A Unique Hunter

Chapter 638: Find

"Boom!" Huge thunder sounded constantly over the ruins. The huge black clouds in the sky gave people a huge coercion. The constantly tossing black clouds seemed like the sky was about to collapse, purple. The thunders are connected to each other, and then they converge into larger purple thunders.

The ruins are like a huge magnet that constantly attracts the purple thunder in the sky. From time to time, you can see the huge purple thunder as thick as several meters directly hitting the ground into huge pits.

"Boom!" A purple thunder fell on the ruins, and then a tongue of fire tens of meters long burst out from the ruins, and it rose up all at once.

"Damn it. That's OK!" Cook's eyes widened. Obviously he was directly hit by the **** pattern by the purple thunder, but it can be seen that the energy in the **** pattern is insufficient, otherwise the attack power of the **** pattern will be certain. It's not so small.

"Boom!" Accompanied by a football-sized hail falling down, after a bang, huge hailstones continued to fall, accompanied by strong wind, lightning, and heavy rain!

Looking at the incomparably clear sky, who would have thought that this place was comparable to **** a dozen minutes ago. This is the weather of the orc empire. Cook couldn’t help but sigh. In the face of the power of nature, the **** pattern appeared again. What's the deal?

"Is this the law?" Cook has a faint feeling in his heart, but for Cook, the law is still a bit illusory. After all, Cook's level is still a bit low. Then Cook laughed at himself, and he was just a small one. Xiami is just a delusional guessing rule. This is not when Cook fooled others. Although Cook knows that nature represents the law, the rotation of the planet, and the explosion energy of the star, these all represent the law, but if you want to understand it, I'm afraid there is still some difficulty.

However, just after Cook laughed at himself, Cook was extremely shocked, because just when Cook sighed, the speed of the spinning vortex in the source of Cook's grudge suddenly accelerated a lot.

You must know that the source of Cook’s anger is constantly rotating. Although the speed is pitiful when he does not deliberately accelerate with mental power, at that moment, the speed of Cook’s source of anger has increased to Ku How can Ke use his mental power to urge him at a speed of one-tenth, how can he not be surprised.

To be honest, Cook has always known that the source of this grudge gas from my rotation is definitely an incredible thing, because although the source of grudge gas runs slowly, the movement of the source of grudge gas will absorb elements from time to time, and then transform into grudge gas. In this process, the muscles, veins, and nerves will continue to operate, even after the elements are continuously tempered, the strength will increase.

But Cook’s expectations are good, but the effect is too small, so small that it can be ignored. In addition, Cook uses the dragon’s power potion, so the long-term Cook hardly uses vindictive energy. Of course, intermediate vindictiveness is caused. The damage is not as high as Cook’s damage. In addition, the rotation speed of the source of fighting energy is too slow, and Cook can’t find a way to increase the speed. Over time, Cook ignored the fighting energy.

And now it can reach one-tenth of the speed at which the mental power urges vindictive energy, Cook has changed from consternation to surprise, that is to say, now that the source of vindictive energy is running for ten hours, it is equivalent to Cook’s mental power for one hour. And the time for a normal fighting spirit fighter to use mental power to stimulate fighting qi is only two hours, because the spiritual power of the warrior itself is not high, which means that Cook does not need to do anything, and the amount of fighting qi self-operation in one day is enough. Higher than ordinary fighters, of course, it does not require Cook to consume a bit of mental power.

"Could it be that there is a problem with my direction?" Cook now faintly felt wrong, because Cook felt that this dragon power potion had a limit, and his own grudge seemed to have no limit.

"Boom!" Just as Cook was thinking, there was a violent roar from the ruins, which awakened Cook.

Seeing the soaring cyan light in the ruins, Cook knew that the three hapless orcs must have touched the wind **** pattern. Cook decided in his heart that he must think carefully after going back this time to see how he should go forward. How to go.

