream shocked Karon, and then Karon saw the Scythe Demon shoot directly out of the water, and the Scythe Demon was still emitting white smoke.

"Grab him!" Although Kalong didn't know why the Scythe Demon came out of the water, but now Kalong would not let the Scythe Demon go, Kalong roared loudly.

"Ah!!!" Looking at the sickle demon with white smoke coming from his body, and the screaming sound made Karon feel heart palpitations.

"Damn, what's the matter?" Kelong looked at the sickle demon rolling on the ground, and white smoke appeared from the sickle demon. What was even more shocking was that the skin on the sickle demon was all It's bumpy, you know, the scythe devil is a carapace like a crab, and it's covered with bony skin, but the bony skin that has defenses comparable to high-level magic items is actually corroded bumps.

"Go and see, what's weird about this lake?" Kelong pointed to a poisonous dragon and shouted.

"Patriarch?" The poisonous dragon saw that the sickle demon was like this, and he dared to go down there, begging pitifully for mercy.

"Idiot, Idiot, Idiot, I don't know how to find some creatures to experiment!" Kalong slapped the poisonous dragon on the head and roared.

"Yes, yes!" The poisonous dragons immediately scattered and fled.

"Hey, my best prey, I want to make you the best specimen!" Then Kalong smiled and walked towards the Scythe Demon.

A few hours later, Kalong looked at the lake, and muttered in disbelief: "This lake actually has the effect of purification techniques. You are a demon flying in here, don't you want to die?"

"Purification technique, isn't this the top holy water? Gold coins, gold coins rolling in, little ones, immediately surround this lake for me. From now on, this will be the home of our poisonous dragon clan." Kalong read After the mumble, he immediately reacted, Nima, isn't this purification technique the best holy water, Kalong immediately jumped and shouted.

Cook doesn’t even know what’s happening in the lake. Cook is now very distressed, because the terrain of the sacred mountain is very complicated, and the more it goes up, the greater the disturbance of mental power. Cook’s perception is already It fell within fifteen meters, this is the perception of a magic apprentice.

Looking at the huge rocks in front of him, Cook couldn't tell the depression. There are not only thorns, weeds, shrubs, but also some low-level beasts, not ordinary beasts, but centipedes. , Such poisons.

"Damn, I finally know why the orc trials have such a high mortality rate." Cook pinched a centipede that was full of chopsticks. The centipede turned red and hissing threatened Cook.

"Pop!" Cook squeezed the centipede to death and threw it on the ground. Cook had no choice but to move on.

But Cook is not without harvest, the venom of relatively rare poisonous insects, and the seeds of some thorns, these thorns are highly poisonous thorns, but Cook's defensive power is not broken by the poisonous thorns.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" One of Cook's feet was shaking constantly. Cook looked at a round guy like a straw hat and bit his own foot. Cook was speechless. What kind of creature is Nima, and he won't let go.

Cook knows that this is a carnivorous plant. Once a prey passes by, it will immediately roll up the surrounding blades of grass, and the prey will be entangled tightly, and then the thorns inside the plant with paralytic poison will directly Stabbing the paralyzing venom into the body of the prey, and then waiting to slowly absorb it.

What Cook is depressed is that there are so many plants like this. If you don’t pay attention, you will be entangled in your feet. It looks like they are bitten. The toughness of these grasses is very strong, so it takes a lot of work. In the end, Cook simply Take out thunder teeth to cut.

"Damn it!" Cook was also depressed, and he directly picked up the weapon and started to chop.

"Wow, boom!" No matter what thorns, plants, and poisonous insects are under Cook's tyrannical power, they are like ash flying, even some smaller stones will be directly smashed.

Cook is holding two huge hammers in his hands. They are used by Cook for training. They are made of copper crystal. The weight of the two hammers reaches eight thousand kilograms. In the bush of thorns hundreds of meters away from Cook, a pair of green eyes shrank visibly.

The sacred mountain is extremely high. Even if Cook stands on the boulder, he can only see the peak of the sacred mountain covered by clouds. The peaks of this world are as tall as the trees of this world. The height of several meters here is up to five or six meters. A hundred meters or a kilometer is possible, and mountains, even any peak in the Natal Mountains, are at least seven or eight kilometers high, and ascending is known as the number one mountain in the orc empire. How tall.

The height of the mountain range is seven or eight kilometers, which is not the same as the seven or eight kilometers on the flat bottom. What's more, this sacred mountain is still the sacred place in the hearts of the orcs. There are many legends and it is also the most mysterious place on the mainland. one.

"Is it really a prison?" As the mental power perception continues to weaken, Cook's magic and fighting spirit have become stagnant. Such obvious interference is obviously not something ordinary can do, and there is still a distance from the top of the mountain. At a long distance, Cook couldn't help but wonder.

Cook carefully searched in his mind, and finally found a clue in the memory inheritance given by the golden dragon. In ancient times, due to the gradual departure of the dark age, the scale of the battle between gods and demons kept tilting towards the bright camp. This is actually not The strength of the light camp is due to the environment. After all, fighting needs to be restored. However, after the dark age is gone, the dark elements are becoming scarcer and fewer, and other elements of other lines are increasing. This is what led to the dark camp. The ultimate failure is evident in the power of nature.

There are many races among the dark creatures that cannot be easily killed. The bright camp set up a prison specifically to imprison these undead guys, but the location of the prison has always been a big secret.

After the light camp defeated the dark camp, there were contradictions within the light camp, which eventually led to the rise of mankind. Dragons, elves, dwarves, gnomes, and orcs, the main forces fighting the dark camp gradually withdrew from the stage of history. Occupying the most fertile area of ​​the mainland, it has to be said that if there is no war between gods and demons, if there is no light camp civil strife, human beings will never rise, and the position of the prison will disappear in the long river of history.

"Headache!" Cook feels a headache. Cook only has this clue, that is to say, he only knows that there are prisons for the undead, but the location and structure of the prison are completely unknown, not to mention that there are countless maps at the time. Over the years, the landscape has changed, glaciers have moved, earthquakes, and floods, and Cook may not be able to find the location of the prison.

"Oh, no matter how much it is, let's take the orc empire into my bag first!" Cook shook his head and threw this unrealistic idea into his mind. Cook's first priority now is to end the trial.

But will Silver Tiger let Cook do what he wants? Certainly not ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time Silver Tiger dispatched not only elite soldiers of the orc royal family, but also orcs who tried out from here. These beast talents are the key card of Silver Tiger.

Just as Cook tried hard to walk up the mountain, beside a small stream on the other side, a team of three orcs was marching along the stream. The leader was a cat and the second was a psychic priest. , And a fox clan, the third is a strong tauren.

"I said Nadi, are you sure that this road is correct?" The middle-aged cat asked dissatisfiedly, looking at the stream with a big drop and the rocks with thick moss.

"God, you have asked several times, I said, we are lucky, I found the way I tried, tell you, entering the holy mountain is the same way, but everyone enters The places are different. This holy mountain is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface. Be careful.” The fox priest said while giving the two people an aura of endurance. Although it is the first level, it is improved for the orcs. His stamina is not even stark.

"Then what are we going to do?" The tauren looked around warily.

"Get to the top of the mountain first!" The fox priest looked helpless, because the fox priest knew that he might not have the chance to go out this time.

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