A Unique Hunter

Chapter 627: Deer snake

"No!" Cook turned a huge stone, and he always felt peeped in his heart, but Cook didn't find anything. The moment he just turned the boulder, the feeling became even stronger, and Cook couldn't help but feel it. Stopped.

"Huh!" At the moment Cook stopped, a black shadow flashed in front of Cook, accompanied by a strong stench.

"Zizizi!" Then Cook saw black smoke rising from a short distance around him, and the stones on the ground had been corroded into a big hole, not to mention the plants.

"Boom!" Cook reacted quickly, immediately jumped up and hid directly behind the boulder that he had just turned around, and just after Cook took cover, there was a loud bang, and then the boulder made a huge vibration. .

"Damn!" When Cook saw a huge snake head and the dark green body, Cook couldn't help but curse inwardly, because the snake's head has a pair of antlers, which is famously poisonous. Kind of warcraft, staghorn snake.

"Hiss!" The staghorn snake pulled the antlers on its head from the rock. The hard rock was in front of the staghorn snake's antlers. It was as fragile as tofu. The staghorn snake looked at Cook with a pair of silver doubts, and its huge tongue came out. Hissing sound.

Snake’s attack speed can be said to be well-known in the whole World of Warcraft. Of course, this snake’s attack distance is not long. It’s like if Cook hadn’t stayed with that touch of feeling just now, he would definitely be injured by the venom, and then powerful The antlers collided directly, and Cook turned the rock just now. If he was in a hurry, he would definitely not be able to avoid it, because the cracks in the rock are not conducive to avoiding, but because of Cook’s feelings, the buck-horned snake’s kill is unexpectedly Hidden away, the staghorn snake is very puzzled.

Cook looked at the staghorn snake which was only a few meters away from him, and did not dare to act rashly, mainly because the environment here is not very suitable for fighting. Not only there are thorns, but there are also rocks. Although thorns will not cause harm to Cook, they will It affects the movement, and the snakes attack very fast, so Cook now confronts the staghorn snake.

"Hiss!" The antler snake's tongue danced constantly, making a hissing sound.

"Zizzi!" At this moment, the head of the staghorn snake emitted a dazzling light, and then Cook felt a slight paralysis on his body.

"Huh!" Staghorn snake rushed towards Cook with a swish.

"Mutated Antler Snake!" At the moment of being hit by lightning, Cook was shocked. Although this slight paralysis caused Cook not to suffer more damage, his action was obviously slowed down, and the attack speed of snakes The fastest in an instant.

"Ding!" Cook blocked it with a small round shield on his left arm in a hurry, making a clear metal-like sound.

"Huh!" Then Cook quickly jumped back, and at the moment Cook jumped away, Cook clearly saw that the big mouth of the staghorn snake was in the position where he jumped just now, and he bit down quickly. .

"Nima!" Cook was startled, the attack of the staghorn snake was too unexpected.

"Damn it!" Since he had escaped two attacks, Cook didn't plan to give this guy a chance. Cook cursed secretly, then took out an engineering bomb, and threw it out without a head or face.

"Boom!" A huge explosion exploded at a distance of about ten meters behind Cook, and a bow and an alloy arrow he made appeared in Cook's hand.

"Hiss! Zizi!" The staghorn snake was enraged, because the staghorn snake didn't know about engineering bombs, so it suffered some injuries to the effect, mainly because the snake's eyes did not have eyelids, so the engineering bomb was exploded. Numerous metal fragments caused some damage to the stag-horned snake's eyes, and purple thunder and lightning appeared on the stag-horned snake's antlers again.

"Huh!" But this time Cook was prepared, so he resisted with a cold snort, and a tingling feeling made Cook extremely uncomfortable.

"Shoo!" At a distance of more than ten meters, it can be said that Cook's accuracy is 100%. With a slam, the first tentative arrow was shot.

"Ding!" But the staghorn snake is not a fixed target, and the staghorn snake's eyes are not very big. The staghorn snake shook its head, and the arrow hit the staghorn snake's skin, sending out a spark.

"Puff!" After the staghorn snake shook its head, it opened its mouth and spewed a stream of venom.

"Damn it, get away!" Cook saw that the venom was actually a range attack. He kicked his feet hard and flashed directly behind the next stone. There are many rocks in this place.

Then Cook hurriedly backed down the stone. As expected, a dark green shadow flashed over, and the staghorn snake chased it up again. The reptiles were extremely fast, but he saw that Cook was farther away from him. The shiny silver thing appeared again, and the staghorn snake hurriedly shrank its head behind its body and curled up.

"Boom!" An engineering bomb was thrown out again, and then Cook did not back down, because Cook found that in such a rocky and thorny area, it was no way to avoid it.

"Thorn Art!" Cook used the wood magic thorn art, and a large thorny thorn swept directly towards the staghorn snake. Although there is no way to lock the target, the magic attack can also be commanded with the eyes, but the disadvantage is the spirit of this place. Power was disturbed, and Cook had to release the thorn seeds within the distance of his mental power perception.

