A Unique Hunter

Chapter 630: Hunting the one-horned elephant pig

Cook put on the communication glasses, which stored the route that Cook was going to travel and the surrounding terrain. Although the sky eye could not be used outside, it was better than Cook's blindness. Cook saw two golden eagles. After leaving the companions, Cook immediately came out of the natural space with a movement of his mental power.

"Ahem!" After Cook came out, he was directly covered by a mess of debris. Cook pulled hard, and Cook emerged from the golden eagle's nest. Then Cook found the natural space ring.

"Golden Eagle Egg!" Cook saw a Golden Eagle egg in the soft hay in the center of the tree hole, which was twice the size of a normal ostrich egg, and Cook put the golden eagle egg away. This thing is a good thing with a price but no market.

Cook came directly to the entrance of the tree hole at a very fast speed. He first poke his head and looked at it. He didn't find any suspicious signs. Cook immediately jumped out. When he jumped out, Cook did not forget to be in the tree hole. Some medicine powder was sprinkled inside, and then Cook disappeared into the vast jungle.

Cook can be said to be rushing along the way. There is a road map stored in the communication glasses and some special reference objects around. Cook's actions are extremely smooth.

"It's about an hour. I have to speed up." Cook calculated to himself that the Golden Eagles had a time difference of one hour in the morning. The rest of the time, the Golden Eagles almost took turns out to hunt, even if they staggered. It's only ten minutes, but in the dense forest, how far can you go in an hour? For the flying golden eagle, this one-hour route is not enough for the golden eagle to fly.

You may say this is a joke. I don’t know if you have been to Jiuzhaigou. The straight-line distance between the peaks there may be only one or two kilometers, but you have to go from one mountain to another. It is estimated that one day is not enough. There is a statement that is sufficient to prove this point. The residents on this hill can yell and agree to the residents on the other hill, but it will take at least five or six hours to communicate.

While calculating the route in his heart, Cook checked the surrounding reference objects from time to time. Fortunately, the number of thorns in the forest is relatively small, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, the line of sight is blocked. In this place where mental perception is suppressed to the extreme, this I have to say it is a danger.

Fortunately, Cook has experience in jungle life. After all, Cook's first adventure was in the jungle. Of course, the jungle in that place can't be compared with here, but Cook's strength is worlds apart from that time.

"Cuckoo!" A huge roar resounded across the sky, and Cook was surprised when he heard the sound.

"Nima, this is only half an hour!" Cook cursed inwardly, and was discovered by the Golden Eagle within half an hour. Cook knew that the golden eagle's call was enough to attract the attention of the Golden Eagle group, and the time for the Golden Eagle group to arrive here. Just a few minutes.

"Damn it!" Cook's feet pressed harder, some bushes Cook didn't care at all, just rushed forward.

"Cuckoo!" The call is getting louder and louder, and it is clear that the Golden Eagles are also very angry.

But Cook had to stop and smile bitterly, because on Cook's path, a huge monster was groaning with two little cubs on the ground.

"One-horned elephant pig." Cook was bitter. The big guy on the road ahead was more than five meters high and nearly ten meters long. A huge one-horned horn of more than one meter long grew on the big head similar to a wild boar. And the nose is half a meter long, this is the origin of the unicorn elephant, and this guy is a high-level earth monster.

"Yang! Yuck!" The big unihorned elephant pig kept flipping the ground while yelling, and its small eyes kept watching the surroundings vigilantly, and the two little cubs kept robbing their mothers and turning them out. Some food.

Cook smiled bitterly while sprinkling some deodorant powder. You must know that pigs have the strongest sense of smell. Everyone says how dogs' sense of smell is. In fact, pigs' sense of smell is dozens of times that of dogs. Western countries look for it. Fungus is a pig, not a puppy.

And Cook moved more cautiously, because the ears of the unicorn elephant pig are not furnishings, and the perception of the elephant pig does not rely on mental power. In other words, don’t look at Cook’s distance from the elephant pig by nearly a kilometer. , Once Cook is close to 100 meters, the elephant pig can perceive Cook's position from the slight vibration of the ground, which is one of the keys to the survival of Warcraft.

Cook moved cautiously, even if it’s a tree branch, Cook will get away because some small branches don’t look small, but once you use too much force, it will produce a sound similar to a whip. Cook squatted halfway because of the ground. Most of the bushes in the country will be sheltered by Cook. Cook is not afraid to face the elephant pig, but Cook does not want the elephant pig to attract golden eagles, and there are also a group of elephant pigs, just the elephant pigs in the early stage of the growth period. Will leave the ethnic group, but definitely not far away.

"Damn it!" Cook cursed inwardly, because the elephant pig raised his head much more frequently than before, and from time to time he raised his big ears and looked around, and Cook was going to bypass this guy, but this The guy actually went back again and moved in the direction of Cook's detour, and Cook cursed inwardly.