On the one hand, he continued to improve his fighting spirit, on the other hand, he continued to use potions to strengthen his body, and the other was the fighting style. Cook felt that he should think about his fighting style. After all, his situation was different, vindictive, magic, and even war song. Needless to say, the magic of the wood element is not very powerful in combat. After all, whether it is the fire element, the gold element, the fire element, or the ice element, it is effective against the wood element, let alone the thunder element. Farewell to the department. Of course, the wood department is not without its benefits. The body has strong self-healing ability and lives for a long time. Of course, there is self-healing magic.

Wood type fighting energy also doesn't have much offensive power, and it is also good for the body itself. As for the war song, Cook hasn't used it in battle. Now Cook feels that the only thing he can shoot is his own archery skills.

"Bows are used for long-range attacks, and melee weapons are used for melee combat. So what kind of weapon should I use for the medium and long range?" Didn’t Cook never think about holding a portable magic crystal cannon or a magic giant crossbow to kill the Quartet? The key is these Things need a lot of resources, don't look at the time to kill, but you really want to use it every time you fight, Cook estimates that sooner or later his net worth will be defeated here.

Moreover, these things do not mean that they will never be broken, they have a service life, and as long as they are tools, there is no accident. These things are foreign objects. Cook still sees this very clearly.

"I don't want to, let's clarify the things here first?" Cook shook his head, seeing that he was about to enter the ruins, shook his head and threw those thoughts out of his mind. Now Cook will figure out what the ruins are. What is it?

Cook did not come up with any defensive weapons such as shields, because Cook knew that the magic pattern shield had little effect on the attacks of these **** patterns, but it would affect his actions. The green light in Cook's eyes kept flashing. Fortunately, Cook has surveyed a safe route just now.

Cook kept collecting stones along the way, it can be said that Cook almost swept away, because Cook did not have time to carefully see whether there are energy-draining **** patterns in the hollow patterns on these stones.

If you look down from the sky, you can see that the place where Cook walked is hundreds of meters wide and there is no stone within a distance, because even if there is no **** pattern, these obsidians are excellent magic materials.

What Cook didn’t know was that the piles of obsidian he had collected in the natural space, some of the obsidian disappeared so slowly, disappearing without a trace, and even though Xiaomei and the mermaid knew that this was something Cook collected, But helplessly, both of them have no interest in obsidian. Naturally, they don’t know that some of them have disappeared. Cook didn’t calculate at all, because Cook couldn’t make calculations. The approach is within his grasp. Of course, the obsidian that disappeared is very small and insufficient. One percent, but if you study carefully, you can find that the obsidian that disappeared is all obsidian with **** patterns.

"Exhausted!" Cook looked at the huge obsidians left behind. Those were stones with **** patterns and energy in them, which Cook did not have a chance to obtain.

Cook’s tiredness is mental, because the mental power is very disturbed here, so the mental power consumed when installing obsidian is several times as much as before. Cook poured a bottle of mental power recovery potion, and then started again Up.

On the other side, the tauren looked at the fox priest in front, and then looked at the surrounding stones. Now these seemingly abandoned stones are a killer in the eyes of the tauren, because the tauren can't forget it. , The cat people had no warning at all by a huge whirlwind that came out of thin air to smash the city with countless pieces of meat. It should be said that it was a swirling storm formed by a series of blue wind blades. The tauren remembered that if he was not If this fox priest pulls a hand, he will also be involved.

"Follow in my footsteps, don't be wrong, you'll be done with one wrong step." The fox priest looked at the tauren behind him. If he didn't know that the stone was defensive, it is estimated that both of them would be crushed by the wind blade storm. meat.

"Yes, yes!" The tauren quickly nodded and agreed, and then followed in the footsteps of the fox priest.

"Priest, what are we going to do?" The tauren finally lowered his posture and asked.

"Oh, let's go and die." The fox priest sighed, because here, the fox priest has nothing to keep secret.

"Send to death?" Tauren asked incredulously.

"Yes, we have a total of six squads. The priests led by each squad go out from here. Our task is to die!" The fox priest's dry voice rang.

