A Unique Hunter

Chapter 645: Harvest "4"

"Artifact!" Cook looked at the hairpin in his hand with excitement. It turned out that this was a magical weapon, that is, equipment used by alchemists, and it was a spirit-type surgical tool, but Cook didn't know much about surgical tools. , But this magic weapon has a certain increase in mental power recovery, and it can also store mental power at ordinary times for confrontation and protection against mental power attacks.

"Well, it also has the effect of magnification!" With a movement of Cook's mental power, he found that the distance of mental power perception was a little longer than before, about 15%.

But what makes Cook most proud of is that this hairpin has a refreshing effect. Cook carefully put the branch away, because it is a very eye-catching thing to insert a branch on his head. To overcome this world, no one does this.

"First-level **** pattern master u, but this is theoretical. I can repair the **** pattern now." Cook looked at his authority in the control center with a wry smile. Cook himself knew his own affairs and just finished one. Level **** pattern, that is the spiritual level, although the spiritual level can be completed, but Cook does not have such a strong strength, Cook can at most repair the **** pattern now.

I have to say that this is Cook’s opportunity. When the control center management authority was originally set, who would have thought that a low-level guy like Cook could enter here. It was just a spiritual portrayal of the gods and almost let Ku Ke's mental power collapsed, so if you really portray the **** pattern, the mental power needed is dozens or hundreds of times the current.

Because depicting the **** pattern requires smelting the magic metal that depicts the **** pattern, it requires mental power, wrapping, pulling, and using spiritual power to locate the **** pattern, which requires mental power, and also using mental power to calculate the time and method of depicting the **** pattern, So it's not just that simple to portray, not to mention too much, the mental power needed to wrap the magic metal is enough to make Cook collapse.

Because these magic metals are not only smelted at high temperature, but they are also not light in weight. Think about the time required to complete the engraving of the gods within the cooling time of the magic metal, so Cook does not want to complete the depiction at all.

This is like drawing a circuit diagram. It is the same as making a circuit board. The drawing is extremely simple. It is done with tools, but when making, even if a solder joint is wrong, it may cause the failure of the circuit board. This is the same as depicting the **** pattern. reason.

Even if it is repairing, Cook can only simply repair the low-level **** patterns. After all, Cook is only a first-level **** pattern master. You must know the equipment and materials that need to be refined by the **** pattern. It must be the top level, but you must check the **** The pattern requires mental power to penetrate into the equipment. Cook also knows that his mental power may not even be close to the surface of some advanced materials.

Of course, Cook is not without a little gain. After all, this management authority has been obtained, and Cook has a deeper understanding of the magic pattern. It can be said that Cook now has a better understanding of the magic pattern than that of West Asia. After all, Cook is from the source I will learn from the next step, while West Asia learns in reverse. The understanding is different. The magic pattern is a simplified version of the **** pattern. The **** pattern can be portrayed. Even if it is at the spiritual level, the magic pattern is not simple.

But what Cook is most interested in now is the permissions in the prison that Cook can use. It turned out that the prison was assembled, but it was not assembled here. It was assembled from other places and then controlled the prison to move.

Yes, that's right, this prison can move on its own when it has sufficient energy. As for how to move, Cook is not very clear.

After Cook got out of the control center's gate, he found that Lina and others were anxious, and outside the prison there were dense orcs and poisonous dragons. Cook was shocked, and Lina was relieved when he saw that Cook was okay. Tone.

"What's the matter?" Cook asked suspiciously while looking at the densely packed orcs.

"We were scared to death. We were kicked out just after we were inside. It has been a day and a night..." Lina stared at Cook tightly and explained worriedly.

Cook was sweating profusely. It turned out that during her own assessment, the entire prison was kicked out and they were not allowed to stay inside. Lina thought something had happened, so she called the Dragon Clan and the orcs. If Cook doesn't come out again, Lina is ready to destroy it forcibly.

When Cook heard Lina’s explanation, not only did he not laugh at Lina’s self-reliance, but some of them were a kind of rich sense of happiness. After all, it was Lina who did it for herself, knowing that things cannot be violated, so Li Na's feelings for herself can be imagined.

"Well done, so many people are just right now, let me chop wood!" Cook commanded with a big wave of his hand. Originally, Cook wanted to use magic materials to charge the prison, but there are tens of thousands of orcs. In the dense virgin forest surrounding it, there is no need for Cook to do that.

"Cook!" At this time, a pimple head stretched out and looked at Cook with a smile.

"Your Excellency Kalong, hello!" Cook also greeted with a smile.

"Okay, okay, cut the wood, let's go too!" Then, without waiting for Cook to say anything, he directly ordered.

"Thanks to you this time, those **** golden eagles finally know how powerful our dragon clan is..."The following eight thousand words are omitted"" Kalong slobbed loudly.