A wild boar with a little cub is the one that even tigers have to retreat to. Female wild boars in the reproductive period will attack all the creatures they see. Unlike other times, they will run when they see humans, so the female in the reproductive period Wild boars are very aggressive.

Cook looked at the bypassing route, as well as the elephant pig not far in front, as well as the increasingly dense chirping of the sky. Cook finally drew out the bow made of devil vine and took out an alloy arrow .

Cook dyed the arrow with some mud heads, otherwise the reflection of the arrow would expose himself. Cook slowly raised the bow and watched the four legs of the elephant pig, and the sound of the constantly turning mud. Gram finds an opportunity to start.

But the two little elephant pigs kept shaking in front of the elephant pig’s head. Cook had no chance to attack at all. Cook was not impatient, because Cook knew that the more impatient, the more mistakes would be made, Cook thought. What to do.

"Papa!" A pine cone fell not far away. It was the pine cone from the previous year.

At this moment, Cook saw the solution, that is, the one-horned elephant pig actually raised his head and looked in the direction where the pine cones were falling. For a full minute, the elephant pig continued when it was certain that there was no danger. He lowered his head and rolled the dirt, and everyone knows that the eyes of the beast are on both sides, which certainly gives the elephant a 360° angle of view. At the same time, when these guys look around vigilantly, they will also tilt Head.

Cook picked up a piece of dirt on the ground, then looked at the surroundings, and finally threw it in one direction.

"Papa!" The mud made a small sound in the jungle, but the sound was enough to arouse the vigilance of the elephant.

Cook hid behind a big tree, slowly raised a bow, and pulled it away. The alloy arrow has been wound. Cook slowly poked his head out and saw the unicorn pig watching vigilantly. And Cook's direction is facing the elephant pig.

The elephant pig looked at it for a while, and then turned its head. At the moment it turned its head, the one-horned elephant pig heard a bang. The one-horned elephant immediately felt bad, but in the next moment, the one-horned elephant pounced directly on the ground. Bright red blood came out of a pair of small eyes.

"That's the benefit of breaking the sound barrier!" Cook looked at the fallen elephant pig and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn it!" Cook jumped up immediately, because there were two little cubs looking at his mother in a daze, and Cook immediately rushed over. This is a unicorn pig, which can be said to be comparable to a mammoth. The mount of the beast.

Although the two cubs were said to be cubs, they were half a meter high and nearly 1.5 meters long. Seeing Cook, the two cubs did not run away. Instead, they charged Cook and imposed on themselves. Stone skin surgery.

"Hey!" Cook directly picked up one with one hand, and then fainted and threw it into the pet space bag. Then the body of the huge unicorn pig was directly thrown into the space bag by Cook.

Then Cook left quickly. Although the carcass of the unihorn pig did not leave much blood, there was some, and the beasts had extremely sensitive sense of smell, and there was also a herd of unihorn pigs. The guy attacked, no less than a group of tanks charging. Imagine a dozen big guys five meters high and seven or eight meters long rushing towards him, and Cook felt that he was better off running.

"Cuckoo!" Cook hid under the branches of a big tree. Cook did not look up at the sky, because Cook knew that if he was caught by the golden eagle, he might expose himself.

Some people say that this is too mysterious, the line of sight can be found, in fact, the truth is very simple, the line of sight is straight, then since you can see others, then others can see you, and the golden eagle's eyes are not in the conventional sense The upper eye is a compound eye, so the golden eagle's eye can lock on many targets, not like a human being can only focus on one point.

"Huh!" After hearing the sound of the air breaking on the top of the tree ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook breathed a sigh of relief, then buried his head and moved on. Now Cook is completely camouflaged with a hat made of vines. His clothes are also covered with leaves, which is a simple camouflage suit.

"At this time, the saber-toothed tiger should drink water in the stream in front of you!" Cook calculated the route while checking the life patterns of several high-level monsters on the route recorded in natural space. The more regular life is.


"Cuckoo!" Just after Cook murmured, two roars sounded directly not far in front, one was the roar of the golden eagle and the other was the roar of the saber-toothed tiger.

Obviously the saber-toothed tiger was found drinking water in the creek. The golden eagle is now on the fire, and this place should be the territory of the saber-toothed tiger, so the fight will happen naturally. You must know that the territory is related to the survival of Warcraft, and it is the job of Warcraft. If other monsters come to grab jobs from their own turf, the saber-toothed tiger must be unhappy.

"Hehe... Damn!" Cook smiled, but in the next moment, Cook cursed secretly, and immediately squatted on the ground, buried his head low, his eyes looked not far ahead through his glasses.

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