"But, but!" The tauren was confused, because the tauren didn't know where to start.

"But it seems that we are lucky, because dozens of people are the only two of us here. The destination is not far ahead. I was forced to come here. If there is a slight solution, then I am I won't come here." The fox priest said the truth.

"But, why are we going to die?" The tauren scratched his head and asked.

"Because the empire is about to perish, the royal family has to use this last resort to continue the destiny of the empire." The fox priest said eloquently.

"My lord is talking about the Mekai Empire. The Mekai Empire is not a good thing. People like us will be imprisoned for hard labor if caught." Tauren seemed to understand.

"Does hard labor are better than lifeless?" the fox priest asked suspiciously.

"How did I know that it was such a dangerous task? The **** **** just said..." the tauren roared angrily.

The fox priest sighed. This is fate. Some of them couldn't hide, some even went straight up. Then the tauren's face became more and more ugly, while the fox priest became more and more cautious.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Cook hurriedly crawled to the ground.

"Damn!" Cook felt the biting chill behind him, and couldn't help but curse. This is an ice pattern, but fortunately it was a single attack. Then Cook looked behind him and found a few hundred meters away. A thick ice gun, the ice gun is still bubbling with white mist.

Cook took out the powerful hand crossbow in his hand, which was made by the dwarf based on the alloy provided by Cook. The shooting distance is up to two hundred meters, and it is very powerful. It does not mean that it can only shoot two hundred meters, but two hundred meters. The accuracy within it reaches 80%, no matter how far it is, crossbow arrows are different from bow arrows.

"Oh, I should bring some fine iron marbles." Cook sighed, and then aimed at the hollow pattern on a stone. Originally, this place was covered by a pile of rubble. Cook didn't see it at all because of obsidian. It can hinder the fluctuation of magical power. After Cook arrived, he accidentally moved the rubble. Fortunately, Cook has been straining his nerves. When the magic eye saw the rubble moving, there was a ray of light underneath, and Cook directly crawled on the ground. , And Cook’s luck is also a single magic, and the stone with the **** pattern is diagonally upward, so the angle of attack is the elevation angle.

"Huh?" Cook attacked several times in succession. He didn't stand up until the ice **** pattern consumed all the energy, and when Cook put away the stone, Cook gave a suspicious hum.

Because Cook discovered from what happened just now, this obsidian seems to have the effect of hindering the induction of the **** pattern, because Cook knows that the induction range of the ice **** pattern just now cannot be so short, even in the place where the mental power is disturbed. , Because this is a **** pattern, it should not be disturbed. After all, Cook's mental power is still very low, so he will be disturbed.

This is just like the operation of a high-level magic circle, and the mental power of a low-level magician will also be disturbed. The low-level magician will feel a little uncomfortable. The truth is the same. Then the only explanation is that it is blocked by obsidian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With this doubt, Cook couldn't help but experiment. Cook directly found a piece of obsidian, and then directly cut it into a shield with thunder teeth, but this shield is much heavier than a metal shield, at least two Thousand kilograms, which is more than two tons.

Cook spotted a **** pattern, which is also an elevation angle. After all, the obsidian building here has been shattered, so the obsidian stone blocks are also placed there in various ways.

"No movement?" Cook did not stretch his head to look, but kept advancing according to the route he had seen before. Cook crawled on the ground, and Cook was sure that even if he was excited, he would not attack him. Because the attack of the **** pattern has an angle problem.

"Huh!" Just as Cook was crawling on the ground and advancing with the shield, in the center of the ruins, the tauren looked at a very flat area in the center with confusion, and it was very clean, without a trace of rubble, and Dust, then the tauren was surprised to find that this area seemed to be a whole piece of metal, a full hundreds of meters in size, and I don't know how thick it is.

The fox priest sighed, and then walked straight to the center of the large piece of metal, where there was a metal pull ring. The fox priest took a deep breath and asked the Bullhead: "Are you ready?"

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