A Unique Hunter

Chapter 637: Thunderstorm

"How did these orcs get in?" Cook was puzzled. You must know that the road up the mountain is not very peaceful. It can be said that it is very difficult. Although Cook can't see the appearance of these three orcs, but with these three It can be seen from the priest's robe on the person-headed priest that the priest's rank is not high.

Then Cook observed for a while and found that the priest took a very peculiar route, apparently avoiding the excitation range of the **** pattern, and Cook wondered: "How is this done?"

Even Cook didn't dare to enter the ruins easily now, because there were **** patterns everywhere in it, and a bad word would cause a chain reaction. Even if Cook was evil, he could not withstand the attacks of **** patterns.

After Cook sighed for a while, he became alert at the same time. Finally, Cook guessed that these three orcs could not have been lost at all, or that they had come to the trial by themselves, because the position of the holy mountain in the minds of the orcs is extremely important. Can't go up the mountain, so the reason why the three orcs are here is worth looking forward to.

"Could it be that the orc royal family still possesses any big killer? Is it the undead in the prison?" Cook thought to himself.

After Cook left the natural space, he looked at the messy boulders. Now the boulders are invaluable in Cook's eyes, but these invaluable treasures are a bit tricky.

"Oh, come slowly!" Cook didn't have any good solutions, he only had to do it step by step. This process was extremely cumbersome and full of danger.

"Stay back, you three!" Cook looked at Er Fatt following him, drooling, but the two saber-toothed tigers did not, as if they were dying, and moved three steps. , Obviously reluctant, but in the face of Er Fat's fierce eyes from time to time, the two guys only cringed to follow behind, using Er Fat as a shield.

Cook also knows now that these two fats are male, and the two saber-toothed tigers are also two brothers. The two brothers were unlucky and expelled from the ethnic group by their father, but the two brothers were alive and moisturized, but now...

Cook let out a low growl, Er Fat moved backwards reluctantly, and finally squatted down on the ground with his hind legs and valued Cook so much. The two saber-toothed tigers ran to the big pit where Cook had avoided before. Inside, two pairs of eyes were exposed, and Cook couldn't laugh or cry when seeing these two completely different reactions.

Cook opened the magic eye fully, and then worked hard to capture a trace of magic light. Fortunately, Cook has the magic eye, otherwise, with Cook's mental power, it is a delusion to find the **** pattern.

Cook carefully checked the surrounding **** lines and recorded them with communication glasses. Although there is no way to connect the sky eye, Cook can still do the most basic storage.

The boulders with **** patterns were recorded by Cook one by one. What Cook has to do now is to see what the three orcs are going to do. Cook not only marked the general categories of **** patterns, but also the direction of attack. , After all, the **** pattern does not mean a 360° full range attack. In fact, the attack area of ​​the **** pattern is not very large, at most only an angle of seventy or eighty degrees. This angle is determined according to the direction of the attack circle in the **** pattern.

So sometimes, even if you activate the magic pattern, but do not move to the angle of attack, these magic patterns will not cause too much danger, but this probability is extremely small, because in the design, the magic pattern The teacher would definitely think of this.

"Tsk tsk, this thing is actually damaged. It seems that the restoration of the **** pattern is not 100%." ​​Cook discovered the broken **** pattern for the first time, because the **** pattern is hidden in the hollow pattern. The pattern not only played a decorative role, but also played a role of camouflage. Cook didn't find this broken **** pattern, but Cook discovered it inadvertently when he was resting.

Cook did not study the broken **** pattern much, but collected the stone directly. Then Cook became smarter and met those stones without the slightest magical light. As long as there were patterns, Cook would collect them. Of course, pay attention to the surrounding area when collecting, and don't activate those **** patterns.

Cook’s actions are extremely slow. It’s not that Cook doesn’t want to be fast, but that he can’t get up quickly, because the attack range of this **** pattern is almost five to six hundred meters, which means that if Cook wants to move forward, it is also thanks to the spirit here. Power interference, because the perceptual magic array in the **** pattern is a mental and elemental induction magic array.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the **** pattern is a mine-sensitive thing, like an anti-tank mine. People walking on it is fine, but once a vehicle walks on it, it will explode. The **** pattern is also a principle. After all, the **** pattern is subtle. It is a dead object, and the attack pattern is constant.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that someone has been here." Cook looked at the human skeleton on the ground, tusk sighed, and the light in the surrounding **** pattern was much dimmed. Obviously this unlucky person was caused by this god. Pattern attacked.

"Huhuhu!" A violent wind blew by just as Cook concentrated on exploring the road.

Cook looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but cursed inwardly: "Damn, I encountered this ghostly weather!" Then Cook hurriedly withdrew.

