A Unique Hunter

Chapter 631: confusion

"There is still a saber-toothed tiger?" No wonder Cook made a fuss, because when Cook was in natural space, he observed that it was a saber-toothed tiger for several days, but now it seems that this is a family.

Another saber-toothed tiger dealt with a huge golden eagle, and another saber-toothed tiger surreptitiously touched a big tree behind the golden eagle. The golden eagle also stood on a big tree, but the big tree chosen by the saber-toothed tiger was bigger than the one where the golden eagle was. The tree is still high.

The saber-toothed tiger is a medium-sized monster, but the saber-toothed tiger can be said to be the fighting power of the monsters. Not only can it swim, climb trees, be fast, and have strong explosive power. It can be said that it is one of the most disliked monsters that human adventurers encounter, and it is intelligent. Very high.

Cook only saw the saber-toothed tiger sneak up on another big tree and hide under the huge dense canopy. If Cook hadn't watched the man climb up with his own eyes, who knew that there was such a giant in the dense canopy.

Yes, the saber-toothed tiger is about four meters long and nearly two meters high. The most famous one is the long fangs in the mouth that look like a one-handed dagger. If you think that the fangs are the greatest weapon of the saber-toothed tiger, you would be very wrong. Wrong, the saber-toothed tiger's claws and whip-like tail are not weak.

"Roar!" Perhaps the saber-toothed tiger in front received some kind of signal, so it roared even more. Although Cook could not see it, he could also hear the roar of the saber-toothed tiger. The saber-toothed tiger was angry.

"Cuckoo!" The golden eagle continued to roar. Cook understood the meaning of these two guys. The saber-toothed tiger made the golden eagle roll out of his territory, and the golden eagle strongly asked the saber-toothed tiger to find the guy who stole the golden eagle eggs. Ke's talent for animal language and animal language played a huge role at this time.

Cook didn't dare to move. Now it seems that the two parties are at war, but as soon as he appears, the two parties will immediately face themselves. They have to run away from the Golden Eagle. Cook does not want to let the two The saber-toothed tiger chases and kills.

When Cook thought of the trial situation in this holy mountain, he couldn't help wondering how the previous orcs successfully tried out. Could it be that the trial was just a chance?

"Roar!" The saber-toothed tiger in front launched an attack, and the huge roar shook the leaves down. The roar of the saber-toothed tiger was a bit similar to a sonic attack.

"Cuckoo!" The golden eagle also stood up all over his hair, and a pair of huge wings spread slightly, glaring at the saber-toothed tiger condescendingly.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho!" The saber-tooth tiger below continued to roar.

"Damn!" When Cook saw the saber-toothed tiger roaring loudly on the big tree dozens of meters away from another saber-toothed tiger, he jumped directly at the golden eagle.

"U...puffpuffpuffpuff!" Before the golden eagle's roar was finished, he felt a strong attack, and then the hapless golden eagle was directly pounced by the saber-toothed tiger that jumped over from a big tree dozens of meters away. Hit.

"Insidious!" Cook set a definition for this saber-toothed tiger. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but looked behind him. Who knows if there is another saber-toothed tiger behind him?

"Boom! Bang! Click!" A series of fighting sounds came from a few hundred meters ahead, accompanied by the click of a tall tree breaking.

"Nima... I'd better hide away!" Cook stepped back quickly, preparing to make a detour.


"Rumble!" At this moment, Cook felt a tremor on the ground, and a loud rumbling noise came from the jungle.

"Swish swish swish!" Cook climbed up to a big tree and found that there was something huge in the jungle in the distance, and trees were falling down constantly, as if an earthquake occurred on the ground.

"What?" Cook was puzzled, but then Cook took a look with his magic eyes and took a breath of air, because Cook saw a dazzling khaki light.

"One-horned elephant pig!" Cook knew what it was right away. Although he had already used odor-eliminating powder on his body, the level of the powder was too low, and the elephant pig’s sense of smell was notorious. Sensitive, obviously these big guys are following the smell of Cook.

Cook looked left and right now, then quickly slipped down the big tree, and then rushed to the creek hundreds of meters away, regardless of the exposure, and then Cook stepped on his thighs and followed the stream. on.

"Puff, **** it!" I didn't know that the rocks in the stream were so slippery that Cook accidentally plunged directly into the water.

Cook immediately took out the spikes from the space bag, which were used for anti-skid. With the anti-skid spikes, Cook's actions quickly started again.


"Roar! Roar!" The fight between the golden eagle and the saber-toothed tiger continued, and the huge roar and the movement of the battle made Cook heard clearly more than a thousand meters away.

"Ang!" Accompanied by a huge roar, the huge rumbling voice that could have been heard became even bigger, and Cook saw the yellow light soaring into the sky.

"Nima!" Cook saw the yellow light soaring into the sky, that was the light of earth magic.


"Boom!" The huge thunderous hoof sound and tall trees continued to fall down. At this time, the fight between the golden eagle and the saber-toothed tiger continued.