Cook was sweating profusely, while Lina was secretly sending the message. The golden eagle flew away by herself, and Lina also looked over. The entire race of golden eagles had left. Although Cook was lost, he thought that he already had thirty-two of the size. The Golden Eagle is content, and Cook also knows that the source of mental power interference here has disappeared. Even if the Golden Eagle is still here, Cook has no chance. After all, the Golden Eagle is an advanced beast, and the perception of mental power is not necessarily advanced magic. Bad teacher.

Tens of thousands of orcs heard Cook's order and immediately began to cut down trees, and while Lina and others were talking about Cooke, he used his mental power to check his level 1 authority.

However, this level of management authority appears to Cook to be powerful enough to be able to use internal and external magic patterns to attack and defend. The door of the first-tier prison can be opened, and most of the structure of the prison is available. After seeing the structure map, Cook had to marvel that this prison is simply a fortress with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Moreover, it is extremely abnormal. As far as Cook knows, there are 100,000 **** patterns, of which external attacks and defenses occupy the average, internal attacks and defenses occupy 30%, and the rest is each The magic pattern in the prison is out.

There are 50,000 **** patterns on the outside, of which 15,000 are attacked, 10,000 are defense, 10,000 are **** patterns that absorb the energy of transforming elements, and there are control **** patterns. Five thousand, the rest is the moving **** pattern.

And these **** patterns do not exist alone.

Attacking **** patterns can be combined to perform a **** pattern phalanx attack. According to Cook’s authority, a hundred **** patterns can be formed into a **** pattern attack phalanx. Imagine how powerful the salvo of a hundred **** patterns is. And the attack power of the formed square is N times that of a salvo.

The defense is to form a huge defensive cover on the outside of the prison, and Cook can increase the supply of elemental energy for certain parts of the defense according to the enemy's attack position.

Of course, all of this requires a major premise, that is, sufficient energy. When Cook saw the energy required for a **** pattern attack, Cook's heart was cold.

"Huh, Nima, I just ran into it when the time comes. I don't believe anyone is so strong... Wait, if you install the space absorption furnace in the base of the Spike Fortress on this prison, I don't know What's the situation?" Cook wondered.

But Cook denied it in a blink of an eye, because Cook didn't know that he couldn't start, the space furnace, which sounded more advanced than the gods. And it seems that the ability of the Sky Eye is stronger than the control center of this prison.

"Tianyan, do you know what this prison is?" Cook asked when he thought of it.

"According to the scan, this is a planet-level equipment!" Tianyan answered directly.

"Star grade?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Yes, in our system division, planet-level weapons are enough to run across the entire planet as long as there is such a piece of equipment. In planet-level weapons, there are planetary stars, constant stars, galaxies, and weapons. , The star beast is also divided in this way." Tianyan continued to answer.

"Damn, what level is the god?" Cook asked.

"Insufficient information, incomparable." Tianyan's answer made Cook depressed. But Cook was puzzled again. This prison has existed for millions of years, while the existence of Sky Eye seems to have only existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

Cook asked again: "This planet-level equipment seems to have existed for millions of years, but you are only hundreds of thousands of years old?"

"The plane is different, and the calculation age is also different. The plane where the base is located is 60 hours a day, and the time for the base planet to revolve is equivalent to more than 60 years of this planet!" Sky Eye gave the answer.

"Nima!" Cook remembered that the planes are different, just like the time when the planets in the solar system revolve or revolve differently, just like Mercury is only more than 80 days and revolves one week, while Neptune is 165 years. The gap is evident.

Following Cook's orders, more and more firewood was piled up. The orcs who could come here were all elite, not to mention those giant dragons that even picked up the entire tree at once and transported it.

But when Cook saw the content behind the first level of authority, Cook was more depressed and depressed. It turns out that there is an energy absorption system inside the prison~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anything with energy can be absorbed. , Regardless of the department, Cook thought of the three bottles of life essence he had consumed.

When Cook put a bottle of life essence into the energy absorption device, there was a huge groove on one side of the central system.

"Absorb!" Cook gave an absorption order.

"Cheating!" When Cook saw that his energy soared to 36% in an instant, Cook cursed, because the three bottles that Cook had previously consumed were enough to fill the entire energy.

"Turn on the mobile system!" Cook commanded loudly with excitement and excitement, and the room of the control center began to feel moving. Although it was very slight, Cook still felt it.

"God!" When Cook saw the sunlight above his head, Cook was stunned. Cook was now in front of the bottle-like prison. Cook found himself on three sides except for the walls of the energy absorption system under his feet and behind. All are transparent, which means that Cook's current viewing angle is more than 270°.

Then a series of messages came from the control center in front of Cook. After reading it, Cook almost fainted with happiness, and Cook directly commanded: "Turn on the flight mode!"

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