Because Cook saw the sky covered with dark clouds, the weather in the Orc Empire was not good. The weather changed quickly. Thunderstorms, rainstorms, hail, and snowstorms were very common on the Orc Empire's territory. And Cook saw this time It was like a harbinger of a huge hail.

Not only did Cook realize that it was not good, but on the other side of the ruins, the Sanming orc looked at the dark cloud-enclosed sky and cried out to himself as bad.

"There is a place to hide." The tauren pointed to a space between a few large rocks not far away, like a room.

"No, it's too dangerous there!" The fox priest denied.

"Damn it, there must be a thunderstorm like this, do you want to be struck to death by thunder?" the tauren roared loudly.

"If I say no, it won't work. It's an unknown area!" The fox priest thought of the scene when his group of people tried. More than 90% of the testers died here. One step **** is really true. , Sometimes the person in front is fine in the past, but a slight deviation in the back will immediately be attacked mercilessly. It can be said that this road was opened with life, and the fox priests never want anyone to die.

"Hey, go back, I will complete the task alone." Then the fox priest said with a sigh.

"Humph!" The words of the interview with the fox priest, the answer was two cold snorts.

The tauren warrior asked angrily: "If I go back, then you will pay it?"

"You..." The fox priest felt sad. Now these two guys still don't know their future fate, and they are still paying for mere rewards.

"Okay, let's not quarrel anymore. Another thunderstorm is coming. Let's show you the stunts of our cat man." The cat man assassin couldn't take a look at a place tens of meters away from thunderstorms. It doesn't matter what it looks like.

Thunderstorms are the most harmful weather in the orc empire. Thunderstorms will produce a lot of thunder and lightning. What does this mass mean? In the same area, one hundred breaths can be hit 100 times. This is a thunderstorm.

In the records of the orc empire, there is no lack of thunderstorms that hit the entire tribe, turning the entire tribe into a dead zone. Because the elemental power here is extremely powerful, the image of the bad weather here is even greater.

Most of the riverbeds in this world are more than ten to twenty meters high, because during heavy rains, the water level in the river will rise more than ten to twenty meters, and the damage caused by strong winds is much smaller. After all, the big trees in this world It's not vegetarian either, one hundred meters is considered low.

Those who report that they are smaller than a fist will not become hail, and those who are larger than a fist will be called hail. This is evident, and the weather in the Orc Empire is even worse.

"Okay!" The fox priest saw that the cat man assassin had already moved forward, so he had to utter two words, but the fox priest moved carefully, and then sat down next to a small stone. Looking in the direction of the assassin, the fox priest was blocked by the stone. The fox priest prayed silently, hoping that nothing would happen.

The cat man assassin is not joking. The cat man assassin’s bag is filled with small stones. The cat man assassin keeps throwing out small stones. The small stones make a whistling sound and hit the area the cat man assassin wants to explore. Not to mention that this is an extremely simple and effective method.

The fox priests alone looked at the cat people silently, and the fox priests understood that the area where the cats tempted was no more than a hundred meters away. The fox priests knew how far the attack range was, and the fox priests did not have it. I have persuaded two guys, but everything about this holy mountain cannot be leaked out, so the fox priest had no reason, and was ridiculed by the tauren and the cat, because the fox priest was just the lowest priest.

"Good job, come on!" The tauren shouted and cheered for the cat, because the cat said that he would take the tauren to the human kingdom in the future. Of course, what the tauren does not know is that the cat is going to take the tauren as a slave. Sell ​​it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the price of a beast soul warrior is enough to allow the cat people to spend the rest of their lives happily in the human kingdom.

The cat is not distracted by the tauren’s shouting, because this is definitely not the mentality that he should have. The cat also knows that there is danger here, but the cat does not know what crisis is here. In the eyes of the cat, it is just a trap. , The danger of being attacked by monsters is related to the experience of cat people.

"Boom!" Just as the cat-man assassin was constantly tempting, a huge thunder thunder rang out directly in the air, accompanied by purple thunder and lightning that made noises.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Cook's eyes widened, and then Cook ran out immediately.

Because Cook was still questioning how there was a big hole on the ground, just now I discovered that after a lightning bolt, there was a hole on the ground, and the lightning seemed to be condensed by dozens of lightning bolts. Cook didn’t What are you waiting for?

"Oh my God, could it be said that this building was destroyed by thunderstorms." After Cook rushed out of the ruins, he discovered that he saw that the ruins seemed to have infinite magic power, and lightning bolts continued to fall down. Like a purple spider web, and dozens of hundreds of lightning condensed together, Cook saw a piece of obsidian directly shattered, and Cook couldn't help guessing.

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