"Hiss!" The stag-horned snake looked at the thorns of the big canopy with disdain. This thing does not pose any threat to the stag-horned snake. The stag-horned snake can be said to have a body comparable to fine iron and extremely high defensive ability. The stag-horned snake directly rushes towards Cook. Past.

"Hehe!" Cook sneered, and then quickly backed away.

"Beng! Beng!" The voice kept ringing, and the thorns released by the thorns technique were still faithfully executing Cook's orders, but in the face of the mighty staghorn snake, the thorns were easily broken by huge force.

"Zi Zi Zi!" A thunder and lightning attacked Cook, but this time it was not the kind of click thunder and lightning, but a big net.

"I rely on it, superb!" Cook looked at the antlers that released lightning magic, and muttered to himself, because if this antler was used as a magic item for a lightning magician, it would definitely increase, and maybe this staghorn snake's There will also be a natural lightning magic array on the corner, which can be said to be a natural staff.

This kind of magic material with its own magic circle is not unavailable, but it is very rare, and only high-level mutant beasts have a chance to appear. The beasts can cast magic instantly, mostly because they have a natural magic circle. As long as the magic is transferred, Naturally, the magic is released. Of course, this requires not only a very high level of monsters, but also a dual-line monster. Only dual-line monsters will appear.

"Boom!" This time the Kukla bow was pulled directly, but after the arrow was spent, a violent roar was heard. This is the sound of the arrow breaking the sound barrier, and Cook's naked eyes You can see the vibration of the air.

"Boom!" Just when the Staghorn Snake got out of the thorn bushes released by Thorns Art, a huge force directly knocked the Staghorn Snake away.

"Why?" Cook was shocked when he saw the antler snake being hit. The speed and the hard alloy arrow did not penetrate the antler snake's defense.

"His!" The staghorn snake was completely angry, raising his head and hissing.

At this time Cook can see clearly that on the head of the staghorn snake, a fist-sized scar is constantly leaking red blood. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. The head defense of Warcraft is the strongest. The defense of the scales of the upper staghorn snake can defend against the attack of the alloy arrow.

"Boom!" Seeing the stag-horned snake raised his head, Cook was not at all polite, and he shot another arrow directly. Still, the arrow flew out first, and then heard the voice, although the difference is very small, after all, it is only so Point distance.

But the Staghorn Snake is not stupid. The blow just now made Staghorn Snake more vigilant, so watching Cook let go, the faceless guy squatted on the ground.

"Boom!" The alloy arrow directly left a bowl-sized hole on the boulder not far away, accompanied by a powerful sound.

"Breaking through the sound barrier means reaching the level of a black iron archer." Cook muttered in his heart when he saw that he fired two arrows that broke through the sound barrier. After that, the black iron archer was also a level five archer. The archer will develop towards the range of attack and attack distance, while the hunter is not just looking at the bow and arrow.

The hunter also depends on the melee ability, the level of the pet, and the magic trap. Don't look at the decline of the hunter union, but there are still professional regulations.

"Melee!" Cook sneered. Melee is Cook's strength, but Cook also realized that he should go to the Hunter's Guild to learn magic traps.

"Boom!" Cook did not stop at all, and another alloy arrow was shot out.

"Bang!" There was a big hole next to the staghorn snake's body, and the mud flew up, obviously the arrow didn't hit it.

"Zizizi!" The staghorn snake was not to be outdone, and a purple thunder and lightning was released towards Cook.

"Damn it!" Cook was a little urinary when he was electrocuted. Cook cursed secretly in his heart. After changing to an ordinary person, this thunder and lightning would have stunned people, and at worst they would be paralyzed. Fortunately, Cook's The body is very strong, so it is very resistant to lightning, but the feeling of numbness is still very uncomfortable.

Cook looked at the ground, then immediately turned around and ran. The Staghorn Snake was taken aback, and then immediately rushed over, because in the wild, it is a rookie's choice to leave its back to Warcraft. Whether it is a Warcraft or a human, they know this truth. .

"Sizzle!" The antler snake rushed to the ground immediately. The antler snake has been following Cook for a long time. Without a last resort, he would not give up the prey in front of him.

"Shoo!" Two beeps ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook turned his head and shot two arrows again, the Antler Snake couldn't help but slow down.

At the moment when the stag-horned snake stopped, I looked at the huge stag-horned snake in the mud beside it. There was no fear at all, but it was eager to try. Behind Ka Ka was a dark metal, Ka Ka kicked his legs. , Rushed into the abdomen of the staghorn snake.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang in the position where Ka Ka had just jumped away, and the engineering bomb exploded again.

"Good job, Ka Ka!" Cook was overjoyed. Cook has trained Ka Ka to trigger engineering bombs in a day or two.

At the moment of the explosion, Ka Ka jumped into the eyes of the staghorn snake, which is huge for Ka Ka. This is the reason why Cook shot two arrows at that time. It is because of Ka Ka's backhand. .

"Puff!" KaKa's two forefoot equipment are equipped with a pair of magic pattern equipment refined by West Asia with piercing armor and magic effect. Although it is only the size of a toothpick, this Velic is not covered. Staghorn snake eyes The child was easily punctured by KaKa like a balloon.

"Sneak attack, I will too!" Cook looked at the rolling antler snake and roared loudly.

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