When Cook saw the rumbling sound, he rushed directly to the place where the saber-toothed tiger was fighting with the golden eagle. Cook couldn't tell what it was like.

"Puff! Puff!" Just as Cook sighed, two popping sounds fell, and then Cook saw that two saber-toothed tigers were also running up the stream.

"Ang!" And then seven or eight huge one-horned elephant pigs appeared on the shore.

"Boom!" The one-horned elephant roared, and countless stone bullets slammed towards the saber-toothed tiger with a huge howling sound.

"Nima!" Cook shook his spirits, Nima, although this place has a lot of interference with mental power, magic can still be released, but it can't be mentally locked, Cook hurriedly continued running.

"Roar!" The two saber-toothed tigers and the one-horned elephant pigs also clearly saw Cook and roared in unison.

"Boom!" The one-horned elephant rushed straight up from the shore along the stream, and the saber-toothed tiger was not weak. The sharp claws of the saber-toothed tiger were comparable to spikes.

"Nima, don't follow me!" Cook shouted as he ran wildly. Cook now has no scruples.

"Coo!" At this moment, there was a cooing sound in the jungle, and then a golden shadow rushed directly into the sky, but the golden shadow fell to one side in a whirlpool, and the position was just right. In the direction of the creek.

"Bang!" Cook was burying his head and running wildly, knowing that a strong force came directly, and then Cook was hit by the thing that hit the water extremely.

"Puff!" Cook got up after struggling in the water. After all, it is a stream. Although there are more currents in some places, most of them are not.

"No!" Cook came to the surface and saw that a golden eagle was struggling slightly in the water, and the hair of the golden eagle was almost broken. In some places, it was bleeding, and one wing was even more weird. The posture has obviously broken.

"Nima!" Cook took a breath. Cook can imagine that the golden eagle was attacked by two saber-toothed tigers, and then was beaten by a group of unicorn pigs. Nyima, in the jungle, where is the golden eagle? One-horned elephant pig and saber-toothed tiger opponent.

"Roar!" At this moment, the two saber-toothed tigers jumped over the rock next to Cook falling into the water and snarled at Cook.

Cook was even more depressed, because Cook found that the eyes of the two saber-toothed tigers were full of gloat. The two saber-toothed tigers glanced at Cook and ran directly to the creek, ignoring Cook at all. Obviously these two I want Cook to back it up.

"Whatever you look at, I blame you! Boom!" Cook saw the golden eagle's angry gaze and shouted directly. Then he took out a hammer and slammed it at the golden eagle, which was not moving much. Rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Damn it, you're waiting!" Cook roared looking at the tails of the two saber-toothed tigers, and the two saber-toothed tigers gave Cook a look of contempt and disdain.

"Damn it!" Cook shouted.

"Boom!" But the answer to Cook was a series of large stones several meters in diameter.

Cook hurriedly chased the saber-toothed tiger. Cook's power is not necessarily weaker than the saber-toothed tiger. It can be said to be stronger. However, Cook is constantly disturbed by the unihorn pig. The stone several meters in diameter is like raindrops. When it fell, Cook had been hit several times, and Cook wondered, how could this Nima's one-horned elephant pig's magic head be so accurate?

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, Cook understood that the unicorn elephant has been used to releasing magic since he was a child. It is like throwing a stone.

With a sound of "Boom!", the huge rock smashed a piece of water directly towards Cook, but Cook's strength was not small, he directly resisted the impact of the water, and then he kept jumping on the big rock in the stream. To and fro.


"Cuckoo!" But Cook's good days are coming to an end, because there is a screaming from the sky, and it is obvious that Golden Eagle has noticed the movement here.

"Nima!" Cook is almost crazy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What kind of sacred mountain is Nima, it is simply a monster concentration camp.

But when Cook looked up, he immediately ecstatic, because above the stream thousands of meters away, there is a huge waterfall. Cook has worked harder. The unicorn pig and the golden eagle can't The swimmer didn’t see that the unicorn elephant didn’t dare to chase Cook in the stream. He only dared to chase and kill him on the shore. This is because in the stream, the pool formed by the impact of the current is relatively deep in some places. Elephant pig knows that this water pool is deadly enough, it sounds ridiculous, high-level monsters will be drowned in water, which is not ridiculous, because this is a fact.

"Boom!" With the continuous falling of the huge stones, Cook finally came to the bottom of the waterfall, which is more than two hundred meters high, and the huge water current impacted to form a huge pool.

"Huh!" Cook saw a black shadow on the ground coming towards him, Cook squatted quickly, a strong wind whizzed over Cook's head, and then Cook directly turned towards the waterfall without looking at it. The pool rushed down because Cook knew that a golden eagle was trying to attack him.

"Nima!" When Cook emerged from behind the waterfall, he was greeted by two huge heads, and the eyes of these two heads were full of threats. That meant it was obvious, you **** give me out , Cook cursed secretly, is this Nima Saber-toothed tiger hiding behind this?

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